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Year 13 IB Music Term 1B Lesson 2 Student Sheet


Listen to this piece of music, which influences can you recognize? What kind of music could this be regarded as?


 Used to celebrate events in the lives of individuals and communities

 Each ethnic group has its own folk-music, which each generation learns by _____________ and _____________

 Epic songs kept alive stories of ____________ and ________________ events

 ____________ composers would compete with each other in the performance of ________________made up
on the spot

 It has always been used to recognise important events, such as chanting of the _______________. The
____________________ or poets are given names such as _______________or sha'ir.

Musical Features

 Mainly ______________: there is an important connection between the Arabic _____________ and music. - Often,
group singing is done as a ________and__________ and includes short melodic phrases that are repeated

 Melody: Arab melodies are written based on Arabic ____________ - the ____________

 Texture: Often ______________. More attention is paid to _______________ and other subtleties in the melody.

 Range: Does not use a wide range of notes - often using a ______________ (four consecutive notes) or a
___________________(five consecutive notes) of the maqam

 Rhythm: Based on rhythmic modes called iqa'at. Hand clapping and percussion instruments play them.

 Structure: The structure of a piece of Arab music tend to be complex. Arab music can be composed, improvised, or a
mixture of both.


 Shakes (you might need to tell Mr. Scott how to play


 Trills____________________________________________________________________________________________

 Grace notes______________________________________________________________________________________

 Appoggiaturas____________________________________________________________________________________

 Tarkib___________________________________________________________________________________________
Arabic ______________

 A __________of notes exists, including the________ note played, which is known as a ________.

 The Arabic mode __________ (plural maqamat) has the same meaning as the scales in Western music, only that each maqam has a different
combination of tones, semitones and quarter-tones (half a semitone). There is no absolute fixed __________, therefore the pitch of the maqam's tonic
can be changed for_____________ performers.

The Arab scale is made up of two octaves (an octave is diwan), consisting of pitches at ______________-___________ intervals. The range of all the
possible notes in the scale is called a jadwal, but like a Western scale, some notes are more important than others. The diwan is divided into half-octaves
(ajnas) and the melodies are usually composed using only one of those half-octaves (ajan). There are many different ajnas, each with its own name.

Label the example of the Maqam Husseini below:

Homework: On Friday we will do a Kahoot Quiz… but the twist is that you will write it. Go to and create a 10-question Kahoot based on
what you have learnt today. We will finish off by studying the instruments used in Arabic Music.

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