Lesson Plan Template-Pbl

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Teachers: Kaylee Hurlburt Subject: English Grade: 12

Common Core State Standards:

Present information, findings, and supporting evidence in an organized, developed style
appropriate to purpose, audience, and task, allowing listeners to follow the speaker's line of
reasoning, message, and any alternative perspectives

Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Objective (Explicit):
 Students will perform a trial that will encompass their understanding of the Wife of Bath’s Prologue
and Tale by performing and researching their roles in the 1400’s religious trial.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
 Include a copy of the lesson assessment.
 Provide exemplar student responses with the level of detail you expect to see.
 Assign value to each portion of the response

Sub-Objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex)

 How will you review past learning and make connections to previous lessons? Student’s will have completed a Socratic
discussion as well as multiple assignments that have shown their understanding and mastery of the
text that correlates to the project. Students can refer back to these assignments to guide them through
their research and their roles in both the entry activity and the trial. Their work will have been reviewed
and graded so that students will recognize their level of mastery for their roles.
 What skills and content are needed to ultimately master this lesson objective? Students should be able to research
thoroughly and be able to express their discoveries in a public setting.
 How is this objective relative to students, their lives, and/or the real world? The topics that the students will be addressing
from the Canterbury Tales are very relevant to the topics that they are dealing with in their everyday
lives. This should lead them to create roles that are personal to them.

Key vocabulary: Materials:

PRIDE Technology
ENVY Costumes
WRATH Props of a court room
 How will you activate prior knowledge? By this time the students will have read through the Wife of Bath’s
Prologue and Tale. Their research must contain quotes from these parts of the Canterbury Tale’s and
that knowledge must be applied in their performance.
 How will you hook student attention? The students will take a “journey” outside of campus and we will go as a
group to tell stories that I have made up as well as the students own stories to represent hypocrisy
and an unreliable narrator.
 What question will you pose, based on your objective, that students will seek to answer in Explore ? How will you create an
opinion around an unreliable character? How can an unreliable character become reliable? How will
your role affect an unreliable character?
Teacher Will: Students Will:
Assign the directions to the students Create their own story following the directions given
Create own story with hypocrisy and/or an unreliable narrator Participate in the journey outside of campus
Guide students on their journey outside of campus Tell their story on their journey to mimic the religious mission in

 How will you model your performance expectations? (Remember you are not modeling what you want students to discover but need to
model expected behavior or required procedures.) The students are being driven to think from their own
experiences and how they interpreted the text and what they decide to take from it. I am there to guide
their understanding for their roles as well as interpretation of the text and guide them to their
conclusions as to how they are going to express their roles.
 How will students take the lead and actively use materials to discover information that will help them answer the question posed in the
Engage? Students will be using their own technology and their own research strategies to come up with
their roles for the trial. Students will also be using the text for evidence in their case and they may
interpret the text in any way that benefits their role.
 What questions or prompts will you be prepared to use with students while they are “exploring”? How can you apply guilt and
innocence? Is there any hope for innocence? What gives the right to judge a person’s life?
Teacher Will: Students Will:
Be the facilitator for students Guide themselves with their identity and questions that they may ask
from this project to guide them

Co-Teaching Strategy
Differentiation Strategy
 How will all students have an opportunity to share what they discovered? Students will have multiple chances to share
their understanding and what they have discovered. Students will have this opportunity in the entry
activity (the journey) as well as their roles in the trial.
 How will you connect student discoveries to correct content terms/explanations? By using an outline, rubric, and multiple
assignments students will understand their expectations and the discoveries that should be made
leading up to the final trial/performance.
 How will all students articulate/demonstrate a clear and correct understanding of the sub-objectives by answering the question from the
Engage before moving on? Student discoveries will be presented in both opportunities. In the entry activity,
students will be performing their stories that they have made up following the lesson of the
Canterbury Tale’s. Student’s discovery of their roles in a religious trial will also be presented in the
final presentation of the project. Both will be graded with feedback of their understanding of the Tale
and their research that is applied to their roles in the trial and their roles in the entry activity.
Teacher Will: Students Will:
Create directions to guide students to their conclusions Create new conclusions from their discoveries from research and
interpretations from text

Co-Teaching Strategy
Differentiation Strategy
 How will students take the learning from Explore and Explain and apply it to a new circumstance or explore a particular aspect of this
learning at a deep level? Because students are taking their own roles to what they identify with, it is going to
help them identify with the project more than doing more work for school.
 How will students use higher order thinking at this stage (e.g. A common practice in this section is to pose a What If? Question)? The
students will be using their knowledge of their identity, what they have learned in class, and using
their research to combine all of these elements into the roles that they choose for the project.
 How will all students articulate how their understanding has changed or been solidified? When the students are able to
present to each other, it can also build each other with their understanding of the performance, the
key elements to the trial is students are able to improvise based on their roles. Students are able to
build off of each other to get to a conclusion.

Teacher Will: Students Will:

Facilitate what students need Put themselves into their roles so that they have a connection to the
Be a resource for students project
Build off of each other to build their knowledge

Co-Teaching Strategy
Differentiation Strategy
 How will all students demonstrate mastery of the lesson objective (though perhaps not mastery of the elaborate content)?Students
will perform their mastery in the trial. The more that they can stick with their role and improvise by
their research and conclusions shows how much they have committed to the project.
 How will students have an opportunity to summarize the big concepts they learned (separate from the assessment)? Students will
be able to review their understanding by writing an essay when they are done with the entry
assignment as well as the trial. This will show me and the students how well they understood their
research as well as the text.
Teacher Will: Students Will:
Give feedback in student understanding and grade by how well the Reflect on their understanding
students understood their role and the text Show their understanding through organizing and building an essay from
their research and conclusions

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