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MAX. MARK : 50

1. a) Write an assembly language program to convert the BCD number stored in location 4200H to
Binary number and to store the result in location 4201H.
b) Interface the DAC 0800 with 8051 controller to convert the digital information into analog signal.
Write and execute an assembly language program to generate sawtooth waveform

2. a) Write an assembly language program to convert the ASCII code stored in location 4200H to
Hexadecimal value and to store the result in location 4201H.
b) Interface stepper motor circuit with 8051 through the port address FFC0 to run the motor at
clockwise direction by proper energizing of poles of motor. Also run the motor at different speed by
varying delay of energizing poles of motor.

3. a) Write an assembly language program to convert the Hexadecimal value stored in location 4200H
to ASCII code and to store the result in location 4201H and 4202H. The lower byte in 4201H and
higher byte in 4202H.
b) Interface the DAC 0800 with 8051 controller to convert the digital information into analog signal.
Write and execute the ALP to generate triangular waveform.

4. a) Write an assembly language program to convert the Binary number stored in location 4200H to
BCD number and to store the result in location 4201H and 4202H respectively.
b) Interface the DAC 0800 with 8051 controller to convert the digital information into analog signal.
Write and execute the ALP to generate triangular waveform.

5. a) Write an assembly language program to add two 8 bit hexadecimal numbers stored in location
4200H and 4201H respectively. Also store the resultant sum and carry in location 4202H and
b) Interface 8051 with 8279 to roll the word “SUCCESS” in the display through the control register
address FFC2 and data register address FFC0 with following consideration.
Display mode : 8-bit character display - Right Entry
6. a) Write an assembly language program to subtract two 8 bit hexadecimal numbers stored in
location 4200H and 4201H respectively. Also store the resultant difference and borrow in location
4202H and 4203H.
b) Interface stepper motor circuit with 8051 through the port address FFC0 to run the motor at
clockwise direction by proper energizing of poles of motor. Also run the motor at different speed by
varying delay of energizing poles of motor.

7. a) Write an assembly language program to multiply two 8 bit hexadecimal numbers stored in
location 4200H and 4201H respectively. Also store the result in location 4202H and 4203H.
b)Interface 8051 with 8279 to display the character ‘P’ in the display through the control register
address FFC2 and data register address FFC0 with following consideration.
Display mode : 8-bit character display - Left Entry

8. a) Write an assembly language program to divide two 8 bit hexadecimal numbers stored in location
4200H and 4201H respectively. Also store the result in location 4202H and 4203H.
b) Interface stepper motor circuit with 8051 through the port address FFC0 to run the motor at
anticlockwise direction by proper energizing of poles of motor. Also rotate the motor for angle of

9. a) Write an assembly language program to subtract two 16 bit hexadecimal numbers stored in
location 4200H to 4203H respectively. Also store the resultant difference and borrow in location
4204H to 4206H.
b) Interface the DAC 0800 with 8051 controller to convert the digital information into analog signal.
Write and execute the ALP to generate sawtooth waveform

10. a) Write an assembly language program to add two 16 bit hexadecimal numbers stored in location
4200H to 4203H respectively. Also store the resultant sum and carry in location 4204H to 4206H.
b) Interface the DAC 0800 with 8051 controller to convert the digital information into analog signal.
Write and execute the ALP to generate triangular waveform

11. a) The following block of data is stored in the memory locations 4355H to 435AH. Transfer the data
to the locations 4380H to 4385H in the reverse order.
Data (H): 22, A5, B2, 99, 7F, 37
b) Interface the ADC 0809 with 8051 Microcontroller to convert the given analog signal in to 8-bit
digital information. Get the analog signal from the channel 0 (IN 0) from the port address FFC8H,
however the conversion will be started by initiating by software and note down the digital data with
respective analog signal. Write the ALP to perform this conversion process
12. a) A set of eight readings is stored in memory starting at location 4250H. Write a program to check
whether a byte 40H exist in the set. If it does stop checking and display its memory location;
otherwise output FFH.
Data (H): 48, 32, F2, 38, 37, 40, 82, 8A
b) Interface the DAC 0800 with 8051 controller to convert the digital information into analog signal.
Write and execute the ALP to generate triangular waveform

13. a) A set of eight readings is stored in memory starting at location 4250H. Write a program to find the
highest reading in the set and store the highest value in memory location 4300 H. Data (H): 48, 32,
F2, 38, 37, 40, 82, 8A
b) Interface the DAC 0800 with 8051 controller to convert the digital information into analog signal.
Write and execute the ALP to generate triangular waveform

14. a) The following block of data is stored in the memory locations 4355H to 435AH. Transfer the data
to the locations 4380H to 4385H in the reverse order.
Data (H): 22, A5, B2, 99, 7F, 37
b) Interface the ADC 0809 with 8051 Microcontroller to convert the given analog signal in to 8-bit
digital information. Get the analog signal from the channel 0 (IN 0) from the port address FFC8H,
however the conversion will be started by initiating by software and note down the digital data with
respective analog signal. Write the ALP to perform this conversion process

15. a) A set of eight readings is stored in memory starting at location 4250H. Write a program to find the
smallest reading in the set. If it does stop checking and display its memory location; otherwise
output FFH. Data (H): 48, 32, F2, 38, 37, 40, 82, 8A
b) Interface 8051 with 8279 to roll the word “SUCCESS” in the display through the control register
address FFC2 and data register address FFC0 with following consideration.
Display mode : 8-bit character display - Right Entry

16. a) Multiply two 16-bit numbers stored in memory locations from 4300H to 4303H and store the result
in memory locations from 4304H to 4307 H.
b) Interface the ADC 0809 with 8051 Microcontroller to convert the given analog signal in to 8-bit
digital information. Get the analog signal from the channel 0 (IN 0) from the port address FFC8H,
however the conversion will be started by applying external trigger signal and note down the digital
data with respective analog signal. Write the ALP to perform this conversion process

17. a) Divide two 16-bit numbers stored in memory locations from 4300H to 4303H and store the result
in memory locations from 4304H to 4307 H.
b) Interface the DAC 0800 with 8051 controller to convert the digital information into analog signal.
Write and execute the ALP to generate sawtooth waveform
18. a) A String of eight data bytes is stored starting from memory location 4255H. The string
includes some blanks (bytes with zero value). Write a program to eliminate the blanks from
the string. The string without blanks to be stored in the memory location 4300H
Data (H): F2, 00, 00, 4A, 98, 00, 55, 00
b) Interface the DAC 0800 with 8051 controller to convert the digital information into analog signal.
Write and execute the ALP to generate square waveform

19. a) A set of eight values is stored in memory starting from 4250H. Write a program to add
values and store it in memory location 4300 H and 4301 H.
Data (H): 48, 32, F2, 38, 37, 40, 82, 8A
b) Interface the ADC 0809 with 8051 Microcontroller to convert the given analog signal in to 8-bit
digital information. Get the analog signal from the channel 0 (IN 0) from the port address FFC8H,
however the conversion will be started by applying external trigger signal and note down the digital
data with respective analog signal. Write the ALP to perform this conversion process

20. a) Find the square of the given numbers from memory location 4300H and store the result
from memory location 4500H
b) Interface 8051 with 8279 to display the character ‘P’ in the display through the control register
address FFC2 and data register address FFC0 with following consideration.
Display mode : 8-bit character display - Left Entry

Internal Examiner External Examiner

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