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Lecture 5.

Internet Transport Layer:

User Datagram Protocol


G.Bianchi, G.Neglia, V.Mancuso

Transport Layer Protocols
Entire network seen as a pipe


G.Bianchi, G.Neglia, V.Mancuso

UDP Packets
proc proc
ÎConnection-Less UDP UDP
Ö (no handshaking)
ÎUDP packets (Datagrams)
Ö Each application interacts with UDP
transport sw to produce EXACTLY ONE
UDP datagram! Application

UDP header Application data

encapsulated in
exactly 1 IP packet
IP header UDP header Application data

This is why, improperly, we use the term UDP packets

G.Bianchi, G.Neglia, V.Mancuso
UDP datagram format
8 bytes header + variable payload
0 7 15 23 31
source port destination port
ÎUDP length field
length (bytes) Checksum Ö all UDP datagram
Ö (header + payload)
Îpayload sizes allowed:
Ö Empty
Ö Odd size (bytes)
ÎUDP functions limited to:
Æwhich is the only strictly necessary role of a transport protocol
ÖError checking
Æwhich may even be disabled for performance

G.Bianchi, G.Neglia, V.Mancuso

Maximum UDP datagram size
Î16 bit UDP length field:
Ö Maximum up to 216-1 = 65535 bytes
Ö Includes 8 bytes UDP header (max data = 65527)

ÎBut max IP packet size is also 65535

Ö Minus 20 bytes IP header, minus 8 bytes UDP header
Ö Max UDP_data = 65507 bytes!

ÎMoreover, most OS impose further limitations!

Ö most systems provide 8192 bytes maximum (max size in NFS)
Ö some OS had (still have?) internal implementation features
(bugs?) that limit IP packet size
ÆSunOS 4.1.3 had 32767 for max tolerable IP packet transmittable (but 32786
in reception…) – bug fixed only in Solaris 2.2

Î Finally, subnet Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) limits may

fragment datagram – annoying for reliability!
Ö E.g. ethernet = 1500 bytes; PPP on your modem = 576

G.Bianchi, G.Neglia, V.Mancuso

UDP: a lightweight protocol
ÎNo connection establishment
Öno initial overhead due to handshaking
ÎNo connection state
Ögreater number of supported connections by a server!
ÎSmall packet header overhead
Ö8 bytes only vs 20 in TCP

Îoriginally intended for simple applications,

oriented to short information exchange
Ömanagement (e.g. SNMP)
ÖDistributed file system support (e.g. NFS)
G.Bianchi, G.Neglia, V.Mancuso
Unregulated send rate in UDP
ÖNo rate limitations
ÆNo throttling due to congestion & flow control mechanisms
ÆNo retransmission
ÖLess overhead
ÖIn contrast to TCP, UDP may provide multicast support

Îextremely important features for today

multimedia applications!
Îspecially for real time applications which can
tolerate some packet loss but require a
minimum send rate.
Be careful: UDP ok for multimedia because it does not provide anything
at all (no features = no limits!). Application developers have to provide
supplementary transport capabilities at the application layer!

G.Bianchi, G.Neglia, V.Mancuso

Audio/Video Support
ÎUDP is transport layer candidate
ÎUDP is too elementary!
ÖNo sequence numbers
ÖNo timestamp for resynchronization at receiver
ÖNo multicasting
ÎOld solution: let application developer build
their own header
ÎNew solution: use an enhanced transport

Real Time Protocol

(RTP, RFC 3550)
G.Bianchi, G.Neglia, V.Mancuso
RTP: sublayer of Transport



Lower layers

G.Bianchi, G.Neglia, V.Mancuso

RTP as seen from Application
UDP Application developer integrates
RTP into the application by:
IP •writing code which creates the RTP
encapsulating packets;
•sends the RTP packets into a UDP
Lower layers socket interface.

Details of RTP in subsequent courses – or see it in RFC 1889

G.Bianchi, G.Neglia, V.Mancuso
Error checksum
Î16 bit checksum field, obtained by:
Ösumming up all 16 bit words in
header data and pseudoheader, in 0 7 15 23 31
1’s complement (checksum fields Src port Dest port
filled with 0s initially) UDP length checksum
Ötake 1’s complement of result
Öif result is 0, set it to 111111…11
(65535==0 in 1’s complement) 00000000
Îat destination:
ÎZero padding
Ö1’s complement sum should return
0, otherwise error detected Öwhen data size is odd
Öupon error, no action (just packet Îchecksum disabled
discard) Öby source, by setting 0 in
Îefficient implementation RFC 1071 the checksum field

G.Bianchi, G.Neglia, V.Mancuso

disabling checksum
ÎIn principle never!
ÖRemember that IP packet checksum DOES NOT
include packet payload.
ÎIn practice, often done in NFS
Ösun was the first, to speed up implementation
Îmay be tolerable in LANs under one’s
ÎDefinitely dangerous in the wide
ÖExist layer 2 protocols without error checking
Ösome routers happen to have bugs that modify bits
G.Bianchi, G.Neglia, V.Mancuso
Pseudo header
ÎIs not transmitted!
Ö it is information available at transmitter and at receiver
Ö intention: double check that packet has arrived at correct destination and
transport protocol
Ö it violates protocol hierarcy!
0 7 15 23 31
Source IP address
12 bytes
Destination IP address
00000000 protocol UDP length
Source port Destination port
8 bytes UDP header
UDP length checksum


Same checksum calculation used in TCP. UDP length duplicated.

G.Bianchi, G.Neglia, V.Mancuso

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