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NG STATEMENTS ir 0 que outras pessoas disseram, isto €, usar o chamado discurso indi que todos os dias fazemos, a propésito de intimeras situa¢ées. pois, a tua experiéncia pessoal da linguagem falada, mobiliza a tua ie de relacionar logicamente os varios elementos da frase & estuda 0 que. ndo o verbo subordinante se apresenta no Past, werificam-se as seguin- transformacoes: Speech je Present (he goes). — tt Continuous (he is going) Past (he went) —— t Perfect (he has gone} - Perfect (he had gone] __» Past Perfed jae hedgone) = (shall / will) > Conditional saad iwraelil (Exerc. n.’ 108) Reported Speech > could SS ie > might a —> could would should must (regulations/prohibitions/probablity) > > _ —__———» ought to > > had to (present necessity or obligation) —___—_——_—» neednit there tonight» that night —- that tomorrow — » the next day / the following day —- those yesterday + the day before + then next week —__« the following week today —- that day ago —+ before Weias transformagées ndo so contudo estritamente obrigatérias, estando sujeitas & légica da frase. \ Quando 0 verbo subordinante esta no Simple Present, Present Perfect Future, nao se opera qualquer transformacao no verbo da oracao subo! nada. Ex: "/can explain the fact.” He says he can explain the fact. He has just told me he can explain the fact. He will probably tell you he can explain the fact. Imperative - transforma-se num infinitivo e é geralmente introduzido um dos seguintes verbos: tell, order, ask, warn, advise, request. Ex: “Go away!” He told me to go away. “Don't be afraid!” He told me not to be afraid. Exerc. 105 - Follow the example: “Stand up!” (she /tell / we] She told us to stand up. 1~ "Be nice to her!” (he /ask/ IJ 2-“Do these exercises!” {//order/he) 2 ‘Don't sign the document!” (Mr King / request / they} St ever go alone at night!” (David / advise / they) things!” (he / tell /she} n't spend so much money!” (they/ask/1) ‘sure not to leave the door open!” (he /warn / Michael) ways keep your money with you!” [ill /advise /1) ~ Put the following sentences into the Reported Speech form: “ve never done it.” says hey want to speak to me.” e has said ‘ILnever forget him.” e will tell me hey're waiting outside.” ‘ve told him “I don’t understand the language well because I'm not used to it.” She has explained 107 - Put into Reported Speech: “I'm having a party next wee He said “Someone's following me.” Isaid “They are going to meet Susy at four,” She said “have to write to your parents.” She told the boys — “I don't understand anything.” She said “I go to the library once a week.” Helen said —"We won't do this again.” They said ~“l want to go to South America.” Michael declared ul 161 ve If-clauses — type 2 » A if-clause type 2 usa-se para falar sobre uma condi¢&o improvavel de acontecer. ») iF+Past Simple, Conditional Example: If she studied hard, she would get good marks. > Conditional (0 Conditional forma-se com o verbo auxiliar would + infinitive Go verbo principal sem to. 7 Exemple: They would leave on time if they got up earlier. ~~ @ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. i met Carol, | ____ (invite) her to my birthday party. Pid se. & you ______ (do) more exercise, you wouldn't be so overweight. Em portugués, 0 s com 0 conjuntivo. Em i os (be) healthier if you had a better diet. Gye ee é were em todas as it Pwwoui be angry if! __. (be) you. Example: /f/ were yt be careful & Fhe (not drive) so fast, he wouldn't have so many car accidents. —— (have) an extra money, | would buy a new tablet. © she talked to her teacher, he _____— (help) her. & ) (hand) it back if | found her wallet. © Wheat tamous singer you (like) to interview if you had the chance? J. What would ihey do if they (win) the pools? kien (see) him, she would be delighted. L The waiter (serve) you quicker if you spoke to him more politely. M7. Ths Sh would teste better if it ___________ (have) more salt. Ph. ff he fal Someone io accompany him, he ____ (play) more often. ©. They would isten better if you - (speak) louder. ® Complete the semtences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets — if-clauses type 2. a. He eed abroad if he (have) the chance. b. —_ you (uy) this dress if it__ (be) on sale? c. She _—— feereise) more often if she (have) more time. d. If! Ge) you, 1__ (take) another type of medicine. e@. They _______ (alla policeman if they (not come) to an agreement. - Supply the correct tense of the verb in brackets. Wf it rained, | = {to stay) at home. You would get better if you _— {not / to eat] so much. if dinner wasn't ready, | fto.go} without it. ifhe [to be) tired, he would go to bed. He _____ {to earn) a lot of money if he {to work] harder. lfhe {to be) more intelligent, he (not /to make] that choice. Ifyou - {to push} her, she [to be] furious. What {to happen! if we {to lose] the map? What ____ [you/to do} if you (to find} a watch in the street? —What 7 the / to buy} if he (to be] very rich? if (to be} you, | {to wear) a raincoat. fl (to get) a lot of money, | [not /to work] any more. ~ If the house {to have) central heating, it (not / to be} so cold. - — fit/not/to be] awful if we {to be caught!? -We [to get! better seats if we = {to book). -Ifl fto be} you, | {to get} a full-time job. =I! - {to find) your glasses, | {to bring} them to you. -They [to be] very angry if we {not / to go} to their party. 9-She {not / io lend) me the dictionary if | to ask) her. -if » {not / there to be] much traffic, | = {to get) home earlier.

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