Acl 6

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Child Code Child Name Birth year

1 IDN-0119-000009 Alvina Dwi Lestari 2001
2 IDN-0119-000010 Alvita Dwi Lestari 2001
3 IDN-0119-000016 Tri Rahayu 2002
4 IDN-0119-000024 Reza Pratama 2001
5 IDN-0119-000026 Yuda Prananto 2001
6 IDN-0119-000047 Aan Nurin 2001
7 IDN-0119-000099 M. Lutfi Alfaruq 2001
8 IDN-0119-000295 Riska Lusiana 2001
9 IDN-0119-000312 Irman Nurdin 2001
10 IDN-0119-000317 Sandi Santosa 2001
11 IDN-0119-000321 Prihardini Nova 2001
12 IDN-0119-000323 Surya Pranata 2000
13 IDN-0119-000325 Agus Dwi Purnomo 2002
14 IDN-0119-000326 Jopanka 2000
15 IDN-0119-000332 Abdul Muis 2000
16 IDN-0119-000334 Alan Budiarto 2000
17 IDN-0119-000335 Yulia Sari 2000
18 IDN-0119-000350 Putri Amanda 2001
19 IDN-0119-000360 Muhamad Zidan 2003
20 IDN-0119-000363 Ari Kusumah 2003
21 IDN-0119-000366 Tejo Prabowo 2002
22 IDN-0119-000372 Fahdilah Hamzah 2001
23 IDN-0119-000386 Afriani Rahayu 2001
24 IDN-0119-000387 Sri Mardiana 2000
25 IDN-0119-000391 Putri Octaviani 2002
26 IDN-0119-000395 Ebit Widan Solehan 2002
27 IDN-0119-000396 Esih Octaviani 2002
28 IDN-0119-000398 Mawardah 2001
29 IDN-0119-000404 Imam Zaelani 2001
30 IDN-0119-000409 M Nurdiansyah Fajri 2000
31 IDN-0119-000410 Ahmad Ramdhani 2002
32 IDN-0119-000419 Muhamad Fauzi 2001
33 IDN-0119-000420 M Alzidan 2001
34 IDN-0119-000440 Eric Aditya Nuhardi 2000
35 IDN-0119-000457 Muhammad Dwi Apriansyah 2002
36 IDN-0119-000458 Robi Rodiat 2002
37 IDN-0119-000461 Muhammad Rival 2002
38 IDN-0119-000464 Leli Alfiana Sami 2001
39 IDN-0119-000467 Catur Prayoga 2002
40 IDN-0119-000476 Evita Mutara 2001
41 IDN-0119-000488 Nazia Amalia 2001
42 IDN-0119-000492 Zulfiah Farhana 2002
43 IDN-0119-000499 Sukma Lingga Wangi 2003
44 IDN-0119-000503 Fahdilah 2003
45 IDN-0119-000504 Arya Dwi Saputra 2001
46 IDN-0119-000506 Sofian Efendi 2001
47 IDN-0119-000507 Gilang Ramadhan 2002
48 IDN-0119-000510 Ajeng Mawardah 2003
49 IDN-0119-000511 Rohmat Indra Jaya Kusuma 2000
50 IDN-0119-000512 Alif Alamsyah 2004
51 IDN-0119-000513 Dini Dwiyant 2003
52 IDN-0119-000515 Selviana Prisca Yolanda 2004
53 IDN-0119-000519 Aulia Lies Suhada 2003
54 IDN-0119-000523 Rian Cahyadi 2003
55 IDN-0119-000524 Daffa Alfarizki 2004
56 IDN-0119-000529 Sinta noviastut 2000
57 IDN-0119-000530 Sri Pujihartant 2001
58 IDN-0119-000533 Yogi Tanuwijaya Muhiar 2001
59 IDN-0119-000534 Lutfiah Agus Priyani 2003
60 IDN-0119-000535 Yogi Erlangga 2004
61 IDN-0119-000536 Maulana 2007
62 IDN-0119-000539 Naila Hasbiya 2006
63 IDN-0119-000540 Muh Rifki Firdaus 2004
64 IDN-0119-000542 Ricky Alfiandi Fadillah 2004
65 IDN-0119-000544 Nurul Hilwah 2005
66 IDN-0119-000545 Farhan Al Qibran 2003
67 IDN-0119-000546 Ardiansah 2004
68 IDN-0119-000547 Diego Khanafi Firdaus 2004
69 IDN-0119-000548 Zahra Putri Namania 2004
70 IDN-0119-000550 Raihan Simanjuntak 2006
71 IDN-0119-000551 Muhammad Rangga 2000
72 IDN-0119-000552 Widia Julianita 2005
73 IDN-0119-000553 Atsilla Putra Ardhana 2002
74 IDN-0119-000556 Gerel Filipi Gosal 2005
75 IDN-0119-000558 Angel Mike Gosal 2001
76 IDN-0119-000562 Putri Yuli Yant 2002
77 IDN-0119-000567 Arbi Rohaldi 2003
78 IDN-0119-000568 Dina Ayu Alifah 2004
79 IDN-0119-000569 Nazia Putri Aulia 2005
80 IDN-0119-000570 Nabil Aditya 2006
81 IDN-0119-000571 Dimas Saputra 2006
82 IDN-0119-000572 Topik 2002
83 IDN-0119-000574 Sarmila 2002
84 IDN-0119-000576 Muhammad Indra 2005
85 IDN-0119-000578 Ayu Ajeng 2002
86 IDN-0119-000580 Afriani al Maiyda 2002
87 IDN-0119-000581 Nur Safitri 2002
88 IDN-0119-000582 Nur Fadilah 2002
89 IDN-0119-000584 Yandi Subrata 2002
90 IDN-0119-000586 Syaripudin 2002
91 IDN-0119-000587 Darma Lokananta 2002
92 IDN-0119-000589 Juwanto 2002
93 IDN-0119-000593 Ahmad Rafli Al Faris 2003
94 IDN-0119-000597 Rani Septani 2003
95 IDN-0119-000599 Riska Maylani 2004
96 IDN-0119-000602 Harianto 2004
97 IDN-0119-000606 Fina Herawat 2004
98 IDN-0119-000607 Nur Hakim 2003
99 IDN-0119-000608 Ryan Kartka 2002
100 IDN-0119-000609 Evan Rivaldo Naingolan 2001
101 IDN-0119-000611 Aprisida Dariana Lestari 2003
102 IDN-0119-000612 Yuli Meliana Kurnia 2003
103 IDN-0119-000613 Shandy Supandi 2003
104 IDN-0119-000614 Sila Putri Setawan 2003
105 IDN-0119-000615 Reni oktavia 2002
106 IDN-0119-000616 Heri Suleeman 2002
107 IDN-0119-000617 Marta Tambunan 2002
108 IDN-0119-000618 Aulia Anisa 2004
109 IDN-0119-000625 Muhammad Khairudin 2004
110 IDN-0119-000627 Fahdilah Nur Halizah 2003
111 IDN-0119-000629 Sit Munawaroh 2003
112 IDN-0119-000630 Irna Sit Maharani 2002
113 IDN-0119-000631 Nanda Dewi Kartka 2002
114 IDN-0119-000632 Jhon Abner S 2004
115 IDN-0119-000635 Yoni Fijaya Muttaqin 2003
116 IDN-0119-000639 Lia Sukma Rini 2004
117 IDN-0119-000640 Retno Amelia 2004
118 IDN-0119-000643 Sit Fatmah 2005
119 IDN-0119-000644 Ketrina Uli 2004
120 IDN-0119-000645 Rizki Maulana 2003
121 IDN-0119-000646 Togi Sinaga 2004
122 IDN-0119-000647 Riski Saipuloh 2004
123 IDN-0119-000648 Moch Ageng Prasetyo 2004
124 IDN-0119-000649 Syafrudin 2002
125 IDN-0119-000650 Priambodho Sukma Jat 2004
126 IDN-0119-000652 Zidane Al Farisi 2005
127 IDN-0119-000655 Debi Falentn 2004
128 IDN-0119-000656 Nazma Syahidah 2004
129 IDN-0119-000657 Maharani 2003
130 IDN-0119-000658 Nurul Jamiatun 2003
131 IDN-0119-000661 Winda Suryant 2004
132 IDN-0119-000662 M Jibran Maulana 2004
133 IDN-0119-000664 Adreas Agustnus Tio Pratama 2003
134 IDN-0119-000665 Laras Hat 2002
135 IDN-0119-000666 Safitri Handayani 2002
136 IDN-0119-000668 Muhammad Nasrul 2002
137 IDN-0119-000669 Firly Akbar Faturahman 2003
138 IDN-0119-000671 Sri Lestari 2002
139 IDN-0119-000672 Giberht S 2003
140 IDN-0119-000674 Agung Ariansyah 2002
141 IDN-0119-000677 Aryadi 2001
142 IDN-0119-000679 Pratama Febrian Saputra 2005
143 IDN-0119-000680 Aisyah Damar Wulan 2005
144 IDN-0119-000681 Iksan Aditya Wibisana 2004
145 IDN-0119-000682 Frengky 2004
146 IDN-0119-000683 Manasse Alexander N 2005
147 IDN-0119-000684 Arfan Rifqi 2004
148 IDN-0119-000685 Moech Aron Mbojo 2004
149 IDN-0119-000687 Rifqi Zanuar 2005
150 IDN-0119-000692 Rahul Sebastan 2002
151 IDN-0119-000705 Rismah 2005
152 IDN-0119-000707 Camelia Rifahma 2005
153 IDN-0119-000709 Novalina 2004
154 IDN-0119-000710 Marisa Putri 2004
155 IDN-0119-000711 Orpaanan Cesibi 2003
156 IDN-0119-000712 Sit Nurohmah 2003
157 IDN-0119-000714 Syarifudin 2005
158 IDN-0119-000715 Maulana 2005
159 IDN-0119-000716 Muhammad Rizki 2003
160 IDN-0119-000717 Rehendra Alviandi 2003
161 IDN-0119-000718 Febriani 2003
162 IDN-0119-000719 Tent Mulasih 2004
163 IDN-0119-000720 Fahdila Syahrani 2003
164 IDN-0119-000722 Andini Sari Nabila 2002
165 IDN-0119-000723 Yuliani 2003
166 IDN-0119-000724 Muhammad Rizki Al Farizi 2003
167 IDN-0119-000725 Abdul Majid 2002
168 IDN-0119-000727 Muhammad Andrianto 2003
169 IDN-0119-000728 Kautsar Hakim 2005
170 IDN-0119-000729 Lutfi Hoirul Ulum 2005
171 IDN-0119-000731 Egi Bimo Triputra 2005
172 IDN-0119-000732 Muhamad Rizki 2005
173 IDN-0119-000733 Abdul Aziz Dwi Pramono 2004
174 IDN-0119-000734 Reza Umami 2003
175 IDN-0119-000735 Syifa Aulia 2005
176 IDN-0119-000736 Briyan Firdaus 2004
177 IDN-0119-000737 Riska Alia Azzahrah 2003
178 IDN-0119-000739 Yusuf Ali Syahbana 2004
179 IDN-0119-000741 Muhammad Galang Januarsyah 2005
180 IDN-0119-000742 Damar Restu 2004
181 IDN-0119-000743 Erlina Fitriyani 2002
182 IDN-0119-000744 Riski Budianto 2003
183 IDN-0119-000746 RIDHA PEBIAN 2004
184 IDN-0119-000749 Firman Ardiansyah 2006
185 IDN-0119-000750 Muhamad Cahyo Mulyono 2006
186 IDN-0119-000751 Ghendis Ayu Mawadah 2005
187 IDN-0119-000752 Nurmala Sari 2005
188 IDN-0119-000754 Muhammd Rifqi 2005
189 IDN-0119-000755 Dinda Calysta 2005
190 IDN-0119-000758 Rifki Akbar 2006
191 IDN-0119-000759 Hani Dwi Febrian 2006
192 IDN-0119-000760 Fina Nurmalia putri 2005
193 IDN-0119-000761 Diyan Afriyani 2004
194 IDN-0119-000762 Syahiran Indah Pratwi 2005
195 IDN-0119-000767 Aditya Bagas Syahputra 2003
196 IDN-0119-000768 Gilang Virnando 2003
197 IDN-0119-000770 Sallsa Billa 2004
198 IDN-0119-000771 Maesah Zidan 2006
199 IDN-0119-000772 Devi Handayani 2005
200 IDN-0119-000773 Muhar Febrian 2005
201 IDN-0119-000774 Nabila Azzahra 2007
202 IDN-0119-000775 Alya Ahzaniah 2006
203 IDN-0119-000776 Khoirun Nisah 2004
204 IDN-0119-000777 Sasbila Uswatun Hasanah 2005
205 IDN-0119-000778 Anita Idriyani 2005
206 IDN-0119-000781 Nabila Nur Aini 2005
207 IDN-0119-000782 Fajar Ramadan 2006
208 IDN-0119-000783 Dede Ibrahim Raditya 2005
209 IDN-0119-000785 Arjun Ade Ridwanda 2006
210 IDN-0119-000788 Jamilah Choirunnisa 2006
211 IDN-0119-000789 Salomo Herudin Sihotang 2006
212 IDN-0119-000790 Fatmah Azzahra 2006
213 IDN-0119-000792 Yuli Riyanthi 2006
214 IDN-0119-000793 Muhammad Hilham 2006
215 IDN-0119-000794 M Revan Putra 2006
216 IDN-0119-000795 Revalasa 2007
217 IDN-0119-000796 Natsya Angreani 2006
218 IDN-0119-000797 Anisa Kirana Sutra 2006
219 IDN-0119-000798 Syamitha 2004
220 IDN-0119-000799 Cahya Kamila Putri 2005
221 IDN-0119-000800 Rio Hartanto 2005
222 IDN-0119-000801 Irpan Derajat 2004
223 IDN-0119-000805 Febrian Rezzy S 2004
224 IDN-0119-000806 Mifta Amanda 2004
225 IDN-0119-000807 Arishka Febriant 2004
226 IDN-0119-000809 Misva Dahlia 2003
227 IDN-0119-000810 Aurellia Apriliani 2004
228 IDN-0119-000811 Aditya Saputra 2003
229 IDN-0119-000815 M Syahrul Ramahdan 2004
230 IDN-0119-000816 Muhammad Esa Adi Winata 2006
231 IDN-0119-000819 Fadiah Nurhotmah 2003
232 IDN-0119-000820 Okta Prastyo 2004
233 IDN-0119-000821 Prayoga Putra Mahaesa 2005
234 IDN-0119-000822 Fery Setawan 2003
235 IDN-0119-000823 Bunga Cahya Kamila 2006
236 IDN-0119-000824 Sit Rahmawat 2004
237 IDN-0119-000825 Widya Febriant 2003
238 IDN-0119-000826 Destana Puspita Sari 2003
239 IDN-0119-000827 Syahrul Gilang Ramadhon 2004
240 IDN-0119-000828 Ramli Fauzi supandi 2007
241 IDN-0119-000829 Yusuf Fadli 2007
242 IDN-0119-000830 Septon Sanusi 2005
243 IDN-0119-000831 Alfina Rahmawat 2006
244 IDN-0119-000832 Dian Andini 2007
245 IDN-0119-000834 Fajar Dwi Afrizal 2007
246 IDN-0119-000836 Azizah Fitriyani 2006
247 IDN-0119-000838 Dwi Nisrina Fajri 2006
248 IDN-0119-000839 Muhamad Fahri 2007
249 IDN-0119-000842 Fadhlan Akhmad Arrasyid 2005
250 IDN-0119-000844 Rahma 2006
251 IDN-0119-000845 Juniart. D 2006
252 IDN-0119-000847 Farah Aulia Syifa 2007
253 IDN-0119-000849 Chelsea Alessya Marsen 2006
254 IDN-0119-000850 M. Zaki Hanafi 2005
255 IDN-0119-000851 Rahel Agustna Rani 2010
256 IDN-0119-000853 Chairil Gilbrant Ramadhani 2007
257 IDN-0119-000857 Januar Wahyu Adhari 2006
258 IDN-0119-000858 Nur Auliya Tiyana 2008
259 IDN-0119-000859 Tasya Inggriyani 2007
260 IDN-0119-000860 Muhammad Rafiq AL Azm 2008
261 IDN-0119-000861 Nayllah Putri Andira 2007
262 IDN-0119-000862 Indriani Ayu Safitri 2008
263 IDN-0119-000863 Seftia Ramadhani Putri 2007
264 IDN-0119-000864 Eterry Chessar Vino Raditya 2008
265 IDN-0119-000865 Prasetyo Wibowo 2005
266 IDN-0119-000866 Novita Azahra 2007
267 IDN-0119-000868 Hilda Nazua Habe 2008
268 IDN-0119-000870 M. Aji Mustofa 2006
269 IDN-0119-000871 Fauzan Nur Ghazi Hibatullah 2007
270 IDN-0119-000872 Doni Ramadhani 2005
271 IDN-0119-000873 Fatma Azzeroh 2003
272 IDN-0119-000874 M. Rifa Ahni Khoirul Amin 2007
273 IDN-0119-000875 Muhamad Danu Daxsa 2004
274 IDN-0119-000876 Muhamad Alwi 2005
275 IDN-0119-000877 Galang Sukma 2006
276 IDN-0119-000878 Muhammad fadillah 2004
277 IDN-0119-000879 Raihan Dwi Rahadi 2008
278 IDN-0119-000880 Kusuma Diah Tantri 2006
279 IDN-0119-000881 Destha Prastya Ananda 2006
280 IDN-0119-000882 Khirun Nizam 2007
281 IDN-0119-000884 Sit Nuraisah 2005
282 IDN-0119-000885 Ade Hilham Lesmana 2004
283 IDN-0119-000886 Muhammad Ardiyansah 2006
284 IDN-0119-000887 Dimas Prasetyo 2005
285 IDN-0119-000888 Khairul Imam 2003
286 IDN-0119-000889 Haris Wisnu Murt 2007
287 IDN-0119-000890 M Ridwan Pratama 2005
288 IDN-0119-000891 Salsa Nabila 2007
289 IDN-0119-000892 Salwa Syahrani 2008
290 IDN-0119-000893 Zaskya Halimah Tussadyah 2005
291 IDN-0119-000894 Abi Farhan 2007
292 IDN-0119-000895 Keysha Al Putri Edi 2008
293 IDN-0119-000896 Uwais Abdurrohman Al Qorni 2005
294 IDN-0119-000899 Sadan 2006
295 IDN-0119-000900 M.Putra Pratama 2006
296 IDN-0119-000901 Ardiansyahh 2010
297 IDN-0119-000902 M. Zaki Thufhail 2008
298 IDN-0119-000903 Atalie Verina Syakirah 2007
299 IDN-0119-000904 Muhammad Rizki Al Farizi 2012
300 IDN-0119-000906 Putra Ramadhan 2007
301 IDN-0119-000907 Sayyidina Fachri 2007
302 IDN-0119-000908 Ahmad Al Fansyah 2009
303 IDN-0119-000909 Yulia Andini 2007
304 IDN-0119-000910 Muhammad Rasya Assidiq 2008
305 IDN-0119-000912 Windu Adipat Prayogi 2010
306 IDN-0119-000914 Jesica Putri Indriani 2007
307 IDN-0119-000916 Aldiansyah 2009
308 IDN-0119-000917 Saskia Aulia 2005
309 IDN-0119-000918 Annissa Salsabillah 2005
310 IDN-0119-000919 Aril Pratama 2006
311 IDN-0119-000920 Ahlam Zulfadli 2011
312 IDN-0119-000921 Zulfikar 2009
313 IDN-0119-000922 Nasywa Azizka Islami Bilqis 2008
314 IDN-0119-000923 Achmad Habibie 2007
315 IDN-0119-000924 Diandra Wardania Azhara 2011
316 IDN-0119-000925 Erik Saputra 2008
317 IDN-0119-000927 Mayliza Aulia Putri 2009
318 IDN-0119-000928 Alika G Vilucha 2003
319 IDN-0119-000929 Muhammad Sofiansyah 2008
320 IDN-0119-000930 Atha Aqila Levana 2010
321 IDN-0119-000931 Vino Ataqah Ahmadinejad 2011
322 IDN-0119-000932 Putri Zivana Shafa R 2010
323 IDN-0119-000933 Muhammad Fauzi 2007
324 IDN-0119-000934 Ruli Yuliant 2005
325 IDN-0119-000935 Zahra Amanda 2006
326 IDN-0119-000936 Muhammad Raihan Kamil Fuady 2005
327 IDN-0119-000937 Muhammad Fajar Lubis 2006
328 IDN-0119-000938 Ananda Zakia Rahma 2007
329 IDN-0119-000939 Aditya Eka pratama 2004
330 IDN-0119-000940 Manda Alfiah 2004
331 IDN-0119-000941 Yunita Rahmanazila 2006
332 IDN-0119-000942 Teguh Pratama 2004
333 IDN-0119-000943 Indra Ramdhan 2006
334 IDN-0119-000944 Nayla Annisa Azzahra 2008
335 IDN-0119-000945 M Mahesa 2006
336 IDN-0119-000947 Bimo Irawan 2008
337 IDN-0119-000948 Azyla Azarrahmah 2010
338 IDN-0119-000950 Khairul Ihksan 2004
339 IDN-0119-000951 Sit Nur Aisyah 2008
340 IDN-0119-000952 Putra Ridhotul Muhsin 2007
341 IDN-0119-000953 Sit Fahdilah 2005
342 IDN-0119-000954 Zidane Muhammad Rizki 2005
343 IDN-0119-000955 Unayah 2009
344 IDN-0119-000956 Yogi Putra Rosyadi 2010
345 IDN-0119-000958 Fauzi Suhendar 2010
346 IDN-0119-000959 Vina Iswandar 2008
347 IDN-0119-000961 Slamet Adhar 2008
348 IDN-0119-000962 Raihan Fauzi 2009
349 IDN-0119-000963 Ahmad Jailani 2013
350 IDN-0119-000964 Muhammad Sultan Firdaus 2007
351 IDN-0119-000965 Silviana Jahuari 2006
352 IDN-0119-000966 Mirza Faras Hibatullah 2009
353 IDN-0119-000971 Khairiyah 2006
354 IDN-0119-000972 Robiatul Adewiah 2005
355 IDN-0119-000973 Nina Alta Funisa 2009
356 IDN-0119-000975 Ahmad Nur Rafi 2006
357 IDN-0119-000976 Nayla Yuliawat 2007
C Hi, Donor! How are you there? You are fine right? I am fine here as well. I didn’t aware but we have known eac

C Hi, Donor! How are you there? This tme I write a letter for you. I am sure you miss my letter. Hi-hi-hi! I miss wr

C Hi, Donor! How are you there? I am sure that you are fine. I want to tell you about if I go to uninhabited island

C Hi, Donor! How are you? I write this letter for you. I am sure you miss this letter of mine. Maybe this is my last
B Hi, Donor! How are you? Are you fine there? I am also fine here. If I go to uninhabited island, I would bring han

C Hello, Donor! How are you there? I wish you are fine. I am fine here. I want to tell you about if I go to uninhabi

C Hi, Donor! How are you? I hope you are fine just like me here. I want to tell you about day that I like in a week
C Hello, Donor! How are you there? I wish you are fine there. I write letter again by the way for you. My story thi
C Hi, Donor! I write a letter for you again, Yai! I hope you are fine there just like me. Because I am fine just like yo

B Hi, Donor! How are you? I hope you are fine, just like me here. I want to tell you about if I go to uninhabited isl
C Hi, Donor! How is your mood now? Are you fine there? I want to tell you about my favorite day between Mond

B Hello, Donor! How are you there? I hope you are always fine just like my family and I here. In this letter I want
B Hello, Donor! How are you? Fine, right? We are the same if you are so. I am fine here. By the way, have you dri
ware but we have known each other since a long tme even though I never see you. Just imagine! I was from 4th grade elementary school

s my letter. Hi-hi-hi! I miss writng letter to you too. This is maybe my last letter. Don’t be sad okay? He-he-he! I won’t forget about all of yo

t if I go to uninhabited island. Um! A little bit scary indeed but I am a man, I am sure I would be brave to go there. But it is impossible to go

f mine. Maybe this is my last letter. I want to say grattude for you, beloved donor. Your kindness will be always remembered and never be f
bited island, I would bring hand phone so I can take pictures. I also would bring my friends to go there so I wouldn’t be alone then I will go h

you about if I go to uninhabited island. I would bring camera, hand phone to communicate with family and the camera is for taking picture

bout day that I like in a week which is Monday, because that is first day of school and play with friends. What about you? What day do you
the way for you. My story this tme is to tell you about if I go to uninhabited island. I would bring flashlight, candles and matches. The flash
Because I am fine just like you, my letter this tme is about if I go to uninhabited island I would bring my favorite dolls which is hello kitty. I

bout if I go to uninhabited island. I would bring my favorite thing which is hand phone. You know why? Because I want to take many photo
y favorite day between Monday to Sunday. I like Sunday the most. Do you know why? You have guessed yet? Sunday is off school day so I a

nd I here. In this letter I want to tell you about my favorite day in a week which is Friday. I love that day because there is art class there. I lo
ere. By the way, have you drink coffee? While you are drink coffee read my story. From Monday to Sunday I love Friday. Avery Friday there
grade elementary school since I have known you even though just from letter. Are you a man or a woman? Are you beautful or handsome?

on’t forget about all of your helps that you have given to me, like school uniform, shoes, and school equipment, healthy foods like milks an

But it is impossible to go alone though. I would invite both of my friends there. We would bring camping tools and the most important thi

membered and never be forgotten. All things like school equipment, school uniform, shoes, bag and healthy foods. All of this helps that I ha
’t be alone then I will go home as fast as possible. I am scare to be there alone, in a long tme. Thank you for your kindness to me.

amera is for taking pictures. I would bring all my family. The view there is really beautful. I would bring foods there for my meals there. My

ut you? What day do you like? This is the story from me for you. I hope you are happy to read it. I say a lot of grattude because you always
es and matches. The flashlight is for seeing building from afar maybe even spot it, the candle and the matches are maybe will be used by m
dolls which is hello kitty. I love it very much. I love it because it is really cute so I always hug it when I go to sleep. So I guess I can’t sleep wit

want to take many photos that I am sure there are many beautful scenes there.
day is off school day so I am free to play from morning to night. You like playing too, right? Yeah, I prefer playing too. I usually chat with frie

here is art class there. I love art class because I love drawing. In this letter I will draw something for you. Thank you. I hope you like my draw
Friday. Avery Friday there are dance class at my school. I join minang’s dance but I don’t have the attires but I have to perform. Please pray
u beautful or handsome? But I am sure that you are bright skinned, right? I love you and I am sure you love me too. I love you so much an

ealthy foods like milks and puddings and have trip to museum and Kidzania. I am really happy can be helped by you kind Donor. Once again

nd the most important thing is matches. It is impossible for us in total darkness. This is it. Thank you by the way for your kindness.

s. All of this helps that I have gotten from you. I also have gone to some museums at TMII and also Kidzania. I am very happy, even happier.
kindness to me.

e for my meals there. My family and I are really happy especially me. I would take many pictures with my family on the island which is real

tude because you always support me. I pray for you so you are always healthy and happy. Take care of yourself there, okay? Don’t be sick.
maybe will be used by me for making camp fire or just the candle. I will be there in a long tme. This is enough stories from me I think. Tha
So I guess I can’t sleep without it if I ever go far from it that is why I would bring it. If it is you, what would you bring to the island? This is en
oo. I usually chat with friends. You know girls. Thank you very for your cares.

u. I hope you like my drawing.

e to perform. Please pray for me so my dance is good. Thanks for you.
oo. I love you so much and even you are my life completon. Maybe without you there would be something feeling off, like guitar without t

ou kind Donor. Once again, thank you very much. I hope you are always given health.

r your kindness.

very happy, even happier. Thank you for your helps. I hope you and your family are always given health and always happy.
on the island which is really beautful and comfy. This is my story for you. I hope you like to read it. Thank you for your helps. I hope you are

ere, okay? Don’t be sick.

ories from me I think. Thank you for reading it. I hope you like to read it.
ng to the island? This is enough my story. Thank you.
g off, like guitar without the strings. Thank you very much for all of your kindness, your sincerity and your perfect love that you have given
your helps. I hope you are always healthy.
love that you have given to me. See you in another tme.

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