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Dear Ms.


My name is Kyrstin Dean and I was in your fourth-grade class at Eva M. Wolfe so many

years ago. My younger brother, Kobe Dean, also had you two years after me! I am currently

attending the College of Southern Nevada (CSN) and graduate with my associates after the Fall

2019 semester, where I will then be transferring to Nevada State College to get my bachelors in

Elementary Education with a Concentration in Special Education to pursue a career in teaching,

much of which I owe to you.

I am writing to you because I want to thank you for being an educational hero to me. I

wasn’t always sure that teaching was something I wanted to do, but after thinking long and hard

about my career choice, I realized that you are one of the reasons I chose to go down this path.

You made school fun, exciting, and involved. I still talk about you to this day when I think of

elementary school. One of the things you taught me, as well as other students I’m sure, is how to

be the best version of yourself. You gave us confidence to be ourselves and cheered us on, and as

a young student who is just beginning to understand what exactly is means to “be yourself,” you

never failed to believe in us and what we were capable of doing. People don’t always realize how

something as simple as a compliment or showing confidence in a classroom can impact a young,

developing mind, but it does. You were somebody I trusted at such a young age and a lot of what

I am doing in life now – I owe to you. I have fallen in love with the idea of being in a classroom

and having the same impact you had on me to some of my future students.

Ms. Redlings, you are the perfect example of what it means to be a teacher who has

impacted a students’ life. I remember being in a freshman in high school and still coming to see

you after school and you remembering exactly who I was. I haven’t seen you since, but I never

got the chance to thank you for helping my find a career that I feel in my heart I am meant to
pursue. So, thank you. You impacted my life my life for the better and I proud to recognize you

as my educational hero.


Kyrstin Dean.

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