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Every person must have their own activities which there will be a time when they having
difficulties in their work. The difficulties that they face will then become an obstacle for them to
complete a job. Procrastination is a condition where someone procrastinates to start a job,-this behavior
involves the postponement of initiating or completing a commitment until the last minute, until after a
predetermined dead-line, or indefinitely (Dryden, 2000). We plan too much something in the end we do
nothing. Besides the difficulty factor that causes this habit to occur, this is also caused by feeling lazy
and also disturbances of decision making in the brain.In fact,it hapenned by almost all people in the
world. If this is not removed it will have a negative impact on all activities in his life.

A procrastinator often experiences delays in meeting the specified time target, both
determined by others and by himself. Someone may have planned to start doing tasks at a time that he
has set himself, but when the time comes he does not also immediately do it in accordance with what
has been planned so as to cause delay or failure to complete the task. (Lilis, 2010)

In the ordinary human brain there is a rational decision maker whose job is to determine what
needs to be done or not. However, for a procastinator there are other additional components that are
given the term "Instant Gratification Monkey" which prevents the brain from making the right decision.
satisfaction but in a short amount of time. You could say this is a parasite that is intangible but it
interferes with the brain to make decisions. When this takes over, everything planned becomes chaotic
and transferred to other activities that look fun and are easier to do. When the brain wants to do the
work that is supposed to be done according to plan, the monkey makes a smooth rejection by diverting
the activities of a procrastinator which ultimately we do not do what we have planned. Conflicts occur in
the brain where procrastinators tend to prefer to do fun things than to doing difficult work. We relax
when we are not supposed to be relax. Actually it is not a pleasure because we are filled with anxiety
and worry about unfinished work. Then another component is the "Panic Monster", that appears when
the dateline gets closer. When someone feels threatened or feels pressured, the brain starts working
with all their strength to overcome the problem. That is how the procrastinator's brain works.

Procrastination is divided into 2 kind, those with a time limit and not with a time limit.
Procrastination in the presence of a deadline is limited to a short period of time because the "Panic
Monster" works in it. The second type of procrastinatin occurs when there is no deadline so it does not
involve the "Panic Monster".For example when we want to start our own careers and other things like
visiting family,do exercising. If the procrastination system will stop because of a" panic monster "then
this does not happen in this case because there is no time limit. So the impact of the procrastination
becomes unlimited and can be extended forever which can be a cause of unhappiness and regret.

In conclusion, people feel frustration is not because they couldn`t achieve their dreams, it`s that
they weren`t even able to start chasing them. They don't want to start and procrastinate too much
which can cause many problems in their life and regret. We have start to think about how bad the
impact of procrastinating a job. Start from now.

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