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The Dead of the Night

- a fantasy


Anselyn de Belleme

[English Translation, Copyright © 1992 James Deacon]


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[Copyright © 1992 James Deacon]

Anselyn de Belleme was a somewhat curious and enigmatic figure.

Mystic, traveller, and occultist, sometime writer and poet, de Belleme was born in the
vicinity of Nimes, in France on 16th February 1865.

Nothing is known of his early years, nor do we know any details regarding his family
background, save that his father was French and his mother was almost certainly

De Belleme appears to have moved to England - to London to be precise – during

the early summer of 1886.

Amongst other things, it has been said that he came here to escape from the all-
pervading atmosphere of decadence that encapsulated Paris at that time.

However, Yvette Pardeau, a close friend of de Belleme for some ten years,
maintained that he came to England primarily because he felt it was a place where
he could write.

This does indeed seem more plausible, for it was in the months immediately after
coming to England that he penned what would prove to be only the first of a number
of short fantasy stories which he would write over the years.

That story, a fantasy ghost tale was:

The Dead of the Night

James Deacon’s REIKI PAGES - w w w . a e t w . o r g
by Anselyn de Belleme
[English Translation, Copyright © 1992 James Deacon]

The Kalmir Trade-route winds its way east from Sheb’iur, in the north, through the Al
Zauq mountains, and then south-east across the Plains of Zeema-ul-raan, finally
reaching its destination at the sea-port of Kaarna.
Now, I have heard, merchants tailing in the Souks and Bazaars of Rina and Pur-
Jaha, telling tales of the Al Zauq and its perilous paths - its steep and crumbling
trackways where mule, or gamal, or man may slip and fall so easily to certain doom:
dashed on the jagged rooks as Death consumes them - and of the bandits of the
Al Zauq, and their persistent raids on the now ever-so-suspecting and fore- armed
caravans; - of endless ambushes and traps and lures; and of wily treachery used to
infiltrate the ranks of the caravaneers - the bandits sending spies and assassins to
join the caravan, in the guise of would-be travellers seeking safe escort ~ using
their women-folk and children, and off-times even blind-beggar grandparents, who,
rising in the night while sentries doze, would slit their throats, and likewise the throats
of any; man or child, who should waken from their slumber to interrupt the
surreptitious thievery.
But from these same Merchants, have I heard how they would sooner face the
perils of that journey through the 'Zauq terrain a thousand times, than suffer the same
fate as befell the Caravan of Putal-ab-Maouk, out on the 'ul-raan Desert, some
twenty years ago.

For, in the lands of the East, men fear little the pain and violence which can be
done against the flesh - endless years of wars and reigns of terror have seen to
that – but they still tremble at the thought of that which can be inflicted upon the
Mind and Spirit and Soul of a man, by things: creatures, not of flesh, nor warm-
beating heart...

From Sheb'iur, as I have already told, the Kalmir Route runs east through the Al Zauq
Mountains; in which there are but two major towns - Rima, and Dal-hur and a lone
city: Kal-min-inar. It is here that off-times caravans stop to rest after skirmishes with
bandits, before making the long arduous trek out across the Zeema-ul-raan itself,
Out in the desert, the first city along the route is Im-ral; the City of Marble - once
seat of the mighty lbn-Khans, and capital of the Western Desert - but now bereft of all
its splendours.
From lm-ral, the route twists south, then south-east past the sprawling city of Qarm-
rhi: the "Crossroads of the 'ul-raan", as it is sometimes called; for here, the Kalmir
Route meets -the Malchai Route, which runs south-southwest towards Ullah-pur.
From Qarm-rhi, the Kalmir' runs in a straight line, still south-east, towards the
old deserted city of Bashnapoor. In ancient times, the route passed directly
outside the great bronze-clad gates of the city - but no more.
Men will not now go within sight of Bashnapoor. The Kalmir Route has long since
changed its course, and now runs in an almost perfect arc, skirting -the old deserted
city; keeping it at what is considered a safe distance. For it was there, so they say,
that a Great Evil once was wrought; an Evil which, to this day, lingers in the very
walls of that city. As to what form that Evil took, none will speak of it - perhaps the
memory of it has been forgotten - rather, stamped out - so hideous the happening…

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In ancient times, Bashnapoor was a City of Delights: famed throughout the land
for its many splendours, its beauty, its sumptuousness, for, in
Bashnapoor, men worshipped, but one deity: Laz; the Goddess of poetry and the
Arts, of Love, and Beauty and Delight; and the entire city was a living temple to
that Goddess, and all things associated with Her were honoured there.
Beauty abounded. There was not one thing of ugliness or crudeness in that fair city,
where even the beggars wore finest silks, and turbans studded with Lapis Lazuli –
the Stones of Laz.
In that city, lush gardens, where peacocks strutted, perfumed with the scent of
Jasmine, were almost as numerous as the "buildings. Jewel-encrusted fountains
offered themselves as bird-baths to the pure white doves, whose cotes overlooked
the Lapis-cobbled courtyards. A thousand beehives were there in that fair
Bashnapoor - yet never had one person suffered so much as a single sting - and they
say, so sweet was the honey that it brought its weight In gold from eager merchants,
come to the Bazaar.
And, whereas other cities were plagued with flies, Bashnapoor knew naught but
Butterflies - fluttering in the sunlight: a myriad of colours and shapes and sizes –
most precious symbol of the Goddess Laz: doubly so, for to the men of the Eastern
Lands, the Butterfly is also a symbol of the Soul - so fragile and delicate and
And the people of Bashnapoor were good and kindly of disposition; and took
pleasure in the delight of others. For their generosity and hospitality were they
renowned - especially during the season of Ninshaan - for it was then that the
Festival of Lazuana was held - at the time of the Autumnal Equinox. Truth be told,
the Lazuana lasted seven weeks - the Equinox at its mid-point - seven weeks of
feasting and celebrating, of dancing and loving; and it is said that during this time, a
thousand bags of gold could not buy you one single fig, or slice of Halva - but a Lapis
Lazuli the size of an olive could purchase a weeks supply of these same foods.
For, during Lazuana, the Bashnapoorii: the people of the city, deemed it an honour
"to accept the Stones of Laz as currency, which they in their turn would leave as
offerings in the Temples of that fair city.
Throughout the forty-nine days of the festival of Laz, the storytellers recited their best
tales, reserved for this special occasion, and everywhere, dancers danced the
Sacred Dances, and musicians played deep haunting melodies; and poets walked
the streets - such their eloquence that off-times their words would transfix the minds
of those within earshot, and thus they would wander through the city, entranced
- not returning to their senses for many hours.
And at night, when the city closed its gates, the sweet smoke of the Hashish hung
heavy In the air, and lovers caressed each other fondly as they floated in Hookah-

Thus was Bashnapoor: the city of splendour and delight; and so it continued for a
hundred years and more. But, as the proverb has it; "All good things must come to
an end"; never more true than in the case of fair Bashnapoor, for a great evil befell
the city and all its inhabitants. As I have already told, as to the nature of that evil,
none can say, or at least, none will say.
Whether it was contrived by mortal hand, or by other gods, jealous of the honoured
place held by Laz in the hearts of the Bashnapoorii, or of some other origin, it is for
each Individual to decide for their own self - who will ever know the reality of it ?

But now, Bashnapoor stands derelict - its walls long-since begun to crumble - its
great gates fallen from their broken hinges; the desert ever encroaching further in on
what were once well-tended gardens. The dove-cotes are empty; the bee-hives

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destroyed - nothing lives in Bashnapoor now - neither man nor bird nor Insect nor
plant - even the lizards and scorpions of the desert give that ruin a wide berth.

And so it was that here, at the ruined city once favoured by -the Goddess Las,
a dark fate befell Putai-ab- Maouk and the members of his caravan...

They had set out from Sheb'iur in the last days of the Summer, or: "Mhyrrdhrah", as
men in those lands call that season. ' ab-Maouk' s caravans were renowned for their
rich cargoes, and this particular voyage was no exception. In the packs on the mules
and the gamals, were the finest Kaldeeg silks, saffron from the fields of Baldahn,
precious musk from Abusal; fine trinkets of gold and silver, and gemstones that
glittered even in the dim light of a Dark-moon – so flawless their form.

It was well into the autumn when the caravan arrived at Im-ral - this time out, it
seemed that Ullah looked favourably upon them; for there had not been so much
as the merest hint, let alone a glimpse, of even one bandit in the Ai-Zauq, and save
for a sprained fetlock in one of the mules, they had sustained no hurt or injury.
But four days out of lm-ral, on the way to Qarm-rhi, a gamal was bitten by a cobra,
and in due course, dropped dead. The load it had been carrying was divided up and
added to the burden of the other beasts.
Little was thought of the incident.
The day after leaving Qarm-rhi, one of the drovers took a fit - screaming and shouting
and writhing on the ground -he swore by Mulla Nabti the Blessed, that he was being
eaten by demons. They had to tie him down, and one of the women, versed in the
art of herbs and potions tended him, but to no avail - it appears that, in his
agonies, he bit clear through his own tongue, and bled to death.

They buried him with simple prayers in a shallow grave, piled up with heavy stones
to keep the hyenas from unearthing him; and grieving for the loss of their
companion, continued on their journey.

Perhaps these deaths were in some way a warning. Who can say ? If indeed they
were intended as such, they went unheeded. Autumn rolled on, and the caravan
continued an its arid way, out across the barren wastes, in the direction of

It was on the day of the Autumnal Equinox that ' ab-Maouk' s caravan reached
the place where, the Kalmir Trade Route begins its detour, deviating from its ancient
course to skirt wide past old. Bashnapoor; and at that very spot, they pitched, their
camp for the night.
Mules and gamals were relieved, of their loads, tended to, fed, and bedded down,
Fires were lit and cooking-pots unpacked - lean-to tents erected, guards posted,
and men and women settled down to eat and rest.

Now in those lands, night closes in suddenly. There is no 'evening' as such to speak
of - no slow or gentle falling away of the day. Light surrenders to the dark with undue

Some time later, when here and there about the camp, wine and food and words had
given way to contented slumber, three hazy blue lights appeared, moving swiftly in
the air, out on the desert.
Perhaps some, looking out through heavy eyelids, dismissed what they saw as
nothing more than the shapes and flickering images often seen as sleep encroaches
- others, noticing the lights, watched their approach with interest.

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Strange how none thought to give alarm - they seemed unconcerned - though, fair to
say, brigands were all but unheard of in -this part of the desert.
Suddenly, a chill wind arose and gusted through the camp, whipping up blankets and
rugs and other light Items -and blowing the dusty sand into drink and food and faces.

Then in an instant, it had died down again, as quickly as it had arisen.

Settling down again after that moment of confusion which had sent those few who
were still awake scurrying after windscattered possessions, a still startled gamal-boy
looked up to see three figures approaching carrying lamps. As he announced their
arrival to his companions, the figures drew close enough to be recognised as women
- three beautiful women, dressed in rich and flowing robes of bright colours,
bedecked with many jewels. And there was a strangely compelling aura about
And as they entered the camp to questions regarding from whence they had come,
there befell upon the caravan, a dreamy state, and many, awakened by their
fellows with news of this unexpected arrival, did not know if they had truly come to
consciousness, or had fallen deeper into sleep.

And in this 'Other-wakening', the women told how the lights of the campfires had
been espied from the watchtowers in the city of Bashnapoor; and, this being the
zenith of the Lazuana Festival, they three had been sent out to invite the caravan to
the celebrations. And, of such was the entrancement upon them that none thought
it strange, nor seemed to question what they had heard; but instead, in light and
carefree mood, akin to the stupor of the Hashish, began collecting up their
belongings, stowing tents, and loading packs onto mule and gamal - who likewise
seemed affected by this unreal mood of mind befallen the camp, Normally the most
stubborn and ill-tempered of creatures, especially when disturbed la the night, they
rose with little protestation, and without recourse to drovers leather whip.
Swiftly the caravan was ready to move; and so, under that strange and compelling
influence exerted by the three women, they set off towards the old city of

As the caravaneers went, leading their beasts, there was a childlike merriment
amongst them; and, laughing and joking and smiling, they followed the three women
who still carried the hazy blue lamps.

As they neared the city, the sounds of merry-making began to reach their ears,
and they could make out lights here and there; blue lights, dull and hazy, like that
given off by the lamps the three women carried.
Entering through the great bronzed gates which swung open at their arrival, the
caravaneers beheld such wonder!

Bashnapoor was once again as it had been in days of old!

Everywhere there was feasting and dancing, and musicians played. Gemstones
glistened up from where they were set amid the paving stones; and Lapis
Lazuli-encrusted walls reflected torchlight, giving it the blue-haze tint. The city was
alive - all asplendour; and here, in the City of Laz, the caravan of Putal-ab-Maouk
was made most welcome.

A number of servants led the gamals and mules away, and tended to them, while
others came and brought Putal and his people sweet red wine and luscious foods of
many kinds.

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So it was that the caravaneers mingled freely with the Bashnapoorii, joining in the
celebration, but as they gossiped and laughed and made merry, partaking of the
generous hospitality, slowly they began to sink deeper and deeper into dream.

The festivities lasted long into the early hours – dying away gradually as people
wandered to their homes, or slept where they had slumped, in scented gardens or in
cobbled courtyards, or on the agate paving slabs of the main square.

And in those small hours, several men from 'ab-Maouks caravan wandered off, here
and there, to some or other quiet room, with girls from that fair city.

In many ways, and beautifully was the Goddess Laz worshipped that night. . .

It was in the moments before the dawn that a strange chill wind arose,
much like the one which had upset 'ab-Maouk's camp the night before, but this time
as it gusted through the city - down paved and cobbled streets, and through the
maze of alley-ways - there was a great fierceness to it,
Not so much a wind, as a vengeful demon,
It sped along, flinging open doors and window-shutters as it went. It seemed to come
and go in many directions all at once, so that in a matter of minutes, it had passed
through every place in the city, and in its wake, there arose such a wailing and a

Cries of fear and terror filled the air; cries In response to some dread evil, as
yet unrevealed to the conscious minds of the men and women of the caravan: brute
animal noises welling up from that ancient and instinctual soul in man, which, oft in
times of peril overrides the rational mind to warn of impending doom...
People, awakened from their slumber, ran about, as madmen; screaming, some,
rending their garments – brushing down their skin, (perhaps believing that they
brushed away creeping, crawling things; bugs and beetles and spiders and
scorpions) - others, seemingly attempting to flee, but knowing not where to turn;
yet others still, clutching at themselves, dementedly.

And as the first rays of the dawn light began to filter down the city streets, and in
through open 'Eye of the Needle' doors and windows, that dream-beyond-slumber
which had held the members of Putal-ab-Maouk's caravan in its clutches, began to

It was now that the real terror began.

For, in this ' second-wakening', there dawned upon the caravaneers an

horrendous realisation; the terrible awareness that not only was the finery and
splendour of the city dissolving away - and likewise, the ghosts of its inhabitants
(who, truth be told, had not known life for five hundred years and more) - but they
themselves were being swiftly drained of life; their vital essence being sapped away
with the passing dream.

And many of these pitiful souls, transfixed by a combination of horror and

fascination, watched as parts of their own bodies began to decay, and crumble into
dust, only to be swept away by a now gently blowing breeze...

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There is an old, half-mad, storyteller who sits in the Caravanserai at Lim - his
name is M'hackmood-ben-hajal.
"M'hackmood the crazy beggar" they call him.
Day upon day he sits there amidst the constant flux of caravans arriving and
departing, telling the same story over and over again to anyone who will listen. He
only knows one story - he only cares to know one story - his own. For M'hackmood
the half-mad beggar is the sole survivor of the horror that befell Putal-ab-
Maouk's caravan, all those years ago - the only one to come out alive from
Bashnapoor on that fateful morn.

And so he sits there, in the Caravanserai at Lim – the withered stump of what had
once been a strong left arm, a visible reminder of the fate befallen his companions.

Again and again he tells his tale: a tale of the Shearii - the spectral blue phantoms of
Bashnapoor, who, during the season of Ninshaan, fly out on the desert at night,
searching for life to fill that old city anew - searching
for unsuspecting travellers to lure to their doom

- there in that City of the Dead, out on the Plains of the Zeema-ul-raan....


* * * * * * *

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