Objectives of Human Resource Planning

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Objectives of Human Resource Planning

The objective of human resource planning is to ensure the best fit between employees and
jobs, while avoiding manpower shortages or surpluses. Human resource planning is a sub-
system of the total organizational planning.

It constitutes an integral part of corporate plan and serves the very purpose of organization
in many ways. The primary purpose of human resource planning is to prepare for the future
by reducing organizational uncertainty in relation to the acquisition, placement, and
development of employees.

Human resources planning is done to achieve the optimum use of human resources and to
have the right types and correct number of employees to meet organizational goals.

The main objectives of Human Resource Planning are:

1. Achieve Goal: Human Resource Planning helps in achieving individual, Organizational

2. Estimates future organizational structure and Manpower Requirements: Human
Resource Planning is related with number of Personnel required for the future, job-
family, age distribution of employees, qualification & desired experience, salary range
etc and thereby determines future organization structure.
3. Human Resource Audit: Human resource planning process is comprised of estimating
the future needs and determining the present supply of Manpower Resources.
Manpower supply analysis is done through skills inventory. This helps in preventing
over staffing as well as under-staffing.
4. Prediction: To predict the employee turnover and make the arrangements for
minimizing turnover and filing up of consequent vacancies.
5. Change in Organization’s structure: To meet the requirements of the programs of
expansion, diversification etc.
6. Anticipate Impact of Technology: To anticipate the impact of technology on work,
existing employees and future human resource requirements.
7. Development: To develop & enhance the knowledge, skill, standards, ability and
discipline etc.
8. Maintain pleasant Industrial relations: To maintain pleasant industrial relations by
maintaining optimum level and structure of human resource.
9. Check Imbalance: To minimize imbalances caused due to non-availability of human
resources of right kind, right number in right time and right place.
10.Proper utilization of HR: To make the best use of its human resources.

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