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Relation between Vitamin D and Alopecia:

Vitamin D is an important element that is essential to our health. It helps boosting immunity, keeps bones strong
and skin healthy, stimulates cell growth, and helps create new hair follicles. It is important to absorb vitamin D
through sun exposure primarily, but you can take dietary supplements and eat certain foods to up your intake of
the nutrient.

A number of symptoms, such as hair loss, skin disease can occur when your body lacks the recommended amount
of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to alopecia areata, also known as spot baldness, and other hair
related disease.

Research shows that people with alopecia areata have much lower levels of vitamin D than people who do not
have alopecia. Even more than 90% people now a days are vitamin D deficient. A lack of sunlight or not eating
enough food items/fruits rich in vitamin D are the most common causes of a vitamin D deficiency.

Alopecia Areata (AA) is an autoimmune disease in which your immune system mistakenly attacks your hair follicles,
leading to hair loss. The disease commonly begins on the scalp with 1 or 2 patches but can lead to hair loss all over
the body. In the United States, around 6.5 million people have the disease.

Vitamin D has a well-established effect on the immune system and is linked to a variety of autoimmune diseases.

How to increase Vitamin-D in the body:

Most people get the bulk of their vitamin D from sunlight. Not spending enough time in the sun or using too much
sun-block limits your exposure, which can lead to a deficit of vitamin D. If you can, take a 15-minute tour in the
morning time daily, you will get enough vitamin D daily.

Some alopecia sufferers can experience spontaneous or seasonal hair re-growth. Researches shows that vitamin D
receptors, rather than the nutrient itself, can help produce new hair follicles and restore hair growth.

Doctor suggests that when a person lacks Vitamin D, the most effective treatment is for them to take vitamin D

Vitamin D supplements should be taken with meals, particularly ones with healthful fats. Fat helps the vitamin D to
be absorbed into the body.

You can start to boost your nutrient levels by spending an extra hour in the sun in early morning or by taking
vitamin D supplements, which you can buy at medical store or pharmacy at reasonable prince. But make sure to
consult your doctor about your best treatment options for hair loss caused by vitamin D deficiency.

There are many vitamin D supplements available in the market, better to go with natural sources. First check your
vitamin D level. I myself suffering from Alopecia for around 3 years and later somebody told me to get check
vitamin D level, mine was around 4.5 but the standard minimum limit is 30. So there might be a chance that if you
are also suffering from Alopecia, you might be lacking in vitamin D.

For Vitamin D, I was suggested by doctors that I should take Vitamin D-rise 60 K capsule once a week for 2 months.
Also we recommend you to check your vitamin D supplement doses by doctors.
Also try to live a healthy lifestyle, do exercise, yoga, nail rubbing, drink lots of water, eat fruits and vegetables, get
enough proteins, vitamins, iron, zinc from natural sources.

Also try if gluten free diet, avoid sugary and dairy products and see how your alopecia areata reacts to it. Detox
your body by having green tea, and other antioxidants products.

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