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After 10 months of the incidents, Karachi is revolutionized by US Army

and Pakistan Army. They got the situation under control. The place
where Sulthan blasted into pieces is forbidden now. All the Muslim
Terrorists gone home and they are waiting for leader. All are cursing the
Indian Actresses who made their association destroyed.

You all can see a figure which is trespassing the lines of Police and
Military and enters the blast area. He is all alone and covered his entire
body with a black blanket. Police drawn the outframe of the bodies of
Sulthan and his gang members with a white lines. That mysterious
figure took of the black blanket and its RASOOL. Rasool is literally
crying over that place where his friends and father where exploded into

Rasool “Dad.. My Brother.. I will rebuilt our Terrorism Association and I

will revenge for your death.. I WILL KILL Velan and those 4 bitches for
sure”. Rasool again covered his black blanket and coming out of the
place. While he is walking to come out he recollects the memory of that
how he escaped from the bomb blast from Velan.


As its been 10 Months, Journalists and Media didn’t care about that
incident. Also Trisha, Anushka, Samantha and Shruthi are the top 4
actrresses of Indian cinema. They all 4 are used to shut the mouths by
feeding their pussies to the reporter’s dick.

Velan is working as a SP of police department. He used to get services

from Shruthi, Samantha, Anushka and Trisha. Velan is pretty much
favourite to Anushka. Velan is also using these bitches to trap the
industrialists, criminals and politicians to get their crime with evidence.
But he managed to close the name of the actress.

One day...

Trisha is in the home alone with her mother, Uma Krishnan. Trisha’s dad
passed away in the 10 months and its all hard time for Trisha and Uma.
Trisha is not having a shoot today and she is relaxing her self with
sipping some hot whisky at home. She is wearing a tight tshirt and micro
mini skirt. She is holding a glass in left hand and right hand holding a
Apple Laptop.

Trisha’s personal email ID got a new mail. Trisha opened up in no time

and shocked to the core. Trisha even lost the alchaholic pleasure in a
minute and she completly broke down. It is the video where she got
tortured and fucked by the Pakistan Terrorists last year. The Video is
attached with the note as “I’m Coming for you”. Trisha immediately got
up from the chair.
Trisha calls up Samantha right away, Samantha picked up the call and
answered with a shivering tone “Trisha... Haaaveee you got that
maillllllll?”. Trisha “WTF, you also got that mail.. Who is playing”.
Samantha is bursted upto to tears that she is growing up into the ladder
now. Shruthi and Anushka reached the home of Trisha. Uma Krishnan
“What girls, all comes up at a time. Any problem”. Anushka is wearing a
pink kurdha tops and blue jeans. Shruthis is wearing a white tops and
black pant.
Trisha came out of her room and hugged Shruthi and Anushka. Anushka
and Shruthi hugged her back and telling her about the things going on
around them. Shruthi is really panicked that she tricked Sulthan to the
dead and she knows she will get a higher punishment than others.
Trisha and Anushka is preparing their defense and trying to reach Velan.
Velan’s call attended by some other cop and informed them that he is in
the crime scene.

Samantha is in the shooting of “Kaththi” a upcoming movie of

Ilayathalapathy Vijay. Samantha is taking more takes than usual to
finish just a dialogue scene which is irritating the crew. Director is
scolding Samantha for this stupidity and lack of performances.
Samantha is saying excuses and moved on to her caravan.
Samantha is cursing herself for messing up the scene and it will not be
good for her career. Samantha instantly called Velan. Velan is in the
investigation of crime scene where a wife killed her own husband for the
affair with her lover. Velan picked up the call “Sammu darling, chellam..
Tell me”. Samantha “where are you velan.. I want to meet you. When we
can meet?”. Velan “enna di.. seems like you are in sema(very ) mood”.

Samantha is controlling her tears “Velan, don’t play.. you only sent that
video, right?”. Velan is puzzled with her statement, “me.. Which video,
darls”. Samantha “please.. please.. don’t play.. I cant act.. i cant eat since I
saw that video.. Please.. tell me the truth, Velan.. I am ready to get fucked
daily even to you. Don’t play with me” Samantha is crying when she
tells all this.

Velan “cool down, Samantha.. Whats going on.. Anything wrong?”..

Velan is concerned and thinking whats going on. Velan is looking
around and coming to isolated place. Velan is looking at someone in the
distant place walking towards the opposite direction of him. Velan
insisted Samantha “tell me, sammu. Whats wrong? What video”.
Samantha explained the video from Pakistan of last year.

Velan is dumbstrucked that he never expected that this will resurrect.

Velan “ Samantha, I think someone is playing.. Rasool and Sulthan both
are dead.. Someone might got the video from internet and threatening
you”. Samantha “the video came not only to me, Trisha also got this”.

Velan “What?”. Velan “Noway.. Sulthan exploded into the pieces..

Rasool died in a explosion”. Velan heard the words from behind that
“Not Really”. Velan turns back to see who it is and he got the cricket bat
smashed his head and he falls on the floor unconscious. That guy picked
up the mobile, “Samantha Bitch, We are coming for you.. Our Bhai,
Rasool is still alive. We will get you again. As a matter of warning, we
take Velan with us. Next is Shruthi. Tell her to get ready, Bitch”.

Samantha is scared to the core with the sounds and matter she heard
now. Samantha Screamed like a bitch who is seeing a devil and fell
unconscious in the floor. Movie crew rushed into the caravan and
Samantha is hospitalized.

In the meantime, Velan is disappeared. He is not found anywhere and

Cops are in manhunt but no positive results or traces. Samantha is still in
the hospital and she thought its safe to be there than to be in home and
got kidnapped. Samantha just passed the message to Shruthi who is in
the shooting of “POOJAI”.
Shruthi is doing a song with Vishal in a item song by wearing a very
exposing dress. Shruthi got this message in her iphone and panicked.
Shruthi immediately went to the director that she got some strain in her
ankle and can’t dance. Director and Dance Master irritated but still she is
a daughter of big icon and leading actress, they excused her. Shruthi
went to the dressing room and changed to the black tshirt and black

Shruthi Immediately left the place to the car and asking the driver to
move to the hospital to meet Samantha. Car is moving to the road and
following up the truck. Shruthi “Driver anna, move to KG Hospital..
Fast”. Driver is keeping silent and driving in the straight direction.
Shruthi is calling and informing the matters to Trisha and Anushka.

Driver “is there any problem”. Shruthi “no Anna, just drive. Samantha is
ill it seems”. Driver “Are you sure”. Shruthi “What else.. why are you
asking, Anna”. Driver “Sorry Shruthi.. I supposed to hand over to the
real leader, Rasool”. Shruthi is shocked to hear from her long time driver
“Anna”. Driver “Sorry Shruthi.. I am afterall a poor driver. Last time
Also, I only framed up you. Sorry, Shruthi”. Driver is driving the car to
the isolated area now.

Shruthi is recollecting the memories what all happened to her last year
in Pakistan. Shruthi “driver anna, please stop the car.. I will give
anything you want.. please let me go”. Driver “Sorry Shruthi.. I can’t.
They have my family.. I can’t double cross them”. Shruthi “aiyo anna, I
give you whatever the money.. I call the cops right away and save your
family.. please”. Driver is driving and thinking, “still not ok ma”.
Shruthi “Anna, naan un poola sappi viduren (I will suck your dick),
Please help me”. Driver dumbstrucked and stopped the car in a side of
the road.

Shruthi is opening the door and trying to run. Driver got out and closed
the door with a switch. Driver gets into the car, “ I risk myself and family
for you.. do it do it now”. Driver is removing the pant buckles and pulled
it down. Driver is showing his black 6 inch dick to Shruthi. Shruthi is
disgusted with it and looking around. Still its her BMW and parked in
the side of the road. But can hear the moving vehicles and peoples
walking. Shruthi “Anna, its too public. Lets go home and I will suck you

Driver “Don’t be so smart, BITCH. Do it now or lets meet Rasool”.

Shruthi is like a hurry, immediately bent forward and sucking his dick.
Driver holds the head of the shruthi and directing her to suck his dick.
Shruthi opened her mouth wide and gulps his cock. Shruthi is sucking
dick by taking it completely. Driver is feeling the heaven.

Shruthi is sucking it and licking his dick head with her tongue. Shruthi
is insecure as its public and also afraid to lose her credit in the society.
Driver grabbed her boob over her tshirt. Shruthi just rolls her eyeballs
towards him and asking him “what” with her eyes. Driver is squeezing
her boobies which is more than handful. Shruthi is showing the pain in
her sucking course.

Shruthi is sucking him big time, and Shruthi is bloody sucker who is
making driver’s nerves are in the peak pleasure. Driver cummed into the
mouth of Shruthi Hassan. Shruthi is spitting on the mat of the car.
Shruthi “enna anna (what ), cummed in my mouth. I never drink cums”.
Driver is laughing till his head blasted into the pieces with a gun shot.
Shruthi’s face is with all the blood of the driver. Shruthi’s car door is
broken and opened. Shruthi is in freak of horror and panicked to the
Shruthi Hassan Kidnapped and Groped by her fans - 1

Shruthi freaked in horro and screaming like anything. But the 2 guys
pulled the car door and taken it away to the side of the road. Shruthi is
trying to run in other window but dead driver blocking the way. In her
attempt, one guy hold the ankle of Shruthi and pulling her out of the car.
Shruthi is holding the driver and slowly he snatched out of the car.
Other guy gave her a tight slap to her face. Shruthi’s beautiful lips got a
tear and bleeding now.

Shruthi instantly let her tears flow from her eyes and looking at the
guys. A xylo car is reaching them from far and 20 people suddenly enters
that area and setting the lightings and shooting set ups. Shruthi puzzled
with whats going on around here. Shruthi “leave me.. Leave me alone”.
As a top star of current age, Shruthi Hassan standing in the crowd,
people are forming to watch her. The guys are stopping them.
Xylo reached the spot and black shirt, blue jean figure is approaching
Shruthi. Shruthi recognized him that he is none other than its Rasool.
Rasool taking off his spects and approaching her. Shruthi “What.. You..
how.. You’re alive.. Nope”. She is screaming like a bitch. A Police patrol
jeep is approaching the spot where Shruthi kept hold. Rasool is looking
at the jeep with a smile and the crowd.

Rasool “so, shruthi.. You spoiled my entire gang.. Killed my dad.. You
made me who I am today, an Orphan”. Shruthi “no no.. I didn’t do that.
Its velan.. Please forgive me.. Let me GOOOOOOO”. One in the fan is
asking and shouting “Leave my goddess.. Don’t hold her like this”.
Rasool turns towards him and saying in with a smiling face “Hey Boss,
this is the scene for Yevadu 2, Here we are going to film a rape scene of
Shruthi, Ram Charan will revenge the rapists is the story. Special thing
is.. Rapists are you, people”. Shruthi opened her mouth wide open in

Crowd is confused with words and giving mixed reaction towards him.
Rasool continues that “Yes.. You all can touch, massage your goddess.
We will shoot it and edit it for the movie. It is Shruthi’s personal
interest.”. While he is explaining cops arrived and looking at them.

A guy holding Shruthi is setting the knife on the ass crack of her over
her skirt and whispers “Nod at Rasool as yes or knife will rest in your
ass”. Shruthi is nodding her head as yes immediately. Cops are looking
at Shruthi and crowd and cursed Shruthi for being a bitch like this and

Shruthi is begging to Rasool “please don’t do this.. Please let me go.. I

will suck your dick even.. Please Rasool.. I did many things to you.
Remember that.. Velan only tricked me.. Please”. Rasool “yeah.. You did
many things to me.. You killed my father... Velan.. He is no more..I killed
him and thrown at the sea”. Shruthi shocked to the core to hear that.
Rasool signals something to guys. Guys instantly holds the tshirt of
Shruthi and tore up to two pieces. She is standing with bra and skirt.

Everyone is looking at her and even some in the crowd holds their crotch
after the very moment they stare on shruthi with a black bra and skirt.
Her white skin is shining with sweat in the bright day light. Shruthi is
struggling to get her hands free and run. Rasool turns to the crowd and
calling the people “who wants to be groper and rapist? I want this scene
to be real and Shruthi wants to make their masturbators... oops.. Fans
happy.. Do what you gotta do”.

A fan who talks first is comes forward first and runs towards Shruthi.
Shruthi is watching the low caste black fan of her with a disgusting look.
Rasool hugs shruthi and whispers “if you say its a set up and we are
terrorists, You will meet the same fate of your driver”. Shruthi is crying
more and looking at him stunned.
Shruthi Hassan is trying to move away but failed to move as she is in the
hold two rogue terrorists. Rasool moved away from the scene and a guy
who is acting as a director shouts “ACTION!!!”. True and Real fan of
Shruthi Hassan walked towards Shruthi as a running walk. Shruthi
Panicked and begging to him, “Hey!! Please.. Don’t do that. It is a set up..
Please please.. Public is watching me.. No No..”.

Fan replied “Yes Shruthi Madam, It is a shooting set up, I know that. You
are too great. Most actresses are not even ready to see us. But you are
giving your body to us. You’re Great”. Rasool is smiling and sipping a
coke. Rasool “hey boss, Start the action. Camera is rolling, man.”. Fan turns
to Rasool “Oh sorry sir”. Fan instantly hugged Shruthi and kissing her
neck and rubbing his own face with her face.

Shruthi is trying to struggle, Shruthi is trying her knees to keep in between

the fan and her to stop him but he pushed her knees down and hugged her
very tightly.Shruthi is slowly giving up as everyone is watching her.
Director “Wow.. Great acting, madam.. Keep on coming.”. Rasool is
smiling at her cruelly and says “Keep on Cumming, Bitch”.

Fan is holding her boobs and squeezing it hard with both palms. Shruthi is
moaning “aaah.. pls..p ls.. don’t do this...”. Fan is understanding that as she
is in character and acting as real. Shruthi is slowly biting her lips with her
own and its her long time wish that to have grope and sex in the road. Fan
is bending forward and kissing on her neck to boobies. Fan is kissing and
pressing her body over her dress.

Director “Undress her, man. What are you waiting for “. Fan is shocked
and surprised to hear that, “Really?”. Fan is looking shruthi, slowly placing
his palm over her shoulder and pulling her bra straps down through her
arm. Shruthi is looking at him with anger and threatening “Don’t you dare
to do this.. you know who i am ?”. Fan is backing off and stopped pulling
the straps. Rasool comes to the scene, slapped tight on Shruthi. Shruthi’s
face cheeks jiggled with a slap and turns red.

Fan is looking at Rasool with horrified look. Rasool winks at fan and
whispers “its all part of the script. Go on, man. Enjoy your luck”. Fan is
feeling shy and excited to see his goddess semi nude. Fan immediately
pulls the straps down and Shruthi’s self made boobies pops out and
shining as star in a bright day light with sweats.

Rasool grabbed Shruthi’s right boob, Shruthi is staring at rasool and

begging “Please rasool.. I will do anything.. Not here daaa”. Fan without
any permission, Grabbed the left boob of Shruthi. Shruthi is feeling the 4
hands of two men on her body. Fan is pressing and accessing her more
than Rasool.

Rasool “now you understand, people loves actresses only for her body not
for performance or acting, Bitch”. Shruthi is being silent that she is
accepting the bitter truth.

Rasool is kissing on Shruthi’s lips and biting her lips to hurt her. Shruthi’s
giving a expressions which is mixed up of lust, shame, anger and pleasure.
Fan is excited bit much and started sucking Shruthi’s nipples in the public.
Rasool is kissing her lips like her long time lover. Terrorists who is holding
Shruthi left off and Rasool hugged her tight. Terrorists pulled her thong
down and kissing and licking her ass from behind. Shruthi is feeling 8
hands over her body and 4 men are enjoying her in a day light and in a
public outdoor.

Some people in the crowd couldn’t hide their erection and few unzips and
jerking over there itself. Female fans and crowd slowly getting dissolved
from the place. Police people also left from the place.

Rasool now stopped his act and hold the fan back. Rasool “enough kid.. It
is time to hit a reality”. Fan and crowd is looking at him puzzled. Rasool is
explaining them as “My name is Rasool.. I am one of the leading
TERRORIST of the world”. Crowd and Fan are shocked to the core and few
are moving from that place slowly.

Rasool is calling them all “Wait.. INDIANS”. Shruthi is still standing in that
crowd completely naked. Shruthi gave up too much as she didn’t even try
to hide her lady parts after the groping been stopped.

Rasool “Indians, This country didn’t give you anything. You have to pay
for worst education.. You have to pay high for normal lifestyle.. in
America, Rape rate is so less cause there teenagers have sex often. But here
in ASIA, in the name of your stupid culture, Girls and boys holded from
sex till they are married. It is the main reason for rape, affairs and all
stupidity. I offer you a chance that, LIKE SHRUTHI, I will give you the
chance to fuck, and enjoy India’s leading actresses. Join with me. Living for
100 years and not even enjoying a single pleasure??? Or die young and
enjoy all the pleasures.”

Crowd is murmuring between themselves.. Fan is looking at rasool and

Naked Shruthi Hassan. Naked Shruthi Hassan is motivating many of the
crowd. Fan “Rasool, My name is Saravanan. I want to join with you.”
Rasool hugged him as acceptance. Around 30 youngsters joins with Rasool
on that event. Rasool is writing something in the paper in the meantime, 30
new terrorist members and Shruthi is taken into their custody through a
Tempo Traveller Van.
Rasool done writing on the paper and pasted it Shruthi’s car. Rasool gets
into his Xylo car and started the car.



A Crime scene immediately got covered up with the cops and news
reporters who are trying to write cover stories. But before the reporters
gets into the field police removed that paper note from the car and hides
it from the media and people. Police department is puzzled with who did
this massacre to the leading actress of south India. Since the the note
contains the name of Trisha, they are calling Trisha to inform that but in
a secret manner.

In the same time, Trisha is in the hospital where Samantha is admitted.

Anushka is on her way to meet Samantha. Trisha reached the room of
Samantha and both are hugging each other. Trisha “What happened,
dear. I got your sms, Velan”. Samantha in a speedy and scared tone “I i ...
Dont know about those.. but Rasooll... is back... they are hunting us
agaaain...”. Samantha’s eyes are filled with tears and rolling out to
cheeks. Trisha is also scared but not to terrify Samantha she is wiping
her tears and saying “It may be a prank call. Velan known for games..
Don’t worry”. Trisha’s mobile is ringing now.

Trisha picked up the call and says “Hello.. Trisha here.. Who is this?”.

DGP “Hello Miss. Trisha, This is DGP of Police. Where are you now?”

Trisha instantly got up from the bed and her face turns to serious which
made Samantha to terrify more. Samantha “Trisha.. what happened”.
Trisha “Yes sir.. sure.. Tell me, sir. What happened?”.

DGP “We received a mysterious note from Shruthi’s Car Accident zone.”

Trisha is shocked to hear that Shruthi’s car met accident. “Sir, what are
you saying? Shruthi’s car met accident? What happened to Shruthi”.
Samantha got up from the bed and horrified to the core.

DGP “Shruthi’s not in the car it seems, its highly confidential. Come and
meet me in the office. I will explain you that”.

Trisha “Oh ok, sir. I am on my way..”. Trisha is explaining everything to

Samantha and Trisha moved away from the room. Samantha is went
back to the bed and covered herself with the blanket and saying prayers.

Trisha is hurried to her car and clashes with the man who is on suit and
black coat. Trisha is almost falls down and manages to turn back and its
her worst nightmare. Trisha is facing Rasool face to face and Trisha is
dumbstrucked. Trisha “You.... Rasooll”.. Trisha fell down backwards and
crawling backwards. Rasool is just smiling at her and walks forward to
her. Trisha got up and don’t want to make a scene as if she do that, it will
get her Pakistan events to people and media.

Trisha reached the parking lot and waving at her driver to get the car to
her. But car is not starting up, Trisha is focussing on the driver seat and
its empty. Trisha is cursing that “where the fuck is driver”. Trisha turns
back over her shoulder and she is watching that Rasool is following her.
Trisha is moving to her car and looking around. A Maruthi Swift comes
forward and the driver seat is occupied by Osthi Velan. Velan
“Seekiram, Eru(Get in fast)”. Trisha without thinking a bit, gets into the
car and hugs Velan and pouring him with kisses. Rasool is looking at
Trisha is getting escaped from him and he is chasing the car by running
but failed to catch the car.

Trisha is kissing the cheeks of Velan and licking his earlobes with a
tight hug. Velan “hey, enough baby..”. Velan is wearing a green shirt and
black jeans. Velan “I am dead for the department and missing for the
media. But I am in undercover again”. Trisha “For what? Whats going
on? How Rasool is in india now”.

Velan “I will explain you on your way. DGP call is a fake one”. Trisha
“How do you know about that”. Velan “err.. I am taping your mobile
number calls.”. Trisha “Thank god, Osthi. You are there to help me.
Where are we going now”. Velan “To the home of Sunny Leone”. Trisha
“Are you kidding me, Sunny leone” asking with a smile.

Velan “That is your only way out. Sunny leone is staying in India due to
her continuous schedules. I helped her once and She is helping me now.
Ask Anushka to go to your home and secure your mom”. Trisha “But..
Samantha?”. Velan “She is already taken by Rasool this time”. Trisha
shocked to the core.

Rasool enters to the room of Samantha. Samantha is shivering in fear

and almost dead to see Rasool in person. Samantha is about to scream
but that is interrupted by the magnum gun of Rasool penetrated to her
mouth “Go on, Bitch.. Scream.. if you do.. Your head will get a hole on
your back”. Samantha is holding her hands like a prayer and crying out
“Please rasool.. Leave me. I can;t take one more trip to Pakistan and all”.

Rasool “I am in no mood to forgive you. I need money and team. For

both, You should help me. I signed with a new porn movie maker. It
should be done right now. Get up and get ready. Don’t make things
complicated. I am ready to kill anyone. Don’t be that ANYONE.”.
Samantha nods her head in acceptance and got up from the bed.
Samantha “How you came here?”. Rasool “Nobody knows me in India. I
am break free here”. Samantha changed into the casual dress and
discharged from Hospital with rasool.

Trisha and Velan reached the buglaw of Sunny Leone. Trisha “is that
bitch in the home”. Velan “No she used to be. But not now. She is in the
shooting of some hindi movie”. Trisha is looking at velan “this time
what is your fees?”. Velan holds her ass over her white single piece
dress. Trisha is looking at him “Velan, you want sex in this deadly
situation”. Velan “Well, Sex is my food” winks at Trisha.
Velan carried Trisha to his arms and taken her to the bed room. Velan
put her on the bed and falls over her. Trisha also knows that Velan is the
only way out from this problem so she decided to give whatever he
wants. Velan inserted his palm to the dress of Trisha and feeling her
thighs and ass.

Trisha is locking his lips with her own and sucking saliva. Velan is
kissing on her lips and sucking it one by one. Velan is kissing on her
neck and his hands cupped her boobs over the dress. Trisha is
automatically spreading her legs and wraps his head with her arms in a
tight romantic hug and kiss.

Trisha and Velan is rolling on the bed. Trisha is sitting over Velan and
pulling her white dress from the top. Trisha is wearing some costly white
panty and white bra. Velan holds her boobies with his palms. Trisha is
bending forward to kiss him and says “For my saviour. My body is my
treat to him”. Velan is smiling at her and caressing her back. Velan is
feeling like heaven to touch and hug the body of Trisha. Velan is kissing
on her neck, then boobies by unhooking the bra hooks. Trisha is
pressing his face towards her boobies. Velan is making love bites and
sucking the nipples of Trisha. Trisha is stretching her back to feed Velan
with more the boobies. Velan is pinching her ass by inserting his hand to
her panty.. running his mid finger over ass crack.

Bed room door is opened slightly and gorgeous of the world Sunny
Leone enters to the room in a saree “Hey Velan.. Whats.... TRISHA...”
asking with excitement and happiness.
Sunny Leone is standing over there like a Indian queen in a saree. Sunny
is smiling at Velan and Trisha. Trisha immediately got down to the bed
and wrapped herself with the bed sheet. Velan “Hey Sunny, is
everything okay now”. Sunny is giggling and says “Ok for me.. seems
perfect to you”. Trisha is just staring Velan and Sunny.

Velan is removing his shirt and puts on the bed. Sunny spreads her arms
open and hugs Velan. Velan hugs her back and both peck on the cheeks
of each other. Velan is caressing her body infront of Trisha. Trisha is
calling Velan “Hey, what you both are doing? You said, she is in
shooting.. But she is here”. Sunny is giving her trademark slutty smile to
Trisha, “it is ok, trisha. Feel like home. Be my guest”. Trisha is feeling
awkward to talk with a pornstar “thanks, sunny leone”.

Sunny Leone smiles at Velan and Trisha. Sunny “Hey Vela, I wants to
refresh myself. You jiust finish what you started. I will be right back”.
Sunny is swaying her ass by walking towards the bathroom. Velan is
looking at it with wide opened eyes. Trisha throws her bra towards
Velan “Dei.. what are you staring at.. Did we never showed that before?”.
Velan “Imported is better than local” saying it teasingly.

Trisha is showing a fake anger and getting up “Fine, Mr. Officer.. I am

waiting in the living room” by wrapping the bed sheet around her body
she is trying to move. Velan holds the bed sheet edge and stripped
Trisha into just with panties. Trisha “Hey Velan, Sunny is here..”. Velan
“she is no stranger to nude and naked”. Sunny from Bathroom “Yeah
Velan.. You are right..” Giggles.
Trisha is feeling shy for the first time and giggles too. Velan hugged
Trisha and planted his lips over her lips. Trisha is hesitating at the
beginning and co operating with velan now. Velan is crossing his face to
his lips pressing Trisha’s lips. Trisha gave herself to Velan to enjoyed by
him. Velan inserted his palm on her panty and grabbed her ass. Trisha
put her hand on Velan’s crotch and grabbed his dick over the pant.

Velan is unbuckling his pant with his one hand and other hand on the
ass of Trisha. Trisha is kissing him erotically with exchanging the saliva.
Velan is fingering Trisha’s asshole. Trisha “oohh.. hey.. what da”. Velan
is just smiling and putting her on the bed. Velan removed his pant and
his underwear. Velan’s dick is giving her a royal salute by his 9 inch cock
stands straight towards Trisha. Trisha is looking at it with fond “what
da.. too much stiffness today?”. Velan “Double treat na. Other’s dick will
be exploded if they see Sunny Leone and Trisha together in a same

Trisha and Velan is smiling together and Trisha voluntarily swallowed

the dick of Velan to her mouth. Velan is folding his hands behind his
head and pumping her mouth with his dick. Trisha is holding the thighs
of Velan for support, Trisha is sucking his dick strong and heavy. Velan
grabbed the head of Trisha with her hair and fucking her mouth in a face
fuck. Trisha is sucking his dick as a professional sucker and her tongue
is teasing rubbing pressing the dick head of velan.

Sunny Leone came out of the room with just a towel wrapped around her
white awesome body. Sunny removed the towel and standing infront of
the mirror. Trisha can feels the shivering of the Velan’s cock and she is
looking at velan. Velan is staring at the ass and side boobs of Sunny
Leone with lust filled eyes.

Sunny Leone is watching the blowjob of Trisha. Sunny is smiling at

herself “Trisha, You sucks like a professional. Great to see Indian girls
do that.”. Trisha is feeling bit ashamed of her comment, about to take her
mouth away from his cock. Velan hold her head with both hand and
fucking her mouth like anything in a forced face fuck. VElan’s cock
completly gone into the mouth of Trisha and His balls touching the lips
of Trisha. Trisha is looking at Velan and begging to stop him with eyes.

Sunny is walking towards Velan sexily with her pussy, boobs, lips and
eyes are visible. Velan is looking at Sunny leone like that and his dick is
trembling like a heart beat. Trisha is sucking it by full pressure and
using her tongue to give full pleasure to Velan. Velan grabbed the boobs
of Trisha with his both palm and squeezing it harder. Trisha let out the
tears from her eyes.

Sunny Leone came closer “Easy on Trisha, Velu... If you are trying to
show yourself as a tough bad ass to me.. Try me”. Sunny Leone is saying
it like inviting for sex with sex filled body and lust filled eyes. Trisha is
looking at Sunny in a side sight of her eyes. Sunny Leone wrapped the
shoulders with her arms. Sunny is kissing on the lips of Velan and
Trisha is sucking the Velan’s dick at the same time.
Sunny Leone vs. Trisha III

Velan is hugging Sunny leone tightly as enjoying her soft body. Sunny
Leone as a professional fucker, Sunny is kissing him back so erotically.
Sunny and Velan is kissing like a pure divine lovers, Trisha is still in the
kneeling position and stopped sucking the dick of Velan. Velan’s dick is
still inside the mouth of Trisha, Velan holds the head of Trisha and
pushing her forward to himself. Sunny Leone placed her another hand
on the Trisha’s head and she grabbed the hair of Trisha.

Trisha is staring at both of them with a shock, Velan and Sunny Leone
are pushing her head in a speedy manner. Trisha just opened her mouth
wide to take Velan’s cock and Velan is fucking her mouth like her pussy.
Sunny Leone “It is great to have sex with you and trisha, Velan”. Velan
“my pleasure, Sunny”.
Sunny is smiling sexily and placed her palm under her right boob.
Sunny is lifting it up “Suck this, Velan.. my nipples are erected like
anything”. Velan bent forward and sucking Sunny’s nipples. Sunny put
her leg on the bed over the head of Trisha. Trisha is looking around the
circumstances. Velan pulled his dick out from Trisha to avoid releasing
the sperm soon. Trisha is coughing and breathing heavy as she just
released from forced face fuck.

Sunny Leone is turning the face of Trisha to herself and placed the face
of Trisha in her cunt. Trisha is shocked to the core with her act. Sunny
Leone is rubbing her pussy over the face of Trisha. Trisha is smelling the
cunt of Sunny Leone. Sunny Leone is pressing the face of velan in her
boobies and face of Trisha into her crotch. Trisha is trying to move away,
but another hand over her head pushing to Sunny’s pussy and that’s the
hand of Velan.

Trisha is trying to struggle but she accepted the situation that Sunny
Leone is the who is providing her a shelter and food. Velan is the one
who is protecting her from the terrorists. Trisha accepted the fact and
holds the Ass of Sunny Leone. Trisha is licking and kissing the lips of
Sunny Leone. Sunny Leone is so happy and excited that Indian Superstar
is sucking her pussy. Sunny Leone “Oh Trisha, You are so humble.. Oh

Velan’s dick is ready for one more round, Velan moved to the Ass of
Trisha. Sunny is accessing the head of Trisha and Trisha realized whats
going to happen. Trisha got up from kneeling position and bent forward
with sucking the pussy of Sunny Leone. Sunny Leone is moved to the
bed with spread legs, Trisha is also crawling over the bed and keep on
licking and sucking the pussy of Sunny Leone.

Sunny Leone “shhhh.. aaaah... oh god.. So good to feel Indian tongue

over my pussy.. aaaahhh”. Trisha is licking like a Bitch, Trisha is sucking
and teasing the Clit of Sunny Leone. Velan is accessing the ass of Trisha,
scratching it with the finger nails. Trisha jumped in pain “oooooooh...
Dei.. be gentle raa”.
Sunny Leone got up in the bed and hugs Trisha. Trisha’s boobs and
Sunny Leone’s boobies are crushing against each other. Their nipples are
rubbing each others. Sunny Leone is kissing the lips of Trisha. Velan is
feels like ejaculating as two top masturbation queens of the world in the
same bed and doing a lesbian action.

Sunny Leone inserted the 3 fingers to the Pussy of Trisha and jerking it.
Trisha “aaaaah.. Sunny... Your fingers know the tricks”. Sunny “No
wonder in that.. I am a pornstar, Trisha”. Trisha and Sunny Leone are
smiling and exchanging the lip kiss with Saliva exchange.

Trisha is feeling some hot rod is penetrating to her pussy and its Velan’s
dick. Sunny and Velan hugged each other by keeping Trisha in between
us. Sunny Placed her face over the shoulder of Trisha. Velan is kissing
Sunny Leone with fucking Trisha in a 3 body and one position fuck.
Trisha hugged tight Sunny Leone and all three are engaged in the sex

Trisha is fingering the pussy of Sunny Leone. Trisha’s cunt is taken care
by the dick of Velan. Sunny Leone “Oh do it.. Baby... oh... ss....
yeaaaaaaaa... oh fuck........”. Trisha is murmuring and its a real good
experience to be fucked with a porn star and police officer. Trisha’s
pussy is dripping so soon with her pre cum.

Velan grabbed the boobs of Trisha from behind and giving hard strokes
from behind. Trisha is taking it everything with pleasure and happiness.
Sunny Leone slowly spread her legs and falls back on the bed. Velan
pushed the head of Trisha forward to suck Sunny’s pussy. Trisha is
tongue fucking the cunt of Sunny Leone. Velan is fucking in a doggy
pose of Trisha’s pussy. Trisha cummed in 10 minutes. Sunny is just
enjoying the tongue work of Trisha.

Trisha is tired due to the cumming and falls over the cunt of Sunny
Leone. Sunny Leone is laughing at Trisha “oh tired, Baby.. How will you
endure the fucking sessions of Pakistani and my movie crew boys”.
Trisha heard the words and its processed by her brain, Trisha got up
instantly as fire touched her pussy. Trisha “what are you talking about,
Sunny?”. Velan cummed deep into the pussy of Trisha and is getting up
from the bed.

Trisha is looking around and got up from the bed, standing naked.
Sunny got up from the bed and opens the drawer from dressing table.
Sunny took out a pistol gun and pointing it to Trisha “Don’t try to run,
Indian bitch.”. Trisha is puzzled and shocked. Trisha is full sweating as
she is standing infront of the gun point and she released urine in fear.

Velan “Easy Easy, Sunny.. She is the major contribution of our deal”.
Sunny “I am not going to kill her, Don’t worry, Playboy cop” giggles.
Trisha is looking at Velan and Sunny with tears filled eyes “Velan, What
is going on.. you too??”.

Velan “ No other options.. I joined with Rasool.”. Sunny “So I am”.

Trisha “What is your role, Sunny in this..”. Velan “I answer this, Trisha.
Last time we blowed up the entire team of Sulthan and Rasool. We
destroyed the movie units”. Sunny Continues “I own the movie team for
my X movies. Me and Rasool came to terms that, we are producing the
Movies featuring Indian Actresses”. Velan concludes it “They will get
money from it and rebuild their association”.

Their Bedroom’s door opened with a bang and Rasool is coming in from
that entrance with holding Samantha with him. Trisha is looking back at
Rasool and fell down the mat due to over shocking moment and flat out
from consciousness.
Anushka Shetty and Kajal Agarwal’s struggle with Terrorists I

Rasool is laughing out loud at Trisha who is laying down on the floor
naked over her own urine. Samantha is standing beside helpless and
looking at Velan with a hatred. Samantha “Why Velan why”. Velan is
just smiling sarcastically “Survival”. Samantha “shit, You are asshole,
Velan”. Vwlan smiles back “Thank you”. Sunny Leone “Ok sweethearts,
Lets vacate and roll”. Rasool “Not so fast, We still want Anushka from
the old team”.

Sunny Leone is smiling with doubtful “Still mad at her pussy, Huh?”.
Rasool “Nothing like that, Sunny. She knows who i am and whats going
on.”. Velan “ I will go after her”. Rasool is thinking for a moment and
says “Nope. It is enough. Anushka Shetty is clever than Trisha. Also I
don’t trust you completely.”.

Velan is not showing any expression to Rasool “So who it will be”.
Rasool “ My new recruit, Saravanan will go after her”. Sunny Leone “
Velan knows where we can find Anushka shetty.”. Velan is showing the
irritation “ She is on her way to the home of Trisha.”. Velan is waking up
Trisha by pouring Water over her face. Samantha is shouting at Velan
“You betrayed your nation and us, You sucker”.

Rasool “Yeah he knows that. You will soon, Samantha”. Velan “When an
Indian raised tennis player turned to Pakistani wife. Why don’t I, Bitch”.
Sunny Leone “Well I am not an Indian and A Pakistan. I am business
women.. hahahah”. Rasool take up his mobile and sending orders to his
newly formed team.

Rasool “Velan, You are also one of my prisoners till I trust you”. Velan
“so”. Rasool signals his team terrorists, One guy handcuff Velan and
Samantha with a single handcuff chain. Velan, Trisha and Samantha are
taken to the bus which is designed as School bus. Velan is looking at the
appearance of the bus. Sunny Leone is talking with Rasool, “I don’t trust
Velan either. Then why we keep him on loop. Lets kill him”. Rasool “we
can use him to trap this girls and government at some point”
Rasool turns and looking at Velan.
Anushka shetty is wearing a Yellow checked tops and blue jeans. Her
mobile is getting a beep that message received from Trisha. Anushka
shetty opened it up immediately and reads it. It is a warning message
from Trisha and Rasool is alive.

Anushka shetty is getting a fever instantly and shocked to the core.

Anushka Shetty is immediately trying to Reach Samantha, shruthi and
Trisha. All mobile phones are switched off. Anushka is getting
something fuzzy is going on. Anushka is standing in a mall where she
saw the news that Shruthi’s car got accident. Anushka shetty realised
that it began.

Anushka is thinking about how we can escape from this, Anushka

knows that Kajal Agarwal is the only girl who came from Pakistan as a
survivor which is informed to her through Velan. Anushka is calling
Kajal Agarwal immediately.

Kajal is in the shooting of some jewellery shop advertisement and she

picks the call. Anushka just informed that she wants to meet her
regarding some beauty tips. Kajal is so much happy that Yoga teacher is
asking beauty tips to her and Kajal asked her to come to Shooting spot.

Anushka is taking her BMW Car from the parking lot of the that Mall.
Anushka kicks the accelerator and car rised up like a horse and it banged
in the auto of the local city, Chennai. Auto guy came out from the Auto,
“Dei chi.. Veliye vaa (hey come out)”. Anushka is cursing her day and
comes out, Auto guy is completely out of his mind that its Anushka.

Anushka “how much you want”. Auto guy “madam, my name is Rajan.. I
am your big fan.. “. Anushka is giving a fake smile “ok rajan, nice to
meet you. I am in a hurry to move.. please let me go.. here it is “.
Anushka is giving some 1000 rupees note to him. Auto guy now changed
his tone “ Get into the Auto, Anushka”. Anushka “What? I have my car..
why should I?”. Auto guy spreads his auto driver kaaki coat, he is having
a pistol gun in his pant stuffed. Anushka is about to gets into the car,
next to the driver seat Saravanan is sitting and he is having the car key in
his hand.

Anushka realised the situation that she is trapped. Raj is asking

Saravanan that “Get her mobile, Saran”. Saran snatched the mobile and
saw Kajal’s number. Saravanan “she discussed something with Kajal. I
take Anushka’s Business card and will meet Kajal. She may planned
something”. Anushka is running in the road as these two are discussing.
Saran “hey Raj, Go and catch that bitch. Let me catch Kajal”.

Raj left the auto in that place itself and chasing Anushka. Anushka is
running in the area of Express Avenue in Chennai to the next area in to
Royapettah bachelor mansions. People are looking at Anushka running
and auto driver with gun is chasing over her. Crowd understood as some
shooting is going by themselves.

Anushka finally take a turn to some bachelors mansion and entered to

the room where some 20 – 25 years old guys who are 5 members just in
their pants who are preparing for the office and they are surprised to the
core to see Anushka in their dirty room. Anushka “please.. shhhhh..
Don’t make noise. Let me stay for sometime”. Most perverted guy of that
room “If you want us to keep silent, stuff your boobies into my mouth”.

Anushka shocked to the core but its a good deal comparing to get caught
by the Pakistan terrorist. Anushka is hearing the footsteps climbing the
stairs and here and there. The footstep noises must be Raj’s running
noises. In the meantime, Saran reached the shooting spot of that
advertisement where Kajal asked Anushka to come.

Kajal Agarwal and Anushka Shetty - II

Anushka has no choice other than submitting to that 5 country side

young boys of Tamilnadu. Anushka is thinking about it and being
fucked by 5 youngsters in a better deal than getting tortured and fucked
by 500 pakistan terrorists. Anushka is just nodding her head as her
acceptance. One in that 5 guys “cha.. its a sin and cheap act. I can’t do
that. I am walking out”. Anushka holds that guy “Please.. Don’t make
noise that I am here”. That guy “take your hands off of me, Bitch.. “ and
he left the room.

Anushka is being surrounded by other 4 guys as their names respectively

Ganesh(gani), Silambharasan, Ganghadar and Raju. Ganesh is the one
who is most perverted who made a deal with Anushka that he wants to
suck her boobies. Other 3 guys are staring at Anushka shetty with lust.
Ganesh literally jumped over Anushka and started kissing her lips with
full force. Anushka is just trembled with his sudden attack over her.
Anushka is trying to push them away but she don’t want to attract the
attention of Raju the auto driver guy of Rasool. Anushka is letting the
boys do what they want to do. Ganghadar is raising the Tops into up and
exploring the Navel of Anushka. Raju and Silambhoo is removing the
tops through her head and throws it away. Anushka is standing with just
a bra and jeans infront of 4 country side youngsters of India.
Ganesh grabbed the right boob and Ganghadhar holds the left boob over
her bra
cups and pressing it harder. Anushka wants to shout in pain and
pleasure but controlled her feelings and pain and just let out a moan
softly “hmmmmmmmm”.

Raju is unbuckling the jeans pant of Anushka. Anushka is showing her

navel hole with belly fat to these 4 boys and Raju removed the buckled
up jeans and pulled it down to expose her ample thighs which is whitey
and meaty.

Raju kneels down infront of Anushka where Anushka is pressing

herself with the walls of that dirty small room. Anushka is opening and
closing her eyes half in pleasure. Ganesh slides his hand through her
armpit to her back and unhooked her bra. Anushka opened her eyes
wide and about to stop them. Ganesh “if you stop us, I will shout your
name and let others know you are here”. Anushka smiles like a bitch and
hugs Ganesh with her so tightly. Ganesh didn’t expect this happy
surprise and Anushka locked his lips with her own. Ganesh and
Anushka is sharing a very good passionate kiss.

Raju is fingering her pussy over her panty which is transparent enough
to showcase her pussy. Anushka is turning on towards sex mood.
Silambhoo kneels down from behind and licking her bareback and waist
to the core. Ganghadhar and Ganesh both are holding her boobs each in
their palms and squeezing it. Gangadhar broke the kiss of Ganesh and
Anushka, He is kissing her now. Anushka is responding to Gangadhar’s
kiss also.

Ganghadar and Ganesh removed her bra and Anushka is standing

topless by exposing her boobies to the 4 stranger youngsters, Ganesh is
swallowing her right boob as Gangadhar swallowed her left boob into
their respective mouths and starts sucking it like hungry baby for the

Anushka is getting tempted to the core and letting out series of sexy
moans “shhhhhhh.. aaah.. gentle daa.. deiiiiii
aaaahhhhhhhhh pasangalaa(boys)”. Raju is enjoying the yummy navel
of Anushka as Silambho is licking the sweats coming out from her curvy
back waist in the meantime Ganghadar and Ganesh are enjoying the
softness of Anushka Shetty;s boobies.
Anushka is hugging all 4 by her two hands as pressing the heads of
Ganghadhar and Ganesh towards her boobies to encourage them to suck
it more. They are chewing and licking her boobs flesh and nipples so
gently with lustily. Anushka is enjoying by half closed eyes and
murmuring “aaahh.. ohhhh.. yesssshhhh”.

Silambhoo is out of his mind and shouts that “lets fuck this Arabian
horse bitch”. Anushka didn’t notice his shout as she was completely
filled with lust and pleasure. But outside their room, Raju heard it
clearly and he knows that Arabian horse is used to refer Anushka Shetty
normally in Tamilnadu fans. He is moving towards the direction where
the sound pops up.

Anushka is murmuring that “Oh fuck... shshhhhhh.. suck it... aaa.. bite
my nipple.. shhhaa.. oh shit.. aaah.. oh ... my... my..”. Ganesh and
Ganghadhar are keep on showing their tongue tricks on her Boobies
each. Anushka is feeding her boobs to their mouth like feeding the child.
Both Ganesh and Gangadhar are looking at the eyes of Anushka.

Raju knelt down infront of Anushka and tore up her panty in to the
pieces. Raju let his tongue out and started sucking, licking and biting the
cunt lips of Anushka Shetty. Anushka Shetty closed her eyes and
stretching her body in pleasure.
Anushka is pressing the heads of Ganesh and Ganghadar more towards
Silambho knelt down behind Anushka and kissing her big round ass.
Anushka is pressing her ass over his mouth, Silambarasan is kissing and
biting the Ass cheeks of Anushka. Anushka screams as “aaaaawch..
hey..”. Ganesh is closing her lips with his lips. Anushka Hugged Ganesh
tightly and giving him a erotic kiss.

Raju is chewing the pussy lips of Anushka. Anushka is literally sitting

over the face of Raju to let him eat her pussy to the core. Raju let his
tongue gone deeper to the pussy of Anushka and fingering her pussy
with his tongue. Anushka’s body is trembling with pleasure.

Silambarasan got up from behind and pushed Anushka to their dirty

bed. Anushka is looking at the bed before she refuse to lay over there,
they thrown her on that bed. Anushka is naked completely and Ganesh
falls over her in a missionary position by spreading her legs wide with
his cock penetrated to her pussy. Anushka gasped for a second due to
sudden push of Ganesh’s cock.

Raju sat over the face of Anushka by landing his knees on the sides of
her face both sides and his dick on her face. Anushka is smelling his
dick and smiles “smells tasty.. fuck me in my mouth, you son of a bitch”.
Raju tensed up and slapped Anushka to her face, Anushka is out of her
mind due to the pleasure and fun “come on Son of a bitch, show your
dick’s real worth”.
Raju stuffed her mouth with his cock and started jumping over her face
as his dick is fucking her mouth deeply in deep throat. Anushka is
adjusting her tongue and jaw to take it all inside her mouth. Anushka
grabbed the dick of Gangadhar in both palms and giving him a handjob.
Ganesh is moving up and down and front and forward to fuck her

Silambharasan falls on the bed next to Anushka, Anushka lifted up by

Ganghadar and Raju and placed her over Silambarasan. Silambarasan
hugged her from behind and holding her boobies like a holder of
Anushka. Silambarasan and Ganesh penetrated their average size dicks
to Anushka’s pussy at a time. Anushka’s hole of pussy is being travelled
by two snakes to spit its cum.

Anushka is shouting big time without her conscious that Raju – Auto
driver guy is still out there “aaaah.. its too heaavvvvvvvhy....
oggghhhhhh,”. But still Silambarasan and Ganesh is doing a team work
by pushing their dicks together to the Pussy of Anushka. Anushka is
spreading her legs to take it easily. Anushka’s mouth is being pounded
by Raju for 8 minutes and then cummed deep into her mouth. Anushka
is reaching multiple orgasm as she is feeling sexy, satisfied and ashamed
of the current situations.

Terrorist guy found the room and kicked the main door hard. While
terrorist is breaking in and Silambhu and Ganesh cummed deep into the
pussy of Anushka. As new guy came in, these 4 guys approach them to
get rid of him. Auto Driver shot in the head of Gangadhr and Gangadhar
falls on the floor without any movements. Other 3 guys immediately got
up and about to escape. Anushka is still not came out from the hold of
sexual pleasure. Terrorist guy showed and pointed the gun point on the

He is calling Saravanan who went after Kajal Agarwal, “I captured

Anushka and I am taking her to our head quarters”. Saravanan said “ok”
as a smsm. Saran is entered to the shooting spot where Kajal is working
on her dress and expressions. SAravanan is being tempted to see Kajal so
close and about to start his mission all over again.
Kajal agarwal is completely wearing jewels on her body. Her ass and
busty boobies are tempting the shooting unit even, Kajal is making
smile expression with saying “vanakkam” as her hands getting close to
her busty boobs, her saree is moving slided and can see her side boobies
in good shape.
Saravanan is looking at her boobies with full view with clothes on, but
thats itself tempt him to the core. He is saying to Kajal’s assistant that
Anushka sent him to meet her and gave Anushka’s visiting card to Kajal
which is stolen from Anushka’s car.

Kajal Agarwal finished her shots and moving towards her caravan to
refresh up. Her Assistant showed the business card of anushka and said
her that Anushka’s friend came to meet you. Kajal waves at Saravanan
and asked him to join with her to caravan. Kajal gets into the caravan
and asked touch up boys, assistant to get out as he is having a guest.

Kajal Agarwal is sitting on the couch of caravan bus and invited

Saravanan to her private bus. Kajal is smiling at Saravanan as she
thought that he comes for some movie project.
Kajal “tell me, Sir.. What can i do for you, Where is Anushka?”.

Saravanan “Well Kajal, I am SAravanan, member of Rasool’s gang.. you

know Rasool, Right?”

Kajal “Rasool.. which Rasool”. But Kajal’s brain immediately retrieved

the memories that how she kept to that place and she is fucked by large
army of Rasool and Sulthan.

Saravanan taken his gun out from his shirt and pointed it to Kajal
“cancel your shootings and come with me.. Also let me know what
Anushka discussed with you”.

Kajal Agarwal “God Promise, its nothing”.

Saravanan thought that She is lying to him and he gifted her a tight slap
to that cute face of Kajal Agarwal. Due to the pain, Kajal’s eyes are filled
with tears “Really, I don’t know that, Sir. Anushka didn’t tell me

Saravanan still is not ready to agree or accept the words of Kajal

Agarwal. Saravanan pointed the gun on her chest “tell the truth or your
heart will be opened up with my gun shot”. Kajal “wait Wait.. Your
name is saravanan. So you are a Hindhu.. Why are joining hands with
the Pakistan terrorists”.

Saravanan is getting angry that Kajal is questioning him and he slapped

again to the face of Kajal as his palm impression over her white cheeks.
With the repeated slaps, Kajal’s pallu dropped down from her shoulder
and Saravanan is able to see her boobies covered with Jacket. Kajal is not
trying to hide or cover it with pallu.
Saravanan’s mind is distracted with Lust, he dropped the investigation
part and moved to sex part with Kajal. Kajal is looking into the eyes of
Saravanan and found that he can be manipulated easily with the body of
her own.

Kajal “saravanan sir, how you joined with Rasool.. Because we are
Indians and Hindu”. Saravanan is hearing what is she saying to him but
he said that “remove your jacket and show your boobs”.

Kajal as a trained slave pushed her saree aside and took her both hands
behind her body to unhook the blouse and bra hooks. As she stretched
her hands backwards, her boobies came forward and Saravanan can see
real sizes of her boobies.
Kajal “Sir i will show you my real self. But can you give me 10 minutes.
In that 10 minutes I will engage you by stripping myself infront of you..
What happened Anushka”. Saravanan “We already kidnapped Trisha,
Shruthi, Anushka and Samantha.. Now its you”.

Kajal didn’t say anything to him and got up. Kajal removed her jacket
and bra and stands topless infront of Saravanan. Saravanan came
forward and grabbed the boobies of Kajal Agarwal. Kajal “so you are
working with them for money or something else or against India”.
Saravanan is not having the answer for this, as he don’t have any strong
reason why he joined up with Rasool.

Kajal is hugging him by putting her arms around his shoulder and
ended up in a tight hug as her boobies are touching his chest. Saravanan
is just confused but its interrupted by Kajal as she pressed her lips with
his lips in lip lock.

Saravanan is enjoying the smoothness and kissing Kajal agarwal is like a

dream to him. Kajal is working on Saravanan now as she is sucking the
lower and upper lips of Saravanan. Kajal took the palm of Saravanan
and placed it to her right breast. Saravanan is feeling the softness of
Kajal’s right breast and squeezing it harder. Kajal let out the moan
“aaah.. ssshhhhhhhhh”.

Kajal slowly took the gun from Saravanan’s pocket and pushed
Saravanan to the bed. Saravanan didn’t expect this act and shocked
“Kajal, Don’t shoot me”. Kajal put down the gun and still holding in her
palm “I know.. you are not a terrorist. You just joined with them for
money”. Saravanan immediately refused that “no.. no.. not for money.. It
is all for You and Shruthi”. Kajal understood everything in a moment
“chi.. you did all for your lust and sexual needs”.

Saravanan “please Kajal, Don;t insult me.. I am representing a

community of youth”. Kajal “Pardon me, Sir” saying it with teasing
smile and still standing topless infront of Saravanan. Saravanan “we
love the actors for many reasons.. but we love the heroine for one reason,
her body. So we will die to fuck her, we masturbate for her, we have lust
for her.. how much she shows her skin in movies, she will be number

Kajal “stupid,.. Idiot.. for your sex lust, you are destroying your own
country”. Saravanan “this country not even ready to make prostitution
official and licensed.. so the youths of India are in great hunger for sex..
Rasool is satisfying me, so I am working for that”.

Kajal stripped her saree and just standing with petticoat in her body.
Kajal “If I offer you to me, Will you work for me.. Against Rasool.. Will
you help me to get that actresses?”. Saravanan couldn’t able to take her
eyes off from Kajal and said “Ok.. I will do it.. but for that, I want to
spend time with you, NOW”.

Anushka Shetty is not at comfortable with the words of Kajal Agarwal and
she is backing off from this plan. Anushka “well, Kajal. I am not into it. It is
not a some plan to capture industrialist or movie role. They are terrorists”.
Kajal is just staring at Anushka. Raju is looking at Sarvy “Don’t join with
these sluts, Saravanan. They will get us both killed”. Saravanan “ I am
ready to die for the country. I just joined with Rasool to fuck these bitches,
eerr. Sorry Kajal”. Kajal smiles at him “go ahead..”. Saravanan “ Now we
can save the country and fuck these angels. Why can’t I give a try.”
Anushka “Its insane.. But Courageous.. Still Insane.. I am not in it”. Kajal
“They will track you, Find you and get you to their dorm”. Anushka’s face
is turning to white in fear. Saravanan “Anushka, Once they capture you,
Rasool will make you his dirty bitch who is fucking the terrorists and porn
stars. You should stand with us”. Anushka sat on the couch and holding
her head with her both hands. Kajal sat next to her and hugs her as
consoling her.

Anushka “Ok ... OK.. Whats the plan now.. Who is going to oppose Rasool,
these two kids”. Saravanan and Raju is bit offended with her words. Kajal
“These two were good enough to caputure us. They are not kids.”.
Anushka “Kajal, We have to face a army of Rasool”. Kajal “We have
Velan, Trisha and Samantha are in the temp traveller which is escorting
them to their Terrorist campus at Forest of Vandallur Chennai. Rasool and
Sunny Leone are travelling in a Hyundai Verna car followed by the tempo
traveller. Velan is treated as traitor by Trisha and Samantha. Samantha is
angry on Velan like a crazy devil.
Velan is avoiding the eye contacts with Trisha and Samantha. Samantha
removed her heel chapel and throwing it to Velan. Velan “Hey stupid cunt,
what are you doing”. Samantha “What were you doing asshole. You were
fucking as like anything. Now sided with Pakistan son of a bitch”. Velan “I
never had a chance to stand against Rasool”. Driver turns back and looking
at Velan and two girls. Velan got up from his seat and slapped Samantha.

Samantha got some cuckoo birds flying in circle above her head with the
slap then managed herself to slap Velan back. Driver is not trying to slow
down or stop just laughing at their fights. Driver “Crazy Indian people”.

Velan grabbed the boobies over her tshirt with his both palms and hugged
her with tight hug. Samantha is punching the back of Velan. Velan “Hey
Sammu darling, It is time for my escape plan”. Samantha is excited and
shocked to hear that words from Velan and stopping the fighting slowly.
Velan “Don’t stop the fight. Keep hitting me else driver will suspect us. He
also have a gun”. Samantha is noticing the driver without he noticing on

Samantha’s harmones are working much faster than her hands. Velan
grabbed her closer “you stupid bitch, You slapped me huh.. I am going to
rape you” winks at her. Samantha “do that if you can” and whispers in
ears of Velan “Take me daa”.

Trisha is shell shocked with whats going on between Velan and Samantha.
Trisha is trying to stop the fight. Samantha slapped Trisha down “stay
right there you bitch”. Velan grabbed the ass of Samantha with his right
hand and wrapped her with his left hand by placing it over her boobies.
Samantha stretching her body, resting her head over his shoulder. Velan
turns his head and locked her in a lip lock.
Kajal and Anushka in the mean time gone to the stunt club union in a
secret meeting. Kajal “Hello boys, You all know me and Anushka”. The
boys replied that “Yes Madam”. Anushka Shetty “there is no need for
Madam and respect here. We are here to tell you something very special
and secret thing”. Kajal Agarwal was in the fancy saree and now she
dropped her pallu infront of the stunt union members around 250
members. Saravanan and Raju is next to Anushka and Kajal.
The crowd is excited to see the navel and boobies of Kajal Agarwal. They
all are making dirty comments as “Randi.. Bitch.. thevadiyaa... Woww... “.
Kajal Agarwal is smiling as a slutty Bitch. Anushka continues “ Well Boys,
We are here to ask your help. You all know that Shruthi Hassan was
missing for last 2 days, She is not missing. She kidnapped by some people”.
Crowd is giving a shock expression and sounds.

Kajal Agarwal “We need you people to fight for us. In return we will give
you each 1 crore and a chance to have sex with us.”. Crowd without
knowing the danger and who is the opponent they are applausing at the
words of Kajal Agarwal. Anushka “But the danger is real. They are strong.
I know you people are strong, you can fight them and even kill them”.
From the Crowd, Rohit who is the leading dup guy of leading heroes
“What if Police, case and courts”. Anushka “They won’t involve in this
matter. I assure that. Even they do, They will arrest only me and Kajal”.
Saravanan and Raju are witnessing the positive faces of the crowd and
from 250 members 160 members joined the New Army of Actresses.

Crowd “what if you cheated us after you got whatever you wanted”. Kajal
turns back at the crowd “Well guys, I will present you Regina Cassandra
for your lust once you people get me a win. Our first battle is that we have
to rescue Trisha, Samantha and Shruthi who are being travelled to some
mysterious place. Where and what will be explained by Saravanan”. When
Kajal ended her speech, Regina gets into the stage by wearing a black saree
which is good enough to expose her navel and boob sizes. Crowd gone
wild “Lets get this done and get that bitch in bed”. Regina is smiling like a
Anushka whispers to Kajal “Reginaa?? How?”. Kajal “She is bitch, if we
pay good, she will sleep with a beggar”. Kajal and Anushka is leading the
team of 160 members and Saravanan chose first bravest 20 members for the
first battle.

In the moving tempo traveller, Samantha is kissing the lips of Velan and
Velan is sucking the lower and upper lips of Samantha. Velan is saying the
words in very low tone “Samantha, we have to make the driver stops the
car and join with us for fucking you”. Samantha shocked to hear that
“what.. hmmm ummm”. Velan “Yes, before his dick penetrates your pussy,
his knife will be injected to his heart and we can escape”.

Velan removed the tops of Samantha and looking at her ample cleavage
and impressive sized boobies with his both hands. Velan is squeezing it
really hard and kissing on her lips. Samantha is just acting as she is
fighting with and manipulated by Velan. Velan “I am going to fuck you
like a bitch. You are mine”. Trisha “why Velan.. you are behaving like
this”. Velan “take off your dress else.. I will shoot you”. Trisha is
shocked to hear that and looking at Samantha. Samantha is winking at
Trisha. Trisha understood that they are upto something. So she is
removing her single piece white dress.

Velan is holding Samantha on his hold and Trisha is in her bra and
panties. Driver is looking at their act from rear view mirror and to see
Samantha and Trisha in their inners, Driver is getting hard on. Driver
“what you all are doing?”. Velan “fighting, Boss”. Driver “its not looks
like fighting, Da”.
Velan slided the Bra Straps from the shoulder of Samantha. Samantha is
not resisting even a bit but just saying “leave em.. Leave me”. Samantha
got her upper body naked in a semi nude state. Velan holds the boobs in
his palm and immediately swallowed into his mouth.
Samantha is slanding against the wall of the tempo traveller and then sat
on the seat. Velan sat next to her and sucking her boobies like a piece of
fruit. Samantha is acting like pushing Velan aside but no pressure or
force in the push. Samanthaa “aaah.. no daa.. u ssstupid dog... yess.s...
sss”. Trisha “deii.. Suck me too da..”.

Trisha sat next to Velan and pulling him the other side. Velan just lean
his hand and grabbed the boob of Trisha over her bra cups and
squeezing it real hard. He is sitting in between the two angels of Film
Industry and sucking and squeezing their boobies. Driver is so hard as
his dick is trying to tear his pants.

Samanthaa “enough of foreplay da.. fuck me.. I am so hungry for this..

more than a week, I am untouched daa”. Samantha is shouting as a bitch.
Velan is smiling at Samantha and hold her head by grabbing her hair
and made her stand. Samantha is doing whatever Velan is insisting as a
trained slave bitch. Velan removed her jeans and spanking her ass over
the panty. Driver is slowing down the car. Rasool’s car overtake the car
of Velan, Trisha and Samantha due to speed issues.

Rasool just ordered the driver the spot and asked him to come over there
as he is busy sucking the pussy of Sunny Leone in their BMW car. Velan
removed the panty of Samantha and mesmerized to see the round big
white ass of Samantha. Trisha spanked the ass of Velan “take me daa”.
Velan holds the choke of Trisha and put her face on the pussy of
Samantha. Trisha is licking the pussy of Samantha. Samantha “ohh..
yeaah.. shhhh.. suck.. it... suck..”.

Trisha is sucking the pussy of Samantha in ecstasy and fucking it with

her tongue. Velan laid on the van floor and plugged his cock by siding
the panty of Trisha and started fucking her with full speed. Driver
couldn’t able to control, he ejaculated his sperm and spoiled his pant.
Driver saw that the car of Rasool is vanished from the eye sight. Driver
slowly turns the van to the forest.

Trisha “oh my god... hey.... get me wet and fuck..”. Samantha is pushing
the head of Trisha to suck more and Trisha couldn’t able to suck it. Velan
needed a hole and fucking it with full speed without taking care of her

Trisha is shouting like a crazy bitch due to the dry fuck from Velan.
Velan is not caring it and slapping trisha’s pussy lips and jerking her
clit. Samantha is looking back over her shoulder and winks at Velan.
Velan put Trisha in a missionary pose with holding her legs and plugged
his dick. Trisha “no no.. stop.. please suck my pussy and fuck.. aaa”.
Velan plugged his dick and hitting it with full speed. Samantha sat on
the face of Trisha and pressing her mouth lips directly to Samantha’s
pussy lips. Trisha automatically kissing and sucking it erotically.

A two Toyota Qualis cars were following the tempo traveller in the
distance are approaching them closely. Driver’s full concentration on the
sex scene happening on the back seat part of the tempo traveller van.

Trisha pushed Samantha down right next to her. Trisha “fuck this bitch
as well”. Velan jumped to Samantha and made her on her all four for a
doggy fuck. Velan holds the waist of Samantha and fucking her like a
mad dog fucking its bitch. Samantha’s big boobies are hanging and
dancing with each strokes coming from Velan.

Samantha, Velan and Trisha are mixed up with Saliva, cum and sweat.
The liquid mixed up with these 3 are flowing from their forehead to their
pussy. Samantha is getting series of hard strokes and her ass cheeks
turned to red. Samantha is holding the seat for her support as she is
kneeling down. Velan knelt down behind her to screw her. Trisha is
fingering her own pussy. Driver stopped the van and Driver and another
terrorist guy got down from their seat.

Velan is getting ready for it as he is waiting for this moment. Velan took
the knife out and ready for the battle. Now there is couple of gun shots
outside the van. Samantha and Trisha screamed loud and they snatched
their dresses and dressing up. Velan adjusted his pant and ready for the
fight. As the door opened, Driver and terrorist are dead. Kajal Agarwal
and Anushka are standing with gun which is emitting the bullets over
the dead bodies of terrorists.
Anushka “Come out and lets Roll”. Velan is smiling at both of them
“Kajal, You too”. Kajal “not only me, Velan. We have an army”. Velan is
puzzled that “Army?”. Kajal “army of masturbators, fans and Shaggers
of Actresses”. Trisha and Samantha are coming out of the van following
Velan, Stunt artists are making big cheers that they are going to fuck
Anushka “lets get out of this place”. Velan “You all go and I have to
rescue one more person, Shruthi Hassan”. Anushka and Kajal are taking
Trisha and Samantha with them along with their army.
Anushka and Kajal rescued Samantha and Trisha, Velan refused to come
with them as he is determined to Rescue Shruthi Hassan from Rasool.
All 4 actresses hugged Velan and wished him good luck. Velan is still
standing on the same spot and putting the bodies of the driver and
another terrorist to the van.

Velan just blowed the van with lighting up the petrol tank of the van.
The dead bodies are burning along with the van and made that scene as a
accident. Velan took the gun and knifes from the area, A BMW car came
just right behind Velan. Velan looks back over his shoulder. Sunny
Leone and Rasool gets out from the car with carrying the gun.

Anushka and Kajal are so happy that they rescued and their plan is
working. Trisha and Samantha feels thankful to both the big momma
actresses. Trisha “Thank you so much, Anushka and Kajal”. Samantha
“thanks a lot, my bestie Kajal”. Anushka “wait ladies, the thing is not
over . Still Rasool is out there. We found Sunny also with them”. Kajal
“Actually you have to thank our fans”.
Anushka “You better ask Regina to come in time for the party, else this
guys will eat us alive with their lust” saying it smiling. Kajal pats on the
shoulder and sending a sms regarding that. Regina who is a upcoming
actress and exposer of media readily accepted and gave word to be there
on that evening.

Velan is standing infront of Rasool and Sunny Leone. Rasool is pointing

the gun to the forehead of Velan. Velan is just smiling “why this scene
now, Buddy”. Rasool “you did let them go and you are still here, it is not
part of our plan, Velan” Rasool dropped down the gun. Sunny Leone
“what happened, why you changed the plan”.

Velan “Kajal and Anushka blowed it off, they made a new gang who can
fight us.. no no.. you and him.. They came and shot your two clowns and
took Trisha and Samantha”. Rasool “do you want me to believe that, You
double crossed me.. how you are still alive then and why you didn’t go
with them?”.

Velan “Rasool, Rasool.. your head is always empty.. isn’t it?. Till your
dad’s alive, he made plans and you executed it, now I am in that spot. I
need money and flesh of this women”. Velan is walking towards Sunny
Leone and holds her ass. Velan “when you give both to me, I joined with
you ultimately. Yes, they spared me as I already once I saved them. As
per our plan, I have to make trisha and Samantha escape and go with
them and found a place of Anushka and Kajal. Then you breaks in we
get all 5 together to Pakistan. Now we have a new obstacles that Fans

Sunny Leone giggles and kissing on the lips of Velan “so what are we
going to do, just walk away. I got advance 50 crores from leading porn
websites promising they will get a video”. Rasool “I spent that 50 crores
in buying dynamites and guns”. Velan hugs Sunny Leone and kissing
her passionately. Velan is saying in between the kiss “Use it... .mmm...
sss.. Use it on Chennai...”. Rasool “are you nuts, we are not that much
high profile terrorists, we just masterminds funds the terrorists”. Velan
“can’t you wait till i finish this kiss?”. Sunny Leone is giggling at the
comment and looking at rasool.
Rasool “Are we going to conduct a star night to raise fund?” asking it
with a surprised tone. Velan comes near Rasool and slapped him “how
you can be so stupid?, From Rajasthan, We can enters to Pakistan
through the desert. When Deepika is in the star night, our girls will
believe that its a true star night and they will come. We can’t kidnap
them but we can trick them”. Sunny Leone “seems brilliant Idea. No
blood and No Gun”. Rasool “for your brain only, I let you live”. Velan
“Yeah.. Because you don’t have that”.

The party is arranged in the OMR, Chennai at the place of Trisha’s secret
resort. All the gangs are invited for the party. Kajal, Anushka, Trisha,
Samantha, Regina are in the party hall and welcoming their gang
members. 20 members who worked in rescue mission of Trisha and
Samantha are going to get a chance of fucking this actresses. Still other
gang members came over there to be part of the party.

Velan is travelling with Sunny Leone and Rasool “Rasool, We have to

kill Raju and Saravanan. They are the spies who is selling your things to
that bitches”. Rasool “consider it Done”. Rasool made some calls to his
terrorists team.

Kajal is getting a call from a police guy “Kajal, Where are you now”.
Kajal Agarwal is wearing a transparent red saree with low hip to expose
her navel. Kajal “Yes sir, in my friend’s party. Is anything serious”
asking with a afraid tone.

Police “nothing, here two boys found killed in a brutal manner with
taken their head off”. Kajal with loud tone “WHAT???”. Police “with
their Ids, Its Saravanan and Raju are dead in their bachelors room. Seems
3 mysterious guys came and killed them as per next room guy’s
statement. Their mobile has your number, do you know anything about
this?”. Kajal got her spine chilled with terror “ohh.. no .. no.. I don’t
know them. Might be my fan club members..”. Police “ok.. If anything
happens, I will update you”. Police cuts the call.

Trisha is wearing a party dress which single piece and Samantha is

wearing a traditional saree which can expose her navel to the fans.
Anushka is full covered in a Salwar Kameez. Kajal Agarwal don’t think
that it will be right if she says Saravanan and Raju are dead and it will
demotivate the gang also, so she decided to hide it.
Regina is coming to the stage in a black transparent Saree which is not
hiding her any glamour spots. Gang members are going out of their
mind by seeing herself. Regina is waving at the crowd with a slutty
smile. Anushka hugged Regina “thanks for coming. You are going to do
really a good thing, Regina”. Regina “I know.. Its a bitch thing actually,
still 5 crores for a single night is huge” winks at Anushka.
Kajal Agarwal is calling Anushka, Trisha and Samantha to their room.
Regina is on her own on the stage and she is given with the list of that 20
members who assisted Anushka and Kajal for the mission. Regina is
announcing that 20 members names, “Please the list of names I read just
now, follow me to the 1st floor master bed room, you will get your gift.
Others I am waiting, Do
something and get me”.

Regina is walking forward to the master bed room and first 5 members are
following her to her bed room. Regina is keeping her smile plastered over
her face to attract them more. Reginaa finally reached the room along with
the fighters. Regina turned back to get shocked that she got entire 20 men
in the room. Regina in a shocking tone “I called just 5 na.. “. All 20 replied
“we don’t want to have a remaining food. We need fresh food”. Regina
smiles like a bitch “for your information, The food already given to many”.

Kajal, Samantha, Trisha and Anushka are in the room and all the 3 shocked
with the statement and news that Saravanan and Raju killed brutally. Kajal
Agarwal “Wait up girls, I am not worried about Saravanan or Raju’s dead.
Who is the traitor? Who told that we created a army and Saravanan spying
us?”. Kajal Agarwal is saying that looking at Samantha and Trisha. Trisha
is bit angry with the statement and doubtful look of Kajal Agarwal “do you
think I am bitching to Rasool?.. You were his bitch, you prostitute”. Kajal
Agarwal walked forward to trisha and Slapped her. Trisha and Kajal are
gets into the bitch fight and Anushka joined side with Trisha and Samantha
joined side with Kajal.

Regina is slowly removed her pallu just to show her boobies to be the eye
treat to the all 20 guys of the stuntmen who helped earlier in the mission.
They leader guy who is senior and more experienced is stepping forward,
as he do some more men also joining with him. Regina is not at all scared
with and keep smiling as she walks forward to them.
Senior stuntmen maari holds the breast of Regina, Regina bites her lips and
closed her eyes. Regina closed her eyes in pain and pleasure “anna, please..
be gentle. I am here for all of you”. Maari “ No Regina, We are stuntmen
and we usually take the things in rough manner” smiles cruelly. Regina is
getting bit afraid with his words. Other two boys hugs her with each side
and kissing her face cheeks.

Regina is thinking that she made a wrong decision of accepted to sleep

with 20 men for jsut 5 crores will damage her body like anything. The guys
locked the door of the bed room and arranged the chairs in the way and sat
over it.

Regina is slowly trying to get out of that place and their hold. Maari,
Raamu and Saamy are holding her and Raamu is removing her black strap
jacket from behind. Regina is opening her eyes wide open and looking her
back over her shoulders.

They 3 grabbed Regina up and put her in the bed with a throw like a ball.
Regina was in the air and landed on the bed. As Regina falls on the bed all
of a sudden her saree and skirt upskirted as her thighs are visible to all of
them. Regina immediately tried to cover it by getting up and she realized
that her back for a sprain and not able to got up.

The all 20 stuntmen are laughing about Regina and commenting that
“Stupid bitch, trapped with us in a locked room”. Another comment “She
can’t run. She got a pain in her waist”. Another comment added to the
comments “Lets break her waist with our strokes, sons of bitches”. A huge
wave of laughter filled the room.

Regina is feeling goosebumps and she can witness that 20 men are
removing their respective jeans, pants and paijamas at the same time.
Regina couldn’t able to imagine what is waiting for her in the same room.
While she is thinking about that a two hands sliding through her jacket and
cupped her boobies with each palm of Ramu and Maari. Both are
squeezing her boobies and twisting her nipples.
Reginaa “aaah... plss.. shhhhhhhh.. ammaaa... pleaaaaaseeee.. gentle aa ..
Emi chestunaavu neevu” is shouting in high pitch. Other 3 guys are joined
with first 3 guys. This 3 guys are removing her skirt and saree completely
off from her body. Regina’s wheatish body is on the eye treat for the guys.
Regina is struggling to get off from the hold, but hold of 6 members are too
much to escape from.

6 members around her now and they all are wearing their top dresses and
removed their pants and briefs. All guys are having decent length dicks to
entertain Regina. Regina is not afraid of dicks or getting hard fuck. But she
is thinking about handling all 20 men at the same time.

Raamu “will you suck my dick, Regina”. Regina is dumbstrucked with the
question as she didn’t expected a cheap handling and kind of rough gang
bang. Reginaa “ no.. please.. I don;t.. Suck”. Before she completes her
statement, a strong palm placed over her left face cheek as a slap. Regina
with a slap shouts “aaaaaaahh”. Maari plugged his cock to her mouth and
started stroking her mouth.

Raamu gets on to the middle section of Regina’s body and sat over her.
Regina couldn’t able to bear Raamu’s wait on her body. Regina with her
mouth plugged with a dick is shouting as “aaammm pleeaaaasee aaa
geettaa up”. Maari stuffed her mouth with his dick completely and feeling
the warm mouth of Regina. Regina’s eyes are filled with tears and about to
rolls out.

Saamy spreaded the legs of Regina as he knelt in between legs on the bed
and started licking her pussy. Regina is stretching her body but due to 6
man’s hold, couldn’t stretch her body even. Other two guys are handed
their boobs to the hands of regina. Regina is giving a handjob by rubbing
their dickheads with her thumb finger. Another guys rests over the boobies
of Regina and started sucking her nipples left and right.

Regina is about to get up from the bed as she is looking at all 20 men are
approaching her to fuck. Regina is trapped in front of hungry heavy hitting
cocks for the sex. Regina’s mouth is stuffed with Maari’s dick and Regina is
rolling the tongue over his dick. Regina is sucking with her experience by
teasing the dick head with her tongue.

Saamy plugged his cock into the wet pussy of Regina and started stroking
her in a position of missionary pose of sex. Saamy is holding her two legs
on his shoulders each and banging her with full speed. With each stroke,
Saamy’s thighs are hitting hard on ass cheeks of Regina. Regina is moaning
now “aaaa... plss.. please... gentle raa...”. Raamu is holding her boobies and
facefucking her mouth.

Raamu is done his cock fucking the mouth of Regina, Raamu is taking his
dick out from her mouth. Regina is giving a hard suck trip on raamu’s dick
to make it dry. Raamu is comes to Regina’s middle section as her navel,
Maari went up to the mouth of Regina. Saamy is going on stroking the
pussy of Regina as a non stop express. Regina still managed to hold the
cocks of other two and stroking them hard.

Regina is dragged by them to the floor and Regina is on her all 4 in a doggy
position. Regina’s ass is being a treat to all 20 men. All 20 men are making
bitchy and dirty comments “ Wow.. what a soothu.. What a gaand? Really

Regina’s hands are holds backwards like a horse riding rope of the horse.
Regina’s arms are stretched backwards and held by the men. Regina is
kneeling down on her knees with her hands folded backward which made
her boobies pops forward. Other guy from the crowd came forward and
fucking her mouth like anything.

Four other guys are waiting in queue for their turn to stroke and fuck her
completely. The position remained still and but guys are keep on changing.
Even in the Airconditioned room, She is getting sweat and her body is
feeling sweaty due to rough fuck of the local stuntment. Regina is
completely wet with her sweat and tears, her face turns red with the tears,
sweats and make up she wore.
Reginaa “guys.. i can’t stand for 20 men.. please show.. aaaa.. hmm..
bulaahalbbla..” As regina’s mouth and pussy is drilled by the men she
couldn’t able to communicate properly. All 5 men are keep on changing the
positions and stroking her for 20 more minutes. Since she is new to the
industry and she couldn;t able to bear the heavy duty fuck session with all.
Regina is slowly fainting to sleep by saying “why me??? You have still 4
pussies.. try them..”.

They let the hold of Regina loose, Regina falls directly to the couch then the
floor and while falling to the couch she switched on the Television with the
remote. The Remote chose the news channel CNN which is telecasting the
news that Saravanan and Raju killed by terrorist, a complete cover story.
Now the stuntmen team realised the what the danger they are going
through and who they are facing.

All 20 stunt men is completely angered about the actions they are going
against are the dangerous terrorist group and these actresses hides it to
them. One in the 20 men, “We took the high risk, Saamy. I need my
reward. Let me take the reward of whats going to be given to them”. Other
guys also accepted his point and everyone heading back to the room where
Anushka, Samantha, Trisha and Kajal are fighting with each other.

Trisha and Anushka towards Kajal and Samantha “ Hey Bitches, We are
clean.. We didn’t have a communication with Rasool after last year
incident. But Kajal, you are the only girl who walked out just like that from
Rasool?”. Kajal Agarwal Repies “Just like that, Huh??.. I gambled my life
with my body to escape and I stands here today.”

Their Room door is closed and locked. Their room door is being knocked
down so hard. “thak... thank... ThaDak...”. Trisha and Kajal Agarwal is
afraid with their way of knocking the door. Kajal “hey knock it down, who
is that?”. Stuntmen “Hey Bitches, You all are tried make gamble of our life.
You set us up with Pakistan terrorist huh?”. Kajal realized that something
is going to happen.
Kajal Agarwal is slowly moving backwards as pushing Anushka,
Samantha towards Trisha. Trisha “hey Stunt dogs, We are giving you cash.
You are showing the brave.. nothing is danger or cheating.. get out of our
room. Don’t knock the door”. Within 2 minutes, the door broken into the
pieces and 20 men of Stuntmen group is entering to the room. Remaining
120 stuntmen got the news that actresses are in serious trouble and they are
manipulating them against the terrorists. Slowly they are moving out of the
guest houses.

Kajal Agarwal slowly came out of the room and gone to her car to start it.
Trisha,Anushka and Samantha are freezed in terror that whats going to
happen. Trisha is looking at them and showing fake confidence and brave.
Anushka is shouting at them “hey, you all signed up for protecting us. That
why we gave money to you all too”. Stuntteam leader “You are acting up
with Terrorist in somewhat connected, it will leads you to jail and also flop
movies. So whatever happens now, you all should be silent to keep your
career alive”.

Stunt guys splitted them to two 7 members team and one 6 members team
to fuck these actress. Anushka “hey goons, I paid Regina to make you
happy”. Two guys dragged the unconscious body of Regina to the room
and let her fall on the mat. Anushka “what just happened?” asking with a
terrified look over her face.

Stunt guys laughed out loud and “she failed to keep the promise. So its ur
turn, Anushka”. Anushka panicked and afraid to manage these 20
members. Regina “these guys are really a heavy strokers, i can’t take them,
anushka. Sorry” Regina fainted after saying that.

Trisha “hey guys, its not a right thing to do.. see we are leading stars of
South India.. Its not fair... you see...”, Before Trisha concludes the words
one stunt guy saami cupped the boobies of Trisha over her dress. Trisha is
Samantha is looking for Kajal and realised Kajal ran away from there.
The 20 stuntmen surrounded our actresses Trisha, Anushka and
Samantha. Anushka is just shouting at them to show herself as a tough
women “Hey Rascal, Don’t dare to touch me.. I will make your life”
before she finishing the words she got the tight slap from one of the
stuntman. Anushka fell on the couch and Stuntman without wasting a
time, he took the blade from his pocket and teared up the dresses of
Anushka. Anushka is getting some scratches on her boobies from the
blade and shouts like a bitch “hey… don’t hurt meeeeeeeeee!!”.
Trisha is using this distraction as her escape opportunity and tries to
move towards the door. Saami and Raamu holds her by Saami holding
her boobies as he is hugging from behind and Raamu is slides his hand
through her thighs and lifted her up. Trisha “hey where you put your
hand.. take off.. you….”. As Trisha is shouting, both the boys let her in
the instantly she fell down hard with her backbone is getting some hit
from the floor.
Trisha is holding her waist in pain “hey son of bitches.. don’t’ you have
sense”. Trisha is shouting by laying on the floor. Saami and Raamu are
laughing at her and Raamu kicked the butt of Trisha over her dress.
Samantha is not making any moves as it may end up as heavy beatings
of her life time. Samantha is folding her hands together like praying and
begging, “please.. don’t do this. We will pay you whatever you demand..
Please” tears are rolling out from her eyes along with sweats due to fear.
Stuntmen leader replied “Money, We can earn it as time passes.. but the
fleshes around.. once in a life time opportunity baby”.

Trisha is taken to the left corner of the room and her dresses and inners
are stripped in a milliseconds. One guy is kissing on her right cheek,
other guy on her left cheek of the face, two guys are holding her perfect
tempting boobies on the hand each, another guy is licking her pussy in a
pie eating and other guy is face sitting over Trisha’s face in brutal face
fuck. Trisha is entertaining 6 guys at a time.
Samantha turned to be submissive slave as 7 stuntmen approached her at
a same time, Samantha is crying like a baby which is turning on the
stuntmen guys. One of the stuntmen “you are looking cute, we don’t
want to make you bleed.. Please strip your dresses”. Samantha is
nodding her head in acceptance and slowly took of her clothes and
standing in two piece costume with bra and panties. 7 guys instantly got
a hard on in their dicks and they unzipped and took it out to show it to
Samantha. Samantha is sweating like anything, due to sweat her body is
shining like a mirror.

Trisha is struggling to breath properly as she is feeling 12 hands over her

body in the same time. She is never been to this situation before even in
Pakistan. Trisha couldn’t able to speak as her mouth is stuffed with dirty
cock of the stunt man, Maari. Trisha is slowly moulding herself to the
situation as she is licking the tip of Maari. Raamu plugged his dick into
the pussy of Trisha and started drilling in the earlier half dry cunt of
Trisha. Trisha is shouting but it came out as moaning
Other two guys are sucking the nipples of Trisha. Trisha’s body is
mixing up with the saliva of the stuntmen and sweat of her own. Trisha
is glittering in the room’s lightings and she is been a visual treat to the
guys who are in the room.

Anushka is laying on the floor with her boobs got minor blade scratches
which is lightly bleeding from her skin. The guys lifted her up and tied
her hand in the lamp hanger of the wall with her hands holding upwards
which is exhibiting her boobies and navel clearly with the shape.
Anushka Shetty is pleading as her tied and exhibiting her assets to
twenty unknown thugs of south india “please.. leave me. I can give you
money, even more actresses.. please”.

Stuntman “but you are the best in town”. One guy forcefully kissing her
lips with holding her boob in his palm, squeezing it so hard. Anushka’s
eyes are letting out the tears in pain. Trisha is being tortured with the
dicks of 6 stuntmen. Trisha is moving here and there but couldn’t able to
escape the hold. The 6 guys are keep on changing the position and
fucking Trisha’s pussy like a rotational shifts.
Samantha is slowly taking her hand backwards to unhook the bra which
is making her boobs comes forward and impressing the 7 stuntman who
are standing infront of Samantha. Samantha is feeling ashamed and
afraid to go through the upcoming session as she knows it will be one
hell of sex session of her lifetime.

Kajal Agarwal started the car and into the road. Kajal Agarwal is getting
a call from some restricted number. Kajal is bit confused and dilemma to
attend it. Finally Kajal Agarwal took the call and she heard the most
electrifying voice in planet earth, “Hey Kajal, Its Interpol Officer, The
Trisha’s assets are hanging like balls as she bent forward and getting the
whooping of the life time from the 6 stuntmen. It is like she is fucking like
no other tomorrow. Trisha now is involved in the fuck session as she
started enjoying and accepted the punishment. Trisha is rubbing the chest
of 6 stuntmen one by one and kissing the person who is standing infront of
him. 6 guys are changing their position to her asshole, cunt, boobs, armpits
and navel.

Samantha removed her panty and bra to stand naked infront of 7

stuntmen. They are eating her with their eyes on the fleshy body of
Samantha. Samantha slowly is sitting on the couch which is in the center of
the room “please be gentle” saying it with tears and lot of sweating. One
guy is holding her right leg and other one is holding left leg, other two
boys are kept the arms each and licking her armpits. Other three guys
handling her mouth, her boobies and her pussy respectively.

Anushka is hanging with her wrist tied in the lamp hanger as its kept
above her head. Anushka’s boobies, armpit, navel and pussy everything is
clearly visible. The stuntmen are going to her one by one and squeezing,
kissing, scratching and groping her assets. Anushka is slithering and
shouting like a fish outside the water. Stuntmen also beating her brutally
on her face cheeks and boobies till she bleeds.
Trisha is taken to the steps which leads to the upstairs now. Trisha
Krishnan is laying on the guy who is lying on the steps in a slanding
manner. That guy plugged her asshole with his huge dick and Trisha is
letting the tears out and her body coated with sweat due to rough and
continous fuck for hours. Trisha is fixing her anus to his cock and other
falls over her with a black, sweaty dirty body over with plugging his dick
to her pussy. Trisha is getting heavy stroke fucking dicks on her body for
the first time.

Other guy is standing on the top step and sitting over her face like sitting
on the western toilet and let her licking his ass crack and hole. Trisha is
feeling like vomiting and spitting the saliva here and there. The guy is keep
on rubbing his ass over her mouth. Other two guys are sucking her nipples
and biting her nemo fish tattoo. Trisha is shouting inside the asshole of that
guy. Remaining guy is rubbing his dick on her silky hair.

Trisha’s both asshole and pussy is decimated by the pack of 6 stuntmen

slowly and steadily. Anushka is begging “please stop punching me.. fuck
me, use me.. Don’t hit me” with tears and blood rolling out from her eyes
and lips respectively. They cut the knot which is tying her with the lamp
hanger and Anushka fell down hard with single fall.

They (Stuntmen) are surrounding the fallen body and one by one
approaching her to fuck. Anushka is slowly loosing her conscious and lost
her consciousness. Stuntmen are laid over her and fucking her pussy one
by one. But there is no resistance or co operation from her side. But
Stuntmen have no care regarding that. Anushka’s boobies are being biten
and her mouth is fucked like anything. Anushka didn’t try to keep it close
or resist them. She letted her body to be taken by the group of stuntmen.

Samantha is laying on the couch as her face is set over the hand bar of the
couch. Her mouth is treated as her pussy by the 3 stuntmen who are keep
on changing the dicks on her mouth and let her suck it completely. Her
pussy is handled by 4 men as they keep on standing on the other side of
couch with Keeping Samantha in a doggy sex position. Samantha is getting
both the end strokes to her mouth and pussy.
Anushka is mixed up with sweat, tears, cum and blood which is coated her
body. Anushka is laid like a dead body without any movement. But she is
keep on breathing is the only thing that ensures she is alive due to rough
handling of 20 men at a time.

Trisha is getting saliva and cum mixed up and overflowing from her
mouth. Trisha’s pussy is bleeding due to long stand usage and rough usage
of 6 heavy hitting people. Trisha is vomiting now and but she don’t get
enough time to vomit or spit, the guys pulled her again to their dick and
fucking her face and pussy and also her asshole.

Kajal Agarwal is driving her car back to the buglaw which she abandoned
few moments earlier. The 40 stuntmen are looking at the car entering to
their campus once again and looking at the fresh meat Kajal back to the
campus. Kajal Agarwal shouting at them “hey traitors sons of bitches, I
give you 2 minutes time. Please get the fuck out of this place. Else you will
regret for that”.

Stuntmen left Trisha, anushka and Samantha and approaching Kajal

agarwal. Stuntmen group leader “What?? Are you going to bite our dicks..
hahahah” all 40 stuntmen are letting out a laughters which filled that area.

A military type jeep vehicle smashed the compound walls of the guest
house and stopped right next to the car of Kajal Agarwal. The 40 stuntmen
are watching it with a carnage of bricks of the walls smashed and dust is on
the air. When the Dust is settled they are looking at 6’4 feet tall and 365
pounds weight “The Rock”.
Stuntmen Leader “hahaha. You think this single muscle guy will trash out
all of us. Are you kidding me you bitch and hey.. You son of a bitch”. The
Rock took his gun out and throw it right back to his jeep. The Rock walked
forward towards the 40 stuntmen with saying “JUST BRING IT”. From that
moment, Kajal witnessed very hardcore live action of her life time with
some of the fight moves still in her mind.
Within 3 minutes the place is settled down just like a dust settled with 40
stuntmen are laying on the floor with a last man standing ,“The Rock”. The
Rock “Lets go inside and get your friends saved. I got lot many things to
Kajal Agarwal is shell shocked to the core and shouts at him “hey… You
never told me that you are going to arrest us.. first we are innocents, what
charges you are arresting us?”. Anushka is slowly getting conscious and
Trisha is standing with the support of Samantha. Still all 3 bitches are
naked without a dress or inners and they don’t care about their nudity.

The Rock “Charges, No.1 – You all hidden the truth from the the world
and your Indian government. No.2 – You helped terrorists to make
money. No.3 – You caused the massacre which happened few moments
earlier with the stuntmen punks. No.4 – due to that, two innocents lost
their life and many car explosions. Am I Clear??”.
Kajal Agarwal “hey that was a self defense. How can you arrest for us?”.
The Rock “listen ladies, I don’t have to answer you. This case is taken by
America government now. I need to know the full story and once the
investigation is done, you all will be killed”. The Rock took his gun out
from his gun hanger. Trisha “hey.. Wait wait. We will cooperate with you
in all aspects. Please don’t don’t do this”. Samantha and Kajal agarwal is
backing off with the conversation. Anushka Shetty “Sir, We will help
you. You please spare us. What we have to do for you to walk free”.

The Rock entered to the guest house and is looking around for some
clues in the meantime Kajal Agarwal went for the aid of Trisha,
Samantha and Anushka Shetty. Anushka Shetty is still unconscious,
Trisha is coughing like a torn cloth and Samantha is slowly recovering
from the hard fuck session. The Rock moved inside the room and
looking at the 3 bitch actresses laying in semi damaged condition. Rock
“girls, you are under arrest by the FBI, USA Government. You are
arrested in the terrorist act and you have no rights to get bail or parole”.

The Rock “I need names. Who all are behind us. Complete Truth. You all
should join my team. I won’t promise for your safety and forgiveness.
But I will try my best”. The Rock put the gun back to his gun hanger and
says “Lets go and you people go to your home and continue your life.
Don’t try to run, I can track you easily.”. All the actress are letting out the
breath and smiles at each other. The Rock turns back “hmm Kajal
Agarwal, I need a place to stay. I prefer your home. Come with me”.
Kajal Agarwal is terrorized “what.. why? Sir..”. The Rock “get into my
car and show me the route. I will explain you in the way”.

As Kajal Agarwal gets closer to the car, The Rock holds her ass cheeks
over her chudi. Kajal Agarwal is giving a part pain and part pleasure
expression to him. The Rock “Its been a long time, I am eating pie,
sweety”. Kajal Agarwal “Sir…??” due to the pain and rough hands are
bringing tears from the eyes of Kajal. The Rock “Once we gets into your
home, we do talking with lots of fuckings” smiles at her. Kajal Agarwal
is staring at the body of The Rock and praying god for god’s mercy and
In the same time, Velan, Rasool and Sunny Leone are entering to their
private castle which they founded in a abandoned place from the city. It
is a place which was used during the world war and it is not accessed by
anyone these days. Shruthi Hassan is kept hostage by them. Velan is
entering to the prison cell where Shruthi Hassan is locked up and she is
wearing white tops and black jeans.
Shruthi is very happy to see Velan alive and she thought she might
rescue her from Rasool. Shruthi runs towards him and hugging Velan in
excitement. Velan is hugging her back and kissing her in her lips.
Shruthi is also responding with a tight hug and kiss on his lips. Velan is
kissing her passionately as he is hungry for sex.
Sunny Leone is packing her things for the tour to Mumbai to meet
Deepika Padukone. Sunny Leone “Rasool, so whats the plan”. Rasool
“Rajastan, Star night. Invitation to Deepika Padukone, Vaani Kapoor
and our south Indian actresses. Your name should not be leaked out. Our
South India bitches will be aware of it”. Sunny Leone “done. I am flying
to Mumbai tonight and Will meet Deepika Padukone’s manager
tomorrow”. Rasool “ I am bringing my weapon specialist into this plan
and I am going to plan something huge”.

Sunny Leone “Like what?”. Rasool “ Breaking in to White house and

Launch Nuclear Attack in India and Pakistan in the name of America”.
Sunny “You are a Pakistani, right?”. Rasool “yes, Still I didn’t have any
support from them. I am going to start World War 3”. Sunny Leone “but
you are pimp. Nothing else” laughing out loud as teasing him. Rasool
“Not anymore. It is my final attempt. I want to seal my name in
monumental sky. Saddam hussain, Bin Laidens are dead. But still their
name is on the minds of this people. I want to be a legend”.

Sunny Leone “err.. inspiring speech. But why America?”. Rasool “

America is getting into the all the problems and issues of other countries,
so we have to give them their own issues and problems. I heard that
there is Interpol officer gets into our deal”. Sunny Leone is bit scared
“What do you mean by Interpol, so its exposed to everyone?”. Rasool
“this time we did in the india, killed peoples, bombed places and cars is
attracted everyone’s attention to this case. Still they don’t know its us.
But they do know something is going on”.

Sunny Leone “ Listen Rasool, I am not with your attack plans and all.
Once I get the movies of the actresses I will leave, there is no contacts
between you and me for your terrorist attacks”. Rasool is smiling “scared
huh.. Deal. If you revealed my plans before I execute that, You will be
killed through a painful execution”. Sunny Leone is scared to hear those
words but didn’t showing it out “Deal”. Sunny Leone is feeling
something huge and wrong is going to happen and she left to Mumbai
Rasool is calling his weapon specialist friend from Texas,”Austin, I need
your ass here. I am going to do two big plans now. For that, You should
be with us”. Austin “I will be there in two days, Buddy. We will execute
this two plans successfully and we will rule the world. That’s the
bottomline, because Stone Cold Steve Austin said so”.

Velan is kissing on the lips of Shruthi Hassan and grabbed her boobies.
Shruthi is kissing him and let him do whatever he wants to do with her
body. Shruthi is slowly asking questions while the kiss is happening
“hmm velan.. ssh.. how you… aree.. here”. Velan didn’t answer her
question and removed her tops. Velan without wasting a second
swallowed her left boob and started sucking her nipple. Shruthi is
holding the head of Velan and feeding her nipple to him “please save
me, Velan. Take me… take me”.
Kajal Agarwal taken The Rock to her another guest house of her in
Chennai. The Rock made himself home and he is setting up his cabin with
a laptop, tracker, gps and his weapon session. Kajal Agarwal is looking at it
with a wide opened jaw in surprise that how he got approval for all his war
weapons. The Rock is looking at Kajal Agarwal and asking her with bit
irritation “WHAT!!??”. Kajal Agarwal is back to her senses “err.. huh..
nothing, sir. Can I leave for the day, Sir?”.

The Rock put his weapon on the table with the gun is pointing the navel of
Kajal Agarwal which is indicated by the red laser light is placed over her
navel hole. Kajal is bit panicked that “ Sir, why are you pointing the gun
towards me?”. The Rock smiled a bit “cool, Kajal. A place is good. Hey..
Please relax”,

The Rock took the gun and put it on the bag and says “Kajal, you have a
sister, right?”. Kajal Agarwal guessed what he is upto “Sir, He is married
recently. Why Sir?”. The Rock “well, Apart from killing criminals and
kicking the asses of the terrorists. I have a hobby of fucking SISTERS”.
Kajal is literally shocked to hear it.
Velan is grabbing the ass of Shruthi Hassan and taking her to the walls.
VElan is kissing her passionately and licking her lips. Shruthi is responding
to velan as he is her savior once. Shruthi is not at all resisting his action and
doing along with him. Velan placed her in the bed which is on the corner of
the room, he knelt down in the floor, Shruthi sat on the bed and spreaded
her legs like a trained bitch. Velan set his face in between the thighs of
Shruthi Hassan and eating her pussy.

Shruthi Hassan is stretching her body backwards to bring her assets

forward and holding her body to lift her pussy so close and deep to the
mouth of Velan to lick and suck greatly. Velan is now using his middle
finger and indicating finger along with his tongue to fingering the pussy of
Shruthi Hassan. Shruthi Hassan is releasing the precum and Velan’s nose is
teasing the clit point of Shruthi. Shruthi is feeling the extreme pleasure.

Shruthi Hassan is moaning like high pressure and pleasure, “aaahhh,

oooh.. so goooood… velan,… keep.. goiaaaang…”. Velan is biting her
pussy lips hard and shruthi jumped up in a pain. Velan falls over her and
wrapped her body with his arms around her back and stroking her pussy
with his dick inside her pussy. Velan is fucking her with full speed and
whispering in the ear of Shruthi “Shruthi, oh… its like heaven.. I love
you…”. Shruthi “mmm sss.. aaah… thaaannkksss… pleaaasee… get mee
out of … aaaa.. here..”.

Velan “let me tell you something, I am with Rasool”. Shruthi felt betrayed,
Yelled as “what the fuck” and trying to push him away. But Velan hugging
her more tight now and fucking her with heavy strokes. Shruthi “you
traitor son of a bitch… Why? Aaa”. Velan “yesterday I was with you girls..
Today I’m with Rasool.. Tomorrow.. Whoever wins the battle”. Shruthi
Hassan is bit relaxed due to the pleasure given by Velan and resting on the
bed by asking, “what do you mean,Bastard”. Velan explained her the
whole thing messed up with the moment Velan kidnapped from Van
Kajal Agarwal is looking at The Rock, “Sir, she is married.. How Can I ask
her to come back here?”. The Rock “This is a global positioning system, I
can track whoever having a mobile phone with them. I checked Nisha’s
mobile number and she is in Chennai for her friend’s wedding”. Kajal
couldn’t give any excuse now and staring at him without knowing what to
do now.

Kajal Agarwal is taking the mobile and calling her sister, Nisha Agarwal
picked up the
call “Hey Kajal, How are you? What are you doing..?”. Kajal Agarwal “Hey
Nisha, I am so good.. Really? I want to meet you in person. Can you come
to our home as soon as possible”. Nisha “Why Akka, anything
important?”. Kajal “You used to ask me na, Where I went for 1
year(Pakistan slavery and carried the kid of Rasool’s father, sulthan) na,
Come to me. I will tell you now”. Nisha Agarwal “Ok Kajal, I will be there
in 20 minutes, I am near our guest house only”.
The Rock wrapped Kajal’s waist from her behind and kissing her cheeks
once she cuts the call. The Rock is kissing the lips of Kajal Agarwal and his
hand moved to her boobies. Even for The Rock’s hand its more than
handful, Kajal is feeling pleasure pain and sucking the lips of The Rock.
The Rock “Let me eat your big fruit till your sister get her love cherry to
me”. Kajal is afraid of the rock and also excited to see his big dick.

Rasool is looking for his old friends to reunite them and take out the
competition. Rasool is making some calls to his old friends.

Velan is holding Shruthi Hassan on his top and holding her with his palms
placed on her boobies. Velan is raising his body and down on the bed and
Shruthi Hassan is riding the dick of Shruthi Hassan with a rhythm. Velan
and Shruthi Hassan is exchanging the kiss with passion and Shruthi is
whispering the ears of Velan “OK Velan, I am with you. I will join with
Rasool”. Velan is giving her a master stroke with continous strokes while
she is saying it and both Velan and Shruthi is releasing their cum on each
other’s body.

Rasool is recording the Video of Shruthi and Velan with morphing Velan’s
face in to pixel and uploading it and sending the mail to Sunny Leone’s
mail id. Sunny Leone’s Apple Iphone is getting a beep and Sunny Leone is
looking at it with happiness. Sunny Leone is making a call to her internet
porn site partners to launch it in a premium account to stop it spreading
right away.

Anushka Shetty is in her home and avoided to talk with her brother and
family through mobile phone. She is looking at herself in the master
mirror of her bed room. She can remember all the abuses, slaps and
facial fucks the stuntmen did to her. Anushka Shetty’s eyes are turned to
red and feeling determined to do something. Anushka is tying her hair
and moving to bathroom to take the bath. Anushka is feeling the
betrayal of Kajal Agarwal and also thinking about how Saravanan could
get killed. Anushka Shetty realized that there is a plenty of betrayal
plays done.
Shruthi Hassan and Velan are coming to see Rasool in his chamber.
Rasool is looking at Velan and Shruthi are coming together and looking
at his guards to be alert. Velan is smiling at them and took his gun and
put it on the table. Velan “We are clean. Shruthi just wanted to join with
us”. Rasool is looking at them with his hands folded over his chest.
Rasool “Shruthi, What you can give it to me?”.
Shruthi Hassan “ A Places where you can hit and get the output. I can get
you some of my closest actresses to your trap. When I go out and call the
actresses for your rajastan star night, you will double the response,
Rasool picked up the gun and is loading it with the bullets. Velan is
thinking about the possibility which may happen in any moment. Rasool
is loading the gun one by one with bullets. Rasool is looking over the
windows and he is witnessing that 3 full truck of his terrorist gang
members are getting into their hideout chamber. Velan is looking at
them and can sense that it will be hard battle.

Velan’s mobile is getting a call and Rasool is noticing it. Velan took out
his mobile and puzzled to see the number. It is Anushka Shetty. Velan is
thinking to avoid the call, Rasool snatched the mobile and looking at
Velan “So you still in contact with that bitch.. good.. call and ask her to
come.. put it on the speaker”.

Anushka is saying “Hello Velan..”. Velan “ya.. tell me, Sweety”.

Anushka Shetty “enough of your play, Son of bitch. I know you only set
us up to Mr. Rasool. I know that for sure”. Rasool is smiling at Velan and
saying in the phone “You are next, Anushka”. Anushka “Hey Rasool,
How are you, man… I know.. I want to be next.. Next to yours in your
army”. Rasool is shocked to hear that “What?”. Anushka “I want to meet
you. You can kidnap me or just tell me the place. I will bring the new
Interpol jerk there. Lets finish him off”.

Velan is confused to the core “Hey Anushka, Are you okay?”. Anushka
“I am going to bring the destruction to his bitchy actresses and a people
who don’t understand that Actresses also human, female like their
mother, sister and lover. I am going to teach a lesson. I guess Indian fans
are most worst one. Even after acting many nude scenes in movies by
Angelina Jolie, she is still respected by many. But we actresses are being
treated as bitches.. SHIT.”. Rasool is happy about the turn of Anushka
“We will, Anushka. I will send you the plan to your mail. You just
execute it”.
Trisha and Samantha just now reached to their homes and are refreshing
themselves in their bathroom. Trisha is changed herself to shimmy and
night pants. Samantha turned to nightwear and about to have good night
sleep. Anushka is making a call in conference call and warning “Hey
Girls, Velan just now called me. You know what, Interpol officer is one
of the guy of Rasool’s gang. Velan is asking us to assemble on the
Chennai city Harbour in one hour”.

Anushka Shetty is now calling Kajal Agarwal. Kajal Agarwal is sitting

infront of her home and waiting for her sister, Nisha Agarwal to come
for the treat of The Rock. Kajal Agarwal picked up the call “Hey
Anushka, How are you feeling now. Any problems?”. Anushka Shetty is
cursing Kajal in her mind and saying sweetly “nothing Kajal.. You know
what.. You are in serious trouble. The Rock is not a Interpol officer, he is
one of the member of Rasool’s gang. Velan just called me and informed
me”. Kajal Agarwal freezed in horror “What are you talking, hey!!! I am
with a terrorist again.. “.

Anushka “Hey don’t panic. Don’t do anything stupid.. You may end up
getting killed by him”. Kajal Agarwal got up from there “Hey don’t scare
me. Tell me what to do now”. Anushka “Just bring him to the Chennai
city harbor in one hour as per the idea of Velan. He have some rescue
plan it seems”. Kajal Agarwal “but Anushka, The Rock ordered me and
my sister to serve him”. Anushka in mind “let him have his final sex of
his life”.
Anushka “ once you and nisha done with him, You just bring him there
by saying You got a lead that Rasool is there and make it happen soon”.
Nisha Agarwal’s car entered to the campus of Kajal’s guest house. Kajal
“Thanks anushka.. you are really great. I was so selfish. That’s why I am
again in trouble. I will bring him there in one hour. HOPEFULLY”.
Anushka is cutting the call “HOPE.. There will be only Chaos”.


Kajal Agarwal welcomes Nisha Agarwal by hugging her to herself

tightly and whispering in her ears “Hey, Listen carefully, I am in serious
trouble. I thought someone as cop. But he is actually a terrorist”. Nisha
“You are letting a Terrorist to stay on our house.. What the Fuck..!!!”.
Nisha is about to break a hug and returns to the car but Kajal holds her
in a hug and pleads “hey nisha.. nisha.. if you go, that bald king kong
will shoot me. Please.. save your sister”. Nisha “but Kajal, he is an
terrorist. We have to call the cops”. Nisha agarwal is trying to pick the
phone from her luxurious hand bag. The rock is calling Kajal from inside
the home “Kajal, Get me a water please”.

Kajal “he is suspecting me, that’s why he is calling me now. Don’t call
the cops. He is able to beat 30 rowdies with a fist. I don’t think Cops are
the good solution”. Nisha “you want to die. Go ahead.. let me go”. Nisha
pushed Kajal and Kajal lost the balance to land herself on the floor.
Nisha just opened the door to get in but the voice stopped her. The Rock
“so it is your sister, Nisha”. Nisha heard it and slowly turned with a fake
smile. The Rock “Why sisters are wasting your time here, come inside”.
Nisha and Kajal are standing like stupid bitches and following The
Rock. Nisha is pinching Kajal in her ass and she screams.

Anushka Shetty is assembling Trisha and Samantha in her own car and
moving to Chennai City Harbour. Trisha and Samantha is asking
Anushka “How Velan is managing to be alive this much days after
killing Rasool’s father?”. Samantha “I don’t think it’s a good idea to go
there. What if Velan is a traitor”. Anushka is laughing Trisha and
Samantha “You dumb bitches, You think Velan is the only traitor.. Velan
is.. Kajal Is.. This fans are.. and last but not least.. Anushka Shetty is..”.
Trisha and Samantha is looking at shock and staring each other.
Anushka closed her nose with a hand kerchief and sprayed the
chloroform on Trisha and Samantha. They both went to sleep nicely in
the back seat of Anushka’s BMW car.
Shruthi Hassan and Velan are roaming around with Rasool. Rasool is
setting the sniper gun man and setting explosive bombs around the
harbour’s abandoned storage area of containers. Velan is looking at it
and it seems there is no way out for The Rock. Velan to Rasool “What are
you making.. blow on Chennai harbor will create issues. How will you
escape from this?”.

Rasool “Velan, I don’t think you understand me. Also understand your
country. If you have money, you can make this people believe that crow
is white and milk is black”. Velan “Well yeah, that’s true. I can’t refuse.”.
Rasool “I bribed the politicians, cops.. This is my land now. I can do
anything”. Shruthi Hassan “but how?”. Anushka’s car entered to that
area and Shruthi is shocked to Trisha and Samantha. Anushka is getting
down from the driver seat and walking towards Rasool. Rasool “nice to
have you in my side”. Anushka “my pleasure. I thought it is where I

The Rock did a bath in the bathroom and came out with a towel wrapped
on his waist just to cover his manhood. In the meantime of The Rock’s
bath, Kajal Agarwal and Nisha Agarwal turned into the saree to keep
The Rock happy. Kajal decided herself that “even the Velan failed to
protect us, if we treat him well, he may spare me”. Kajal is wearing a
green saree with Nisha is wearing a red saree by showing their assets in
good extent to the rock. Kajal and Nisha Agarwal is starting to get lust on
The Rock after seeing him just with a towel wrapped around his body.

The Rock let out his signature stare on those ladies “hmm.. Indian
traditional dress is also so hot. That’s why, Indian ladies are the best
ladies in the world and won many miss universe titles. I get that now”
Giggles. The Rock is coming closer to Kajal and Nisha. Nisha is standing
there still as she is much excited and its her first to be good looking male
as she never acted with leading actors. Kajal Agarwal is slowly walking
forward with fear and Anushka’s warning is keeping looping on her
Velan is just smiling to whatever Rasool is saying to manage the
situation and also he is getting a bad feeling about the situation which is
going on beyond the limit. Velan is suddenly realizing it that the sniper
laser point is on his abdomen and shoulder. Velan is looking at Rasool
and Anushka. Rasool’s guys came and pulled Shruthi, Trisha and
Samantha to the container and launched them in a truck.

Anushka is answering the questions of Velan “Velan, I know you are

opportunist. You will side up with who is winning. You set us up.. Set us
Rasool. Killed Rasool’s father, the great Sulthan. Great fucker he was”
Anushka giggles with devilish tone.

Rasool “Also you will try to kill me for sure”. Velan is speechless and
looking around but he realized moving a bit will cost his body a gun
shot. Rasool added up “I was keeping you on my side just to know these
actresses’s behavior and cop’s behavior. I bought cops and Anushka is
on my side”. Rasool is wrapping the waist of Anushka. Anushka is not
showing any rebel and she is kissing Rasool’s cheek.

Rasool is turned his back on Velan and so did Anushka. Rasool signaled
Snipers to shot. Snipers shooted him at the same time with Velan turns
and tried to run. Velan got hit on his shoulder and back of his body and
he breaks the glass and landed on the water of the ocean. Rasool turned
back and looking at his sniper “you assholes, Can’t shoot the head huh?
See.. he gone. Get me his body else you will become a dead body”.

Anushka is whispering to him in his ears that “The end Begins now.”
Laughing cruelly at Velan and her actresses. Trisha, Shruthi and
Samantha is looking at her with a terror.

The Rock holds the waist of Nisha and pulls her forward to himself.
Nisha is not showing any defense after seeing his muscle toned body.
Nisha is placing kisses all over his chest, arms and finally landed on his
lips. The Rock is holding her waist and other palm is holding her back
head, Kissing her so passionately which is making Nisha much into the
temptation. Kajal Agarwal is looking at it with closer distance and
getting turned on slowly.
The Rock lifted Nisha in his hand and put her on the bed. The Rock is
over her and kissing her all over her face while his hands are cupping
the boobies of her. Kajal Agarwal is slowly staring at them and getting it
to the bed. Nisha is spreading her arms wide like crucifix to let The Rock
eat her boobies nicely. Nisha’s legs are rubbing the bed sheet like
making waves. The Rock found the nipples of Nisha Agarwal and
sucking it with ecstasy. Nisha is blabbering that “ooohh.. sir.. its heaven..
sir.. asshhhhhhh”.

Kajal Agarwal is feeling left behind and pulled her pallu down by
herself. Kajal Agarwal is spreading over the back of The Rock. The Rock
is feeling the pleasure bags of Kajal is pressing on his strong back. The
Rock wrapped her behind on him as push her more on him. Kajal is
giggling sluttily and licking the earlobes of The Rock. The Rock is
closing his eyes and feeling it. Nisha wrapped his neck with her arm,
lifted herself up closer to The Rock’s face and kissing on his lips.

ddThe Rock is instructing to kajal “remove my brief and prepare my

beast, hahaha”. The Rock is kissing the navel of Nisha Agarwal and
Nisha is pushing the bald head of The Rock. The Rock is biting, kissing
and licking it all over her navel with his tongue. Nisha “oooh.. is that
tongue or something.. hahaehee”. The Rock is untying her knot on her
skirt. Kajal Agarwal is kneeling down right side of Rock and kissing his
lips. The Rock is hugging Kajal with one hand and untying the knot
with other hand on Nisha’s body.

The Rock removed the skirt and panties of Nisha Agarwal in one minute
and made her completely naked. The Rock Ordered Nisha “Help your
sister to get into her birthday dress?”. Nisha and Kajal is puzzled and
replies “Birthday Dress” in chorus. The Rock “We all born nakedly” is
laughing out loud. Kajal and Nisha is giving slutty and attracting smile
at the Hercules of modern era.
Kajal Agarwal is hugging the Rock while Nisha is unhooking her back
hooks of the jacket. Kajal and The Rock is exchanging the passionate
kiss and licking her chin, cheeks and lips. Kajal is biting his lips in
sexual hotness as she forgot that she is a cop or terrorist. Nisha is
wrapping the waist of Kajal agarwal with her both hands slides through
her waist sides and removing the skirt knot while kissing Kajal’s bare
back with her lips.
The Rock is holding the head of Nisha Agarwal by passing his hand
through the armpit of Kajal Agarwal and pulled Nisha’s head to
shoulder of Kajal. The Rock is kissing on both Kajal and Nisha’s lips
back to back. The Rock is pushing Kajal to the bed and Now the Agarwal
sisters are looking at the monsterous giant dick of the Rock. The Rock
“Hold it, suck it and Embrace it”. Nisha and Kajal made a competition to
who hold first as they fought for it then both holds together and licking
the sides at a the same time.

The Rock is holding the heads of Kajal and Nisha Agarwal and let them
suck, lick, clean and blowjobbing his dick. The Rock is now fucking the
face of Nisha while Kajal Agarwal is licking the shaft of The Rock. The
Rock “this is why Indian girls are the best.. Wow.. what a skill and
structure.. I love it”. Kajal Agarwal likes to made this situation counts
“Will you do some favour for us, Mr. Rock”. The Rock is in pleasure but
still he is witty “its based on the favor you ask for”. Nisha and Kajal
Agarwal are asking in chorus “Please ensure we are alive when
everything gets over.. I mean, this terrorist, rasool and all”. Kajal in mind
voice “If he promised, he may save us. If he struggles, we have to go for
some other plans”.

The Rock “I Guaran – Damn – Tee(Guarantee) you that, You will be alive
and safe when its all over”. The Rock pushed Kajal to the bed who was
sucking the dick of The Rock. The Rock is inserting his dick to Kajal’s
Pussy. It was not penetrating as the size is big. Nisha hodls the Dick of
Rock and plugging it to Kajal’s pussy. The Rock hold and wrapped the
head of Nisha and pushing it to his ass crack. Nisha Agarwal is licking
the asshole of the Rock. The Rock is fucking Kajal Agarwal in full speed.
Kajal is feeling heavy hitting monster with a giant cock ravishing her is
making her moan and scream.
The Rock is fucking Kajal’s pussy like destroying her cunt and showing
his years of trained strength and stamina. Nisha is licking the asshole
and cheeks of The Rock. Nisha is slowly getting into the bed and lays
next to Kajal agarwal. Kajal Agarwal is slowly turning as her body is
shaking up like earth quake on her body with the strokes being given by
The Rock. Nisha holds the face of Kajal Agarwal and both gets into the
passionate lesbian lip kiss.

The Rock is tuning the nipples of Kajal Agarwal and kissing the neck.
Kajal is feeling the entire mass weight of The Rock. Kajal Agarwal is
feeling like couldn’t breath. The Rock is not caring about it and fucking
her like his fuck toy. Nisha is fingering herself and looking at hardcore
porn scene is going right before her eyes live.

Kajal Agarwal is screaming “Hey… Stop…. SHITT… sTOPP….

Fuckkkkkkkkkkk” loudly and she is squirting in pleasure. Kajal
Agarwal is rolling out to the floor from the bed after squirting her pussy
cum shot. Kajal Agarwal is gasping heavy breath and closed her eyes in
exhaustion. The Rock is getting over Nisha, Nisha stopped The Rock “I
don’t want normal positions Rock. Do something different, Rock”.
The Rock inserted his both hands in between the Thighs of Nisha
Agarwal. Nisha is looking at The Rock without knowing “what is he
doing?”. The Rock lifted her up like a weight lift and holding her with
the hands passed through her thighs are placed in her ass cheeks and
holding her in the air with she is sitting on the lap of The Rock.
The Rock plugged the Dick of Nisha “hmm.. It is bit tighter than
Kajal’s”. Nisha giggles “I was in the industry for just a short time”. The
Rock is holding her in his arms and stroking her. Nisha is flying and
bouncing over the Rock for every stroke. Nisha is blabbering, crying and
moaning like anything. After 20 minutes of Fuck, Nisha is squirted and
laid next to Kajal. The Rock is jerking his dick over the faces of Nisha
and Kajal Agarwal. Both bitches are opening their mouth to get his cum
and The Rock sprayed his cum over both of their faces.

In the meantime, Velan is losing the lots of blood under the water as
blood is mixing up with the water. Everywhere the Gaurds are roaming
in search of Velan in the Harbor. Velan wants a place to hide and
looking at the abandoned container but a guard is standing over there.
Velan is slowly getting into the platform and thrown the stone on the sea
water. Velan used the moment when the guard turns his back towards
the sea water to check the noise. Velan entered to the Container without
the Guard is noticing from above it.

Trisha, Samantha and Shruthi are in locked room. Trisha and Samantha
are getting conscious. Anushka and Rasool is in the other room and
discussing something. Anushka is wearing a black saree now. Anushka
“Rasool, I can get your revenge. How you are going to repay me?”.
Rasool “Repay you, Nice joke. I will set you free. That’s how I Repay.”.
Anushka “Don’t underestimate me, Rasool. I am 32 years old.. Still
single, Why my family is still suck my blood in the name of acting. I
have to sleep with many to they sleep comfortable in my home. Fans are
just using me as a bitch, showcase toy. They don’t care about me. The
Government too”. Rasool “You got the interpol officer on your side and
why you turned your side on India, actresses and them(fans)”.
Anushka is walking seductively to Rasool “Because This country
Abandoned me and its my turn to do the same. Interpol Officer came
here. But not to rescue us. Just to check whats going on here.
Government would have know that something going on. As there is no
complaints failed they keep mum. Fans and stuntmen, co artists
everybody knows we are in trouble. But nobody cares”. Rasool “for
that?”. Anushka “Enemy’s Enemy is my friend, Rasool Bhai. I need our
army and I have a plan”. Rasool “Plan for?”. Anushka “Once I help you
to get your plan executed. And Its successful. After you trust me. I will
tell you, Rasool”. Rasool “I trust you now itself” saying it and hugging
her. Rasool is kissing on the lips of Anushka. Anushka is not showing
any opposition.
Rasool and Anushka’s room is opened without a knock and the guy says
“Hey Rasool, You got a hard on all again.. Rasool Bhai”. Rasool turned
back to see and smiles loudly “Hey Zaheer Bhai.. Come on, man.. Wow..
my fist fight expert is here”. Anushka is slowly turning her sight to
Zaheer who is white, 6’4 tall and ripped tone body but slim.

Anushka is just smiling at Zaheer and holding the hands of Rasool.

Zaheer “What is she doing her? She is supposed to be in prison.. isn’t
it?”. Anushka with attitude “There is no prison made to hold Anushka”.
Rasool is smiling “She got a prison in her cunt to hold our dicks” and
kissing Anushka’s lips. Anushka and Rasool are kissing passionately
infront of Zaheer. Zaheer with bit irritation “Rasool Bhai, you called me
up to see your live sex show?”. Rasool “Nope. I already spoke with
Austin and I decided to plan a hit on White house”. Zaheer “Austin, that
basket ball headed bitch.. huh.. White house? Are you kidding me,
Rasool?”. Anushka is looking over her shoulders and smiles “Zaheer,
lost your balls huh?”. Zaheer is getting angry and about to slap her.
Rasool “Hey hey, she is one of our team now. Please be patience. Its
almost 13 years we made a big hit. I think, its time again”.

Zaheer “I hope you lost your mind. It is a one way Trip, Rasool. We will
not come back from there. Also if we want to gets in. We need weapons,
vehicles, copters and lots of powerful men should help us”. Anushka
Shetty “Well guys, Why you are people always behind USA”. Zaheer
with irritation “Shut up you cunt”. Rasool “You have any better idea?”.
Anushka Shetty “Yes. Capture Chennai’s Chief Minister building, get
hostages and demand big money then buy whatever you want. It is
simple”. Rasool “Simple?”. Zaheer “Yes, Comparing to USA white
house, Chennai White building is pretty much simple”. Anushka “Also
you are going to conduct a star night in Rajastan, Chennai can be
accessed through oceans. Chennai is Handy for us”. Zaheer “Which state
you are from?”. Anushka is replying with a smile “Mangalore,
Karnataka. Born on 7th November 1981. I don’t mind if you people are
burning tamilnadu or Andhra Pradesh”.
Rasool “it sounds like a plan to me, Zaheer”. Zaheer “Easy plan though”.
Rasool “Hey Anushka, where the fuck Kajal and Interpol officer”.
Anushka “Chillax dear, let me check with that bitch, Kajal”. Anushka is
calling to Kajal’s mobile number.

Kajal’s Guest house:

Kajal and Nisha Agarwal are completely exhausted with a fuck storm
they undergone through The Rock. Their mobile is ringing but it is far
from the bed. It is in the table. The Rock wakes up as the mobile is
ringing. Looking at Kajal Agarwal and Nisha Agarwal are exhausted and
not listening the ringtone. The Rock gone to the mobile and sees
Anushka is calling Kajal. The Rock accepted the call and didn’t say a
word. Anushka yells “Hey Kajal, what are you doing.. where is that
terrorist Interpol officer imposter. Bring him here soon before he kills
you. Lets kill him”. The Rock cuts the call and calculated whats going on
within few minutes. Anushka is ringing again.

The Rock comes to Kajal and slapping the face of Kajal Agarwal. Kajal is
slowly getting her conscious and looking at the Rock. Kajal is looking at
the display name “Anushka calling”, She instantly snatched the phone
and accepted the call. The Rock got up and moving to dress up. Anushka
is yelling at Kajal and asking her to bring the Rock. Kajal accepted it and
cuts the call. Kajal “ The Rock, Anushka is found the place where Rasool
is hides out, she is asking us to come there”. The Rock took out the gun
and pointing the gun to the head of Kajal “What the fuck is going on?
Terrorists are capturing you bitches or you are the terrorists?”.
Kajal is peeing in fear and “Sir.. The Rock.. Officer.. I am not terrorist
sir.. Anushka only said… You… You.. Are … a terrorist and we have to
kill you before you kill us”. The Rock slapped Kajal Agarwal which
made her lay on the bed. The Rock is showing the identity cards and his
cop badge to her. The Rock “Anushka turned on you people. You go
somewhere safe. Let me end this once and for all”. Kajal Agarwal “But
why she would do that?”. The Rock “Lets find out”.

Sunny Leone is waiting at the meeting room of Ileana D’Cruz home.

Sunny Leone already got the acceptance of Nazriya Nazim, Deepika
Padukone and Vaani Kapoor to participate on the Star Night in Rajastan.
She is yet to talk with Ileana and Tamanna.
Ileana is coming from her room and stepping down to the meeting room
to meet Sunny Leone. Ileana “Hey Sunny, its good to see you. Whats up”.
Ileana hugged and peck on her cheeks formally. Sunny Leone “Yeah.
Same here. Wow you are so fit and gorgeous. Whats the secret?”. Ileana
“lots of happiness, diet and exercise. You tell what made you be here in
this early morning 4 AM”. Sunny “that’s what Ileana, I am going to
conduct a star night program.. “Sunny Leone in concert”. I need you to
do a dance”.

Ileana in mind “Porn industry bitch.. you want me to dance in your show
with your title.. bullshit”. Ileana “nope Sunny, There is no date free for
it”. Sunny “Nope. You don’t have to dance then. Just come and visit and
say hi to the fans”. Ileana “that may do.. but I need transportation,
resident and fees of 2 crores”. Sunny smiles “No issues, Ileana”. Ileana
“then its confirmed. Nice doing business with you”. Sunny “It will be
nice you do my business” hugs her.
Tamanna turned down the offer as she is busy with Aagadu movie
promotion with Mahesh Babu. Sunny Leone sent message to Rasool that
she confirmed and total actresses to be in control are Deepika, Vaani,
Ileana, Nazriya, Bindhu Madhavi, Priya Anand, Shruthi, Samantha,
Anushka and Trisha.
The Rock is driving his white color Tata Indigo to the streets of Chennai
and reached the Harbour of Chennai city. The Rock got out of the car and
is looking around. The Rock is getting a feel that he is being watched
and snipers around with his sense. Rasool’s guy is getting into the room
and alerting Zaheer, Rasool and Anushka that The Rock is here. Rasool
is about to go forward but Zaheer stopped him. Zaheer “I will take care
of him. Order the snipers to get ready. Give me the rocket launcher. You
take those bitches with you and prepare the extraction”. Rasool “yeah,
Okay. Don’t take too much time.” Anushka “I will take those bitches
with me”. Anushka and Rasool are engaging the soldiers and actresses.
They are started the extraction.

Zaheer picked up the Rocket Launcher and moving out of the room. The
Rock picked up the steel rod and gets into the car. Car picked up the
speed of 180 KMPH to take out the barricades to enter the harbor core
area. Zaheer launched the rocket right to the top of the car. Car flied on
the air with the explosion. Car is grounded with fire. Zaheer signaled
everyone of his troop to shoot the burning car. 2 rounds of shootout done
over the car. Zaheer gets down to the ground and investigating the car.
But there is no body inside the car.

Sudden shootout from the north side of the harbor and it hits crystal
clear skull shot to his terrorist guys and they are falling down from the
roof of the buildings. Zaheer is looking around and The Rock is shooting
over him. Zaheer just dodged to escape from that bullet. Zaheer is
noticing that car accelerator is given pressure with the iron rod.
Zaheer “Shit.. Shoot him.. Shoot”. The Rock is dodging the bullets and
jumped towards Sea water. Zaheer “throw the bombs to the water”.
Zaheer calls up with Rasool “Rasool, He is our long time problem.. The
Rock”. Rasool “He was already interfered our business.. That’s why we
turned our focus to Asia. He is here also. Kill Him”. Anushka is giggling
that “oh he is your old friend”. Rasool “Shut up and load them to the
cargo containers then leave”.

The Rock swimmed towards the abandoned container to reload his gun
and there he met Velan. The Rock “Hey. Who are you?” is pointing the
gun on Velan. Velan “dei kirukku mottai, enna partha terrorist
maathiriyaa da irukku”. The Rock “What are you saying you scum bag”.
Velan “I am a Indian Cop. Look at my badge”. The Rock “so you are that
traitor”. Velan “You can say that. But now I am on your side”. The Rock
with sarcastic smile “Oh, I am glad”. In the distance, Zaheer is saying

Zaheer is calling again to Rasool “Rasool, We can’t waste time here. That
son of bitch is reducing our troop members one by one by killing them.”.
Rasool “Blow the entire place. This place is already rigged with bomb.
Get the entire troop with us and lets get out of the place. Come to the
ship”. Zaheer “Yeah. That’s good idea”.

Velan “konjam antha kadhava moodu da”. The Rock “English please”.
Velan “ Close the door of the container”. The Rock “Why, you want me
to sit and chat with you”. Velan “go and explode in to pieces”. The Rock
“What??”. Velan “See around, hulk. This place is entirely filled up with
bomb, See there in the pillar of the building. It is rigged. Close the door.
When this place is exploding the containers will clash on each other and
our container will be in the air but we can be safe from the fire and..”.
Before Velan is completing the sentence the place is exploded with fire
power and their container is flew in air and landed on the ocean water.
Velan “Open that fucking door now. Lets get out of this container before
it sinks to the land of ocean”.

The Rock and Velan is swimming their way to the surface. The Rock
“Who are they?”. The Rock and Velan landed on the surface and looking
at the container ship is leaving the port with harbor is glowing up with
fire. The Rock “Lets go”. Velan “Where?” is saying with exhaustion. The
Rock “To catch them and bring them to justice”. Velan “Poda dei.. They
are.. 200 people.. 200.. Here only you and me.. Can’t beat”.

The Rock “So whats the plan. Let them sail and disappear”. Velan “Mr.
Bodybuilder. You listen to me.”. The Rock is trying to hit Velan and
Velan is slithering backwards to avoid fight with Velan. The Rock “You
want me to take orders from you, you corrupt cop”. Velan “India is the
corrupt country. Corrupt cop only knows how to survive here. Please
listen da mottai”. The Rock “So tell me your plan”. Velan “First-u, First
Aid. Then –u, Meet our DGP of police to get some police power. Then-u,
Sunny Leone”. The Rock “you want me to see porn, huh”. Velan “No
Boss, She is working with Rasool”. The Rock “What name you told?”.
Velan “Rasool, son of Sulthan”. The Rock “They are doing porn movies
and women trafficking, right?”. Velan “You know them aa”. The Rock
“Whatever you know, spit it right now”. The Rock lifted Velan and put
him on his shoulder to take him to the hospital. Velan is explaining him
the entire scenario upto that moment.

In the ship, its sailing towards Gujarat’s kandila, from there they all are
going to Rajastan’s star night which is going to be held in 3 days. In the
ship, Rasool and Zaheer are much happy that The Rock and Velan are
dead in the blast. Also they captured the top heroines to make money
from them.

Anushka is bringing the drinks to Zaheer and Rasool with attractive

smile. Anushka is sipping the whisky and giving the drinks to Zaheer
and Rasool. Rasool “Zaheer Bhai, You made me so happy by killing that
ball headed bastard. Take her as my treat”. Anushka is smiling at Rasool
“I was thinking to get drilled by your sunnath cock”. Rasool smiled back
“Zaheer got bigger gun than mine”. Zaheer “let me teach you some good
behavior first” is laughs with winking at you. Anushka is smiling at him
sarcastically “Try me”.

Rasool is crossing the canteen and saw the snipers team. Rasool entered
to the room and is looking at the snipers. Snipers are grouped up and
they also thought that they killed The Rock. Rasool “Hey boys, I am
really happy that you did a great job. Now we are free to work and grasp
everything we want. As a reward, We captured 3 actresses. They are in
deck 2, room 201A. Rest you know what to do”. Snipers are shouting in
happiness and celebrating it. The 6 group of Snipers are heading towards
the 201A.

Anushka is wearing a bra type tops which is so tight and short with
jeans as her bottoms. Zaheer is sitting on the couch, pouring some drinks
for himself. Anushka sat front to him and crossed his legs. Anushka’s
belly fat is making folds which is tempting Zaheer. Zaheer had a raw
shot of Whisky without adding water and coughs in irritation. Anushka
“Cool man, why are you taking it so hot. Need any mixture.. Saliva..
cum.. hahahaha” is smiling sluttily.

Velan had the first aid from the government hospital after showing the
badge. The Rock came to his room. The Rock “Lets go, velan”. Velan
“man, I am hurt. How can I travel with you now. Time is night 9 pm.
Who will help us?”. The Rock “Velan, Police don’t have any time
restriction. Come on”. Velan “You don’t know Indian police. Ok lets
try”. Velan is taking The Rock to DGP’s house. DGP’s house security is
not letting them inside even after explaining him that its involved life
matter of many actresses and fans.

Velan finally throws the stone to the mirror of his home window. DGP
and some police guys opened the gate to shoot the guy who did that.
They witnessed that its their missing AC and Interpol officer and they
are letting them in. DGP is none other than, our captain Vijayakant.
Velan “Sir, its huge problem sir. Pakistan terrorists are here in India and
they are planning for”. Vijayakant “Hey Thambi, are they trying to kill
president, prime minister or cm. I will bind them and gill them”.

The Rock “Who is this clown”. Velan “Welcome to Tamilnadu, The

Rock”. Velan “Sir, they are not going to kill anyone. They kidnapped our
leading Indian actresses and they are going to kill them and make
money”. DGP “inga paaru thambi. Quarter adichittu kuppura padu.
Enna paadu paduthaate” (Hey Brother, get drunk and sleep. Don’t bother
me”). The Rock is irritated “Why he is talking irrelevant man”. Velan
“That’s his speciality, Rock”.

The Rock “Hey drunktard, what are you telling finally”. Vijayakanth
“Let them die. We don’t care. For actresses, we can’t fight and lose our
life. Actresses are bitches. Why should we people waste our life”. The
Rock and Velan shocked to hear that answer. Velan “Sir, but they are
terrorists”. Vijayakanth “listen velan, no complaints filed yet. No parents
of actresses are searching for them. Also as per you both, still not even 24
hours passed. We cant take risks, task force, spend time, money and our
lives to save some bunch of bitch whores. As you said, they get money
and attack us in the future. That time, I will personally eliminate them.
Now you both get out of the place. Velan, You can join tomorrow and
drop this undercover operation”. The Rock and Velan are looking
disappointed and bids farewell to captain.

Velan is looking at The Rock “The Rock, It is your time to be on your

own. Save them or leave to USA. That’s upto you. I got my job back. I am
not coming with you anymore”. The Rock “Expected it. It is not your
fault. Your India will make an actress to Chief Minister but never give
importance to current actresses. So Nice of you”. Velan “Welcome to
India, The Rock. Good Bye. All the best to stay alive”. The Rock is sitting
on the platform and made a call to Interpolice department. Interpol said
that “It will become India and Pakistan issue if we enters. For the life of
5-10 actresses, we can’t risk world’s peace. Leave it, Rock. Come back. We
can capture those terrorists some other time”. The Rock is silent for a
minute “Suspend me for a week. Let me come back alive If I finished
this task. If I am not coming back, consider me as dead. Since if I
suspended, USA don’t have to answer my actions. FUCK YOU, Morons”.
The Rock broke the phone by slamming it on the floor.

Zaheer is holding the boobs of Anushka and made Anushka to sit over
him. Zaheer is licking the earlobes of Anushka and his palms placed
over her boobies. Anushka is not showing a single bit of resistance to
him and allowing him completely. Zaheer is slowly removing the bra
tops of Anushka by hooking it out. Anushka is laying backwards over
him and Zaheer took off the cups of the bra to squeeze her boobies.

The Rock is getting up from the platform and he is not having any idea that
what’s next. The Rock is walking randomly towards the bar. The Rock
wonders about the rush is lining up on TASMAC to get the alchahol
bottles. The Rock stopped a person and asking “hey, any problem over
there? Why so crowd over there”. That Anonymous guy “Tho paaru daa..
Tamilnadukku pudusa.. Tasmac la kootam illama.. kovil laye kootam
irukkum.. poda mottai”(see, its tamilnadu. You can see crowd in TASMAC
only. Not in temple). The Rock couldn’t understand and saw the scenario
explained him that it is a bar. The Rock is walking from there towards the
hotel to refresh up. The Rock is realizing it now that he has no money.
Everything is lost in the battle. The Rock is stepping forward to enter the
hotel. The two escort service broker is stopping him. The Rock is looking at
him strange. Broker “Sir, we have all types of women. Even your usa girls
in India“. The Rock is smiling at him and talks to himself “So In india, good
guys are not good in education, communication and even behavior. Bad
guys, criminals will have good appearance, education and communication.
Jai Ho”.

Zaheer and Anushka are rolling in the bed with exchanging the kiss.
Zaheer is pushing Anushka on the bed and spreaded her arms wide on
each direction. Zaheer is looking at her broad shoulders, boobies, navel,
His dick is getting erection instantly and kissing on Anushka’s lips.
Anushka is kissing him back with lust and professionalism of whore.
Anushka “ What Zaheer, seems like a hard on”. Zaheer is rubbing his dick
on her jeans. Anushka herself removed the buckles of her Jeans pant.
Anushka is pushing her jeans downwards to remove it and other hand
holds the penis of Zaheer. Zaheer is looking at the eyes of Anushka which
is filled with naughty charm. Zaheer is feeling the softy hands of Anushka
over his dick. Anushka is slowly applying pressure on Dick of Zaheer.
Zaheer is moaning lightly “Hey.. Bommaayi”. Anushka “Cheppu
pasupathi”. Both are kissing again with smiling like a lovers. Zaheer is
resting his face on right boob of Anushka and licking her left boob and its
nipple. Anushka is hugging him with her boobs and feeding him.

Anushka pushed Zaheer on the bed and she is sitting over Zaheer. Zaheer
is rubbing his palms over the Ass of Anushka to her waist to her boobies.
Anushka is bending forward and kissing on his lips again and exchanging
saliva. Anushka is slowly moving backwards and resting on the crotch of

Zaheer is holding Anushka’s waist with right palm and left hand is holding
his dick. Zaheer is adjusting his dick to set it to plug it on Anushka Shetty’s
pussy. Anushka Shetty is having some marks and scars on her waist and
boobies. Zaheer is rubbing it sensually and asking “What are this marks
are.. seems fresh and recent?”. Anushka Shetty “my punishment to myself
for trusting my actresses friends and this stupid fans” saying it with cruel
look on her eyes.

Zaheer “It is time for you to give punishment to them.. not to you again”.
Anushka wiped the tears which is about to come out from her eye lashes
and nods “yes”. Anushka bent forward and kissing him so passionately.
Zaheer plugged his dick and let Anushka ride over him. Anushka is feeling
bit confident that she is handling the terrorist in sex and so she can handle
her problems as well. Anushka is jumping over Zaheer with full speed
with her boobies are jiggling. Zaheer slightly lifted his lower body into the
slanding for Anushka to falls forward to feed her boobies on Zaheer.
Zaheer is sucking the nipples of Anushka and stroking her so nice.
Anushka is feeling like satisfaction that never before she had in recent

Anushka is getting up from Zaheer and showing her pussy to Zaheer in

“69 sex position”. Zaheer is licking the pussy of Anushka and Anushka is
sucking the cock of Zaheer. Zaheer “You are pro in Blowjob, aren’t you?”.
Anushka is sucking it with extreme pressure and pleasure “Nope zaheer,
you made me comfortable. So wanted to make you happy”. Zaheer is
licking the pussy lips and clitoris of Anushka with slapping the big bad
ASS of anushka.

Zaheer and Anushka released their cum shots at the same time on each
other’s face. Anushka is pretty much bonded with Zaheer within a short
time period whether Rasool only wants to dominate but Zaheer is down to
earth. Anushka is out of her mind with the rough usage done by the
Indians she believed. Anushka is slowly falling in love with Zaheer a
Pakistan terrorist.
The Rock is roaming around and he is tired. He got to cross the Samsung
showroom and news channel headlines read “Fuel Leakage in Chennai
harbor led to mass blast out, Osthi Velan is safe and he was actually in a
undercover operation to find out Mumbai don, Coming 7th September,
2014 a Star night in Rajastan”. The Rock “All governments are same. Never
let people know the truth. 7th, September, star night in Rajastan. It means,
this is the star night I have to.”.
That time a guy is pushing The Rock away to enter the scene. He is our
Indian Army Officer, Jagadish. The Rock is looking at him back. Jagadish is
looking at the Rock eye to eye. Jagadish “What, that’s abandoned harbor
place. How the fuel can be leaked? Mr..??”. The Rock “Name is the Rock.
and you”. Jagadish “ Jagadish, Indian Army”. The Rock “Oh nice. Interpol
Officer, The Rock then”. Both are showing their badges to each other. The
Rock is explaining him the entire chain of events. Jagadish “Well, I am
already handling on terrorist attack in Mumbai. To investigate only I came
to Chennai. But I can suggest you where you can start. From your story,
Sunny Leone is the point you have to capture”. The Rock is satisfied with
his point and advice “Thanks, Mr. Jagadish”. Jagadish “Don’t forget to
send me tickets for that Star Night”. The Rock is smiling happily “Thanks..
Really it will be more of a help”. Jagadish “When an American fights for
India, Indian will sit and watch, you think huh” smiling as he walks away
“Don’t forget the Tickets, I’m WAITING”. The Rock waves at him “Few
Indians are good”.

Samantha and Shruthi are brought to the center of the Ship’s hall where all
the gang of Terrorists will assemble for the meetings and get together. All
200 army men are standing infront of them. 5 snipers are handpicked by
Rasool. Rasool “these snipers worked too hard today to kill our long time
foe, The Rock. These snipers did shot on Velan. Our traitor. So they
deserved a reward. These two Indian bitches, Samantha and Shruthi
Samantha and Shruthi Hassan are remembering their old days in 2012 at
Pakistan. The same history is repeating now. Samantha and Shruthi are
freaked and their face turns pale white in fear, embarrassment and shame
to be naked infront of 200 pakistan male.
The Rock’s plan:

The Rock is using a tracking device to track down where is Sunny Leone.
But Sunny Leone’s is not in the tracking machine. The Rock realized that
she is precautious and can’t be tracked down that much easily. The Rock
remembers that tracking one of the actresses who is visiting the star
night will be the key to his entry to the star night. The Rock went to the
office of Priya Anand in Chennai at time mid night 2’o clock. The Rock is
introducing himself as Interpol officer which made Priya Anand’s
manager to scared.
Manager “Sir, what sir.. Why do you come this time to meet our madam..
why Interpol”. The Rock “Don’t panic. She is signed up for the Star
Night program in 3 days in Rajastan, right. Regarding that, I got to talk
with her”. In the meantime, Priya Anand wakes up and is looking at
gigantic alpha male, The Rock. Priya “Yes Sir. Whats going on here,
Manager”. Manager explains the motive of The Rock. The Rock “I want
to talk with you and do you have friends who signed up for the same star
night”. Priya Anand is not believing that The Rock is police officer. The
Rock can sense that.
The Rock snatched the phone of manager and dialed to USA ambassador
office’s helpline to confirm he is the undercover cop. Priya Anand is
giving him respect and friendly smile “What can I do for you, sir?”. The
Rock “I want to talk with you and do you have friends who signed up for
the same star night” Priya Anand “I don’t know about others sir. But
Bindhu and Vaani are my best friends”. The Rock “Call them and ask
them to come here right now”.

Samantha and Shruthi in Exhibit public gang bang:

195 terrorists are seating themselves in the exhibit hall with 5 sniper
shooters. Shruthi and Samantha are standing on the Stage. Samantha and
Shruthi knows very well that begging or resisting will not give any
results infront of this cold hearted Pakistan terrorists. Samantha is
standing away from Terrorist and Shruthi is pretty much used to the
situations like this and stands still.
3 Snipers are approaching Samantha and 2 snipers are approaching
Shruthi Hassan. Sniper “If you co operate good with us, it will be fast
and easy. Else We have to show our trueselves”. Samantha folds her
hands together with tears over her eyes “Please.. be gentle. Everyone I
trusted are abandoned me”. Samantha with tears on her eyes are
showing her ultimate seductress into the eyes of snipers. Sniper one hold
the right boob and another sniper wrapped her waist from behind her
with kissing over neck. The Third sniper shooter knelt down and kissing
her well shaped waist and navel hole.

Shruthi Hassan is taking her hands to reach her jacket hooks on her back
and removed it by herself. Shruthi Hassan in a bold voice “You guys are
going to fuck me, right?. Come and get me. Begging won’t work with you
morons and fighting, I am not that much good state now”. Shruthi is
saying that sarcastically and got herself naked.

Samantha is tightly closed her eyes and avoiding to see whats happening
around here. Sniper is sucking the boobies after removed her inners.
Another Sniper guy is sucking her pussy like water from water sucking
bottle. A sniper who is standing behind her without any foreplay
directly plugged his dick to the pussy of Samantha. Its half wet and
wasn’t ready to get a 9 inch lengthy cock. Samantha shouted in loud
lousy voice “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!” and bent
forward in pant to hold her cunt. As Samantha opened her mouth wide
in pain, first guy stuffed his cock to her mouth and drilling her mouth.
Samantha is humming with a dick on her mouth and big dick
devastating her pussy.

Shruthi Hassan knelt down like trained bitch infront of 195 terrorists
and holding two dick on her each palm which is infront of her face.
Shruthi is sucking both the dicks back to back. All the audiences are
rubbing their crotches like watching a porn and passing dirty comments.
Shruthi didn’t care about those bastards and sucking it like eating a cone
ice cream with interest and pleasure.

Samantha is getting strokes from front and back. Third guy is rubbing
her body with his palms over her boobs, back, ass and clitoris. After he
touched Samantha’s clit she is shivering like anything.

Two guys are lifting Shruthi Hassan by holding her waist and ass.
Shruthi can feel 4 legs over her body. Shruthi is feeling so low and
shamed to getting fucked infront of 200 terrorists. One guy is having her
in his lap like a baby and inserted his dick to her pussy. Shruthi is used
to dicks of muslim Pakistan terrorist and its not new for her. Other guy
plugged the dick on her asshole and Shruthi by herself jumping on the
dicks. Rasool is smilingly watching the both Indian actresses are getting
drilled. He took some snap shots and spreaded it in the premium porn
web site of USA, UAE, UK and China to get the responses. Shruthi
Hassan;s boobies are hanging like mango on the tree and her ass cheeks
are jiggling like anything due to faster strokes.

Velan’s home in Chennai:

Velan returned to his luxurious apartment in Chennai after 3 weeks of

being captured, misused and escaped from the Terrorists. Velan sat on
the couch with exhaustion. Velan then got up and moved to bathroom.
Velan can remembers his memory that He fucked Trisha in the damn
bathroom. He took bath by thinking about Trisha. Velan comes out to
the change the clothes. When he opened the door, he found the black
costly bra which belongs to Shruthi. Velan grabbed it in his hands and
smells it.

Velan is feeling somewhat guilty. Velan came back to hall and sitting on
the dining table which reminds him Samantha who is serving him
dinner whenever they hang out in his home. Velan “Enakku yaen kutra
unarchiyaa irukku.. Naan nallavan kooda illiye da.. Naan nallavanaa
kettavanaa.. Illa manmadhanaa.. Illa vallavanaa”.(Why I am feeling
guilty now, am I good or Am I Evil.. Am I a Playboy or Talented person).

Velan switched on the TV. There is Anushka’s song “Lets singam dance”
from singam two is running and she is showing her assets in that song.
The guys who are holding Shruthi on their laps are keep on pumping her
by penetrating their dicks on her asshole and cunt from back and front
sides. Shruthi is resting her head on the front guy’s shoulder who is
holding her and stroking due the exhaustion. Shruthi is moaning as her
pain is slowly transforming into pleasure. Shruthi is kissing on his
cheeks in involvement and moans “aaa, yess… more.. fuck.. yess.. oh…
god…”. Other guy who is standing behind her slapping her ass and
stroking it full speed.
Samantha is getting drilling on her all holes. She is leaking pre cum
from her pussy and saliva from her mouth. One guy is laying on the floor
and other two put Samantha over him. A guy who is on the floor plugged
his dick on her pussy, other guy is plugging his dick on her ass hole.
Samantha screamed in high pitch when the muslim dick penetrated to
her asshole "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… shitttttttttt”. Three guys are
laughing at her and saying “yes.. You can’t shit for 2 days once we done
on you”. Samantha is crying with her eyes are overflowing with tears.
Third guy stuffed his dick on her mouth and stroking her with full
speed. Samantha is getting her all holes are drilled with leaking cum,
saliva and tears all over her body with sweat.

Shruthi is slowly passing away in pleasure. The guys are slapping her
cheeks to keep her awake “Hey bitch, stay. Don’t fake it”. Shruthi is
moaning for each slap and stroke “Aaaah.. yeah.. why would I fake when
I’m enjoying..” asking with a painful smile. They put Shruthi on the
table by she is laying on the table her face first to the table. Same for
Samantha, Shruthi’s face is taken care by first one as he is standing
infront of her and from her behind other guy is treating her ass.

Samantha is squirting with full scream and exhaustion. Samantha fell

down on the chest of Terrorist. She is not sucking the dick anymore and
she lost the consciousness due to rough and heavy fuck. They slapped
her but she didn’t wake up. Then the three of them are jerking their
dicks on her body by standing surrounding her. The three guys cummed
all over her body. Her body is stinking and drenched with sweat, cum,
saliva and tears of her body.
Shruthi is using her palms to squeeze the balls of dick shaft and he is
fucking her mouth with full speed. Shruthi is keep continuing her eye
contact with that guy. She is resting her another palm on her ass cheek
and spreading it to exhibit her pussy to the guy who is pumping her
from behind. She used to be submissive slave through this 3 years from
the treatment of this guys. The guy who was fucking the pussy is
cummed on her pussy and her pussy is dripping with cum. Other guy is
cumming in her mouth depth in her deep throat. Shruthi is drinking
everything without a single drop waste of his sperm. Shruthi is wiping
her lips once he took out his dick out from her mouth. Two guys are
smiling at her and they left Samantha and Shruthi there.

The Rock is explaining what is going on with top actresses and trap
waiting for Priya Anand, Bindhu Madhavi and Vaani Kapoor. All the
three actresses are frozen with fear and uncertainty. The Rock is
explaining them good with the evidences he collected so far. Priya
Anand “Mr. Rock, then we immediately cancel this program and inform
to cops”. Priya Anand is going to her landline and started dialing to
police. The Rock stopped her by wrapped her waist with his arm and
other hand cuts the call.
Priya Anand can feel the rough hand of the Rock. Real roughness of man
can feel in his touch and Priya Anand started enjoying it for a moment
then realized it to moved away. Vaani and Bindhu are smiling at her
with meaningful. Priya Anand is avoiding the smiles and asking The
Rock “Why?”. The Rock “They won’t help us. They will give you people
protection but..”. Priya Anand “But that’s what we want na”. The Rock
“It is bit too much to ask, I will do any favour to you in return. But please
go to the star night”. Vaani “Hey Mister, You want us to be dead. We
can’t take it?”.

The Rock “Two countries are counting on you. This Terrorist can’t do
any harm. But they will make the peace between this country to a
question. Just Cooperate with me for this plan. Take me with you to the
star night. That’s the only way I can enter the Star night and close to
those terrorists”. Vaani “But why should we die for that? We are safe in
India. India is peaceful country”. The Rock “Not for long, Staying away
from the fight won’t keep you safe for long time. You should be brave
and intelligent to be safe. But India is just staying away from fights”.
Bindhu Madhavi and Priya Anand in chorus “Hey People, we are too
young to talk about politics. We can help you with one condition. You
should promise us two things”. Vaani is looking at them strange and all
three conducted a discussion in between them.

Priya Anand is stepped up to talk to Rock about their demands “The

Rock, We help you. Vaani and Bindhu will give you different make up
so that they wont find you”. The Rock “Impressive. Whats that make up
and whats the other demand?”.

Priya Anand “First you wear that make up” is smiling uncontrollably.
They took the Rock to other room which is filled with head wigs and
make up kits. After 30 minutes of make up session, three actresses
turned The Rock a different look. The Rock looked at himself and felt
embarrassed. The Rock “What the fuck!! You just did to me?” screaming
at them.

The three cute angels laughed at him then Vaani Kapoor is comes
forward and speaks “Now you have to satisfy us. If you failed, We won’t
come to Rajastan”. The Rock “What I have to do to Satisfy you all”. Priya
Anand “Tubelight, Satisfy us in Bed, you Hercules”. The Rock is bit
feeling awkward “You are Indian girls who known for shyness and
discipline na”. Priya Anand “That’s everything gone with last decade.
Now this is India. Are you accepting the deal. Fuck us and satisfy us.
Then save the country” winks at him with Bindhu and Vaani are smiling
at him. The Rock is looking at them without a choice.
Velan is driving his way towards Rajastan and he is stopping the car
with a sudden strike on his thinking that He should wear a different
disguise else they will find out in the first stare on him. Velan is
thinking about that and turned on the Radio while thinking about that.
Radio News “Actress Nazriya missed the flight to Rajastan for the
upcoming star night. It is expected that she will stay on Hotel The PARK
tonight and will go Rajastan by next flight”. Velan turned the Car to
Chennai to the hotel The PARK.

Sunny Leone “The Plan is this, totally we 25 members are entering to

Rajastan. Rasool is staying with Actresses. Anushka is going to make
sure that Trisha, Shruthi and Samantha keep their mouth Shut. Rasool is
giving orders to Zaheer who will be waiting in outside the city of
Rajastan till the show begins. Once the show begins and tickets selling is
closed. We take all the money and shot the employees of the auditorium
and cops to the dead. You are handing over me the nude video of
Samantha, Shruthi and Anushka as in Advance.”. Anushka “Don’t take
Anushka name from the list. I am one of us”. Rasool “Not really, We
never accepted you as one of us. Still I doubt you. Then, sunny, I will
give you the video of Deepika and Anushka are getting fucked by me
together.”. Sunny Leone smiles wickedly “Well and good, Lets roll”.

The Rock is standing center of the bedroom which is surrounded by

three young and structured, curvy hot actresses of South India. The Rock
is slowly taking of his skin tight tshirt. Priya Anand, Bindhu Madhavi
and Vaani Kapoor opened their respective mouths in excitement “Wow..
What a man” giggles.

Vaani Kapoor “So who you want to start with?”. The Rock “None.. No
one actually. Listen, I am a fighter. I need my body to be strong and
healthy. If I fuck and have sex like a freak, I will lose my health and
strength. So ask me some other favors”. All the three actresses are
looking at each other for minute like shocked with surprise then
laughing out loud. Bindhu Madhavi is looking at the Rock “ Without
having sex, why should you have that body”. The Rock is feeling
embarrassed “To save the world, country and eliminate the bad guys”.
Vaani Kapoor with irritation “Eliminate bad guys, MY ASS”. Priya
Anand “hey girls, please.. respect.. behavior. He is a Interpol cop after
all” laughing out loud insulting The Rock.
Bindhu Madhavi spanked the ass of The Rock and says “Follow me, you
hulk”. The Rock is talking to himself “Everything I heard about Indian
girls are fucking Lie”. Priya Anand is removing her tops as Vaani is
unhooking her backhook tshirt while Bindhu took off her tshirt and bra
at first. The Rock is staring on the 3 gorgeous heroines of south and
hungry bitches for sex. The Rock “Bindhu, that’s a nice size. When I see
that, I never expected like this”. Bindhu is shying for a moment and says
“Enough. Come and serve me”. Vaani Kapoor is pushing the Rock
towards Bindhu.

The Rock is slowly getting turned on by looking at his own skin colored
Bindhu Madhavi who is exposing her top body naked. The Rock holds
the boobies of Bindhu and pressing it softly. Bindhu yells at him “Hey
Hero, These kind of soft presses and soft fuck can be given by our Indian
heroes and producers. Show us the meaning roughness and complete
fuck, you moron”. The Rock is looking at her eyes to his eyes, Pressed it
with his full strength and pulled her close to seal her lips with his own

The Rock wrapped her waist with tight grip. Vaani and Priya is bit
terrified with the speed and strength of The Rock. Bindhu is shivering in
pain due to the pressing of The Rock. But due to lip lock, she couldn’t
scream. The Rock parted his lips away from Bindhu’s Lips. Bindhu is
started yelling “You bastard, what are you doing with my fuck” before
she ends her yelling, The Rock slapped her hard and says “Behave, my
bitch. Think twice before what you wish for”. Bindhu fell on Bed with a
slap and she is feeling the burning sense on her face cheeks. Bindhu
Madhavi started crying due to the pain. The Rock falls over her and
started sucking her nipples of the boobies like she is milking him. Priya
Anand and Vaani are looking at each other as they feared with The Rock.
The Rock is sucking the nipples of Bindhu Madhavi as the milking cow for
the milk. Bindhu is stretching her body and try to push his head away but
she failed to over power our Hercules. Bindhu “priya, help me di”. Priya
Anand gets into the bed and pulling Rock away from Bindhu. The Rock
holds the choke of priya with one hand and other hand wrapped the waist
of Bindhu. The Rock is now licking the navel hole of Bindhu. Vaani is
getting turned on towards the strength of The Rock. Vaani is undressing
herself into the Bra and Panty.

The Rock is lip kissing the lips of Bindhu. The Rock pinned Priya Anand on
the bed with holding her choke. Priya “hey … I a…. chokkkkiing”. The
Rock took off his hold from her neck and placed it on her right boob
grabbed it and pushing it to bed. Priya is holding the palm of the rock “be
gentle, rock.. don’t rip it. Oh.. sss..” Bindhu “The Rock, aaaaa… I aammmm
sorry… plss… be gentle…”. The Rock “never underestimate the man’s
ability, get it. Bitch. Take off your bottoms. Let me take care of Priya for a
while”. Priya is backing down by saying “its ok, rock. I will help you. No
need of all this”. The Rock “After pressing your boobies, I need this”.

Priya Anand is terrified with the words of The Rock. The Rock teared up
the tops of Priya Anand to see the bra which is much costlier than the tops.
The Rock smiles “innerwears costs more than the actual dress.. Bitches”.
The Rock tears up the bra into pieces. Priya “Hey Rock, that’s 45000 worth
Bra. What have you done?” saying it almost tears. The Rock is lip locking
with priya with cupping her both boobies with his palm.

Priya is enduring the pain of her breasts as its their fault to asked sex from
the monster. Priya is placing her palm on the right face cheek of The rock
and kissing him passionately. The Rock inserted his palm to her jean shorts
and panty, jerking her clitoris. Priya broke the kiss to scream “haaaaaa..
ssssss.. please………be………. Slwlwwwwoww…”. Bindhu Madhavi
removed her clothes and naked completely. Bindhu is coming to the bed
and helping Priya and The Rock by unbuckling their shorts of Priya and
pant of The Rock. The Rock “I appreciate that. Where is that remaining

Vaani Kapoor “Are you talking about me? I am not like this weak south
Indian sluts. I may act in south india, but I am a north Indian. You can’t
best me. I will go one on one with you”. The Rock laughs at her confidence
“You will go one on one with the Great One”. Bindhu intelligently holds
the dick of The Rock and stroking it twice. The Rock is looking at Bindhu
“You want your turn, Bitch”. Bindhu “No No, Sir. I was actually helping
you. Let me fix this to Priya’s cunt” smiles. Priya “No Bindhu. That’s huge..
I am not ready.. I am not wet”. The Rock “Who cares??”

Bindhu Madhavi spits on the dick of The Rock and licking Priya Anand’s
pussy. The Rock is staring on the ass of Bindhu Madhavi. Priya “you licker,
you are doing magics with my pussy, bindhu”. The Rock “You continue
licking Priya, I got a pussy to screw”. Bindhu opened her eyes wide and
about to say “please”. But The Rock holds the hip of Bindhu Madhavi and
made her stand. Bindhu bent forward to lick the pussy of Priya Anand who
is relieved for sometime with her legs spread wide. The Rock plugged his
dick head to the cunt entrance of Bindhu and started stroking like riding a
horse. Bindhu stopped licking and screams in high pitch
“aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh,,sshhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiittttttttttttt,… Oh… oh.. my my
may.. goaaaaood”.
Vaani is slowly losing the confidence that The Rock is heavy hitter. Bindhu
is begging for mercy “please.. Rock.. I am not prepared for this.. ohh…
shit.. fuck… You…”. The Rock is stroking her in the rate of 50 strokes per
minute. Priya can see that his waist is functioning like printing machine
which works without stop. Bindhu “ I am new to this industry.. oh god..
please rock. I am sorry for provoke you.” Tears are rolling from her eyes.
The Rock wrapped her navel with his hand and jerking her clitoris which
made Bindhu to scream like a mad bitch.
Priya Anand is making a lip kiss with Bindhu Madhavi to cool her
down. The Rock grabbed the head of Priya with other hand and pulled
her closer to him. Priya’s lips are bitten and sucking by The Rock. Vaani
Kapoor removed her bra and panty and jerking herself with fingering
In the meantime , Rasool and his 25 terrorist gang entered to Rajastan
from Gujarat. Zaheer and Anushka also brought 20 handpicked terrorists
as dancers of the show. Sunny Leone is accompanying them to the
auditorium’s stay campus for the performers. All the actresses are
brought and locked in the same room. Trisha, Shruthi and Samantha are
locked up together. Rasool gets into the room with Sunny Leone. Rasool
“ Listen Bitches, Star Network is broadcasting this program live. So they
will interview you. You should be smiling face and acts normal. If
someone tries to fuck us with your tiny brain, you all will be killed
mercilessly with that Star Network people. Still we have 45 terrorist
members are with us only”.

All the three actresses are accepting it with fear of being killed. Zaheer
comes to Rasool “Hey Rasool, you called me in. Whats up”. Rasool “is
our other gang members are safely crossed Indian border”. Zaheer
“Yeah, they will”. Rasool “I have a plan of sending a message to the
entire universe by killing one of the actresses by taking their head off
from their body. We will send the message to them”. Sunny Leone “No
No. That will expose us”. Rasool “no it will be part of the show. Program
a dance performance like that by featuring Trisha and Anushka”. Zaheer
“So Trisha is going to die on that day”. Rasool “Nope.. Anushka is.. She
is a pain in the ass. Lets finish her”. Zaheer is smiling and accepting it
“Yes, She is treating me like her boy friend, that Indian cunt”.

Osthi Velan entered to Hotel The Park to meet Nazriya. Hotel

Receptionist stopped him and they refused to let Velan meet Her. Velan
“Sari ma, vera yaara meet panrathu. Ava purushan, appan, manager..
evanume illiyaa” (“then whom to meet if I cant meet her, her husband,
dad, manager?”). Receptionist calls her manager and he is coming to the
lobby to meet Velan. Velan got up and just to get shocked himself. The
Manager is like almost same like him with just different hair style with
slightly black toned skin. The Manager “Yes Sir, why do you want to
talk with Nazriya”. Velan “Well, I am a cop. I can’t tell what this is
about. She is in danger. You people should take me with you people”.

The Manager panicked “What.. Danger.. to our madam.. No way.. let me

call the organizers and tell them. When a cop is telling this, how we can
go there even they pay much money”. Velan “wait wait” snatched the
phone from him and is running to the rest room area. The Manager
“Yov.. phone kodu daa aiyo.. police a thirudana iruke(what, police is
stealing my phone)” is chasing him to rest room. Once the Manager
comes in Velan knocked him down by smashing his face to the wall.
Velan took his identity cards and all. Velan changed his own hair style to
like him. Velan tied the manager and put him in trunk of his car and
locked him.

In the same time, Bindhu madhavi is squirted multiple times and falls
over the cunt of Priya Anand itself. Priya screamed
“wwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaa, she is dead….”. The Rock slapped Priya
Anand “she is just faded away due to multiple orgasms, don’t panic. See
her chest. Its pumping”. Priya Anand “So you are going to pump me” is
asking you with sad face. The Rock holds both the ankles of Priya
Anand and pulling her to him. The Rock pushed Bindhu Madhavi away
from bed. Bindhu rolled out from the bed.

Velan decided to meet Nazriya and explain her everything about the star
night to make her cautious. Velan is using the key of his managers room
and guessed that her room will be his next room. Velan is knocking the
door with full determination to tell her whats happening. Nazriya
opened the door and Velan saw her. Velan is completely out of the world
by seeing her cute face and hot young body. Nazriya “yes, Manmadhan.
Enthaa? (What?)”. Velan is shocked for two things. Nazriya is alone and
the managers name is Manmadhan.
45 terrorists are visiting Rasool when he is in some important discussion.
Sunny Leone is also with them. Rasool is looking at them and asking
“what boys.. anything serious?”. Sunny Leone “Very Serious. They want
a girl for the night”. Rasool and Zaheer laughs “She is here, then 3
actresses are there. Take who you want”. Sunny Leone “That’s not a
problem. They Need Shreya Ghosal”. Zaheer “what is she doing here?
She is not an actresses”. All the 45 terrorists are in chorus “but she is
hotter than all actresses”. Sunny Leone “there is good demand for her
nudity so I booked her for star night to sing a song”. Rasool “is it a
problem. Where is she?”. Sunny Leone “in the suite room 401”. Zaheer
and Rasool gasping a breath “sunny, is it a problem to you. Send
everyone to 401 and ask them to take what they want”. Sunny “but
Rasool, what if Shreya died or screamed to cops”. Zaheer “our boys will
take care of that. You don’t worry”.
As per the order of Rasool and Zaheer, Sunny Leone took 45 guys with her
to the indian palace hotel of Rajastan to visit Shreya Ghosal. Time is around
early morning 3 AM. Shreya Ghosal they thought is in deep sleep. But
when Sunny Leone buzzed the bell, she instantly opened up within 20
seconds. She is kind of nightwear covered by the long night robe with front
open laces.

Shreya Ghosal is smiling at Sunny Leone “yeah, tell sunny leone, what a
surprise, you are here at morning 3 AM. Anything urgent. By the way you
didn’t set me any gigolos or event organizer or CEO to take care of me?
Whats this sunny, have you ever been into the star nights, you bitch” in a
rough tone and sarcasm attitude. Sunny Leone shocked to the core that she
is asking for a male escort to her. Sunny “err, I don’t know shreya that you
are our type”. Shreya Ghosal “do you think normal singer will gets into the
stage and show the navel hole.. come on, give me a break”. Sunny “here..
ok.. sorry.. these 45 guys are your fans”. Shreya Ghosal “Fans, my ass. I
know why they are here. I can’t entertain 45 guys. You pick 6 super guys
from them and send them in. Guys, I know you all can rape me. What you
want, pleasure filled ecstasy sex or just humping pumping rape sex. Its
upto you”. Shreya Ghosal closed the door with a slam.

45 Guys are gets into the brawl in the lobby. Sunny Leone was busy in
correcting the management by showing her boobies and money shots.
When she came back, they chose 6 members by them with 5 terrorists
killed by the fight. Sunny Leone is looking at them with a disgust and she
sent 6 terrorists to the room of Shreya Ghosal. Sunny Leone was helping
remaining 34 guys to clean that 5 dead bodies and she can hear the
enjoyment and moaning sound of Shreya Ghosal outside the room. Sunny
peeping through the keyhole and made her excited the view she just

Shreya Ghosal was laid back on the bed her legs spread, knees up high,
while one Pakistan Terrorist was eating her pussy. I could not see her face
because another Pakistan Terrorist was crouched on his knees his back to
me on the bed, obviously Shreya Ghosal had his dick in her mouth sucking
him while she was being eaten out.

The Pakistan Terrorist that was licking Shreya Ghosal now moved up to
put his cock in her. The other guy getting head from her moved off the bed
and sat in a chair as did the third guy to watch. Then that guy started
fucking her.Shreya Ghosal was going nuts yelling, “Oh yes! oh yes! fuck
me!” moaning loudly, and “oh god! oh god!”. The other Pakistan Terrorists
would voice their comments like, “uh huh! Give it to that hot little indian
chick!” “Hey man give her that Muslim dick!” “ Uh huh, that’s what I say!”
Shreya Ghosal straightened her legs out wide and backward almost
touching the bed, a gymnastic type maneuver. The guy fucking her said to
the other guys, "come over and hold this bitches legs back while I give it to
her deep!” Both guys got up and went to each side of the bed and grabbed
her ankles holding her legs in place bent way back, pushing her torso up.
The guy fucking her then starting pounding her hard, the skin slapping
skin noise was loud (bap-bap-bap!) and he started fucking her fast and
furious. Shreya Ghosal was screaming out in ecstacy her voice shaking
with every thrust into her, “oh god! oh god, it’s so fucking deep!” Then
after several minutes he thrust into her and stopped then again and
stopped doing this just a couple of times and said out loud, “damn I’m
Just as he pulled out another Pakistan Terrorist jumped on the bed and
turned Shreya Ghosal over on her knees, thrust his dick into her from
behind & started fucking her dogstyle. Sunny could see her face, all her
usual sex faces, her lips pulled tight with her lower lip jetting out forward
as she yelled out in sexual ecstacy, then her mouth making a little O shape
as she oo’d and aah’d. She was shouting, “oh oh oh fuck me! yes! yes! yes!”
and dropping her head to look underneath her at his cock going into her
pussy, the other guys cheering him on with their usual comments. Then he
grabs her by the hair and pulls her head back . The heat & humidity was
making everyone really sweaty. Shreya Ghosal’s naked body, glistening
with sweat, jerking every time she received a thrust, her hair being pulled
while getting fucked and her really loud screams of pleasure were close to
making me cum in my pants. The pain, humiliation and jealousy still there
inside Sunny Leone but overwhelmed by the visual stimulation and
arousal of watching the girl which she believed to be decent Indian women
being roughly fucked and utterly loving every second of it. The guy
fucking her with one hand holding onto her waist the other grabbed her
hair then he used his hand to really mess her hair up wild making it look
all messed up and ratty and pushing it down over her face, the other guys
laugh. She did too. The third guy had his shorts off and got up on the bed
on his knees in front of her. She took his dick in her mouth and started
sucking it. He rubbed her hair down on on her face and around his cock as
she sucked him saying, “suck that Muslim cock, indian girl.”

The guy fucking her stops, as he pulls his dick out, a string of cum streams
like a droopy string from the end of his dick to Shreya Ghosal’s pussy. The
guy in front of her told her to roll over so he could fuck her missionary. As
she did Sunny could see her pussy lips spread wide open and soaking wet,
her big brown puffy pussy lips swollen. This guys mounts her & starts
fucking her hard, fast and furious. He holds her legs up in the air. Shreya
Ghosal is just shouting out in pleasure, holding her hand to her head,
pulling at her own hair. As he’s fucking her there’s a knock on the door,
one guy opens it & two skinny Pakistan Terrorists walk in the room asking,
“Hey man , we can hear y’all loud as hell, can we get in on some of this
action?” The guy fucking Shreya Ghosal asks her as he is still fucking her,
“hey babe, can you take two more guys?” Shreya Ghosal responded,
“FUCK YES!” “This is great! I mean this is so fucking great! FUCK ME!”
Finally that guy pulled his dick out slapping the end of it against Shreya
Ghosal’s pussy lips to shake off his excess cum onto her.

Then one of the guys, about 18 years old and kind of short, pulled his
baggy pants off, the other guys saying, “this is gonna be good!” and
laughing. He walked over to the bed and Shreya Ghosal leaned over into
him to lick his cock to get it hard. She said, “WOW!” and started sucking
him as she still lay on the bed with him standing next to it. When he moved
away to crawl on the bed Sunny Leone could see that his dick was the
biggest of all, maybe 12 inches long or more. He told Shreya Ghosal to get
on top of him and ride him cowgirl. She mounted him, She held his dick
while she sat on him and slowly slid down onto his dick. The guys were
saying, “All the way baby!” She finally took him all the way in her and slid
down all the way, her labia spreading out over his nuts.
Then Shreya Ghosal slowly started up and down on him. Sunny Leone
could see her taking him in and out of her sloppy wet pussy, leaving his
dick wet and creamy as she went up & down. Soon she was going full
force, yelling her head off. She was so wet that she made his entire nutsack
wet and cum was squishing out. Her entire body was covered in sweat.
They were all commenting that they couldn’t believe that a chick this damn
good looking was so slutty wild. Finally, guy came in her too. She got off
him and collapsed on the bed. He made her lick his dick clean. And the
guys all said, “one more babe!” Shreya Ghosal yelled out, “Allright! Give
that Muslim cock to me and make me cum again!”

That guy, the last guy, wanted to fuck her dogystyle and Shreya Ghosal got
on all fours again. He got on the bed, moved behind her, pushed himself
into her and started fucking her really fast. Shreya Ghosal’s voice was
shaking, her little dangling belly button ring was swinging with each really
fast thrust. Then a couple of the guys that had fucked her first got on the
bed on their knees in front of her for to suck them both while she was
getting fucked. After a few minutes this last guy said he was about to cum,
he held his dick just inside her and pulled it out slowly. About then one of
the guys she was sucking started cumming all over her face. Soon followed
by the other guy shooting cum on her face. Shreya Ghosal then turned over
and laid back propped up on her elbows her body wet with sweat, legs
spread wide open with cum all over her hair & face (dripping from her
chin), oozing out of her pussy, her labia cum drenched, and a wad of cum
on her pubes and she was smiling really big at them and told them that she
lost track of how many orgasms she’d had.

Sunny Leone came back to the boys and disposed their bodies in the desert.
Sunny talks to herself “Indian women are most unbelievable human
beings. Shouldn’t predict them again in my life.. FUCK!!”. Now that 8 guys
are walking out of her room with Shreya Ghosal bids farewell to her till to
the door and calls Sunny Leone inside “Sunny, I got a call from ARR(A.R.
Rahman). I got to go to record a song. Here its your paycheck, Bye. By the
way thanks for the gang bang” winks at her and vacating the room. Sunny
Leone still couldn’t believe what just happened over there.
The Rock pulled Priya anand by her ankles to himself and plugged the dick
of him to her pussy. Priya Anand gasped a long breath and screamed like
tearing her apart “aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhhhh”. The
Rock is pumping Priya Anand like anything without a mercy. Priya’s
young and compact boobies are hanging up and down by the thrusting
speed of The Rock. Vaani Kapoor is fingering herself with 3 fngers in her
cunt and moaning “yaa.. oh… fuck that bitch, Rock”.
Priya Anand is looking at Vaani Kapoor and realized she is still in one
piece. Priya “The Rock, Get Vaani to lick your asshole”. The Rock smiles
“good suggestion, sweet pie. Hey Vaani, Come over here”. Vaani is looking
at The Rock, “Me??”. Vaani Kapoor got up and approaching the rock in a
catwalk which is swaying her ass. The Rock grabbed her by her choke and
made her laid next to priya. The Rock is hugging Vaani and lip kissing her
with pumping Priya Anand’s pussy.

Priya Anand is feeling the entire weight of the Rock’s 345 Pounds over her.
Priya is struggling to breath and caused her to cough abnormally. The Rock
is looking at her “are you ok, priya?”. Priya “please get up from me Rock”.
Vaani is terrorizing as The Rock is coming to her. Vaani Kapoor hugged
him and kissing in his lips. Vaani wrapped her legs around his waist and
kissing him passionately. Priya is rolled out from the bed and shaking
Bindhu to wake up.

The Rock is smiling at Vaani Kapoor with a smile “so you are the one who
challenged me?”. Vaani Kapoor is smiling as managing “err.. a stupid
dumb girl will do that. I was not. I will not too after seeing your demigod
strength and force, darling”. The Rock “hmm.. clever. But not works with
me”. The Rock plugged his cock to her pussy, as she jerked herself till now
its wet and completely fits with her pussy. Vaani “I already prepared my
cunt for your ambush. They are fucking ready, fuck me, You Hercules”.
Vaani is laying on the bed one sided with her one leg on the air. The Rock
is resting behind her and grabbed her boobs with one hand and other hand
on her waist. The Rock plugged his dick to Vaani Kapoor’s pussy and he is
eating the earlobes of Vaani with kissing and gentle bites. Vaani “ohh.. you
are much a lover as much as a fucker. Fuck me, dear”. Priya is shocked to
see the romantic side of the Rock. The Rock is stroking vaani kapoor for 10
minutes and yells “Hey, I am about to cumm.. “. Vaani “hey, I want to taste
your cum, give it to my mouth.. Please rock”.

The Rock got up and made Vaani Kapoor, Priya Anand and Bindhu
Madhavi to sit in a row and cumming on all over their face with repeated
cum shots. All the three actresses are excited and swallowed it without
single drop of waste. Priya Anand and her two actress friends are
preparing for their journey to Rajastan along with their new manager, Joe
(The Rock). The Rock disguised himself with a wig with a hair style and
French beard and started his journey to final battle.

Velan entered to the Room of Nazriyaa “madam, one top secret news
madam”. Nazriya is getting him in and asking like whispering “what? Is
my husband found out my affair with Atlee and Aryaa?”. Velan is mind
voice “What a bitch”. Velan “not that madam, Rajastan star night seems bit
dangerous”. Nazriya “How careless, Rasool is.. see, you even found it out”.
Velan shocked to hear that Nazriya knows everything. Velan “madam, you
know it is”. Nazriya “Come On, Manmadhan. I am a muslim girl. Can’t I
get whats going on in Muslim community. I am not saying all muslims do
that. But some muslims like me, intelligent, cute, Richness freak”.

Velan decided to fuck her who is traitor bitch of India. But Velan never
wanted to expose himself as Velan and he continues as Manmadhan
“Madam, you looks so nice today”. Nazriya “hey culprit, you want to fuck
me as usual, why are you stretching it too long. I trust you, madhan. That’s
why I am letting you know my contacts with terrorist even. What
happened to your voice?”. Velan “Nazriya, that’s new city new water na..
some cough problems”. Nazriya’s mobile is ringing and its Rasool. Nazriya
“Who told you that Terrorist danger. See its my bhai, Rasool only. Say let
me tell it to Rasool.”. Velan is hugging Nazriya from behind and kissing
her cheeks “Tell him, It is velan.”.
Nazriya Picked up the call “Rasool Bhai, Salaam alaikkum bhai” giggles
and continuing talks. Velan in mind “some cheap muslims are the reason
for entire bad names of muslim people who lives in india. But most of the
others are Indian patriots.”. Rasool panicked as he heard Velan’s name
“what, velan.. is here… thank you thank you so much, Nazriya, I will take
over from here”. Trisha, shruthi and Samantha are much happy that Velan
is still alive and is here.

Velan’s cock was again hard and pushing into her. Suddenly Nazriya felt
his fingers at the top of her chudi tops. She tensed but then relaxed as he
unbuttoned her. First the top button, and their eyes searched into each
other. As soon as he had opened the first button he moved down to the
next unopened button. Once that he had that undone he moved to the next.
Then to the next, until finally the her blouse was completely unbuttoned.

He pulled it from inside of her skirt. Their eyes still held and their
breathing was even more labored than it had been. He pushed the blouse
away from her shoulders and she stayed unmoved. As the blouse fell off
the child to the floor, Manmadhan momentarily stopped breathing. He had
been expecting a bra of some sort but instead the delicious white flesh of
her mango-sized breasts stood before him.

Slowly, he bent and moved his mouth onto one of the tits, pulling it into his
eager mouth. Nazriya gasped. Her chest pushed forward.

“Mmmmmmm.” A pleasured moan emanated from within her throat. Her

hands flashed up and around his head as a thrill shot through her body.
She held him tightly to her and his tongue licked around the nipple while
his lips sucked on the flesh.
“Ooooomm Manmadhan… mmmmmm, that’s nice…”
While his mouth worked over the young flesh, his fingers nervously
fumbled with the zipper on her skirt. It was only a matter of seconds before
Nazriya was then standing before him, with her panties being her last bit of
clothing, while her manager’s oral manipulations continued causing
thrilling sensations in her chest.
Then she felt his hands back on her hips and his thumbs sliding under the
elastic of her silk panties. Her whole body stiffened from the fear of the

Manmadhan felt his Nazriya’s body tighten up. He kept his thumbs inside
of her panties and pulled his mouth from her wonderful breast. He looked
up into her face and quietly asked, “Okay? Can I take these off baby?”
Nazriya gulped. Her mouth was totally dry. She nodded rapidly.
Manmadhan slowly and gently pushed the last remaining piece of clothing
down over his Nazriya’s legs to the floor. Then with his head at her hip
level he moved into her, placed a soft wonderfully exciting kiss on her bald
mound, and then stood upright, alongside of her. His eyes ravaged his
Nazriya’s young and hot looking body.

She watched him appraise her and she was tremendously excited and
extremely nervous.

“Get into bed, Nazriya,” he finally whispered.

As Nazriya moved obediently onto the bed and over to the middle,
Manmadhan rapidly removed his shirt and pants. Then he was only in his
shorts and he looked over at his Nazriya lying there before him. She was
totally naked, in the center of the bed on her side, and her young eyes were
boring a hole in his trunks. As he slid them down over his body, he
watched her face contort to a wild energized look when his erect cock
tumbled out into the open.

She watched nervously as he stepped out of his last piece of clothing and
then slowly moved onto the bed. He knelt by her side, looking with utter
fascination at the flesh of his Nazriya’s body. Slowly he lowered his head
and kissed the flesh of her tit.

“Mmmmmmm,” she murmured as her hands instinctively moved to the

back of his head.

Manmadhan’s mouth and tongue began tasting and stimulating the her
flesh, all around the tit; around the nipple and underneath the little mound
of flesh; over and around the aureole. Then he was moving onto her
quivering stomach.
He was also talking on her flesh, in between his kisses and his licks, “Baby
you’re so good. Mmmmm, so delicious. Manmadhan’s gonna taste you
baby. I’ve been wanting to taste you for so long.”

Down lower his mouth went, to the top of the young girl’s pussy mound.
Nazriya was on fire now. Her hands at the back of his head were guiding
him hard into the depths of her pussy, which was waiting in eager
anticipation for her manager’s mouth.

He felt her body writhing under his mouth as his hand moved into her

“Ohhhhh.” She was pushing harder at her manager’s head. She wanted his
mouth on her, to bring her to the heights of pleasure. She felt completely

Manmadhan moved his tongue into the slit and his nose absorbed the
wonderful odor of hot pussy. He wanted to bury his mouth and tongue
into this cunt. As he moved his finger gently into his Nazriya’s hole, his
lips enclosed on her hardened clitoris and began sucking between his lips.
Occasionally his tongue licked about.

Nazriya thrust her hips violently upward to meet the object of her pleasure
and her hands clutched fiercely at the back of his head, pushing him into
her. Her young body had never experienced such waves of ecstasy and she
could have never imagined such stimulation. Her body was on fire as his
hands and mouth worked her young body to a fever pitch.

She felt spasms shooting through her. “Manmadhan oooohhhh my oooohh


Her body was involuntarily fucking up at his face and hands, and he had
all he could do to keep his mouth glued up into her as he sucked up all of
her goodness. She was still convulsing in pleasure when he rapidly pulled
his mouth from her pussy and hurriedly climbed over and placed his legs
between hers.

Looking down at her, Manmadhan was struck by the complete look of

utter wanton lust on his Nazriya’s face. He could never have imagined
such passion in a girl but here was his Nazriya in this seemingly
uncontrollable frenzy. Her lips were quivering and she seemed almost

“Do me, Manmadhan, do it… fuck me… hurry… fuck me do it fuck me…

Her hands were clutching at his ears, hotly pulling his face down. Her
mouth opened wide to his and his hands reached between their bodies and
clutched at her young titties. Her lips were moving eagerly under his,
awaiting his entry into her body. She was completely hot.

Their mouths worked in desperation upon each other. Their hands were
clutching and suddenly his prick reached the entrance of her pussy’s hole.
As the tip pushed past the soft moistened pussy lips Nazriya gasped. Her
mouth opened wider still, engulfing his tongue as saliva passed freely and
frantically between them.
Manmadhan was too far-gone to be nice. With all of his power he thrust
fiercely, entering deep into his Nazriya’s womb

“OOOOMaaMMMM OOOOOMaaaaa nnnnnngggggghhh” she shreiked.

Manmadhan rested with his face on her breast and slowly sucking her
nipples till she got over the pain and slowly started the in and out motion.

“OOOOMMMMM OOOOO,” she murmured a tremendous sound and to

his surprise this wasn’t a sound of pain, only pleasure as he penetrated
deeply into his Nazriya’s tight cavern.

He felt the tight moistness around his throbbing cock as he at first pushed
all the way into her and then slowly began withdrawing within the
exquisite feeling of suction from her wonderful cunt.

Nazriyas hand went down between them and touched her cunt and
Manmadhan’s prick, she could feel lots of moist feeling on her fingers, she
brought her hand up to look and saw it filled with blood. Oh God the gift
of virginity which she wanted to give her husband was given to her

“Ohhhhhh nnnnnngggggg.”

Nazriya’s cunt was causing him the most magnificent feeling of pleasure
that he had ever experienced. Again he thrust deep into her and he felt her
hot legs grab around his as she grunted and pushed herself up to meet him.

“Fuck me manager, do me, it’s good gooood ohhhh you’re in me I fe… feel
Nazriya reached up and pulled his mouth down and swallowed
everything that his mouth served into hers.

Manmadhan’s hands had moved under her shoulders and his body began
pounding into her. His Nazriya was hotly meeting thrust for thrust as her
mind and body were imploding.

She was babbling incoherently as her wild body fucked frantically and she
clutched at his head and sucked on his delicious mouth.

“Ohoh oh,” he grunted. “I have to stop pull out I’mgonna cummm baby

Suddenly Nazriya’s hands moved from his head and grabbed at his lower
back with all of the force that she could muster, as she continued fucking
and writhing beneath him. Her cunt muscles seemed to swallow him deep
into her and clutch his cock in a grip.

He was about to cum and he had to pull out. “Ohhhh BABY I HAVE TO
STOP. I’m gonna cum.”

Then every ounce of power that she had was holding him into her. Their
mouths parted. Manmadhan couldn’t believe the wild frenetic utterings
coming from within his Nazriya. “It’s okay do it Manmadhan do it do me
yes yes cum cum make me your baby do it now Manmadhan NOW

“Here it comes baby – - AHHHH! I can’t stop.”

Manmadhan was pounding deep within her and his cock began shooting
in forceful spurts into his Nazriya’s wild cunt. Her legs and arms clutched
tightly around him.

“MEEEEE oooooooo OH Manmadhan yeah!”

“Cummmmm ooooooooo,” he faded.

Finally her muscles relaxed as Manmadhan’s last draining drops squeezed

out into her. He then collapsed softly upon his Nazriya’s sweat-laden body
as they both struggled to catch their breaths.

After a couple of minutes he managed to whisper, “You were great

Nazriya. Really great.”

“You too… Wow.” she siad

Although Manmadhan’s temples were still throbbing, he finally began to

breathe somewhat easier and begin to relax. His prick softened and as he
shifted slightly it automatically slipped from within her saturated channel.
He rolled off her body and lay on his side against her, facing her.

Velan(Manmadhan) is looking at Nazriya with cruel love stare on her.

Nazriya is gasping heavy breath after a long session “today you got any
special power or like Viagra.. sema force..”. Velan “Because I am part of
tamilnadu cop force, Velan, you bitch” Velan took out the gun and pointed
on her navel hole. Nazriya shocked to the core, “you velan?”. Velan
explained her the plant and took a mini chip size bomb and shoved it to
her pussy. Velan “if you try to act smart, I have a button for that bomb. If I
press it, you will exploded into the pieces”

Next Day Morning, All the actresses are reached the auditorium including
Deepika Padukone and Ileana with out beloved actresses. The Rock
entered inside and none recognized him as he is with different look. Velan
also entered to the auditorium. Nazriya is completely panicking as she is
wired and rigged with a bomb in her pussy.

The group of bad ass team is on the state limit of Rajastan. A guy who is
famous for her physique is asking for a local taxi driver. “Hey Indian, I’m
back. How to go to this place” with holding a cigar in his mouth with
having in the back seat of his car, Stallone, Statham and Jet Li, a guy who is
in the driver seat is Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The Rock is roaming around the auditorium to find out the weaponry and
actresses to save them first. But The Rock couldn’t find Trisha, Anushka,
Deepika and Ileana. Shruthi Hassan is always surrounded by the terrorist
guys and she is doing dance practices. Priya, Vaani and Bindhu also joined
with Shruthi. Nazriya is sitting alone with panicked look and talking with
manmadhan(Velan). The Rock is looking at Manmadhan and he is getting
a feel of familiar face.

Zaheer is coming to Rasool’s room where he is in call with Steve Austin

who is Los Angeles, Rasool shows one minute to Zaheer and continues
talking, “Hey Austin, Are you nuts, why this bio science and scientists
stuffs and all. We are famous for shoot out, blasts and bang bang”. Stone
Cold Steve Austin “see Rasool, its no more 1980’s. We are heading to 2020.
We should evolve our terrorist attacks. Bio weapon and nuclear weapon
for terrorists are the future, Rasool”. Rasool “but it is too much of the cost”.
Austin “no. I agreed for one more deal. I rooted Triple H to the scene”.
Rasool “Triple H, Who is that?”. Austin “My Old friend and now he is
running billion dollar company and he wants to be President of USA”
laughs. Rasool “devastating his own country with us and then ruling it.
What a jerk”. Zaheer “hey Rasool, Where is the fucking actresses.. Fans are
waiting to see Deepika, Trisha. Where are they?”.

Rasool looks at Zaheer and continous talking with Austin “So how much
money now we want?”. Austin “100 Crores in rupees to join with them”.
Rasool looks at Zaheer “how much money we earned till now for this star
night”. Zaheer “43 Crores as we are not going to pay anyone”. Rasool “you
do one thing, transfer this 43 crores to Austin’s account”. Zaheer “hmm
will do.” Rasool “Yeah Austin you will 43 crores in 30 minutes and Sunny
Leone will give you 40 crores. Remaining 7 crores you are putting up
right?”. Austin “yeah yeah. Scientist Prakash is asking for dead body of our
brothers”. Rasool “dead body? What do you mean?”. Austin “complete
sick and psycho of terrorism filled brain needed to do some research. But
he never did let me know anything in particular”. Rasool “Will arrange
one, ok see you” cuts the call.

Zaheer “transaction completed to Austin and where is Trisha?”. Rasool

“not here.. with Sunny Leone for the shooting of their porn movie”. Zaheer
“why you changed them the place. Here we have enough place and
deepika”. Rasool “Trisha, Ileana, Deepika and Anushka are drugged and
taken to Sunny’s secret place of porn shoot for safety”. Zaheer “safety from
whom, cops are ours. Even this city is ours.”.

Rasool “Velan is here”. Zaheer “What??”. Rasool “Nazriya got enquired by

Velan last night and Nazriya till now didn’t come to us and talk. It means,
Velan is already here”. Zaheer “where is our boys then?”. Rasool “they are
in the shooting and busy fucking those 4 bitches. Once they are back. Get
ready for the battle. Get guns.”. Zaheer “So it is a Bang Bang Time”.

Trisha Krishnan had no idea how she ended up in an new buglaw

surrounded by ten huge cocks, but she knew she was in for a long night.
The pretty blonde was pushed to her knees and told to open her mouth.
One by one she sucked and swallowed cock after cock. It didn’t take the
men long to pull her clothes from her tight little body. She felt their rough
hands pawing at her and rubbing her holes. She was already dripping wet
when she felt the first guy behind her slide his cock into her pussy. He
wasn’t gentle about it either and rammed his cock deep inside her. Just as
he did, the guy in her mouth shot his load. She swallowed it all down like a
good little whore and took the next guy into her throat. The guy pounding
her pussy pulled out, stood up, and shot his cum all over her hair. His cock
was quickly replaced by another. She was pulled on top of him and her
legs were spread wide. They picked her up off of the cock and spun her
around so that she was riding him. Another cock found its way into her
waiting mouth and then she felt her ass cheeks being spread apart. She
knew what was coming next as another guy filled her asshole with his man
meat. The gorgeous blonde starlet was airtight and moaning like a five
hundred rupees whore as the cocks destroyed her holes.
Several doors down in another bedroom, Ileana was being Double
penetrated by two huge terrorist cocks. The tiny blonde had never had a
cock up her ass before and it hurt like hell. She was screaming for them to
stop but they just laughed and continued their assault on the pretty actress.
She had come upstairs to use the bathroom and was dragged into this
room by the two men. She had come out with some of her friends and
ended up coming to this house where a party was taking place. She knew
she’d made a mistake as soon as the first cock was shoved down her throat.
She was still screaming when the door opened and two more terrorist men
walked in. They quickly undressed and both shoved their cocks into her
mouth. Her cheeks were spread to the limit and her asshole felt like it was
on fire. Tears were running down her face when one of the guys pulled out
of her mouth and covered her face with cum.

The other guy grabbed Ileana head and began to throat fuck her, making
her gag and blow snot out of her nose. The two cocks in her pussy and ass
came at the same time and when they finished, they rolled her off onto the
floor and left, leaving her there with cum dripping from her holes. The last
man jerked off and shot his hot load all over her pert little tits and then left
as well. Several minutes later, five more men came in and it started all over
again for her.

Down in the living room, Anushka was on her knees surrounded by a

dozen men. She was getting throat fucked and had her hands full of cocks,
jerking them off. As soon as one man came, another filled her mouth. She
swallowed load after load of cum. Sometime after the fifth or sixth load,
she leaned over and puked on the floor.
One of the guys grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back up and
shoved his cock down her sore throat. She glanced over and saw her costar
Ariel Winter bent over a chair and taking a big cock up her ass. Another
guy was in front face fucking her while she got sodomized. Two of the men
grabbed Anushka and stood her up. Her clothes were ripped from her
body and when she was completely naked, they pushed her onto her hands
and knees. Her mouth was filled with yet another cock and as she sucked
on it, she felt the guy behind her take her in the ass. She was no stranger to
anal but it was always with a Zaheer who was gentle but this guy was
anything but gentle. She watched her young friend getting brutalized at the
same time but there was nothing she could do about it.

Out in the kitchen, Deepika Padukone was taking her third cock up her ass.
She was bent over the kitchen table, her wrists and ankles tied to the legs as
the men gang fucked her. The men were taking turns fucking her mouth
and her ass. One would pull out of her ass and then take her mouth while
anther cock replaced his in her butthole. They assault was non-stop and she
had no idea just how many men had defiled her. She felt like it was never
going to end. Cock after cock filled her holes and every few minutes she
felt their hot cum cover her back or her hair. She was covered in their
spunk and her sweat and she moaning and grunting like a whore. One of
the guys had written the work “PIG” on her forehead with a magic marker.
She thought it couldn’t get any worse when one of the men pissed in her
mouth and all over her face. The men just laughed and continued fucking
the pretty redhead.
Upstairs, Ileana was busy sucking on another cock and getting her asshole
fist fucked. The man had his fist buried deep in her ass up to his wrist. She
screamed out but with the cock in her mouth, her muffled cries were
ignored by the men. She felt another guy shove his fist into her pussy and
that was when she passed out. Down the hall, Trisha Krishnan was getting
double fucked in her ass by two twelve inch cocks. Her asshole was
stretched to the limit by the two huge cocks. When they pulled out of her,
she lost all control and felt her rectum relax and empty onto the floor. The
men all laughed while the pretty girl shit all over herself. They then started
to piss all over her. One man grabbed her by the hair and told her to open
her mouth, forcing her to drink the vile liquid. She tried to swallow but
there was simply too much for her to handle.

The fans are keep on coming to the auditorium and auditorium is full. In a
van, all the weaponry is back. The Rock is looking at the Weapon is
spreaded to the guys and looking around for the actresses. The Rock
walking backwards by watching the guns spread between them and
clashed with Manmadhan. Manmadhan’s fake fang teeth is dropped down.
The Rock “Hey Velan, you here?”. Manmadhan took the gun “who the
fuck are you”. The Rock took off his wig “It is me”. Manmadhan “dei
mottai(bald), what a changeover mama? Why this kolaveri daa”. The Rock
and Velan got their make ups back. Velan “when to hit it and how to start
it”. The Rock “They got heavy weapons and we still don’t know where the
actresses are”. Velan “who cares, lets hit them”. The Rock “no Velan, All
the actresses should be saved”. The Rock is looking at entrance and see 4
bad ass hunks entering to the function with sarcastic looks and macho

The Rock “They are here”. Velan is looking around “Who are?”. The Rock
“The Expendables”. Velan “Mercenaries?”. The Rock “no choice when our
government abandoned us. They are handy and brave”.
All the 4 actresses are brought back to the stadium again with 20 more
soldiers. The Rock welcomes Stallone and Arnold and explains them its we
6 against 45 terrorists including Rasool, Zaheer. Arnold “Weapons?”. The
Rock “I don’t have any. And you.. you didn’t bring anything?”. Stallone
“You didn’t mention.. Indian laws are strict we cant take weapons from
new York to here”. Velan “super –u.. Instead of dying alone, we are dying
as 6”. A voice heard from behind “7 Actually”. Its Army Officer, Jagadish.
The Rock is looking at with a smile “Hey you made it”. Jagadish smiles at
them “Well, You didn’t send me the tickets”. Jagadish “in my car, have
enough weapons. No police will check Army Major’s car for weapons”.
Stallone “Lets hit it then”. Statham “I prefer knifes. You have it?”. Jagadish
“I am not a weapon market. Do it with what you have”.

Rasool ordered Zaheer to execute a plan. Rasool and Zaheer assembled all
the actresses in a gun point. Priya Anand, Vaani, Bindhu, Nazriya, Ileana,
Deepika Padukone, Samantha, Shruthi, Anushka and Trisha locked in the
same room. Anushka “Hey Zaheer we are same team. Why are you
treating me like this?”. Rasool “We don’t want your help anymore. First
dance performance is yours. Go and do it. Else you will be killed”.

Anushka is went to the stage by believing him and started the dancing on
the stage for the fans. Rasool is looking at Zaheer “execute her in front of
everyone.. get ready to leave this building”. Anushka is dancing with
cheers from the crowd. Stallone “hey, what kind of dance is this?”. Jet Li
“seems strip tease to me. And you, Jason”. Jason “that girl seems female
version of Arnold”. Arnold “I will be back”. Stallone “You been back
enough, sit tight and watch”.

Rasool is looking at Priya and Nazriya “Hey where the fuck your managers
are?”. Vaani Kapoor “Digging your grave, mr. Terrorist”. 3 girls are
laughing confidently. Rasool is looking at them with tense and anger
“Where is he?”. Priya “He is not our manager, he is Interpol officer, The
Rock”. Sunny Leone understood the seriousness and she just took the sex
tapes of Trisha, Ileana and deepika, left the place. Rasool immediately
coming out of the room and Ordering Zaheer “Execute Anushka and let’s
leave this place”. Zaheer “why, what a hurry?”. Rasool “They are here”.

Zaheer is getting into the stage while the dance performance is going on
and shouts, “boys, its time. Leave the place”. Zaheer is looking at Anushka
“I am sorry, dear. I have to do this for my religion and my association.
Zaheer took the gun and pointing it on the forehead of Anushka. Anushka
terrified “hey hey.. No..I am your lover.. Zaheer..”. Stallone got up and shot
Zaheer in his waist and Anushka flees away from the stage. Crowd
panicked and spreading it to the exits. The reply shoot out is happening
from Terrorists and Expendables.

The Rock took off the wig and coat “Shit.. what a crap to have hair in the
Velan “you don’t have hair.. managing it like you don’t like hair.. sick bald
ass”. The Rock is jumped down to the battle and fighting with a hand pistol
given by Jagadish. Velan is after Zaheer and they both are fighting each
other in the canteen area where Zaheer managed to have upper hand.
Velan then hides behind the walls and did the shoot out till the bullets get
zero. Jet Li entered to the battle and fighting with zaheer. Li knocked out
Zaheer with super kick to his face. Jet Li “tie him and keep him knocked
out, vel…whatever your name is”.

Rasool is looking his army is slowly getting towards defeat. Rasool went to
the actresses room. Rasool “I am going to kill everyone and make a

Jagadish confronted Rasool “Same here”. Rasool is about to shoot him and
Jagadish shoot him back and he lost the gun from his hand“what about a
real men play.. Army vs. terrorist”. Rasool is gets into fist fight with
Jagadish which eventually Rasool lost to Jagadish.. Rasool now taken the
gun to shoot and Jason Statham thrown the knife from Behind Rasool
which pierced Rasool abdomen and came out to the hand of Jagadish.
Statham “This is how knife works, faster than bullet”. Jagadish smiles “ I
agree”. Jagadish is looking at the actresses “before you leave, why don’t
you get some revenge.. This dying son of a bitch made your life as hell for 2
years. Show me hell. Cut him into the pieces”. Jagadish throws the knife to
the actresses. Actresses grouped together and slashed Rasool into the body

Arnold finally got a big weapon eliminator gun which will shoot 120
rounds of bullets in one minutes. Arnold shooted everyone with it and
turned the auditorium in to the holed place.
Stallone, Statham, Arnold and Li handed Zaheer to The Rock. Anushka
now pointing the gun on Stallone “Release Zaheer, Else I will shoot you
all”. Arnold is smiling at her and says “oh really”. Trisha “what are you
doing Anushka”. Anushka “he is my lover. I can’t let him down. Untie
him”. Jagadish “he is a terrorist,
Anushka”. Anushka shot Jagadish in the knees and he fell down. Anushka
“do it”.
Stallone “we don’t kill women. Untie him.. what Rock?”. The Rock “yeah
do that”. Velan took the gun in his hand. Zaheer took the gun from
Anushka and whispers “let me play as you are my hostage”. Anushka is
fakely acting “help help me” after Zaheer holds anushka. Velan shot
Nazriya in the chest. Stallone took the moment as Zaheer is looking at
Nazriya is falling down, Stallone shot the legs of Anushka and Zaheer.

Nazriya falls on the floor and instantly dead. Velan “she doesn’t have to
live”. The Rock “You are under Arrest, Anushka. You are also a threat to
the country”. The Rock is taking Anushka and Zaheer with him to Interpol.
Remaining actresses are leaving their way with Velan. The Expendables
left to their own job to do. Ambulance and its workers are taking the
slashed up parts of Rasool and taking the dead body of Nazriya.

Headline reads that in all the TV channels and radios that “Star night
ambushed by Pakistan Terrorists and Anushka is kidnapped by them it
seems. Nazriya shot to the dead. She is newly married is special note”. A
white shirt and white pant wearing a driver of the ambulance took the
slashed body of Rasool and Nazriya from the Auditorium’s campus. Later,
Driver is making a call “Steve Austin, I captured the bodies of Nazriya and
Rasool”. Steve Austin in USA with Scientist “We got the package sir.”
Scientist gave out a evil smile “let make this planet a HELL”.


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