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PEPSI Screening Wilder 1

PEPSI Screening

Rayana Wilder

College of Southern Nevada

Professor Hooks

22 October 2019
PEPSI Screening Wilder 1

Born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada, Arlecia Williamson, age 17, is a current senior at

Delta Academy. Not only does she attend a regular high school, but this young lady is also a part

of the step-up program that allows her to take college courses at CSN. Despite the complications

of being in a single parent household and other life obstacles, none of it stopped her from getting

to where she is now. Arlecia comes from a long line of family members in the medical field, and

she wants to carry on the lineage by majoring to be a plastic surgeon while in college. It is

important for my subject to pursue this career because she states that she wants to help people,

“feel more comfortable in their own skin.” As a minor, Arlecia wants undertake journalism

because writing and putting words together on paper has always excited her.

This student has an assortment of academic success and is a very active member at

school. She is the president of the National Honor Society at Delta and a former member of the

Jobs for American Graduates program. Both programs have provided a way for students, like

Arlecia, to gain leadership skills, advance in their career choices, and much more. The JAG

program has also made it possible for Arlecia to meet Nevada States Legislators. Being eager to

succeed and getting ahead, she has also chosen to take up Advanced Placement courses. This

allows her to get through college and reach her goals even quicker.

Another thing that is interesting to know about my subject is that she wants to travel.

There are a couple reasons on why she should like to travel. One of them is that is she wants to

learn about other medical advances around the world so that she can gain more knowledge about

her field of study. This will aid her to be able to help more people continuously. The second

reason is that she would like to just simply expand her horizons and see how other cultures are.

Even though the second reason is just for fun, and something extra to learn, this can also help her

learn more about how to help others.

PEPSI Screening Wilder 1

Physical Development-

My subject is four feet tall and eleven inches, and weighs around 180 pounds. For her age

she is short and has reached her full height, but there is no known genetic condition and her

parents are average height. According to The Human Body Book, “Most female pubertal

changes are complete.”, (Parker 2019, pg. 255). Also, the book talks about how most females

around this age have started their menstrual cycles, and physical features, such as shape change,

have began to occur and become noticeable. Breast development and widened hips are some

physical attributes that are noticeable and are usually complete between the ages of 15-17. By

observation, Arlecia is where she should be with that part of development.

For her age Arlecia is considered overweight. By a BMI calculation, Arlecia’s BMI is

36.4. “Having a BMI higher than 24.9 may mean you are overweight. Note that these are

approximate values, and they are intended to be used only as a rough guide.”, (Rush.Edu). BMI

is body mass index, which just give an estimate about how much fat your body might contain.

One way to get to that estimated BMI she would have to lose about 30-40 pounds. Despite being

overweight Arlecia is pretty much healthy. She has good motor skills and can function just fine

with things like running, jumping, normal physical activities, and she accepts herself fully.

For my subject I just recommend, for her weight, just talking to a doctor an seeing what’s

the best way to portion food and eating lots of foods that contain fiber. Every person’s physical

development is different, and she would just have to see what suits her and makes her happy.

“Determining how much you should weigh is not a simple matter of looking at a height-weight

chart.”, (Rush. Edu). There is a lot to determining how to keep yourself physically healthy. It

could be the activities you do, what you eat, how much you eat, your genes, and much more.
PEPSI Screening Wilder 1

Average 17 Yr. old female Vs.



Series 1 Series 2

Emotional Development-

Even if Arlecia gets sad, she knows how to speak up and tell someone. When she does

talk to someone she fully expresses how she feels. This gives my subject the ability to bring

herself up out of sadness and keep herself positive. Even though she has a lot of success her in

life, trying to balance everything can be stressful and cause an overwhelming feeling. Sometimes

she tries to cram everything together and gets anxious about getting it all done.

“Many high school students, girls in particular, experience periods of depression,

loneliness, and anxiety.”, (Snowman and McCown 2015, 3-5c). Arlecia doesn’t seem have any

symptoms of depression, but I do see signs of anxiety. As mentioned above, she crams

everything together most times, she thinks a lot, and seems to have trouble sleeping.

“Experiencing occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. However, people with anxiety

disorders frequently have intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday

situations. Often, anxiety disorders involve repeated episodes of sudden feelings of intense
PEPSI Screening Wilder 1

anxiety and fear or terror that reach a peak within minutes (panic attacks).”, (

Arlecia seems to have a few of these signs and there are different types of anxiety disorders such

as general anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder and more. “These feelings of anxiety and

panic interfere with daily activities, are difficult to control, are out of proportion to the actual

danger and can last a long time.”, ( Even though she manages the symptoms

well enough, there are still areas she might need to work, so she can worry less.

Due to her anxiousness I have noticed that Arlecia has trouble with balancing daily tasks.

I recommend for Arlecia to gain more time management skills, so she can balance her work load.

She could practice a daily meditation routine to keep herself calm whenever she feels

overwhelmed and time and maybe make lists so that she can check off each task one at a time.

17 year old emotional development



Emotional Development

Series 1 Series 2

Philosophical (Moral) Development-

Beliefs, morals, and values seem to be influenced by family because of how she was

raised. However, those beliefs have seemed to be flipped to where my subject is more

comfortable and happy with how she lives. Even though, some beliefs have been altered over

time some good morals have stuck with her because they are just standard and common in day-
PEPSI Screening Wilder 1

to-day life. “So many things are in flux that this becomes a battle ground as well. The person is

generally at stage three (Kholberg - good boy, nice girl), but the referent, or people to please,

shifts to peers more than the parent as the social authority.”, (

This is what the general observation that is has been seen in the philosophical

development of early adolescence like Arlecia. My subject does not meet this general

philosophical development from what I observed. She likes to still abide by her family’s rules

and make them proud of her. Friends do not have much influence on her, and she tends to just

socialize at school then tend to her family. “Between the ages of twelve and sixteen, political

thinking becomes more abstract, liberal, and knowledgeable.”, (Snowman and McCown 2015, 3-

5d). This just gives some ideals on what most adolescents points of views are as well as, “an

increase in the ability to deal with such abstractions as freedom of speech, equal justice under

law, and the concept of community; 2.a decline in authoritarian views; …”, (Snowman and

McCown 2015, 3-5d). Arlecia does not seem too have much of the same philosophical views as

most do, but she does like equality, freedom to a certain extent and other things as well.

Her point of views is equal for both parents and friends. They have similar influences on

her and to her true friends are family. I would just recommend staying true to herself and

continue to respect everyone, as well as making sure that she doesn’t let her family and friends
PEPSI Screening Wilder 1

pressure her by always remembering who she is to herself.

17 year old Philosophical development



Philosophical Development

Series 1 Series 2

Social Development-

“…they know who they are. If they are unable to establish a sense of stability in various

aspects of their lives, role confusion results.”, (Snowman and McCown, 2-1b). Arlecia seems to

know who she is and how to interact with others. With this, friends usually tend to stay react to

her in a well manner and she knows how to react to others in a well manner as well. At times,

when Arlecia is meets new people she tenses up and sometimes does not know what to say.

However, once she gets to know the person, she is very vocal, outgoing, interactive, and the

nerves go away.

“Not surprisingly, most conflicts between parents and their adolescent children are about

such peer-influenced issues as personal appearance, friends, internet and cell phone use, dating,

hours, and eating habits (Nucci, 2006).”, (Snowman and McCown 2015, 3-5b).Arlecia has little

to none of these conflicts with her mother and her friends don’t really cause a pressuring
PEPSI Screening Wilder 1

environment. “Through the teenage years, the brain’s sensory and language centers become fully

mature, so the individual is well equipped to deal with a range of social and intellectual

challenges.”, (Parker 2019, pg. 2019). From observation she seems full matured in this area and

can deal with social issues well. My subject does try to avoid conflict if at all possible, so she has

minimum issues with her friends and her parent.

Based on observation I see no issues except maybe her nervousness when she first meets

people. I recommend for her to just keep some good ice breakers in mind when she meets new

people, so the conversation is more comfortable and easy-going. This will also allow for Arlecia

to find common ground with the people she speaks with.

17 year old Social development



Social Development

Series 1 Series 2

Intellectual Development-

Williamson is knowledgeable on how different types of relationships work and is able to

have a well-rounded thought process. She can work out math problems and write an academic
PEPSI Screening Wilder 1

essay. “Call attention to relationships and to ways that previously acquired knowledge can be

applied to new situations.”, (Snowman and McCown 2015, 3-5d). This one thing that most people

around this age should be able to do along with being at Piaget’s formal operational stage of

development. With this stage of development adolescents should be able to, “…generalize and

engage in mental trial and error by thinking up hypotheses and testing them in their heads…,”,

(Snowman and McCown 2015, 2-2b). Arlecia is able to do all of this which has helped her

succeed in all types of academic settings.

“…it is during their adolescent years that they begin to recognize differences between

themselves and their typically developing peers. This recognition may lead to feelings of

inadequacy, frustration, or isolation (Evans, 1998).”, (Jones). According to the study done this

quote seems to be true and by observing my subject she seems to sometimes feel like she is not

as smart as some of her peers at times. This is most likely a reason why Arlecia exerts herself so

much in everything she does, and she also wants to make her and family proud. This is a lot of

potential pressure, but by my recommendation in the philosophical development area, as long as

she remembers who she is to herself and keep true to herself she will be able to keep any

pressure at bay.

Since I have observed her having feelings of inadequacy amongst classmates sometimes,

I recommend for my subject to keep in mind that everyone learns at a different pace and in

different ways. I also suggest that she learns to master one skill at a time, so she knows her

highest level of achievement for level herself. This should make it easier to focus on herself and

not how her classmates are doing.

PEPSI Screening Wilder 1

17 year old Intellectual development



Intellectual Development

Series 1 Series 2
PEPSI Screening Wilder 1

Works Cited

Anxiety disorders. (2018, May 4). Retrieved from


Ellsworth, J. A. (n.d.). Retrieved from



Ideal Height and Weight Chart. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Parker, S. (2019). The human body book. London: Dorling Kindersley.

Snowman, J., & McCown, R. R. (2015). Psychology applied to teaching (14th ed.). Belmont,

CA: Wadsworth.

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