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Making Restaurant Reservation Phone Call

Receptionist: Thank you for calling ________Restaurant. How may I help you?
Randy: I’d like to make a reservation.
Receptionist: For which day and for what time?
Randy: It’s for Friday, the 24th, at 7 o’clock.
Receptionist: How many will be in the party?
Randy: There will be seven of us.
Receptionist: And the name on the reservation?
Randy: Randy Johnson.
Receptionist: And a phone number where we can reach you?
Randy: 310-555-9023.
Receptionist: Okay. Let me repeat back to you the information I have. This is a reservation for the Friday
after next for seven at 7 p.m. Is that correct?
Randy: Yes, that’s right. Can we have a table by the window in a non-smoking section? I want to be away
from the kitchen, if possible.
Receptionist: Our restaurant is all non-smoking. We can’t guarantee a window table, but I’ll note your
Randy: Okay, that’s fine. What’s the parking situation at the restaurant?
Receptionist: We have a parking lot behind the restaurant, and we also have valet parking. Do any of the
guests have special needs?
Randy: I’m glad you asked. I’ll need two high chairs and four booster seats.
Receptionist: I’m sorry, but did you say two high chairs and four booster seats?
Randy: Yes, I did. I’m taking all of my nieces and nephews out to dinner.
Receptionist: That sounds nice. It should be a lovely evening.
Randy: Yes indeed.
Receptionist: Is that all sir?
Randy: That would be all, Thank you.
Receptionist: : Alright, Mr. Jonhson, your reservation has been made for the twenty-fourth of June
which is Friday, table good for seven person, and will be at the restaurant by 7o'clock in the evening. If
you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to call us. Thank you and have a great day.
Taking orders from a Hotel Room Phone Call


B: Hello, Guest Services this is Sara. How can I be of assistance?

A: I would like to order room service.

B: Certainly Sir, what is your room number and name, please?

A: It’s room 218 and the name is Smith.

B: Thank you. What would you like to order Mr Smith?

A: I’d like the rump steak.

B: How would you like your steak cooked?

A: Medium rare, please.

B: Would you like mashed potatoes and vegetables or salad and fries?

A: Salad and fries thank you.

B: Which sauce would you prefer? We have pepper, mushroom or red wine?

A: I will have mushroom sauce.

B: Okay, is there anything else you’d like Mr Smith?

A: I’d also like the garden salad and a coke.

B: Certainly Sir, that will be delivered to your room shortly. Enjoy your meal.

A: Thank you very much.

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