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Proposal Experiment 4 : Unsteady State Heat Transfer by Group C, Sec 03

Date : 23rd Oct 2019, Wednesday


• To determine the unsteady state conduction of heat to the center of a solid

shape as the temperature is changing from time to time.
• To calculate the thermal conductivity of each specimen.
• To calculate the heat transfer coefficients of each specimen.
• To compare the thermal conductivity and the heat transfer coefficients
between each specimen.

Parameters involved

Figure 1 : Rear view of the rig setup to investigate unsteady state heat transfer
(Model: LS-17 020).

1. First, prepare the setup of the experiment by filling the pail with pile water from the
flow duct chamber.

2. Turn on the main power supply , then switch on water pump and the heater

3. Set the temperature of water tank at 65˚C. Wait the temperature to be in stable
condition after the water pump and the heater were switched on for several seconds.

4. Record the temperature of the solid sphere specimen

5. After the temperature is stabilized, put the specimen in the water bath. Observe the

increment of the temperature and record the heating temperature for every 30 seconds
of interval for 5 minutes (10 times or set of data).

6. After all the data for heating temperature is recorded, remove the specimen from
the water tank and place it immediately into the pail of water. The stopwatch is set on
just after the specimen get into the pile water.

7. Observe and record the cooling temperature every 30 seconds until 5 minutes (10
times or set of data)

8. Repeat step 1 until step 7 with the other specimen provided.

9. After the experiment is done, turn off the water pump, heater and the main power
supply and place the specimen at the right place. Make sure the place of the
experiment is in tidy and clean condition after the experiment.

Test data sheets

Total specimen used : 3 specimens

Time (s) Heating Cooling Dimensionless Heat Biot

Temperature Temperature temperature Coefficient, h Number,
(℃) (℃) Bi



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