Module 4 Challenge

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Module 4 Challenge

I am going to be doing the cardio challenge. I feel that this is going to be easy for me. I am
going to Disney World and Universal Studios for a few days. I expect to do a lot of walking.
The last time I went down there I averaged 20,000 steps a day. I will most likely l be doing the
same on this trip as well.


For last week I did the cardio challenge. I spent a week in Orlando Florida and in that week we
spent three days at Disney World and two days Universal Studios.
We arrived at the parks during opening and would stay to close every day. The parks are big
and there was a lot of space to cover. We averaged around 19 to 23 thousand steps a day. The
recommended steps for heart health a day is 10,000 so we pretty much did twice that
It was fun but also taxing on the body. I had hurt feet, a sore legs, and was mentally drained.
Looking back I would do it all over again in a second!

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