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Managing Conflict Paper

University of Phoenix, CJA/474


Managing Conflict Paper


In this paper today we will be going over a case study: Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Units.

We will be looking for the conflict of the case study. What issues should be discussed and by

whom before such a unit is created? How much of the impetus for the creation of these units can

be attributed to increased federal funding and the irrational fear of drugs? Communication is

essential for business to be conducted efficiently. It is the passing of a message from one person

(or people) to another by whatever method. With communication coming from multiple

directions, so does conflict. Although desired, it is often difficult to conceive an organization

without a conflict. There are different opinion and individual perceptions cause conflict between

relationships and diminish communication interaction. The differences prevent open and direct

communication resulting in a higher risk for conflict.

Type of Conflict

In the case study there are two conflicts that I think would be good for this paper. You

have group conflict and interorganizational conflict. Both conflicts have disagreement time after

time. Group conflict occurs in organizations when individual members disagree on some point of

common interest. The resolution of the conflict is essential to the survival of the group and may

even enhance the effectiveness of the group in the long run. “Interorganizational conflict occurs

when different organizations share a common purpose but disagree about how that purpose will

be achieved.” (Stojkovic, Kalinich & Klofas, 2015). This type of conflict arises when one

organization (such as one component of the criminal justice system) perceives its goals and

objectives to be against those of other organizations. In the case study, the drug unit was

organized, and the mission was to prevent individuals who were manufacturing and distributing

crystal methedrine (crystal meth) in that county. The conflict came into play when the unit

discovered that they weren’t properly trained to deal with the meth labs they were raiding and

needed assistance from the fire departments in that entire county. The unit was reluctant to

communicate with the fire department because they were in a struggle with the fire department

for resources. Overall, there has been a disagreement amongst both organizations for quite some

time making communication almost impossible. Some cities did not like the ways the unit was

going to be supervised and budgeted. Others felt that the bigger cities were forcing themselves

onto the small cities and sought greater control over the unit.

Issues that Must be Discussed Before a Unit is Created

When it comes to multi-jurisdictional drug units, there are a few issues that needs

to be addressed before creating such a unit. First, there should be jurisdictional regulations and a

system for every resident and state law enforcement agency involved. Another issue that should

be discussed before a unit is created deals with the chain of custody. This should be deliberated

because not all organizations have the exact same standard operating procedures. The chain of

custody is vital because it can be utilized in criminal court prosecutions. Lastly, search and

seizures procedures are following for the jurisdiction in which the investigations are being held.

The people that must be involved before creating this unit should include: The Governor, Federal

agencies such as Federal Bureau of Investigation, Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms and

Explosives, Central intelligence Agency, Homeland Security, Chief of Police, States Attorney,

and Mayors of all involved counties.

Suggestions on How Conflict Could Have Been Managed Better


There are countless ways to manage conflict when it comes to all the organizations

allocated to this drug unit. The first vital step to remember when organizing branches is to make

it a “we” instead of separate agencies. Elder council must be directed from additional

organizations to simplify communication, data distribution, in addition to networking with each

other to guarantee that intelligence is being delivered. The design as well as the defining of tasks

of all organizations are significant in assuring that every person is functioning in an effective

style. By simplifying the tasks, it permits overseers from different organizations to focus on

finishing their allotted assignment. As a result, it is a successful technique in getting everybody

on board as an alliance. It is also a method to utilize funds more successfully. In my opinion,

creating the unit was a great idea. The unit should have been created to combat against the drug

problem in that county overall. The problem came into play causing it to fail because of the

many conflicts amongst the different organizations. If there was more structure, communication,

and teamwork involved the unit would have been a great success.


In closing, there are many good ways for the organization to work together. They need to

listen and think of each other as a team and be cooperative this will increase efficiency and get

rid of the conflicts. When working together close and organized as possible is the best way for

two institutions to avoid both group and interorganizational conflicts.



Stojkovic, S., Kalinich, D., & Klofas, J. (2015). Criminal justice organizations (6th ed.).

Stamford: Cengage Learning.

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