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Approaches in Writing a Critique/Review

 There are various ways or standpoints by which you can analyze and critique a certain material. You
can critique a material based on its technical aspects, its approach to gender, your reaction as the
audience, or through its portrayal of class struggle and social structure.
1. Formalism
 claims that literary works contain intrinsic properties and treats each work as a distinct work of art. In
short, it posits that the key to understanding a text is through.
Following are the common aspects looked into when using formalism are as follows:
 Author’s techniques in resolving contradictions within the work
 Central passage that sums up the entirety of the work
 Contribution of parts and the work as a whole to its aesthetic quality
 Relationship of the form and the content
 Use of imagery to develop the symbols in the work
 Interconnectedness of various parts of the work
 Paradox, ambiguity, and irony in the work
 Unity in the work
2. Feminist Criticism (Feminism)
 focuses on how literature presents women as subjects of socio-political, psychological, and economic
oppression. It also reveals how aspects of our culture are patriarchal, i.e., how our culture views men
as superior and women as inferior.
Following are the common aspects looked into Feminism:
 how culture determines gender
 how gender equality (or lack of it) is presented in the text
 how gender issues are presented in literary works and other aspects of human production and daily life
 how women are socially, politically, psychologically, and economically oppressed by patriarchy
 how patriarchal ideology is an overpowering presence
3. Reader-Response Criticism
 is concerned with the reviewer’s reaction as an audience of a work. This approach claims that the
reader’s role cannot be separated from the understanding of the work; a text does not have meaning
until the reader reads it and interprets it. Readers are therefore not passive and distant, but are active
consumers of the material presented to them.
Following are the common aspects looked into when using Reader-Response Criticism:
 Interaction between the reader and the text in creating meaning.
 The impact of the reader’s delivery of sounds and visuals on enhancing and changing meaning.
4. Marxist Criticism
 is concerned with differences between economic classes and implications of a capitalist system, such
as the continuing conflicts between the working class and the elite. Hence, it attempts to reveal that
the ultimate source of people’s experience is the socioeconomic system.
Following are the common aspects looked into when using Marxist Criticism:
 Social class as represented in the work
 Social class of the writer or creator
 Social class of the characters
 Conflicts and interactions between economic classes

Performance Task
Research on our claims to the West Philippine Sea vis-a-vis the Chinese incursions into these contested waters
– especially its huge military build-up, and the destruction of the Coral Triangle. Then, write a 400-word
reaction paper on the following contextualized topics:
a. Social Sciences and Law - Make a fair and balanced commentary on the claims of the Philippines on the
West Philippine Sea versus those of China.
b. Science and Humanities students- Discuss the implications of China’s building artificial islands and
military installations on marine life in the South China Sea.
Concept Paper
 is a paper written to clarify the meaning of a concept.
 the definition of the term is usually the heart/core of a concept paper
 this definition may consist of the original meaning of the term/concept, especially one of foreign
borrowing, and the modifications on its original meaning
 the later and present-day uses of the word clarify the concept further.
1. Ask a question.
2. Use an anecdote.
3. Use a quotation.
4. Stress the significance of topic.
5. Give a brief overview.
6. Use a combination of methods.
You may need to emphasize the functions of the introductory paragraph(s):
 An introductory paragraph puts AIDA on a pedestal: attracts the readers’ attention, arouses
interest and desire to read, and goads the reader to act accordingly, i.e., goads him/her to read
the paper.
1. Use examples or illustrations 5. Use an anecdote or brief story
2. Use comparison and/or contrast 6. Use classification and division
3. Use a definition 7. Use a combination of methods
4. Use analysis
a. climactic d. deductive
b. chronological e. Others
c. inductive

Position paper – is a paper that takes a stand on an issue

Examples of Issues:
 Distribution of condoms in schools is a necessity
 Schools uniforms should no longer be required
Values Communicated:
1. Logical thinking
2. Objective expression of ideas
3. Balanced assignments of
conflicting issues
Modes of Reasoning:
1. Inductive- Inductive reasoning derives a generalization from specific examples and situations. Through an
organized presentation of factual evidence and proofs, the reader is convinced of the soundness of the
arguments that lead to a well-founded general conclusion.
2. Deductive- Deductive reasoning proceeds from a general statement that leads to particular or specific
Qualities of a Convincing Position Paper
a. Contains a clear proposition or statement that must be defended
b. Assesses conflicting opinions or opposing views on the issue
c. Takes a firm stand on the issue
d. Lists arguments in an organized manner to defend the stand
e. Presents factual evidence or proofs to support each argument.

MANIFESTO - is a written statement of the beliefs, aims, and policies of an organization, especially a
political party. In their election manifesto, the Liberal Party proposed increasing taxes to pay for
improvements in education.
Performance Task
Write a position paper on one of the following topics: (Choose a topic that best suits your stand.)
a. The best way to solve the most urgent problem of the country (e.g. crime, corruption, poverty)
b. The best solution to Metro Manila’s (or any city’s/district’s) traffic problem
c. The best place to live in the Philippines
d. The best home/livelihood industry to engage in
e. The best way to support the Philippine athletes
f. The most important reform to introduce to ________________ (Philippine politics, sports, etc.)

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