Consumer Behaviour-Synopsis On Dell Laptops

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PGDM MARKETING (2018-2020)


Assignment by

DEEKSHA DASH (201832062)

INDERJEET (201832066)
TUSHAAR DAGA (201832097)

Course Instructor
Synopsis on Dell Laptops

1. Statement About The Problem-

Dell slipped to the second spot with a 23.2 percent market share in the overall India
traditional PC market in Q1 2018 ; clocking a year-on-year growth of 11.9 percent and
sequential decline of 26.1 percent. The commercial business in Q1 2018 contributed 54.8
percent share, which was driven primarily by reenergized GTM approach with channel-
enabling initiatives to strengthen channel and partner-led business. The vendor’s efforts to
enable digitization and assist in the deployment of new applications in newer areas of the
offering has contributed to the growth in verticals like Government and BFSI in Q1 2018.
Dell currently ranks 3rd position with compare to top 5 vendors, the problem Dell is facing to
increase its market position beating Lenovo & HP.

2. Why This Topic Was Chosen?

Buying behaviour is the decision processes and also people involved in buying and using
products which includes social and mental processes. This study was undertaken in order to
find out the factors influencing consumer purchase decision of laptops. And the finding of
this first objective will provide the basis for the second research objective in the study.
Secondly it is in intended to find out whether there are differences among consumer groups
of a laptop company with respect to the importance given to the factors influencing
consumers’ laptop purchase.

3. Expected Contribution From the Study

The study will help to introduce innovative channel sales distribution offering a right mix of
flexibility/risk/return depending, which will suit the requirement of the customers and should
target specific niches, which are poorly served or not served at all.
The study will help the Dell sales executives to directly approach the local distributers &
dealers with the right products, so that there overhead to find the target customer in the local
market will be reduced at large. By studying this information, the company would be able to
better design schemes & services & target right prospects’ needs & wants. More people will
get aware about Dell products that will increase profit level of the Organization.
This study helps to identify the behaviour of customer when existing competition with HP &
4. Objective & Scope-
While working on this report, we will almost certainly know the objective market’s profile of
Dell Laptop, their purchasing purposes, and preferences. We will likewise have the capacity
to know the present market circumstance of the laptop items. We will investigate the realities
of how people get affected towards laptops, what they feel about various laptops and what are
the comparisons. This report will likewise tell us the conceivable recognitions for Dell
The report is set up to focus on Dell Laptop. The territory of the survey was just in Pune city.
Thus, every one of the estimations has been made dependent on the city region. It is a
comprehensive report dependent on an organized poll overview, information estimation,
people’s sentiment, our perception and learning, and books of Consumer Behaviour.

5. Research Methodology
Research methodology in a way is a written game plan for conducting research.


The data will be collected using both by primary data collection methods as well as
secondary sources.

 Primary Data- The information will be gathered through primary sources. The
method that will be used to collect primary data will be questionnaire.

 Secondary data- It will be collected through websites like,

and also through business magazines.

6. Research Design-
There are three types of research design: exploratory, descriptive and explanatory.
Exploratory research design is used to observe what is in existence already. It is applied when
the phenomena is not broadly studied before and needed to be explored from a new insight.
The design of study requires the researchers to be flexible in order to ensure various facets
are observed.
Descriptive research design aims at formulating an understanding of situations, individuals or
events. Descriptive research provides a detailed information of an event or situation that is
studied despite of quantitative, qualitative or a combination of methods. It is applied to
answer the questions in the form of who, what, how, when and where. In quantitative
research, the basic goal with a descriptive research design is to investigate relationships
between different variables. It requires the researchers to define the measurement and the
population clearly in order to collect and assess the opinion and behaviours of the sample.
Causal research design: is to seek for an explanation for a certain issue by identifying the
relationship among the variables. The relationship is described in the question of “why”.
7. Research Method And Design
Qualitative versus Quantitative Research
According to literature, business researches can be classified into two approaches –
quantitative and qualitative. In this study, we chose quantitative research as the approach so
that we are able to carry out the quantification in the collection and analysis of the data and
be able to make a generalization of the data. Moreover the main focus of this study was to
test various hypotheses derived from the adapted theoretical model based on the review of
literature. The relationship between different factors, attitude and purchase intention was the
ultimate goal to identify in this study. Based on these justifications, quantitative approach
was selected.


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