Edtpa Lesson Plan-2

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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Lainey Cutshaw Date: 11/25/19

Grade and Topic: 1st grade Science Length of Lesson: 45 mins for 2 days

Mentor Teacher: Kim Pruitt School: IDT 3600


● This lesson plan is part of a unit plan from molecules to organisms: structures and processes.

● Given a worksheet with a picture of a plants structure, the student will label each structure correctly with
a four out of five on the rubric.
● Given a website to gather information from, the student will create a graphic organizer with the
functions of each plant structure listed with a three out of five on the rubric.
● The goal of this lesson is for students to demonstrate an understanding of a plant’s structure and
functions, using technology. Students will create a graphic organizer to list two functions of a plants
structure (flowers, stem, leaves, and roots).

● TN Science- 1.LS1: From molecules to organisms: structures and processes: 1) Recognize the structure
of plants and describe the function of parts.
● ISTE Standard: 3 Knowledge Constructor: Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital
tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for
themselves and others.
a. Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for
their intellectual or creative pursuits.

● 1. Worksheet for students to label plant structure
2. Pencil
3. Paper
4. Computer
5. Internet access to
a. https://sciencing.com/what-are-the-functions-of-plant-parts-for-kids-13426234.html
b. https://creately.com
c. https://www.gograph.com
● Technology integration: Students will use the given websites above to access information about the
plants basic structure. Websites are also listed for a place to create the graphic organizer and a free clip
art website, so students have the option to add pictures to their creation. When the activity is complete
the student will print and turn in their work.


● Students will demonstrate a clear understanding of the plant’s structure and it’s functions by creating a
graphic organizer with at least two functions of each plant part.
● Academic language will be addressed in methods courses and is not addressed in IDT 3600.
● This lesson is the beginning of TN science standard 1.LS1.
● We will refer to this lesson as we continue to learn about the structure and processes of plants. The
graphic organizer with the plants structure and functions will be used to refer back to when we learn
about the life cycle of plants and how plants respond to their environment.
● The lesson or technology use will be modified to meet the needs of diverse learners.


● Introduction:
1. We will start the lesson off by discussing as a class some examples of plants and what makes up a plant’s
2. I will pass around a plant that I brought in so the class can see and hold what we are discussing in class.
3. I will present the class with a picture of a plant with its structures labeled, while I also discuss what each
structure’s function is. The class will take notes in their notebooks.
4. After taking notes, I will show the class a short video of the plants basic structure and functions from
5. Over the next two days, we will take the student’s knowledge of a plants structure and functions to the next
level by allowing them to do their own research on the plant’s structure and function. They will then represent
their knowledge by making a graphic organizer.
● Procedures: Prior to the computer (10 minutes):
Teacher Procedures:
1. After the introduction, the students will be given a worksheet where they will fill in the blank
each of the plant’s basic structures (Flowers, stem, leaves, roots).
2. Once 5 minutes has passed, I will walk around and start to check in on the students work.
3. A class discussion will then be had about the worksheet for the remaining time.
Student Procedures:
1. Students will fill in the blank the correct name of the structure mating the picture.
2. Students will look over work and have it checked by me.
3. Students will discuss as a class their worksheet and any questions they have.
At the computer (1 hour)
Teacher Procedures:
1. Have students open internet browser.
2. Direct students to their website for research
3. Direct students to website for creating a graphic organizer
4. Direct students to website for clip art
5. Monitor and assist as needed
Student Procedures
1. Open internet browser
2. Go to website for research and read the page while taking notes
3. Go to website for creating a graphic organizer
4. Label the graphic organizer as Functions of plant parts
5. Go to website for clip art and select a picture of a plant for the center of your graphic
6. Start creating graphic organizer by dragging shapes to the page and fill in with facts about the
7. Add clip art when finished filling in facts (optional)
8. When all steps are completed, check for any spelling errors
9. Print a copy
After computer (20 minutes)
Teacher procedures:
1. Discuss with students their research about the plants structure
2. Give students 10-15 minutes to write a brief reflection about their research and include
reason why plants are an important part of the environment.
Student procedures:
1. Volunteer to participate in the class discussion about their research
2. Students will write a 3-4 sentence paragraph about their research and why plants are
important in the environment
Closure: At the end of class students will turn in their graphic organizer and reflection. Any
further questions will be answered.
Criteria 1 2 3 4
Worksheet is Very few or none of Only a few of the Almost all of the All of the structures
correctly labeled the structures of a structures of the structures of a plant of a plant are labeled
with each structure plant are labeled plant are labeled are labeled correctly correctly
correctly correctly

Graphic organizer There are very few There are some facts Almost all facts All the facts
contains true facts or no facts pertaining to each pertaining to each pertaining to each
pertaining to each pertaining to each function of the function of the function of the
structure function of the plant’s structures on plant’s structures on plant’s structures on
plant’s structures on the graphic the graphic the graphic
the graphic organizer that are organizer are true organizer are true
organizer that are true
Reflections The reflection does The reflection The reflection The reflection
not demonstrate an demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates a clear
understanding of somewhat vague somewhat clear understanding of
why plants are understanding of understanding of why plants are
important in the why plants are why plants are important in the
environment important in the important in the environment
environment environment

● I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those
ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this
particular lesson.

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