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Subject: 105 – GC - Basics of Marketing
Question Bank

Note – These are only sample questions and should be considered for the reference

Question No. 1: Cognitive Ability: Remembering (02 Marks each)

1. Marketer should always try to learn –
a. How often does the customer buy the product?
b. How, when, where, why do the customer buy product?
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

2. ________ can be seen as the development, design, and implementation of marketing

programs, processes, and activities that recognizes the breadth and interdependencies of
their effects.
a. Niche marketing
b. Holistic marketing
c. Relationship marketing
d. Supply-chain marketing
e. Demand-centered marketing

3. Ram goes to the vending machine. He deposits Rs. 50 and gets a Coca Cola bottle. Which
of the following aspects of the definition of marketing is focused here ?
a. Production concept
b. Satisfaction of organizational goals
c. Product, pricing and distribution
d. exchange

4. In the history of marketing, when did the production period end?

a)In the late 1800s
b) In the early 1900s
c) In the 1920s
d) After the end of the Second World War

5. The Coca Cola organization is an official sponsor of the Olympics. The firm is engaging
a) Place marketing
b) Event marketing
c) Person marketing
d) Organization marketing
6. Four competing philosophies strongly influence the role of marketing and marketing
activities within an organization. Which if the following is NOT a marketing management
a) Customer orientation
b) Profitability orientation
c) Marketing orientation
d) Competitor orientation

7. In terms of consumer behavior; culture, social class, and reference group influences have
been related to purchase and _______________.
A) Economic situations
B) Situational influences
C) Consumption decisions
D) Physiological influences

8. A marketing philosophy summarized by the phrase "a good product will sell itself" is
characteristic of the _________ period.
a) Production
b) Sales
c) Marketing
d) Relationship

9. Which of the following statements is correct?

a) Marketing is the term used to refer only to the sales function within a firm
b) Marketing managers usually don't get involved in production or distribution decisions
c) Marketing is an activity that considers only the needs of the organization, not the needs
of society as a whole
d) Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating,
communicating, delivering,and exchanging offerings that have value for customers,
clients, partners, and society at large

10. Consumer buying behavior refers to the buying behavior of

a. people who buy goods
b. People who buy services
c. consumer market
d. All of the above

11. Amit thought he had received the best deal on his new car. Shortly after the purchase,
Amit started to notice certain disadvantages of his new car as he learned more about other
cars available. Amit is experiencing ________.
a. selective perception
b. information evaluation
c. purchase decision
d. postpurchase culture
e. postpurchase cognitive dissonance
12. When preparing dinner for the party last year, Maria worried that her parents would hate
the fact that she served bought pumpkin pies rather than making her own. In terms of social
influences on her behavior, Maria was most concerned with _________________.
a. A primary reference group
b. A subculture influence
c. A secondary reference group
d. Cultural values

13. If a marketer decides to segment a market based on neighborhoods, the marketer will
have chosen the ________ method of segmentation.
A) demographic
B) psychographic
C) geographic
D) cultural
E) behavioral

14. Nita is a marketing manager of a large consumer foods company. She is studying the
price, promotion and the distribution of the company’s product. Nita is studying the
a. Marketing strategy
b. Marketing mix
c. Marketing plan
d. Market offering

15. Which of the following marketing management concepts is most likely to lead to
marketing myopia?
a) production
b) customer-driving marketing
c) selling
d) customer-driven marketing
e) societal marketing

16. Define Marketing.

17. List the scope of marketing
18. Describe Marketing Myopia.
19. Describe Brick and Click Model.
20. Define Marketing Environment
21. What is PESTLE Analysis?
22. Define Segmentation.
23. Define Positioning.
24. What are the criteria for effective segmentation?
25. What is market potential?
26. What is market share?
27. What is Niche marketing
28. What is long tail marketing?
29. What is local marketing?
30. How mass marketing is different from segment marketing?
31. Define USP.
32. Define consumer behavior.
33. What are various buying roles?
34. What is moment of truth?
35. What is zero moment of truth?
36. Define Marketing Mix.
37. List the 7Ps of Marketing Mix.
38. What are the characteristics of PLC?
39. What is the relevance of PLC?

(Note: In exam you will have to solve any 5 out of 8 questions)

Question No. 2: Cognitive Ability: Understanding (05 Marks each)
1) Compare Selling and Marketing
2) Explain the core concepts of marketing
3) Explain market place, space and Meta market.
4) Compare market and marketing.
5) Outline the need for analyzing the marketing environment.
6) Identify the various functions of a marketing manager.
7) Explain the major forces impacting the Macro Environment
8) Explain the forces impacting the Micro Environment.
9) Discuss the levels of Segmentation.
10) Explain the bases of segmentation for consumer markets
11) Explain the bases of segmentation for business markets.
12) Explain the concept of target market.
13) Discuss the criteria for selection of target market.
14) Describe the concept and criteria for target market
15) Discuss the various bases for segmentation
16) Summarize the various positioning strategies.
17) Distinguish the industrial and individual consumer buying behavior
18) Illustrate the 7Ps of Marketing Mix with example.
19) Explain value proposition with a suitable diagram.
20) Explain the consumer buyer decision process.
21) Explain the Product Life Cycle.
22) Explain the types of PLC and the strategies across stages of the PLC.
(Note: In exam you will have to solve any 2 out of 3 questions)
Question No. 3: Cognitive Ability: Applying (10 Marks each)
1) “The scope of marketing can be understood by studying various approaches to
marketing”. Determine the various approaches to marketing by considering the statement
given above.
2) Determine the evolution of Marketing in detail.
3) Determine the various forces impacting the macro and micro marketing environment.
4) Develop the PESTEL analysis for coffee shop.
5) Determine the steps involved in buying decision process for refrigerator.
6) “Marketing managers have to constantly take and revise their marketing decisions
considering the changes in the internal and external marketing environmental forces.”
Comment. Illustrate various types of environmental forces and factors influencing
marketing decisions.
7) Identify the criteria for effective segmentation.
8) Determine the various patterns of target market selection.
9) Illustrate the various positioning strategies.
10) “USP is a method of differentiating the product from the competition”. Apply this
statement in real life situations with the help of examples.
11) Design the marketing mix for anti dandruff shampoo and oil control soap.
12) Determine the PLC for NOKIA mobile phone and AMUL Butter.

(Note: In exam you will have to solve any 1 out of 2 questions)

Question No. 4: Cognitive Ability: Analyzing (10 Marks each)
1. Analyze the Macro & Micro Environment.
2. Distinguish between Product, Production, Selling & marketing concept. Give
appropriate examples.
3. ITC has recently forayed in FMCG segment and its offering various products. ITC
is posing as a challenger for established players in FMCG sector. The company is
offering range of products like, Agarbatti, Soap, Aatta, Shampoo, analyse the
product mix of the company,
4. Demonstrate the bases of segmentation for consumer goods & services.
5. Demonstrate the Levels of segmentation for automobile industry & online retail .
6. Illustrate the usefulness of consumer buyer decision process for electronics goods.
7. Undertake a micro environmental analysis for any one of the following.
I) Beauty parlour / salon.
II) LED smart TV
8. Marketing starts with analyzing marketing opportunities and ends with Customer
satisfaction. Apply the important stages of consumer buying process with its
marketing relevance.
9. Selling & Marketing : these two terms are the one we often hear in our day to day
life , but infact they are two different functions. Distinguish selling and marketing
concept in the light of above statement.
10. Comparing between organizational and consumer buying behavior.
(Note: In exam you will have to solve any 1 out of 2 questions)

Question No. 5: Cognitive Ability: Evaluating / Creating (10 Marks each)

1. Marketing manager have to take and revise their Marketing Decisions considering
the change in macro environmental forces” Comment. Explain various types of
environmental forces and factors influencing marketing decisions.
2. If you are able to know why & how consumer buy, what they buy, you can be
successful marketer” Comment and explain the various factors , which affect the
consumer buying behavior.
3. “The typical buying process consists of the following sequences of events: problem
recognition ,information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, and
postpurchase behavior. The marketer’s job is to understand the behavior at each
stage” Comment.
4. Patanjali Ayurved offering range of products like toothpaste, herbal shampoo,
Handwash, biscuits, skincare ,noodles etc. Analyze the product mix of the company.
Summarize necessary assumptions.
5. Develop the market segmentation bases for the following.
I) Two Wheeler ( bikes) II) LOREAL Skin care Products.
6. Suppose you are the newly appointed marketing VP for the Mahindra Reva
e2o.Create feasible strategic options. Be prepared to support your choice.
7. Develop a new sales promotion strategy for Apple Mobile phone , you will sell to a
major national advertiser.
8. If you are the marketing manager of the company. Create a marketing mix for the
followings products.
a. Electric -Car
b. Uber Eats
(Note: In exam you will have to solve any 1 out of 2 questions)

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