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E-skills Cooperation

Question 1: How does artificial intelligence affect business?

1) AI helps with customer relationships. We can use live chat software that will give
quicker and better answers. You will be able to cut man hours that were needed to
research solutions and help you build stronger engagement and customer trust.
2) Recruitment practices
It is predicted that within the next decade AI will replace 16% of HR jobs.
The integration of AI into a companies recruitment process makes it easier and
quicker to find the right candidate for a job, thanks to this you save time and money.
AI checks if the candidate that is soliciting for the job is suitable by rapidly assessing
a candidate’s online presence matching it to the company ethos.
AI can also analyze Interview videos using biometric and psychometric analysis to
analyze the interviewees’ tone of voice,body language and micro-impressions.

Machinery has become a big part in a lot of companies, but we cannot forget that
humans are necessary in making a business succeed. “Artificial intelligence will help
in identifying things like for how long workers stay in a particular position, what’s the
cost per hire, which positions are quickly filled, and which take longer and so on.
Company’s process mining technology will help businesses to understand how their
employees are behaving.” (N,A)

3) Improved cyber security

AI helps with improving cyber security. It can detect abnormal behavior and fraud.
By incorporating and using Artificial Intelligence in cybersecurity products, the
industry is aiming for faster and more accurate decisions making regarding threats
and data breach incidents. Through AI software, security solutions companies and
their product users aim to identify and detect abnormal behavior before it causes
damage. AI will reshape the future of cybersecurity and improve as we progress
toward the future (identitymanagementinstitute).

Here are 5 ways cyber security can gain from Artificial intelligence:

- Updating Databases and Identifying Large Scale Movements.

AI can be used to update security databases. By analyzing logs from various
sources, artificial intelligence can detect when new threats are imminent.
In other words, AI can collect comprehensive data from different logs and records
and “connect the dots” to identify new threats that are being spread by hackers.
AI can also identify malware and spyware trends by analyzing data across
multiple channels.
By using AI, new malware systems can be detected much quicker and before
they can do damage on a large scale. There will be more time to come up with
prevention methods to fix any bugs or security flaws that may be exploited by the
malware or virus.
- Identify unusual activity.
Besides detecting large scale malware movements, AI can also be used
on an individual level to scan a system for abnormal activity. By constantly
scanning, enough data can be collected to determine when a particular
activity is abnormal.

- Detection.
This is slightly different from how AI detects abnormal activity. Here, the
focus is AI pinpointing potential weaknesses, bugs, and security flaws. For
example, machine learning can be used to detect when untrusted data has
been sent from an application.

- Prevention.
As AI gets more advanced, it cannot only detect when a certain system or
update has a flaw, but automatically prevent those flaws from being
Whether it’s adding additional firewalls or fixing coding errors causing
vulnerabilities, this can be a great way to prevent problems from occurring.

- Response

This is similar to prevention, but happens at a later stage - when malware

has already entered the system. As mentioned, AI can be used to detect
abnormal behaviors and connect the dots to create a profile of malware or
viruses in the system (2019, globalsign).

Question 2: How does artificial intelligence change decision-making for businesses?

AI will change the way businesses think. It will bring improvements in effectiveness,
efficiency, innovation, and much more. Entire businesses can be renewed,
recreated. For example, a car factory with hundreds of employees, can become a
workshop with a few programmers/controllers. The changes AI will cause can not yet
be entirely predicted or understood, but they will prove enormous.

In combination with the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence could become a

business, take over an entire company. Look at hospitals. The best surgeons need
to study for years to be able to save lives, while a robot can do it in a much shorter
time. All it needs is to be programmed correctly.

AI can save lives, create more leisure time for the average worker, influence the
economy, predict economic recessions, and so much more that we haven’t even
thought of yet. Let’s take a look at marketing decisions. These are complicated, you
need a lot of information on the consumer, their consumption patterns, their needs
and desires. AI could create simulations of these consumers, and display their
desires efficiently and within seconds. It can also take all this consumer data, and
create comparisons, graphs and overall points of interest. The ability to adapt to
consumer needs faster, creates more revenue or opportunities for revenue than you

Artificial intelligence’s biggest advantage compared to human workers might be its

reliability. Humans make mistakes regularly, while robots don’t. There might be a few
bugs to work out, but once they are, humans don’t stand a chance. This needs to be
( and will be) taken into account by CEOs and managers in the future. Why recruit
humans that can make mistakes, while a robot can do it flawlessly without getting

I fear this change will be catastrophic for many laborers, so one of the world’s main
priorities should be to create an alternative for these people, so they don’t lose their
jobs suddenly and fall into ruin. This might not even be necessary though, why
should AI replace jobs, when they can enhance them? Instead of replacing the
laborer by a robot, let the robot correct the laborer’s mistakes. Let them work
together at full efficiency, and create a better future.

In the future, artificial intelligence shouldn’t really have a competitor, a danger. Only
potential, potential to change the world and the way it spins.

AI is sure to improve decision-making, managers will receive so much reliable data

through the AI systems, that they can make better choices, due to a clearer overview
of information. It can improve much more, like competitiveness. Artificial intelligence
can predict the behaviour of your competitors, and provide you with a solution to
triumph over them. To put it briefly: the first company to acquire artificial intelligence,
wins the competition, the competitors won’t have any actions left that the AI didn’t
see coming.

Every business should look into Artificial intelligence and its properties, since they
won’t be able to miss them in a few years.
Question 3: What jobs will artificial intelligence replace in your business?

Artificial intelligence will not replace jobs in the future, it is possible that it will
displace jobs but more importantly it will change what human workers do.

As for existing types of work, Krishnamurthy compared the pending AI transition to

the one experienced by the National Basketball Association (NBA) 40 years ago. In
1979, the three-point line was introduced to the game. From this point on, the same
players on the court had to change their strategy in order to shoot from longer
distances more accurately. The players had to learn new skill sets in order to operate
within the new rules of the game. Fast forward to today, the three-pointer has
become a critical component of the game.

And that’s the thing [about AI]—it’s not going to reduce the number of people that
work,” Krishnamurthy says. “It’s going to require people to retool their skill set

Although AI will affect every sector in some way, not every job is at equal risk. PwC
predicts a relatively low displacement of jobs (around 3%) in the first wave of
automation, but this could dramatically increase up to 30% by the mid-2030’s.
Occupations within the transport industry could potentially be at much greater risk,
whereas jobs requiring social, emotional and literary abilities are at the lowest risk of
displacement (Forbes).

There are even experts that believe that Artificial Intelligence will provide more jobs
in the future.

Here are some of the jobs that artificial intelligence will possibly displace in

✓ Bookkeeping Clerks
✓ Security guards
✓ Receptionists
✓ Proofreaders
✓ Computer Support Specialists
✓ Market Research Analysts
✓ Advertising Salespeople
✓ Retail salespeople

Here are some of the jobs that artificial intelligence won’t be able to replace.

✓ Sales managers
✓ Marketing managers
✓ Human resource Manager
✓ Architects
✓ Business leaders
✓ Engineers
✓ Computer scientists

Why these 3 questions

We chose these 3 questions because they are interesting in the business


Question 1 is important for every business, you have to be conscious about

artificial intelligence because it could have positive outcomes for your
business. Artificial Intelligence, is a becoming a big part of businesses, by
answering this question, we got more insights what AL means for businesses.

Question 2

Question 3, it could be critical that you know what kind of jobs could be
replaced by artificial intelligence. If you know the answer to this question, you
can make a better decision what you want to do when you start working. You
can choose a job that you know, can’t be replaced by AL.

What articles did you find about these 3 questions

See sources

What is your conclusion?

AI is here to improve existing processes, not to replace them. Thanks to AI we work

smarter. Artificial intelligence is not a negative thing, it’s here to help humans do their
work better and with less errors. What will happen to certain jobs is what we will see
in the future. At this moment, AI is not developed enough to talk about this yet, it’s
only speculation. Artificial Intelligence will be helping businesses but at this moment,
they cannot cooperate without a human yet. This will probably change in the future,
but we cannot talk about that. A lot of people are scared about this ‘new thing’ and do
not trust it, it’s up to people who are used to work with it, to show them they don’t
have to be scared.

- Sophia Bernazzani, (2019, Aug 15), 10 Jobs Artificial Intelligence Will Replace (and
10 That Are Safe) Retrieved from
- Lilach Bullock (2019, Feb 25), The Top 6 Ways That Artificial Intelligence Will Affect
Your Business In The Near Future Retrieved from


- 5 Ways Cybersecurity Can Gain From AI. (n.d.). Retrieved from

- Suzie Blaszkiewicz (2018, Oct 27), The 3 roles that AI won’t replace in your business
retrieved from

- Stieven ZoBell (2019), Why AI will redefine (not replace) jobs retrieved from

- Dan Sincavage, D. S. (2017, December 19). How Artificial Intelligence will Change
Decision-Making for Businesses. Retrieved November 17, 2019, from

- N, A. (n.d.). Retrieved from


- Marria, V. (2019, January 11). The Future of Artificial Intelligence In The Workplace.
Retrieved from

- What the Coming AI Revolution Means for the Workplace. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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