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This section will contain the information about the funding agency, and the

mission of the agency that the proponents will represent, it also contains the details that

demonstrate the capability to undertake the proposed project.

Funding Agency

Barangay San jose is located in Montalban, Rizal. It is the main Barangay in the

whole Montalban area. This area is also the main branch of supplies for most residents of

Montalban, Rizal. This was also headed by Barangay Captain Mr. Glenn Evangelista.

Barangay San Jose was also known for its wide territory at Montalban. The funding

agency and the Proper Waste Disposal Organization Project have the same goal, which is

to protect and maintain the cleanliness of the environment.


To protect environment and promote an organization that will help every

individual in maintaining the nature's care, where; every individual learn the proper care

and hygiene, for nature, and cleanliness throughout the environment members will

facilitate and encourage every individual to pursue others to also share their

responsibility for our environment.


Reduce the amount of waste by promoting to every individual, and become

responsible of how they dispose their trash and to recover waste for its use for balancing

the rate of depose garbage and to let people have the initiative to do recycling and be

aware that they should dispose properly.

Group Name: We Keep, We Clean

Our Mission

To protect environment and promote an organization that will help every

individual in maintaining the nature's care, where; every individual learn the proper care

for hygiene, nature, and cleanliness throughout the environment members will facilitate

and encourage every individual to pursue others to also share their responsibility for our


Our Vision

Reduce the amount of waste by promoting to every individual, and become

responsible of how they disposing their trash and to recover waste for its use for

balancing the rate of depose garbage and to let people have initiative to do a recycling

and be a aware that they should dispose properly.

The agency, Brgy. San Jose is known for its one of most fine and peaceful

Barangay in Montalban, Rizal. Brgy. San Jose was open for the projects on it’s; wastes,

traffic and etc. Brgy. San Jose objects this kind of project to make the vicinity more

clean and organized. This agency qualified for its own reason and priority not only to

make Brgy. San Jose organized but also to keep the residents’ health stable and

healthy.The reason why Brgy. San Jose should support our project is also for the best of

the vicinity to be cleaned.This project aims to have a clean and healthy vicinity for

residents of Brgy. San Jose.

Letter for the Funding Agency

We keep, we clean!

Organization for environment hygiene

September 5, 2019

Dear Mr. Glenn Evangelista,

It is with great delight that we write to offer you a formal partnership to our
organization. Our trial run of publishing this project ‘Proper waste disposal’ has been a
great opportunity to persuade young people to be aware of most of our environment.
This partnership will mostly have a better outcome not just for the eye of the vicinity of
Barangay San Jose but also for the health concern of the residents of San Jose too. We
believe that this may be the most excited opportunity to begin this journey.
Please find enclosed the legal documents pertaining to this partnership offer. Our
solicitor's contact information is included in this package and should you have any
reason to request a meeting we are amenable to any time or place you prefer.
We are looking forward to hearing from your district soon regarding this new venture
and beginning what promises to be a very lucrative relationship for us both. Please do
not hesitate to get in touch should you have any questions or concerns.

Yours sincerely,

We keep, we clean organization.

Organizational for environment hygiene

__________________________ _________________________

Mr. Glenn Evalengista Leandro D. Matociños

Barangay Captain, Brgy. San Jose Principal II – San Jose Litex Senior High

Problems in Proper Waste Disposal

1. Production of too much waste.

One of the major waste disposal problems is attributed to the generation of too

much waste. America alone is responsible for producing about 220 million tons of waste

annually. In 2007 for instance, it’s recorded that Americans generated nearly 260 million

tons of municipal solid waste. This is about 2.1 kg per person each day. The point is; if

these are only figures in America, let’s try to imagine the amount of waste produced by

the rest of the population across the globe.

According to the World Bank report, the average global municipal solid waste

(MSW) generation per person on daily basis is about 1.2 kg and the figure is expected to

rise up to 1.5 kg by 2025. It therefore means that every state and local authority suffer

the problem of effective waste disposal due to the generation of too much waste. The

problem is that the present era is driven by a throw-away consumerism with companies

and producers striving to maximize profits by producing one-time use products without

prioritizing on reuse, recycling or the use of environmental materials.

2. Most of the waste is toxic

The majority of the state and local authority legislations are generally lax on

regulating the ever-expanding manufacturing industries. On a daily basis, these

industries produce toxic products that end up getting thrown away after use. Most of the

products contain hazardous and health-threatening chemicals.

A report by the U.S. EPA indicates that more than 60,000 untested chemicals are

present in the consumer products in our homes. There are even products known to

contain toxic chemicals, such as Biphenyl-A (BPA) – often present in plastic toys, but

they are still poorly regulated. Packaging is also one of the biggest and rapidly enlarging

categories of solid waste which accounts for 30% of MSW and approximately 40% of the

waste is plastic which is never biodegradable. It’s this level of toxicity together with the

lax regulatory laws that exacerbates the problem of dealing with waste disposal.

3. Landfills are a problem as well

Most landfills lack proper on-site waste management thereby contributing to

additional threats to the environment. In the long-term, landfills leak and pollute ground

water and other neighboring environmental habitats making waste management very

difficult. They also give off potentially unsafe gases.

Also, the laws and regulation guiding the operations of landfills are often lax at

monitoring and regulating the different types of wastes namely medical waste, municipal

waste, special waste or hazardous waste. With this kind of laxity of the laws in

landfill waste management, the landfills toxicity and hazardous nature significantly

increases to a point where the landfill waste problems often lasts for up to 30 years.

4. Regulations are based on vested interests

Since waste disposal and management has become a profit making venture,

those who advocate for safe, quality and proper management of waste disposal are

outmatched by industries in the business. Large enterprises in the waste disposal

business dictate all aspects of the market from operating landfills, sewer systems and

incinerators to recycling facilities. The corporations simply aim at making profits

regardless of the waste reduction requirements or the resultant destructive environment


As such, they collaborate with vested interest regulators thereby creating a big

problem in the effective regulation of waste disposal, which has worsened the devotions

to waste reduction and recycling programs. To make matters worse, even some state

officials work together with such industry officials to expand landfills, increase waste

tonnage, and develop new waste disposal or recycling or treatment facilities to augment


5. Reliance of dying technologies to reduce and recycle waste

Waste disposal and management facilities as well as state resources have

continued to rely on myopic and quickie solutions instead of developing effective

recycling and waste reduction programs. Consequently, it has created continued reliance

on the use of outdated technologies to deal with waste disposal. The problem is that

most states are reluctant and less creative towards advancing novel technologies for

reducing the toxicity and volume of waste or enhancing recycling, especially solid waste.

6. Some of the technologies marked as “green” are not true in actual sense

Recycling technologies such as plasma arc, gasification, and pyrolysis are often

marked as “green” but the truth of the matter is that they are not 100% green. These

recycling technologies burn up waste with little or no oxygen and for this reason; it

doesn’t differentiate them from the traditional incinerators which produce energy from

burning waste.

As much as burning waste to produce energy is considered green because it does

not involve the use fossil fuel, it still releases toxic materials into the environment. Also

like the traditional waste incineration systems, these technologies emit toxic ash into the

atmosphere that can potentially harm people’s health and the environment. Therefore,

the technologies simply divert concentration from the development of cleaner recycling

and waste reduction technologies.

Project’s Significance

Proper waste disposal is important for both the environmental and public

health. You should consider hiring a waste management company for the collection and

disposal of this waste in the correct way. Waste should be sorted into recyclable,

reusable and disposable materials to ensure that it ends up in the right place. You should

always go for professional waste management so as to:

Protect the Environment

You would not want to walk out of your house and into a yard full of used paper

bags and all kinds of trash. Not only is it unpleasing to the eye but also some types of

environmental contaminants do cause a lot of damage. For instance, motor oil that is not

disposed of properly could end up in water streams and cause pollution in rivers and

lakes. Fertilizers and cleaning supplies make water unsafe for drinking and disrupt the

natural habitat in land and water of various plants and animals. Proper waste disposal

ensures that nothing ends up in the environment in an uncontrolled way to cause


Make Money

Did you know that you could make money from your garbage? Some bin rental

Toronto companies will even pay you for your trash. This is because recycling has

become a lucrative business since it utilizes already present materials. Manufacturers

have come to appreciate recycling since they cut the cost of mining or purchasing raw

materials when there is plenty of recyclables to be found. You can sell recyclable

materials such as plastics, glass, wood and iron which will be remade into new items.

Recycling also helps to reduce the amount of trash that ends up in the environment and

protects it from pollution.

Stay Safe

Waste that is not properly disposed of can be hazardous to your safety. Sharp

object such as glass and rusty metals could cause serious injuries and infections,

especially for playing children that could put you in the hospital for a while. Pieces of

plastic that are not disposed properly end up choking animals in the environment and

killing them. Some kinds of environmental contaminants can also spread serious illness

and disease if not disposed of in the right way. Proper waste management and disposal

removes all these hazardous materials from the environment making it safer for both

human beings and animals as well.

Project Description

This chapter will give information about the objectives or goals of the project

(Proper Waste Disposal). The WE KEEP, WE CLEAN ORG. will also give information about

the action and plans that will give a better explanation on how the project will be

process, Also the timeline, benefits and outcome will be tackle on this section.

Goals and Objectives

The goals and objectives of this project will help every individuals why this project

should be proclaim, and through this we can understand and know the what is the

purpose of this project.

Table 1: Goals and objectives for PWD

Goal Objectives

 To ensure the protection of the

environment through effective waste

management measures.
Securing ecologically sustainable

development while promoting justifiable
 To protect the health and wellbeing of
economic and social development.
people by providing an affordable waste

collection service.

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Table 1: Goals and objectives for PWD

Goal Objectives

 Grow the contribution of the waste sector

to GDP

 Increase number of jobs within waste

services, recycling and recovery sectors.

 Promote SMMEs in waste sector.

 Ensure the design and manufacture of

products that avoid or minimize waste


Avoiding and minimizing the generation of
 Discourage waste generation through cost
reflective and volume based tariffs.

 Increase consumer awareness of waste

minimization issues.

 Increase reuse and recycling rates of


 Reduce the percentage (%) of recyclable

Reducing, re-using, recycling and recovering
material to landfill.

 Ensure separation at source in all

metropolitan and local municipalities.

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Table 1: Goals and objectives for PWD

Goal Objectives

 Encourage the establishments of Material

Recovery Facilities (MRFs).

 Encourage waste to energy options.

 Support the diversion of high calorific

waste from landfill to recovery options.

 Facilitate the provision of at least a basic

level of waste service to all.

 Ensure an efficient and effective solid

waste management.
Promoting and ensuring the effective

delivery of waste services.
 Implement free basic refuse removal policy

for indigent households.

 Promote the regionalisation of waste

management services.

 Stabilise quantity of waste disposed to

landfill then reduce this volume.

Treating and safely disposing of waste as a

last resort.  Improve landfill management to comply

with legislation.

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Table 1: Goals and objectives for PWD

Goal Objectives

 Increase thermal treatment and

conversion of waste to energy.

 Ensure the diversion of certain waste tyres

from landfill.

Action/ Plan

The action and plan of this project will help us know the process on how this

project will be established. The WE KEEP, WE CLEAN ORG. will make an action and plan

for 6 days, so we will see the result of this project.

Day 1

Make an Organization

Everyone who wants their community clean will be organized and be but a

member of this project. We want to have a better community and clean environment,

that’s why we decided to established a project which is Proper Waste Disposal, and our

organization named WE KEEP, WE CLEAN ORG. And this organization will intend to give a

help not only to the people, but of course to the community and environment.

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Day 2


The people who signed up to become members of this project will have a day of

orientation that intends to persuade other people to help this project.

Day 3

Collect the Materials

After the orientation, every member will start to collect their materials to start

the Clean- Up Drive in their community. Every member should bring materials like

sweeper, dust pan, garbage bins and so on.

Day 4

Clean- Up Drive

After collecting all the materials that we need, we can start to clean every corner

of our community. Every member should volunteer to help to organize and clean their


Day 5

Isolate the Garbages

After the Clean- Up Drive, we started to segregate the garbage that we collected.

We separate the garbage that we can still use for recycling, and we separate the

biodegradable from non biodegradable waste. So we can start to reduce, reuse, and

recycle the garbages.

Day 6


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After we separate all the garbages, now, we start to monitor if they still do this in

their community, it is important because we need to see the result of this project. So

everyone should maintain this in their community. After 1 week, we will come back and

check if they are still doing this.


This timeline will show the projected waste generation from 2008-2020 here in

the Philippines, which help to know the result of every process that the Proper Waste

Disposal project do.

Table 2: Projected Waste generation 2008-2020 (metric tons per year)

This table shows that the yearly amount of waste in the country is expected to

increase from 13.48 million tons in 2010 to 14.66 million tons in 2014 to 16.63 million

tons in 2020. On the other hand, Metro Manila’s waste generation continues to increase

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as it contributes 22.2%, 24.5%, and 26.7% to country’s solid waste in the years 2010,

2014 and 2020, respectively.

Benefits of Proper Waste Disposal Organization Project

These benefits will be helpful to all of us especially to our environment, which

leads to clean and organize community.

1. This practice is highly lucrative.

2. Keeps the environment clean and fresh.

3. Saves the earth and conserves energy.

4. Reduces environmental pollution.

5. Waste management will help you earn money.

6. Creates employment.

Outcome of Proper Waste Disposal Org. Project

The outcome of this project will be based on survey that we make; this survey

intends to know the evaluation of every individual in proper waste disposal org. project.

Survey to teachers and students in various schools in Barangay San Jose will help to

know if the project is highly effective. Most teachers and students agree with this project

because they say it help a lot in terms of individual health.

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Project needs and Cost

This section contains the information about the description of the amount that the

proponents used in the project, and it will also give the list of materials and equipment

needed in the project.

This project contains minimum amount worth of 10,000 to a maximum of 15,000

for support, to have materials needed and the cost that will help maintain the proper

waste disposal project.

The itemized expenses used in Proper Waste Disposal Project:


 Sweeper – 30 pcs. (20 pesos each)= 600 pesos

 Dustpan - 30 pcs. ( 35 pesos each)= 1,050 pesos

 Electric fans- voluntary given

 Monoblocks- voluntary given

Other expenses:

Food- 4,200

(Foods that we will serve: 3 kilo of Pansit Bihon= 1,000, 10 case of RC= 1200, 5 bilao of

Puto= 2000 TOTAL= 4,200)

These foods will good for 100 persons

2 Spoke Person- 1,000 ( 500 each for 1 day)

Event Organizer- 1,500

Event Place-500 up for 1 day

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2 Trucks- 2,000 back and forth

TOTAL= 9,200

Exchange= 800- for other expenses

The budget that the PWD used will be only for the materials and equipment

needed in the project. The Organization has only a amount of 10,000 pesos, and the

proponents divide it in a fair way. The goal of this project is to help the people and the

environment. The other money will be used to next activity to the project of Proper

Waste Disposal Org.

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