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“Education – A Life Long Pursuit”

Box 618
Vauxhall, AB T0K 2K0
Phone: 403-654-2145 Fax: 403 – 654-4296

To Whom It May Concern:

It is my pleasure to write a reference for Courtney Fecho who completed her PS II at Vauxhall High
School. Courtney taught Biology 20, Science 10, and Math 8.

Courtney was a wonderful addition to Vauxhall staff; bringing great enthusiasm and energy to the entire
school. She quickly became immersed in the school culture and become actively involved in many of the
extra-curricular activities. Court’s sense of humor and warm personality will certainly be missed by the
staff and students.

Courtney’s organizational skills and care for the fine details were as strong as any teacher I have
observed. Her planning was always thorough, clear, and concise and her lessons extremely prepared and
always seemed well rehearsed with a clear goal in mind. She joined our staff with incredible knowledge
in the sciences, and this allowed her to create interesting and thought- provoking lessons using many
different instructional strategies. Courtney demonstrated a vast understanding and ability to adapt and
modify lessons to meet the needs of all of her students. Courtney effectively used both summative and
formative assessments and she was extremely positive, patient, encouraging, and had the ability to hold
students' attention throughout a lesson.

Courtney’s classroom management and leadership were some of her greatest strengths. She controlled the
classroom and set expectations early that she remained consistent with throughout her practicum.
Courtney was able to quickly build a sense of trust with her students and they genuinely knew that
Courtney wanted them all to be successful in her class. The positive connections she built combined with
the trust, had her students willing to actively participate in class within the rules she had established.
Courtney's ability to control a classroom will ensure a successful career for many years to come.

Courtney is well on her way to becoming a superstar educator. Her desire to learn, ability to incorporate
suggestions into her lessons, strong organization and planning ability, unbelievable classroom
management skills, outgoing personality, confidence, and commitment to the profession will make her a
welcome addition to any staff. It is without question that I would hire Courtney Fecho if given the


Scott Reiling
Vice Principal
Vauxhall High School

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