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BSBA-HRDM A1-1AM Prof. Maureen Montuya

1. Industry Business
An industry is a group of manufacturers or businesses that produce a particular kind
of goods or services.

Types Of Industry Business

Primary Industries

 Extract raw materials (which are natural products) from the land or sea e.g. oil, iron ore,
timber, fish. Mining, quarrying, fishing, forestry, and farming are all example of primary

Secondary Industries (sometimes referred to as Manufacturing industry)

 Involve the manufacture of raw materials, into another product by manual labour or
 Secondary industries often use assembly lines e.g. a car factory.

Tertiary Industries (sometime referred to as Services industry)

 Neither produce a raw material nor make a product.

 Instead they provide services to other people and industries.
 Tertiary industries can include doctors, dentists, refuse collection and banks.

Quaternary Industries

 Involve the use of high tech industries.

 People who work for these companies are often highly qualified within their field of work.
 Research and development companies are the most common types of businesses in this

Health Care Industry Telecommunication Industry

2. Commerce
refers to the buying and selling of goods and services for money or in kind. It is a
branch of business. It includes all the processes that have to do with the exchange of
products and services. The term usually refers to doing business on a large scale.
Specifically, on a scale large enough to require transportation from seller to buyer. The
transportation may be across a town, a state or county, or from country-to-country.

Types Of Commerce Business

B2B e-commerce refers to all electronic transactions of goods and sales that are conducted
between two companies. This type of e-commerce typically explains the relationship between the
producers of a product and the wholesalers who advertise the product for purchase to consumers.
Sometimes this allows wholesalers to stay ahead of their competition.

Perhaps the most common form of e-commerce, B2C e-commerce deals with electronic
business relationships between businesses and consumers. Many people enjoy this avenue of e-
commerce because it allows them to shop around for the best prices, read customer reviews and
often find different products that they wouldn’t otherwise be exposed to in the retail world. This
e-commerce category also enables businesses to develop a more personalized relationship with
their customers.

This level of e-commerce encompasses all electronic transactions that take place between
consumers. Generally, these transactions are provided by online platforms (such as PayPal), but
often are conducted through the use of social media networks (Facebook marketplace) and
websites (Craigslist).

Not the most traditional form of e-commerce, C2B e-commerce is when a consumer makes
their services or products available for companies to purchase. An example of this would be a
graphic designer customizing a company logo or a photographer taking photos for an e-
commerce website.

This e-commerce category refers to all transactions between companies and public
administration. This is an area that involves many services, particularly in areas such as social
security, employment and legal documents.

Another popular e-commerce category, C2A e-commerce encompasses all electronic
transactions between individuals and public administration. Examples of this include taxes (filing
tax returns) and health (scheduling an appointment using an online service.
3. Service Business
A service business is a company that provides certain professional support to its
clients. In these businesses the product is not a tangible one, instead it is an activity that
helps a third party at different areas.

Types of Service Business

Professional Services: List of professional services is given below:

 Technical services
 Legal services
 Support services
 Consulting services
 Accounting services
Financial Services: List of financial services is given below:

 Finance services
 Insurance services
 Real estate services
Transportation Services: Businesses that distribute services are grouped as transportation and
information services. In transportation services, the services included are given below:

 Information services
 Publishing services
 Broadcasting services

Tutoring Spa

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