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Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching

Health Grade Nine

Grade & Section: Grade 9 St. Thomas

Date: February 14, 2019

Time: 8:30 – 9:30

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

1. Define injury;

2. Differentiate intentional injuries from unintentional injuries;

3. Classify the given situation as to whether they refer to intentional or unintentional injuries;

4. Showcase examples of intentional and unintentional injuries through role playing;

5. Show enthusiasm in doing the activity;

II. Subject Matter:


References: Module in Health Grade 9, pp. 371 – 373

Materials: PowerPoint, Pictures, Visual Aid, (Cartolina Strips)

Values Integration: “Prevention is better than Cure”

III. Procedure:

A. Daily Routine

1. Opening Prayer

2. Checking of Attendance

B. Lesson Proper


Good morning class! How are you today? We’re doing fine Ma’am!

Well, I’m glad to know that.

So what time do you usually go to school to I go to school 5:30 in the morning.

In the morning?
Why do you have to leave your house that early? I have to leave the house early so that I can
catch the bus before 7:30 o’clock in the
morning and attend flag ceremony in the

How about the others, what are your means of I prefer to ride in a motorbike because I
transportation in going to school? Where do you can save time and effort.
ride in going to school?
I ride on a jeep because the fare is cheaper
than riding a motorbike.

So where do you think is much safer, to ride on We can never say or we cannot assure that
a bus, a jeep, Motorbike, or tricycle? Why? riding a bus, jeep , motorbike and tricycle
is safe because we are always expose to
danger .
Everywhere is a danger zone. That’s why
we should be careful always in our
everyday life activities.

That’s true class! Accidents may happen anytime,

anywhere and to anybody, whether you are rich
or poor, old and young so it is very important that
we are aware of what these possible dangers are.

In connection to this class, let’s have a short activity

Look at the board, what do you see? There are incomplete sentences and
picture of the persons with different

Alright class, so you are going to complete the sentences

of each characters.

You can give as many injuries as you can and explain

how possible this kind of injury might happen to these

for a construction
worker injury may be
Example: _____________.
For a Doctor, injury may be a laceration on
hand while doing the surgery.

for a fireman, injury

may be ___________.

for an athlete, injury

may be ___________ .

What concepts or conclusion can you make from I can say that we are living in fear and the
from the activity that you have done? uncertainty of danger every day. We are
always expose to danger regardless of age,
sex, status and profession.

Very good class! So who can guess what will

be our topic for today? I think our lesson for today is all about injury.


So for us to further know about our lesson let’s

have another activity.

The class will be divided into 3 groups.

Group 1 will discuss and give the definition of

the injury Injury – is a harm or damage to a person
cause by events or act of someone.

Group 2 will work on the classification of

injury. Differentiate intentional injury from
unintentional injury. Intentional Injury – is the result of purposeful
human action whether directed at oneself or

Unintentional Injury – injury that is

unplanned or considered as accident or not
intended to happen.

Then Group 3 will classify the given news

headlines as to whether they are intentional
and unintentional injury.

I will give you 5 min. to discuss it.

1. Student committed 1. Boy accidentally
suicide after being bullied drowned himself
2. Teenager raped and slain 2. 14 killed as plane hits
the graveyard
3.Shooter kills 4, 19 injured 3. 3 students killed in the
initiation rites
4. Assistant Principal tackled 4. Fireman’s face severely
student with knife burned on a rescue mission
5. Nurse poisoned to death 5. Drunk security guard hit
by a car.
Group Presentation 5 Min each group.

Divide the class into 2 groups. Each group

will present a role play regarding the:

Group 1. Intentional Injury

Group 2. Unintentional Injury

You will be rated according to the following rubrics.

IV. Evaluation:

I will show you various pictures of injuries and you will tell me whether it is intentional and
unintentional injury.

Did you get it class?

V. Assignment:

List down unintentional injury that happens inside your house.

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