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Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholders play an important role when it comes in incorporating real-world

applications into the classroom. The reason stakeholders play an important role is because they

are all involved one way or another. Teachers, parents, and administration are all involved in this

concept as they are the stakeholders. These three figures revolve around each other; meaning an

upset from any of them can and will cause an unbalance. That is why these three stakeholders are

important in the involvement of teaching real-world applications to students.

The stakeholders within this problem are teachers, parents, and administrators. Teachers

are affected the most by this problem. Since the problem takes place in the classroom and deals

with education, it is teachers who are affected by it. Parents are also affected as it is their

children who will be receiving the changes. There may be parents who will not agree to the

changes that will be incorporated. And if parents are not happy with these changes then they will

go complain to administration, another stakeholder. Whether the complaints come from teachers

or parents, administration is the one who gets the earful.

When it comes to gaining and losing, the three stakeholders can go for either. Teachers

lose. Since they need to make room in their lesson plan to include teaching of real-world

applications, they lose teaching previous lessons. Some teachers may not care, but others might.

It can be hard to decide what lesson to take out as all lessons are important. Teachers may be

gaining new information to teach, but they are losing information that was just as important and

meaningful. Parents, on the other hand, are gaining in relation to this problem. If real-world

applications are incorporated into the classroom then parents do not need to teach their children

this; they can rely on teachers to do it. There will be parents who will find this to be very helpful

and convenient. Administration’s relation to this problem can be a gain and a loss. They can gain

better results in test scores and receive praise for the school. Or their test scores can lower as

lessons had to be taken away to make room for real-world applications. There is also the

possibility on gaining more students or losing students, depending how teachers and parents feel

about the new teachings.

Teachers are teachers; they teach students, that is their job. They would continue doing

that job even with new lessons, such as real-world applications. That is what they are expected to

do, whether they agree with it or not. Parents are meant to accept what their child is being taught,

as long as it is appropriate. Their children are still receiving an education, which means there is

nothing to get angry over. Administration is expected to make sure teachers are doing their job

right and keep the parents happy. These are the roles the stakeholders are expected to play in the

situation of teaching real-world applications in the classroom.

Teachers, parents, administration play important roles in this problem; which is why they

are stakeholders. They deal with the problem from the inside and outside. The three stakeholders

are all affected by the problem, whether it is good or bad. Their involvement can and will decide

if including real-world applications into the classroom is a good idea.

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