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MARY text ---jumbled---

a) Mrs Padley saw little of the outside world till she was 28. Orphaned at six
weeks, she was raised by nuns in Ireland and at 17 joined the very strict Poor
Clare order. She left at 28.
b) Her recipe for long life is 'work hard and don't think too much about
c) She moved to London, where she worked as a maid and cook. She was a
nurse during the First World War and an air-raid warden in the Second,
crawling out of bomb debris on four occasions.
d) She planned a small lunch party. But forty guests turned up and stayed until
e) 'My goodness was I innocent,' she recalls. 'Apart from a few priests, I had
never seen a man. I knew nothing at all about life.'
f) Nowadays, Mrs Padley has a home help, but likes doing her own housework
and bakes all her own cakes. She used to tend two gardens, until Age
Concern stopped her digging up last year's potato crops.
g) Even her doctor admits there is no point asking her to stop. Mrs Padley has
just celebrated her 103rd birthday.
h) She married fellow warden Frederick Padley in 1939. He died in 1961 aged
i) Mary Padley smokes 60 cigarettes a day, plus the odd Churchill-sized cigar
and she is not giving up for anyone.

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