How To Write An Internship Report

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Internship Report

Pvt Ltd Islamabad

Submitted By:

Name: Kausar Arif

Semester: 4th

Session: 2016-2018

Supervised By:

Ms. Perkha Khan

Quaid-i-Azam School of Management Sciences,

Quaid-i-Azam University,

Internship Report

I am very thankful to my parents who sent me to QAU Islamabad to get a chance

to be benefited from a golden opportunity of being a graduate of Pakistan’s number. 1


A special thanks to QASMS who provided me the opportunity to represent the

university in TAMBRO Pvt Ltd Islamabad, and a gratitude to placement officer of

QASMS Mam Shahida for helping me in finding internship which was compulsory and

for learning purpose. A humble thanks to our supervisor of project in TAMBRO Sir

Mohsin Abbas for his support and help in completing this project and also grateful to the

C.E.O of the company Mr. Tahir Amin for providing information about the company and

for his strict but needed check and balance. I am thankful to my partner in this project

who is my fellow too Sharmeen Ejaz we did this project with mutual corporation and

support of each other. I am very thankful to my fellows, friends and my teachers for their

support and help.

Internship Report
Executive Summary

The report is about internship done in a security consultancy company named as

TAMBRO Pvt Ltd Islamabad. Overall experience while working there was very good.

Internship was basically related to marketing tactics for making a marketing plan

to make a company capture the market and strengthen its brand equity. Report is

consisted of four chapters.

1st chapter is about introduction of the company, core values, vision, mission and

its products and services. TAMBRO is a security consultancy company, which has a

talented and experienced team about research and analysis of current affairs and situation

about terrorism and crime issues in the country and provide security plans to the security

conscious companies and firms.

2nd chapter is about what I have learnt during this course of internship. It was a

good experience to get training for a good start of professional life in future after

completion of the degree. As I did my internship in marketing then it was a good

opportunity for me to get knowledge of the market trends and research about target

markets. I learned how to make a marketing plan in this duration of 6 weeks

internship.3rd chapter is based on SWOT analysis of the company which has been done

by deep research about company and its competitors. Its strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities and threats are described after deep study. And in the end of the report

suggestions and recommendations for the betterment are described briefly. I learned there

communication skills and professional behavior for being a favorite and a beneficial

employee of the organization. Kausar Arif (BBS III)

Internship Report
List of Abbreviations

BI Business Intelligence

CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

CSR Corporate social responsibility

GIS Geographic Information Systems

ISO International Standards Organization

IT Information Technology

TORs Terms of References

TRIS TAMBRO’s Risk Intelligence System

Internship Report


CHAPTER NO.1 ................................................................................................................................. 6

Organization’s Introduction ............................................................................................................. 6
1.1.1 Partners ............................................................................................................................... 7
Information about company structure is explained in figure no 1 in annexures. ....................... 8
1.4.1. Risk management............................................................................................................... 9
1.4.2. Crisis management ............................................................................................................ 9
1.4.4. Research and Analysis Services ........................................................................................ 11
1.4.5. Digital Solutions ............................................................................................................... 12
1.4.7. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) .............................................................................. 14
2.1. Personal working ................................................................................................................ 16
2.4. Promotion mix .................................................................................................................... 23
2.4.1. Ad agency .................................................................................................................... 24
2.4.2. In- house ad department ............................................................................................... 24
2.4.3. Promotion expenditure ................................................................................................. 24
2.4.4. Possible media Choices................................................................................................ 25
2.5. Sales forecasting for the next four Quarters ...................................................................... 25
2.6.1. Developing marketing strategies .................................................................................. 26
2.6.2. Corporate Marketing Strategy ...................................................................................... 27
2.6.3. Tactics to attract customers .......................................................................................... 27
Chapter No.3 .................................................................................................................................. 29
3. SWOT Analysis........................................................................................................................ 29
3.1. Strengths ......................................................................................................................... 30
3.2. Weaknesses ..................................................................................................................... 31
3.3. Opportunities................................................................................................................... 32
3.4. Threats............................................................................................................................. 32
4. Conclusions and Recommendations ...................................................................................... 34
4.1. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 34
4.2. Recommendations .............................................................................................................. 34
Annexures ...................................................................................................................................... 37
Figure1. ...................................................................................................................................... 37
Internship Report
Figure 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 39
Tables of pricing ......................................................................................................................... 39
Staff Salaries Source: (financial statement of year and CEO said to increase cost by 20%) ...... 40
Figure 4 ...................................................................................................................................... 41
References ...................................................................................................................................... 45
Internship Report


Organization’s Introduction

1.1 Introduction

TAMBRO (Pvt.) Limited offers high-quality Risk, Crisis and Project

Management consultancy services across Pakistan. With its head office in Islamabad, the

company specializes in identifying, evaluating, avoiding and responding to risks in a

strategically located and diverse place on the globe - Pakistan. TAMBRO has a

dependable capacity to deliver solutions in Risk, Crisis, and Project Management with a

robust knowledge base, efficacious networking and certified international partnerships.

Being an information-based company and having comprehensive understanding of

Pakistan’s diverse and intricate social and security environment, TAMBRO also provides

research, analysis & information services and digital solutions. Its team hails from an

array of diverse backgrounds and is fully capable of and dedicated to provide the best

services through their vast practical experience, exposure and proven academic


TAMBRO’s philosophy is straight forward and based on real dependable

knowledge. To provide efficient services, it has developed a state of the art Research &

Analysis Centre and an exuberant Operations Wing which together serve as a foundation

to develop capacity to facilitate its clients in multiple aspects of risk, crisis and project

management. We have designed a digital desktop/web based application through which

they record incidents that can have either direct or indirect implication on risk/crisis

profile of Pakistan under an efficient mechanism. It enables them to provide their clients
Internship Report
with reliable facts in an ever changing security environment and to facilitate them in

responding to risk. TAMBRO enables its clients to focus on their projects and businesses

by ensuring effective management of the wide-ranging risks that local/foreign

corporations face while operating in Pakistan. Furthermore, its project support and

research services equip its clients with indispensable cognizance and essential support

services to increase their efficiency.

1.1.1 Partners

Its parent company is a GERMAN COMPANY. TAMBRO is Partner Company

with that company. Moreover “TAMBRO cooperates with renowned international

consultants, who are market leaders for worldwide premium risk management consulting.

“Our strategic alliance with international consultants provides open access to a highly

experienced and internationally acclaimed pool of professionals and subject experts. It

also allows us to distinguish ourselves from other risk management companies in the

country, making us a part of global team with highest quality standards.

1.1.2. Vision

To be the leader in global Risk Management Practices with intelligence and


1.1.3. Mission

We enable clients to focus on their core business productively by minimizing their

risks. We do this by providing Crisis, Security, project Management and Support

Internship Report
services. In this process, in-depth knowledge, sound analysis, information management

practices and achieved capacity levels remain our fundamentals.

Source: (


1.2 Core values

 Knowledge

 Integrity

 Ownership

 Reliability

 Prudence

 Prompt Response

Source: (

1.3. Departments of the company

Information about company structure is explained in figure no 1 in annexures.

1.4. Products and services

TAMBRO is providing following products and services:

 Risk Management

 Crisis Management

 Project Management

 Research and Analysis

Internship Report
 Digital Solutions

 GIS Services

 CSR( Corporate social responsibility)

Source: (Document provided by company HR manager)

1.4.1. Risk management

Pakistan, though an attractive destination for business and investment is viewed

by investors with notions of suspicion and intimidation. Major reason behind this distrust

is fragile security fabric of the country. Multiple risks related incidents like terrorism,

armed conflict, civil unrest, political instability, crime, health hazards and general risks

make headlines in Pakistan on daily basis. However, TAMBRO’S philosophy of Risk

Management motivates them to convert these risks into opportunities for their clients.

TAMBRO enables its clients to work in the intricate and challenging environment of

Pakistan. They provide their clients premium security services which allow them to focus

on their core businesses without worrying about security risks. TAMBRO’s Risk

management process starts with professional identification and assessment of relevant

risks, in anticipation. Risk Monitoring and Incident Recording mechanisms at our

Research and Analysis Centre empowers us to keep a vigilant eye on risks arising from

violent protests, terrorist attacks, crime, socio-political upheaval and natural &

anthropogenic disasters.

For the process of risk management see annexures figure no 2.

1.4.2. Crisis management

Internship Report
TAMBRO’S crisis management system is based on the following process:

Crisis management plans are developed for the clients that could be implemented at the

occurrence of risks to tackle the crisis situation effectively and efficiently and to

minimize the likelihood of losses.

Crisis management Trainings Client’s personnel are also trained for avoiding risks in

normal circumstances. An integral part of the crisis management training is First Aid

Training. TAMBRO provides First Aid Training to its clients according to

internationally accepted standards and accepted by 45 countries throughout the world.

The First Aid Training includes:

 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

 Airways Clearance

 Breathing

 Critical Bleeding

 Fractures

Crisis Management Equipment is provided to the clients and they are trained to

effectively use the equipment (GPS Tracker, First aid kits, safety equipment) to

effectively handle the crisis situation and prevent the loss.

Crisis Management Assistance is provided to clients apart from pre-planning for the

crisis. The assistance is provided by an experienced, quick response team of professionals

to assist the client in crisis situation. The assistance includes but is not limited to:

 Hibernation
Internship Report
 Relocation

 Evacuation

1.4.3. Project management

TAMBRO with its comprehensive knowledge of the environment and culture of

Pakistan is capable of assisting its clients in effectively and efficiently Initiating,

Planning, Executing, Monitoring & Evaluating and Closing of their projects. TAMBRO

with its intricate knowledge enables international clients to access local markets by

providing due diligence, market researches and connectivity with relevant partners. We

also assist and facilitate our clients by arranging audits, trainings and by providing them

supervisory services. In addition, TAMBRO provides support services to business

travelers and expatriates in Pakistan.

1.4.4. Research and Analysis Services

TAMBRO envisions its growth and success in knowledge management. To align

with such a demanding challenge we have invested time in developing a practical

research approach with an aim to access project specific information. Information

analysis and deriving neutral and appropriate set of assessment reports are yet another

passion TAMBRO is pursuing.

TAMBRO team is well equipped with state and society of Pakistan, having in

depth knowledge of Pakistan’s culture, political scenario, economic situation,

administrative set up and societal issues.

Internship Report
TAMBRO aims to support public and private sector organizations which are

working on:

 Peace-making,

 Conflict mitigation & transformation,

 Human development & human rights,

 Infrastructure development and

 Democratic structure in Pakistan.

TAMBRO’S Research and Analysis Centre empowers us to extend valuable

assistance for such organizations in:

 policy planning

 policy appraisals

 data mining

 Issues identification.

1.4.5. Digital Solutions

TRIS (TAMBRO risk intelligence system) is a comprehensive business desktop /

cloud based application to allow its users to record all types of wide ranging information

for attaining optimum results in the area of risk management. The considerations for

input streams primarily correspond to the insight for desirable/composite yield. The very

idea to develop this tool is to offer wholesome capability for the risk managers through

systematic considerations for all security related news, incidents and trends dully

supplemented by analysis process. On the basis of this a variety of reports can be

Internship Report
generated serving the purpose of a lighthouse in the planning and implementation of risk


 Powerful Software to monitor security situation of the region.

 Interactive user interface

 Multi region Support

 Extract Reports on Multi Level

 Easy integration with most of the running SaaS

 Android based applets

 On request branded versions available

 Secured Cloud Computing technology

1.4.6. GIS Services

TAMBRO is utilizing GIS to improve analyses and to provide better

understanding of crises and risks associated with regions.

Main features of the product:

 Spatial intelligence that can lead your business to competitive edge by

highlighting the Risk hot spots in the area.

 Can strategies the plan accordingly.

 TAMBRO provides state-of-the-art solutions related to Mapping, Spatial

Data Analysis, Geo-processing, Spatial Data Management, Network

Analysis Services, Surveying and Urban & Regional Planning.

Internship Report
 Remote sensing services because all places are not accessible and

sometimes it is not financially viable to physically survey and monitor the


 TAMBRO provides agile WEB-GIS based mapping solutions designed for

marketing, research, commercial, real-estate, telecom, and tourism and oil

industries by providing smart GIS applications according to the situation.

 GIS business Intelligence to cope with the challenges of modern business


1.4.7. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

CSR stays an integral part of how we conduct business and for what purposes.

CSR does not only mean community welfare but also how TAMBRO conducts itself

keeping the interests of the community ahead in regions and areas where it operates.

Hence, TAMBRO’s CSR is focused upon providing support services for developmental

projects all over Pakistan. At the same time, TAMBRO contributes through spread of

relevant knowledge, providing expert opinions, contribution in conferences and seminars,

and by creating awareness about the country’s potential to encourage more business


Source: (Document provided by supervisor)

Internship Report
Chapter No. 2

2. Personal working and learning experience

I started internship on july24, 2017 in TAMBRO Pvt Ltd Islamabad, my working

experience in TAMBRO is 6 weeks and this duration ended on Sep 07, 2017. During my

stay in TAMBRO I learned many things especially about marketing, also learnt about

professional environment while working there. Strict check and balance by CEO and HR

manager of the company helped me to learn skills and abilities of how I can behave

properly when I will start my professional life in future.

Office timings, environment during duty and rules and regulations all were very

beautifully explained and were asked to follow those rules and regulations strictly which

polished me a lot and made me a very different personality.

On 1st day of internship there was a brief orientation about company and people

working there. TAMBRO is a consultancy company which provides plans about security,

their services are intangible not tangible. It deals with risk management, crisis

management, project management, GIS mapping, Digital Solutions and CSR (corporate

social responsibility). It was a project based internship; outlines of a project

(Development of a Marketing Plan for the Company) were handed over to me and my

partner in this project.

Our supervisor assigned the task, I was given all the work about accounting and

Finance and SWOT analysis of the company and my companion was given all research
Internship Report
work about competitors of the company and some of the part of the project we did


2.1. Personal working

I learned during this period how to develop a marketing plan. A marketing plan

basically consists of making marketing strategies and then implementing them practically

for capturing the target market and for making the strong brand of the company.

I started my work firstly by deep study of market trends and also about the

company itself. In 1st week all the research work was done.

In 2nd week actual work started on project. I started the plan by creating a

statement of mission for marketing goals and aligned the marketing goals with that of

company’s goals. Then my companion identified the main features of the company’s

products and services and found the main distinct features of the products that made

TAMBRO different from other consultancy companies.

2.2. Pricing

In 3rd week I worked on pricing of services provided by TAMBRO as I was

assigned this task. Basically, to estimate the fee of a consultant’s services is a very

difficult task. It is very difficult because a consultant may charge high fee or price from

one client but he might be charged low fee from other client. So I estimated the prices on

standard taking into the account all the fixed and variable expenses of the company.

Working done by me was as follows:

Internship Report
Total cost is consisted of two costs:

Total Cost = Fixed Cost + Variable Cost

If a project would be completed in two months then cost and price:

Total fixed expenses except salaries of experts = Rs.2, 030,160 per month

Per day expense = 2030160×12÷365

= Rs. 66,744

Per hour = 66,744÷8

=Rs.8, 343 + GST 17%= Rs. 8343+1418= Rs. 9,760 per hour

After including with-holding tax:

=Rs.9, 760 ×8% = Rs. 10,540 per hour

Tables related to fixed cost and staff salaries are attached in the end of the report

in Annexures see figure 3.

Then I also estimated prices of different project of security plans

Price of Mega Project of Risk management: (project would be completed in 15 days)

Requirement of persons for the completion of project:-

 Persons for Risk Assessment (risk audit)

3 persons for 4 days and 5 hours in a day

Internship Report
3 persons ×4 days (5× Rs. 245) = Rs.14,700

 Persons for research & analysis

1 for research to find where the areas of risk are:

1 day×8hours × Rs123 per hour = Rs 985

 Risk mapping (GIS Expert)

4 hours × Rs 165 = Rs 660

 Environmentalist (he will judge about danger or fault line)

2 days × 8 hours × Rs 123 per hour = Rs 1968

 C.E.O (monitoring , team lead, and project handler)

15 days ×3 hours per day × Rs. 822 per hour = Rs. 36,990

 Fixed Expenses

Approximately for a project




Total cost = Rs 120,300 + 25% GST and withholding tax

Internship Report
= 120300 +30075

= Rs 150,375

Mini Project (7 days’ time limit):

A school’s Administration just wants a report on security research and analysis

about their school:

Required time = 7 days

 Required persons

2 research analysts = 2persons × 7 days × 8 hours per days × Rs123

= Rs. 13,775

 Fixed Expenses

Operational cost per day = 85,680 ×12 ÷365 = Rs 2816 per day

Operational cost per hour = Rs 2816 ÷ 8 hours = Rs 352 per hour

Total hours used on this project = 7 days × 8 hours = 42 hours

Total cost = Rs 352 ×42 hours = Rs 14,784

25%of operational cost for this project used (approx.) = Rs 14,784 × 25%

= Rs3, 695

Taxes = Rs2, 530

Internship Report
TOTAL= Rs20, 000

Security risk management audit report (1 month time limit):

Persons required = 10 persons if area of work is vast

Per day hours work on average = 5 hours

Average days of work = 25 days (approx.)

Total hours worked = 75 hours

Fee of audit expert per hour = Rs 245

Total fee = 10 persons ×75 hours ×Rs 245 per hour

=Rs 183,750 + Taxes 10,000 (approx.)

= Rs 193,750

After including admin cost its price might be = Rs 200, 000

 Project of research analysis and GIS mapping(time limit 15 days):-

 Persons required:

RS Experts (2 persons)

GIS Experts (1 person)

 Days worked (approx.) = 13 days

Internship Report
For research (hours of work)= 5 hours per day

2 persons×13 days ×5 hours a day× Rs123 = Rs 15,990

For mapping (hours of work)= 3 hours

1 person ×3 hours = 1× 3 hours× Rs165 per hour = Rs495

 Fixed Expenses:

Office Rent = Rs 60,000 per month

Utilities = Rs 18, 000 per month

Printing & Stationery = Rs 12,000 per month

Communication = Rs 8,880 per month

Total fixed Expenses = Rs 98,880 per month

Fixed Expenses per day = Rs 3,250

Per hour expense = Rs3250 ÷ 8 hours = Rs 406 per hour

Total hours worked on the project = 68 hours = Rs 406 × 68 hours

= Rs 27,608

25%of this cost included in project = Rs. 27,608 × 25% = Rs6,900

25% GST and withholding Taxes = Rs 5, 845

Internship Report
TOTAL COST = Rs 29,230

If prices would be high then there might be a chance of losing the clients for a

company so it should also provide some value added services to the clients and

TAMBRO can do it in shape of providing free red alert services. And if prices would be

low then there would be a draw back for the company because it might be suspected

about the standard but it can also an opportunity for the company to attract the clients.

In 4th week I worked on Distribution strategies, for a company to be a successful

company their distribution channels must be like which are easily accessible and

economical for the company but for a consultancy distribution is not that much important

because consultants can easily provide their services through using electronic channels i.e

through email. I suggested

TAMBRO the following distribution channels:

2.3. TAMBRO’S distribution channels

In consultancy business mostly services are distributed through

 Contacting with customers through website

 Email

 One to one marketing

 Tenders

 Sponsorship (if company will sponsor to any institution)

Internship Report
 Using social media tactics

 Partnership with the companies

 Public Relations

2.4. Promotion mix

After that I worked on Promotion Strategies for TAMBRO best promotional

channel is direct marketing. As TAMBRO is a consultancy company so it can attract its

customers through personal one to one marketing tactics, it cannot do advertising through

Newspapers because it is not any manufacturing concern.

For this purpose it can contact to the companies who have email data of

companies and its individuals.

Following are the main sources of customer attraction and awareness about

TAMBRO’s services and products:

 Email data of companies

 Words of mouth

 Personal contacts

 One to one meeting

After that possible use of ad-agency and in-house ad department was analyzed for

getting knowledge what would be best and economical but answer cannot be get about
Internship Report
only one because both have benefits and drawbacks as well. A brief description about

each is given below:

2.4.1. Ad agency

It is outside the organization campaign of connecting to the customers. It will be

helpful for the company because people will be available with high expertise and they

will work for the benefit of the company because it’s their responsibility to promote the


2.4.2. In- house ad department

It is inside the organization source of contacting to the customers, the choice to

produce your own advertising program or hire an outside agency will depend on many

things – and every organization has its own needs. In either case, you’ll never go wrong if

you work with passionate, dedicated and creative people. In house agency will save the

cost of the company and employees will work for continued progress of TAMBRO.

For a consultancy company it’s better to have an in-house ad department because

it will save cost of the company and information would also be remained confidential.

2.4.3. Promotion expenditure

For TAMBRO as a security consultancy company they signed a nondisclosure

agreement from their employees so they kept information confidential; so by keeping in

mind this thing in mind for promotion purpose they need experts of different products/

services in which TAMBRO is providing its services having complete information about

services; in this case only the budget needed is to give the salaries to these experts.
Internship Report
2.4.4. Possible media Choices

 The Good Will Method

 Direct mail

 Referrals

 Paid Ads on Google, pinterest, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Bing Ads ,OLX

 Blogging

 Target Advertising (only that audience will see it who are in need

 Newsletters

 Small Events(you can aware your audience through a small

presentation of your services)

 Partner with agencies

 Public Relations

2.5. Sales forecasting for the next four Quarters

In 5th week I continued my work by working on sales forecasting for the next four

quarters to reach the target of expected profit. TAMBRO’s CEO told me that targeted

profit is 20% of the sales. I did my work by analyzing the breakeven point then found the

expected project’s numbers to get 20% profit. Working done by me is as follows:

According to the history of sales provided by C.E.O it has been observed that

company’s sales are Rs 400,00,00 per annum in last six years and now want its sales at

Rs 600,00,00 with no profit and no loss (breakeven point).

Breakeven point = sales Rs 600, 00, 00 per annum

Internship Report
Quarterly sales = Rs 600, 00, 00 ÷ 4 quarters in a year

= Rs 1,500,000 sales per quarter

Semiannually sales = Rs 600, 00, 00 ÷ 2 semi annuals in a year

= Rs 300, 00, 00 sales in 6 months

If we are interested in getting 20% profit then sales forecasting on monthly,

quarterly and semi annuals basis:

Rs 6,000,000 + 20% of Rs 6,000,000 = Rs 7,200,000

Sales with 20% profit = Rs 7,200,000

So needed Revenue of Rs 7,200,000 for getting profit of Rs 1,200,000

Tables regarding sales forecasting are attached in the end of the repot in

annexures see figure 4.

2.6. Action Plan

In 6th and the last week of my internship I and my companion worked on

marketing strategies; the most important part of a marketing plan. While making

marketing strategies marketing objectives should also kept in mind and it should be

properly aligned with the promotion strategies also by keeping in mind the targeted

market of the services of the company.

2.6.1. Developing marketing strategies

Internship Report
Marketing strategy is consisted of 4 P’s of marketing mix, while making a

marketing strategy for the company I used my theoretical knowledge about how to make

an exact and applicable marketing strategy and analyzed the company’s whole process of

providing consultancy services and I made a strategy for attracting company’s potential


We made two strategies one by me and one by my companion, I made corporate

marketing strategy:

2.6.2. Corporate Marketing Strategy

A corporate marketing team is responsible for determining how to reach the

company's desired customers, and determining what kinds of advertising and messaging

tactics will appeal to them.

2.6.3. Tactics to attract customers

Rather than making a lot of customers it is better to make less number of customers

but permanent clients. For this we need a strategy which is explained below:-

 Make a TV commercial and explain the procedure in a 2 minutes


 Contact via email

 Direct contact one to one meetings for contracts

 Make partnership with insurance companies which will promote the

business of TAMBRO when they will tell to their customers who need

consultancy services

 Give some extra services i.e free alert messages about threats
Internship Report
 Build better customer relationships for long term client attraction and


Flow chart of corporate marketing strategy is attached below in annexures in

figure no.5.
Internship Report

Chapter No.3

3. SWOT Analysis

• Diversified Staff •Limited Access

• Customized •Not ISO certified
Services •Low market
• TRIS visibility
• Defined TOR's •low online social
• Competitive networking
Strength Weakness

Opportunitty Threat

•Expanding through
Pakistani Culture •Competitors
•Target the sensitive •only focused at
areas of Pakistan international level
•Security for CPEC
Internship Report
3.1. Strengths

3.1.1. Diversified Staff

TAMBRO has diversified staff with professional expertise which provide it a

competitive edge because staff has enough expertise in their specific fields and can

perform related activities effectively and efficiently. As it is providing customized

services, for this purpose its staff is its great strength.

3.1.2. Customized Services

Provide customized services related to different security areas and research and

analysis. It means that if anyone wants consultancy on smaller level i.e. we can say that if

someone want just research based information then only research will be done. And if

someone also wants GIS mapping then accordingly services will be provided.

3.1.3. Competitive Edge

TAMBRO has its own special competitive edge because only very few companies

are providing their services as a security management consultancy companies.

3.1.4. TRIS

TRIS (TAMBRO’s Risk Intelligence System) is its strongest quality that makes it

different from others. It is basically software that is used for risk tracking and mapping

the risk and then experts make a report for the security from that specific risk.

3.1.5. Defined TORs

It means TAMBRO has defined all its terms and conditions for its clients because

it might be a risky one if consultancy will be fruitful or not or according to the

Internship Report
expectations so for this purpose all terms of payment and after sale services has been


3.2. Weaknesses

3.2.1. Limited Access in national Market

Limited access to the national clients while having complete knowledge about the

culture of Pakistan. Because they have not yet captured the psyche of Pakistani people.

3.2.2. Not ISO certified

ISO is an international Standard Organization which sets the standards and

benchmarks and one who will be on these standards will get certificate and it is also

helpful for the quality and better good will for an organization to be successful.

TAMBRO is not ISO certified and it is also a drawback for its credibility.

3.2.3. Lack of online Networking

Online social networking is very low (blog, GoogleAd etc.) while in this age of

technology when everyone is connected with social media non visibility on social media

can create problems for potential target market.

3.2.4. Market place visibility is low

At national level very rare people know about its services. While in Pakistan there

are many sensitive cities which need consultancy for their security purpose.
Internship Report
3.3. Opportunities

3.3.1. Expansion through Pakistani culture

Having knowledge of Pakistani Culture if clients would be aware about their

security needs then there is a good opportunity to expand the business. Because in

Pakistan most of the population is not aware about their security needs.

3.3.2. Target the sensitive areas of Pakistan

Due to issues of terrorism and enhanced crime ratios in Pakistan (especially in

Fata, Quetta and Dera Bugti side) TAMBRO’S can get a good edge by providing its

services in these areas.

3.3.3. Security plans for CPEC Engineers

Security plans can be made for the protection of Engineers in CEPEC. Because

most of the engineers working in CEPEC might be foreigners, so they will be more

conscious about their security so it will be good opportunity for TAMBRO to make

security plans and expand the market.

3.3.4. Oil companies working in Pakistan

All oil companies working in Pakistan are also best opportunity for expanding

TAMBRO’S market by providing services of risk and crisis management.

3.4. Threats

3.4.1. Only focused at international Level

Due to non-awareness about TAMBRO at national level it might be fall down. If

it will not be visible at national level its survival can be very critical. Promotions are

Internship Report
3.4.2. Strong competitors

ERM, SGS, MH9 are big competitors of TAMBRO other than its international

competitors. “Delloitte” is the world’s no.1 consultancy company with ISO certification;

it is also a big competitor of TAMBRO and can be a great threat for it.
Internship Report
Chapter No.4

4. Conclusions and Recommendations

4.1. Conclusion

I will conclude the report by explaining that TAMBRO is a consultancy company;

it deals with security consultancy. It only provides plans of security and don’t provide

physical security guards.

4.1.1. Access to potential clients needs strong marketing strategies

Its products/services are Risk Management, Crisis Management, Project

Management, GIS Mapping, Research& analysis, Digital Solutions and Corporate Social

Responsibility. This is actually a newly established company and has its name only at

international level. Its working on national level is very low. Company wants to enhance

its business and want to capture the market by providing quality services and best

customer relationship. For this purpose it needs a proper marketing campaign which will

target the related market and will provide the quality services through a proper mix of

promotion strategies. For this purpose they hired us as internees and we made up a

marketing plan for achieving the objectives and goals of the company.

4.2. Recommendations

TAMBRO can enhance its business by following the below instructions:

4.2.1. Provision of tangible products of security

Internship Report
TAMBRO Pvt. Ltd. is only providing its consultancy services but it can also work

on practically provision of security. Tangible products can also be provided for more

success i.e security guards to different companies.

4.2.2. Introduction of new innovative services i.e. cyber security

As TAMBRO is providing security services then cyber security as a unique

service of TAMBRO can be introduced. Many business sectors are in need of cyber

security where all working is on computer or we can say IT expertise companies.

4.2.3. Consultancy on natural Disasters

TAMBRO can also provide consultancy on natural disasters, such as

floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, and many other

geologic processes. A natural disaster can cause loss of life or property damage, and

typically leaves some economic damage in its wake, the severity of which depends on the

affected population's resilience or ability to recover and also on the infrastructure


4.2.4. Work for expansion at national level

It should expand its national market because at national level they are not visible.

Work on digital solutions should be started because now a day’s world is becoming more

digitalized and advanced. Company should take the advantage of opportunities for

expansion of its business.

4.2.5. Expansion via contracting with insurance companies

Internship Report
It can also do business with the insurance companies, like when customers would

go to insurance company for security purposes; then insurance company will refer them

to TAMBRO and TAMBRO would refer their customers to insurance companies, in this

way both will promote each other’s business and hence business would be expanded.

4.2.6. Security consultancy for foreigners working in Pakistan

CPEC is a good opportunity for TAMBRO’s visibility in national market.

Because it’s a long term project and company’s business will be flourished for long time.

So it is recommended to the organization to take part in CEPEC and survive at national

Internship Report



Director l Partners
Operations &

Social & IT HR and Business

Research &
Developmen GIS Operations Administrati Finance Developmen
t Sector Department & Support on Department t
Department Department Department Department
Social & Manager HR Manager
Team Lead Developmen Team Lead & Manager Business
Manager IT
R&A t Sector GIS Administrati Finance Developmen
Specialist on t
Social &
Executive Developmen HR & Admin Finance
GIS analyst Developmen
Analyst t Sector officer Officer
t Analyst
Social &
Developmen GIS Support Fianance
t Sector Associate staff Associate


Data Entry
Internship Report
Figure 2

Risk management process

Internship Report
Figure 3

Tables of pricing

Total (PKR)
Sr. No. Budget Item Description Units/months Cost per month

1. Operational Cost:-

1.1 Office Rent 120,000

1 60,000

Utilities 36,000
1.2 1 18,000

Communication 15,360
1.3 1 7,680

1.3 Postage & stationary: - -

1.3.1 Courier &postage 1 3,600

Printing &stationary 2,4000
1 12,000
Communication 17,760
1 8,880

Miscellaneous Expenses:
1.4 - -

1.4.1 Lodging & Boarding - 840,000(lumpsum)

1.4.2 TA/DA - 1,080,000

Total 2,118,720

Source: (financial statement provided by supervisor)

Internship Report
Staff Salaries

Sr.# Positions Monthly Pay Per Day Pay Per Hour Pay


1 C.E.O 200,000 6575 822

2 Team lead 80,000 2630 328

3 Data Analyst 30,000 985 123

4 GIS Expert 40,000 1315 165

5 Risk & vulnerability 45,000 1480 185


6 RS Expert 30,000 985 123

7 Graphic Designer & 15,000 495 62


8 Socio Economic Expert 20,000 660 83

9 Audit Expert 60,000 1950 245

10 Environmentalist 30,000 985 123

Internship Report
Source: (financial statement of year and CEO said to increase cost by 20%)

Figure 4

4. Sales forecasting diagrams and tables

4.1. Sales income on quarterly Basis

Breakeven sales 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

Rs 600, 00, 00 Rs 1,500,000 Rs 3,000,000 for Rs 4,500, 000 in Rs 600,00,00

per annum per quarter 2 quarters (6 3rd quarter for the whole

months) year sales

4.2. Sales forecasting on semiannual basis

Breakeven sales 1st semiannual 2nd semiannual

Rs 6,000,000 /annum Sales of Rs 3,000,000 Sales of Rs 6000,000

Internship Report
4.3. Forecasting at 20%profit

Estimated Monthly basis Quarterly Semi-annuals Year (Rs)

sales (Rs) (Rs) Basis(Rs) basis (Rs)


600,000/month 1,800,000/quarter 3,600,000/semi- 7,200,000/annum


4.4. How many projects should be done on breakeven point

Projects having following prices can be taken:

Projects Duration Price per project Total

Mega project 1 month Rs 200,000 Rs200,000

Portion of mega

15 days Rs 30,000×2 Rs 60,000

Mini projects(12 1 week maximum Rs20000×12 Rs 240,000

Internship Report

4.5. Quarterly (calculation is for 1 quarter same will be for the next 3 quarters)

No.of projects Duration Price per project Total

Mega projects 1 month Rs 200,000×3 Rs 600,000


Portion of mega 15 days Rs 30,000×6 Rs 180,000

project(6 projects)

Mini projects 1 week maximum Rs20000×36 Rs 720,000


Total - - Rs 1,500,000
Internship Report
Figure 5
Internship Report

 (2017). TAMBRO Pvt. Limited. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Dec. 2017].

 (2017). Filtration Industry Analyst. [online] Available at:

2017.pdf [Accessed 31 Dec. 2017].

 Abbas, M. (2017). Pricing and Sales forecasting.

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