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Stress is an emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension. Stress can corrupt your
mind and change your emotional state once you have been caged by the so – called sadness,
anger and nervousness but you must know on how to deal with it, think about the consequences
of your actions. You must know to control your emotions in order to avoid some conflicts that
can lead to misunderstanding but the most important thing that you need to kept in your mind is
that whom you are trusting with because there are times we need someone to listen our problems
to lessen the stressful that we are carrying.

Sometimes stress may very serious at a time more serious stressful circumstances in a
person including lack of finances, separation from loved ones, personal illness, death of someone
you care about or conflict with a close friend. No one likes to live with stress on a constant basis.
Many people thinking that stress is never helpful in life. In some cases, stress can motivate you
to get something done in ways it can help us fight back and regain control which is then
motivating and helpful.

Have you ever think your life is useless? Sometimes we think our life is useless
particularly when we are experiencing stress, some people can think negative and there’s really
on point thinking by killing themselves because they think that their life is useless.

Reasons why many people may experience stress just because they can’t help themselves
what to do, they can’t manage their time, they can’t control their emotions and they can’t fight
their stress. There are the common problems in life, life issues as a student’s such as homework,
projects, analyzation of the lesson and reports so that the students are afraid, pressured and loss
of hope that turn down the self-confidence of a students.

What would you do to overcome your stress? First, always think positive because it can
help your self-confidence in being active and keep your mind peaceful. Second, open up to
others because it can give us a piece of advice that we can apply to our self. Third, control your
emotions because may help you to handle your emotions and can manage your behavior.

In changing your sense from stress think that stress is a challenge from you to face it on
how to handle your life goes on. Think that stress is your strength to fight to see until where you
belong and think that stress is helpful that can motivate you and learn on how life work because
life is not easy.

Remember that always think positive. Don’t ever think your life is useless. Pray and
meditate daily on the word of God because God has the answer to every challenges. Connect to
other, spend time with people who make you feel good. Time management and you need to
develop an action plan to handle your balance in life. Enjoy every moment you or keep your
mind peaceful so that you have time to get rest no matter what happen just keep on praying so
that god will always protect and guide us because stress is a serious problem that can damage
your mental health once you didn’t take a step to overcome your stress you will no longer be
happy and you will no longer enjoying your life. Leave your stress slowly.

Never let stress ruin your own mood. Instead of thinking the things that make you stress
like negative thoughts, you should take a nap and avoid thinking negative things and just think of
the positive things that makes up your mood.

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