Opinion Mining On Review

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Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology: C

Software & Data Engineering

Volume 16 Issue 5 Version 1.0 Year 2016
Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal
Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA)
Online ISSN: 0975-4172 & Print ISSN: 0975-4350

Review of Feature Selection and Optimization Strategies in

Opinion Mining
By K. Venkata Rama Rao

Abstract- Opinion mining and sentiment analysis methods has become a prerogative models in terms
of gaining insights from the huge volume of data that is being generated from vivid sources. There
are vivid range of data that is being generated from varied sources. If such veracity and variety of
data can be explored in terms of evaluating the opinion mining process, it could help the target
groups in getting the public pulse which could support them in taking informed decisions. Though
the process of opinion mining and sentiment analysis has been one of the hot topics focused upon
by the researchers, the process has not been completely revolutionary. In this study the focus has
been upon reviewing varied range of models and solutions that are proposed for sentiment analysis
and opinion mining.
Keywords: opinion mining, sentiment analysis, social web data, machine learning, social media.
GJCST-C Classification: C.2.1,C.2.4, H.2.8


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Review of Feature Selection and Optimization
Strategies in Opinion Mining
K. Venkata Rama Rao

Abstract- Opinion mining and sentiment analysis methods has what is being expressed in the social networking and
become a prerogative models in terms of gaining insights from other online medium by the people.
the huge volume of data that is being generated from vivid Pertaining to their likes and dislikes, views and
sources. There are vivid range of data that is being generated

choices has led to conditions, where the opinion mining
from varied sources. If such veracity and variety of data can be is gaining significant importance.For instance, the

explored in terms of evaluating the opinion mining process, it
companies are profoundly relying upon such insights for
could help the target groups in getting the public pulse which
could support them in taking informed decisions. Though the gathering customer views on the brand and the
products of the organization, which can be resourceful
process of opinion mining and sentiment analysis has been
one of the hot topics focused upon by the researchers, the to them in their strategic planning [1].

Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology ( C ) Volume XVI Issue V Version I
process has not been completely revolutionary. In this study In economic factors evaluation, for
the focus has been upon reviewing varied range of models interpretations that are apart from the technical
and solutions that are proposed for sentiment analysis and knowledge and fundamentals based analysis, focusing
opinion mining. From the vivid range of inputs that are on diverse range of inputs like the reforms, impending
gathered and the detailed study that is carried out, it is evident announcements, response to market trends, emerging
that the current models are still in complex terms of evaluation
market conditions, surge or deflation in prices, and
and result fetching, due to constraints like comprehensive
knowledge and natural language limitation factors. As a many other such factors becomes significant for
futuristic model in the domain, the process of adapting scope effective decisions.
of evolutionary computational methods and adapting In economics and finance to understand
hybridization of such methods for feature extraction as an idea beyond fundamental and technical knowledge analysis,
is tossed in this paper. sentiment analysis supporters suggest additionally it is
Keywords: opinion mining, sentiment analysis, social essential to use information as diverse as, impending
web data, machine learning, social media. announcements, sudden surge in commodity prices,
rumors and reports of a market collapse or break
I. Introduction through, increase in the interest rates by central banks,

xpressions of sentiments are analyzed using fluctuations in dollar prices, etc. as these factors help in
some of the prevalent methods like the sentiment better estimating and forecasting situations of changes
analysis or the opinion mining machines. in market. In Fig 1 the process flow of opinion mining
Profoundly the feelings that are generated in human and sentiment analysis is shown. Such inputs could be
mind is circumstantial on the basis of numerous gathered from vivid range of sources. Sentiment
thoughts, events, occurrence and reactions, which are analysis and opinion mining kind of solutions can be
mostly subjective in nature like mood, emotion. very resourceful in planning such development.
Predominantly the expressions and the state of mind of
a human can be envisaged with the combination of
certain factors like the emotions, mood and also the
bodily gestures like the facial expressions and postures,
alongside some of the communication forms.
Opinions and the expressions have significant
importance in the day to day living, and focusing on
such expressions and opinions have become an integral
part of communication and living. With the advent
development of social media and digital communication Figure 1: Sentiment Analysis or Opinion Mining model
trends, voicing of opinions over such communication architecture
medium and people comprehending such inputs has In the communication process, one of the
become a norm. Also, with the emergence of BI critical aspects is about expressing about an action, a
solutions, and the analytics in place, the emphasis on description in the combination of emotion, mood and
sentiment. Also, an affect is also expressed with text and
Author: B.Sc, MCA, B.Tech(CSE), M.Tech(CSE) Assistant Professor. speech that are combined with the descriptions and
e-mail: kvrrao20@gmail.com using some language, which could be very resourceful
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Review of Feature Selection and Optimization Strategies in Opinion Mining

in sentimental analysis. Sam Glucksberg [2], in his book gain (IG) [14], mutual information (MI) [14], etc., or
“understanding figurative language”, for instance, feature transformation techniques, like singular value
discuss a metaphor “my spouse’s lawyer is a shark and decomposition (SVD), LDA, etc. are used. The
my job is my jail” in a characteristic manner, which techniques of feature selection select important features
express an effect in a suggestive and distinct manner. based on a term goodness value and selects top
In terms of expressing an effect, the features if they are above a threshold criteria, and by
descriptions [3] are usually used in daily language, dropping remaining irrelevant features. The techniques
which could be popular even in the domain of fictional of feature transformation are based on converting
content and is extend to scientific languages too [4], feature vector of high-dimensionality into a feature
which are more effective in terms of natural [5]. Also the space of low-dimensionality where the reduced feature
language in terms of biological sciences [6] is also at vector similar to the earlier feature vector consists of the
times adapted in the expression similar to the usage of contributions of every feature. Wang and Wan [15]

some technical aspects pertaining finance and performed dimensionality reduction using the technique

economics too. latent semantic analysis (LSA) and with the reduced
Key purpose of a sentiment analysis system is feature vector applied the classifier support vector
22 to identify and extract the opinion of an author/speaker machine (SVM) to enhance the sentiment analysis
and find how astute the author is, towards giving value performance. The popular approach for reducing feature
vector length is feature selection compared to feature
Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology ( C ) Volume XVI Issue V Version I

to something like a value, an object or event state or a

concept. For handling the notions towards quantitative transformation due to its simplicity and computational
semantics, spatial relationships are adapted using the efficiency.
cognitive capabilities of a computing system for A number of feature selection techniques such
emulating a human mind. [7]. The key objective of as MI, IG, DF (document frequency), CHI (chi-square),
performing such sentimental analysis is about detecting etc. [16][17][18][19] have been experimented for
the instinctive emotional response of a reader for a performing sentiment analysis. A most easy method of
speaker note and tabulate such responses for effective feature selection is DF (document frequency).
analysis. Document Frequency is a regularly used sentiment
analysis technique [20] based using the most frequently
II. State of The Art in Feature Selection occurring terms in the texts that are used to construct a
and Optimization Strategies of feature vector. Tan and Zhang [19] tested the
Opinion Mining performance of 4 techniques of feature selection (MI, IG,
CHI, and DF) in the sentiment analysis of Chinese
In classification the removal of a relevant feature language documents. They used 5 machine learning
reduces the classification performance. The presence of algorithms, such as, centroid classifier, KNN (K-nearest
irrelevant features also affects the classification neighbor), NB (naive Bayes), winnow classifier, and SVM
performance [8]. Redundancy in between features is (support vector machine). The experimental results
found by measuring the correlation between features [9] show, the performance of IG in feature selection is better
and removal of redundant features improves compared to the other approaches, and SVM algorithm
classification performance. In feature generation performance is the best. Abbasi et al. [21] experimented
features numbering in the thousands are produced and with IG and GA (genetic algorithm) using a movie review
generally a huge number of these features do not give dataset and proposed a hybrid approach called EWGA
any information because of class specific irrelevancy or (entropy weighted genetic algorithm) to enhance
redundancy and have to be removed to enhance the sentiment analysis accuracy. Nicholls and Song [22]
classification performance [10][11][8]. A feature is developed a new approach for feature selection called
outstanding if it is highly discerning and improves the document frequency difference and performed
predictive capabilities of the classifier in assigning a new comparison of the proposed approach with other
sample to a class [12] in sentiment analysis. techniques of feature selection for sentiment analysis. In
The performance of the machine learning [23] to perform sentiment analysis a log-likelihood
models depends not only on efficient methods of feature approach is utilized for selecting key features.
extraction and weights assignment, but also on effective Agarwal and Mittal [24] devised feature
methods of feature selection. Feature selection objective selection approach CPPD (Categorical Probability
is for selecting most relevant and discriminating features Proportion Difference) selects features based on their
through the removal of features that are noisy and relevance and the features that are class discriminative.
irrelevant for classification. If higher feature vector length The feature selection method CPPD or Categorical
and noisy and irrelevant features [13] are present the Probability Proportion Difference combines two different
performance of the machine learning techniques is techniques, Categorical Proportional Different (CPD)
decreased. To reduce the dimensionality of the feature and Probability Proportion Difference (PPD). Categorical
vector feature selection techniques such as information Proportional Different (CPD) technique is based on

© 2016
1 Global Journals Inc. (US)
Review of Feature Selection and Optimization Strategies in Opinion Mining

measuring the degree of contribution of a term in time and accuracy. The main effort of the current
discriminating the class and in the classification only the models of feature selection is for selecting features
topmost contributing terms are used [25]. The PPD relevant for the sentiment classification, and not the
technique is based on measuring the degree of redundancy between the features.
belongingness/relatedness or probability that a term a) Heuristic Computation based Feature Selection
belongs to a specific class, and the difference is a Strategies
measure of the ability to discriminate the class. In Balahur et.al [32] has focused on comparative
classification terms with higher degree of belongingness study of varied methods and resources that are used for
are chosen as candidate features. The advantage with mining opinions. Despite the level of complexities
CPD technique is it measures for a term its degree of involved, the crux of the study is about the evaluation
class-distinguishing property that is a key attribute for a metrics adapted in terms of using the annotated
prominent feature. It is capable of removing terms that quotations from varied news that are offered by EMS

are unimportant for classification like terms that occur news gathering engine. The study concludes that the

equally in both classes, and terms with high document generic opinion mining systems needs the large
frequency like stop words (i.e., a, the, an etc.). The lexicons and also the specialized training or test data
advantage with PPD technique is that it is able to which could make impact on the accuracy levels of the 23
eliminate the terms with low document frequency, such models.

Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology ( C ) Volume XVI Issue V Version I
as rare terms and are unimportant for sentiment Bo et.al [33] has reviewed model of techniques
analysis. Wang et al. [26] devised new Fisher’s and approaches which shall directly support opinion-
discriminant ratio-based feature selection technique for oriented information-seeking systems. The study
sentiment analysis of text data. focused on methods which seek new challenges that
Duric and Song [27] introduced a novel feature are raised by the sentiment-aware applications, when
selection technique based on a model of content and compared to the ones that already have traditional
syntax that separates the reviewed entities and the models of fact-based analysis.
opinion context (i.e., sentiment modifiers). The test In the process of review, some of the
performed with these features and using the maximum discussions related to available resources, datasets that
entropy classifier shows results comparable to that of are of benchmark and also the evaluation campaigns
state-of art methods. Agarwal and Mittal [17] approach were also chosen. The availability and popularity of
for improving sentiment analysis performance is a hybrid varied opinion-rich resources like the online review sites
approach of feature selection that combines the and also the personal blogs, emerging opportunities
techniques, information gain and rough sets. Abbasi and the challenges that are creeping up from the
[28] devised feature selection approach intelligently extensive adaptation of ICT trends are utilized for
explores and utilizes the syntactic and semantic understanding the opinions. The level of surge in the
information, and demonstrates how a heterogeneous opinion mining and sentiment analysis manages with
feature set combined with a suitable technique of computation treatment of opinion, text subjectivity and
feature selection could enhance the sentiment analysis sentiments.
performance. O’keefe and Koprinska [29] proposed two Xu et.al [34] proposed model towards
techniques of feature selection, SentiWordNet improving aspect-level opinion mining towards
Subjectivity Score (SWNSS) and SentiWordNet conducting online customer reviews. The new
Proportional Difference (SWNPD). In sentiment analysis, generative topic model of JAS ( Joint Aspect/Sentiment)
SWNSS technique is capable of differentiating objective model was proposed to extract aspects and the aspect-
terms from subjective terms as only subjective terms dependent sentiment lexicons that could be derived
may hold the sentiment, and SWNPD technique is from the online customer reviews. Among the aspect
capable of integrating feature selection with the ability to dependent sentiment lexicon indicates to aspect-
discriminate classes. Verma and Bhattacharyya [30] specific opinion words comprising aspect-aware
devised approach first prunes the data of terms that are sentiment polarities pertaining to specific aspects. Also,
semantically unimportant using a semantic score the extracted aspect-dependent sentiment lexicons
derived with SentiWordNet [31], and then information which are applied to opinion mining tasks at the aspect-
gain is used for selecting key features to enhance the level comprising various factors like aspect
accuracy of the sentiment classification. identification, aspect-based extractive opinion
Several feature selection techniques have been summarization and the aspect-level sentiment
applied in the context of sentiment analysis such as, MI, classification factors. Experimental study of the JAS
DF, CHI, IG, etc. These techniques of feature selection model depicts the efficiency and effectiveness of the
have demonstrated to be efficient for performing model in an intrinsic manner.
sentiment analysis. They remove noise and redundancy Emerging developments like the Web 2.0 and
occurring in the feature vector directly enhancing the social media content has triggered the scope of
sentiment analysis performance in terms of execution generating exhaustive range of content like the opinions,

© 2016 Global Journals Inc. (US)

Review of Feature Selection and Optimization Strategies in Opinion Mining

views, comments, reviews on varied socioeconomic short of how extracted relationships like the polarity and
factors, personal and lifestyle trends and market certainty levels could have impact.
reviews. And the significant scope of focusing on such Jeong et.al [38] has proposed the model of
areas for sentiment analysis has been proposed by FEROM which focus on the process of feature extraction
Zhang et.al [35]. and refinement, and correct features towards reviewing
If rightly adapted the online discussion forums, data using exploitation of grammatical properties and
social networking postings and millions of tweets that also the semantic characteristic for feature words. The
are raised by the people can certainly support in experimental studies of FEROM model depict that the
gathering intrinsic insights in to varied emerging trends; process has been producing results in more accurate
Despite the fact that Opinion mining is a sub discipline way and relative to functional opinion mining process.
of data mining models, still the level of computational Ozkis and Babalik [39] sounded the model of A-
and extraction techniques shall be very resourceful in ABC (Accelerated Artificial Bee Colony) in which the two

gathering significant quantum of insightful inputs. Usage modifications are predominantly used on ABC algorithm

of sentiment analysis in the opinion mining can be very for ensuring local search availability and also the levels
effective in terms of identifying the sentiment, affect and of convergence speed. Modifications in the stream are
24 subjectivity, and also the emotional states using the depicted as Step Size (SS) Modification Rate (MR).
online text. Zhai et.al [36] has proposed a model which Performances of A-ABC and the standards ABC are
focus on identifying product feature even before collec- compared to varied benchmarking functions have
Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology ( C ) Volume XVI Issue V Version I

ting the opinions of both positive and negative, for resulted with better efficiency and outcome.
producing a summary of good or bad points. Aggre- In extension to the models many more models
gator sites of reviews and the ecommerce sites are similar to the A-ABC model has evolved. For instance,
some of the classic examples for business that is reliant the models like MABC (Modified Artificial Bee Colony)
on opinion mining for producing feature-based products [40], and another novel feature selection method
quality summaries. proposed in [41] [42] also focus on optimal feature
O’Keefe and Koprinska [29] have proposed the subset configurations and has achieved effective levels
model of systematic evaluation for feature selectors and of classification accuracy when compared to the
the feature weights using Naïve Bayes and the Support benchmarking models.
Vector Machine Classifiers. The mode inducts two new
feature selection models and also proposes three b) Feature Weighting and Representation Schemes
feature weighting methods that could be adapted. Feature weighting methods are of high
Sentiment analysis focuses on whether the opinion in a importance for the approaches based on machine
document has to be positive or negative for a topic. The learning. These methods assign weights to features in
study also discuss that though there are many senti- terms of the importance levels of sentiment for
ment analysis applications that are proposed, still not enhanced classification of the sentiments data. There
many of them has the scope for handle large volume of are different methods for assigning weights like, term
features. frequency (TF), term-frequency-inverse document fre-
Abbasi et.al [21] has proposed the model of quency (TF-IDF), binary weighting scheme etc. [18]. The
using the sentimental analysis methods for classifying binary weighting scheme assigns a feature value equal
the web for opinions in varied languages. For sentiment to 1 in the presence of a term else a value of 0 is given.
classification in both English and Arabic content, stylistic The TFIDF method assigns weights to every term in
and syntactic feature extraction components are terms of how rarely the terms occur in the remaining
focused upon. Using the model of EWGA (Entropy documents [14].
Weighted Genetic Algorithm), a hybridized model of A comparison of these methods shows that for
genetic algorithm for incorporating the information gain a maximum number of topic-based text classifications,
in terms of heuristic towards feature selection is also TF-IDF weighing method performs efficiently, however
proposed in the study. It is imperative from the for sentiment analysis, binary weighting method
experimental study results of EWGA that it has outperforms the other frequency-based methods [20].
outperformed in terms of features and techniques utility An explanation for this may be because people write
towards addressing document level sentiment classi- reviews usually using different sentiment words of
fication. expression. E.g. a person reviews a camera as, “This
Swaminathan et.al [37] proposed the model of Nikon camera is great. Picture quality is clear and it
using unstructured text being used as primary means for looks nice.” In this review 3 different sentiment words
publishing biomedical research results. To extract and are used that are “great,” “clear,” and “nice.” There are
integrate data, text mining process can be applied in a very less chances that same review will be written by
routine manner. Some of the key aspects in the process him using only a single sentiment word “great”, “this
is to extracting relationships between bio-entities like the Nikon camera is great. Picture quality is great and its
foods and diseases. Also, the studies depict on stop looks are also great.” So the presence/absence of a

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1 Global Journals Inc. (US)
Review of Feature Selection and Optimization Strategies in Opinion Mining

term has a higher importance more than its frequency of sentiment analysis has shown binary weighting method
occurrence in sentiment analysis. to be the best.
Deng et al. [43] devised a method to weight a
III. Conclusion
term based on its importance in the document and the
term importance in expressing sentiment for sentiment In this paper, emphasis is on methodical
analysis based on supervised approach. Martineau and approach of reviewing the varied models of sentimental
Finin [44] devised a new method of finding feature analysis and opinion mining solutions that were earlier
weights called Delta TF-IDF that measures feature proposed in the studies. With the emerging trends of
importance of a term based on its class distinguishing digital communication trends, adaptation of ICT trends
property and the terms that are unevenly distributed and huge volume of opinion related data that is
between positive and negative classes are assigned generated, the focus on sentiment analysis and opinion
more weights with evenly distributed feature assigned a has been high in terms of research that is carried out.

zero value. If a feature is more unevenly distributed Review of the models of feature selection strategies and

among classes, the feature must be having more optimization techniques that are adapted in the machine
importance. In the sentiment analysis Delta TF-IDF learning based sentiment analysis depict that more
outperformed the methods of term frequency and TF- models has been focused in such dimension. It is 25
IDF weighting. imperative from the review that due to some of the
constraints like comprehensiveness and the knowledge

Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology ( C ) Volume XVI Issue V Version I
Dai et al. [45] approach highlights the sentiment
feature through an increase of their weights. Additionally of the problem, performing the tasks of sentiment
with the bagging technique multiple classifiers are built analysis are much complex. Also, the issues like natural
on several feature spaces and a combination of all of language processing limitations are also the other
these creates one aggregate classifier that is used to factors that impact the outcome of sentiment analysis.
enhance the sentiment analysis performance. Paltoglou Despite the fact that considerable developments have
and Thelwallm [46] produced a complete study of taken place in the domain, still there is potential scope
several weighting techniques used in sentiment for improvement. One of the potential solutions that
analysis. In the experiments performed by them, the could be considered is about using the scope of
classic tf − idf variant methods showed to improve the evolutionary computational methods and adapting
hybridization of such methods for feature extraction
sentiment analysis performance. Authors in [47]
towards developing effective sentiment analysis model.
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Review of Feature Selection and Optimization Strategies in Opinion Mining
2016 Year

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