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Standard Operating Procedure to use KTP-el Reader Device (B-CAT)

• Customer must have MoU or PKS (Perjanjian Kerjasama) with Kementerian Dalam Negeri RI -
Direktorat Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil (Dukcapil)

• Customer contact KTP-el Reader Producer or its Partner (Distributor / Reseller). Customer can
get the contact number from these following:

 Through Dukcapil. Dukcapil will give information and the list of KTP-el Reader vendors to
be chosen by Customer, and Biomorf is one of the list

 KTP-el Reader Vendor’s Partner may approach a Customer to introduce the product

• Biomorf or along with its Partner visit Customer to do presentation and demonstration of the
product (B-CAT)

• Customer who is interested with the product and want to go in further, can ask for a Product’s


 Biomorf provides 2 different Pricelist of B-CAT, for Partner and for direct Customer
 For Partner, they will get margin according to what has been defined on Agreement
(NDA) between Biomorf and Partner

• Customer place an order for B-CAT devices:

 Through Biomorf Partner: Customer send Purchase Order (PO) to Biomorf Partner, then
Biomorf Partner send Purchase Order (PO) to Biomorf

 Direct to Biomorf: Customer send Purchase Order (PO) directly to Biomorf

• Biomorf need to buy blank SAM Card and prepare SAM Card to get pre-perso

Note: currently, the process for pre-perso will be done by STI (in future, Sub Dit. Pemanfaatan –
Dukcapil – Kemendagri plan to own the right for pre-perso processing with them)

• Biomorf send request to Sub Dit. Pemanfaatan – Dukcapil – Kemendagri for SAM Card
Personalization. The request contains:

 Request letter, copy of Customer’s Purchase Order (PO), and pre-perso SAM Card (for
each B-CAT unit)

Note: The number of SAM Cards to be personalized must be according to the number
of B-CAT units stated on Customer’s Purchase Order (PO)
• Sub Dit. Pemanfaatan – Dukcapil – Kemendagri will check in their system, whether the Customer
(that is being proposed for SAM Card Personalization request) already has MoU or PKS with
Dukcapil – Kemendagri.

If already has MoU or PKS, then Sub Dit. Pemanfaatan will process the request, otherwise Sub
Dit. Pemanfaatan will not process the request until the Customer gets PKS signed.

Note: currently the capacity in Sub Dit. Pemanfaatan to process SAM Card personalization is
around 250 – 300 cards per day

• After SAM Card personalized and ready, Sub Dit. Pemanfaatan will give back to Biomorf

• Biomorf will send those Personalized SAM Cards to its Manufacturer

• Manufacturer will assemble Personalized SAM Cards into Devices after finish production

• Manufacturer will send the Devices to Biomorf, then Biomorf Team will do software installation
and Quality Control of the Application

• After all in good condition, Biomorf then distribute the B-CAT units to Customer location (can be
directly or through Partner)

• Meanwhile, Customer waiting for the Devices Delivery, Customer needs to send a letter to Sub
Dit. Pemanfaatan – Dukcapil – Kemendagri related to SAM / Device Activation. The letter

 Request for Username and Password (to login into Activation Portal)

 PIC details (name and email) in Customer side

 List of Device serial numbers, SAM Card serial numbers, SAM Card UID (perso number),
Device Locations (must be in hardcopy and softcopy).

Note: Hardcopy is attached with the letter and softcopy must be sent to email:;; (this email managed by SAM
Personalization and Activation Team)

• In parallel, Biomorf Team also preparing for the data of customer and data of devices (List of
Device serial numbers, SAM Card serial numbers, SAM Card UID / perso number) to be imported
and synchronized into the Activation Portal. During this process, system will automatically
create the username and password for dedicated customer and send it to customer email

• After Customer receive the units of B-CAT, they have to login into Biomorf’s Activation Portal
using username and password received in email. Biomorf Activation Portal can be accessed via
this url: or via Biomorf website: then
on this page, click link Login & Fill details for activation
• Once Customer successfully logged into the Activation Portal, then Customer needs to input
these following data in the ‘customer request’ page:

 Device serial number that will automatically showing SAM serial number

 Device Location

• After activation request data submitted, then MoHA Admin (the Activation Team) will login into
same Portal, then can decide to approve or reject the request

• Once MoHA Admin approve the request, then Activation Key will be sent to Customer page of
the same Portal

• Customer must download this key to activate the device, after that B-CAT device is ready to be
used by the Customer

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