Tan Vs Pacuribot

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Tan vs Pacuribot

540 SCRA 248


Judge Pacuribot was charged with rape and acts of lasciviousness by Ms. Tan and Ms.
Villafranca. Ms. Tan was deceived twice by Judge Pacuribot when he offered to take her to the
bus terminal but instead brought her to a motel where he ravished her. Not contented, he rented a
room in the house of Ms. Tan wherein he would order Miss Tan to go to his room when her
husband was not around. Further, Judge Pacuribot during office hours would also request Miss
Tan’s presence in his chamber where respondent would sexually harass her even in the presence
of another person

Ms. Villafranca was also deceived by the said Judge when he made her believe that they
were going to go out for dinner but instead brought her in a motel in Butuan City where he
ravished her and took a nude picture of her. The respondent used such picture to blackmail Ms.
Villafranca and would threaten her that in the event she would refuse to submit to his lustful
desires, he would send the picture to her family. After the incident, the respondent would order
her to bring food at his rented room and would subsequently rape her. Furthermore, the
respondent ordered the complainant to send sweet text messages and write love letters and
greeting cards to him and even ordered her to file an annulment case against her husband.

Both charges were denied by Judge Pacuribot. Moreover, he claimed that delay in the
filing of the charges against him casted doubt to the truthfulness of their claim and that if they
were truly raped by him why did they not refuse at all but instead continued to submit
themselves to him. He alleged that the charges imputed against him were complainants’ tool of


Whether or not Judge Pacuribot is guilty of sexual harassment


Yes, Judge Pacuribot is guilty of sexual harassment.

The Supreme Court found totally unacceptable the temerity of Judge Pacuribot in
subjecting the complainants, both his subordinates, to his unwelcome sexual advances and acts
of lasciviousness. Over long periods of time, he persistently solicited sexual favors from Ms.Tan
and Ms. Villafranca. When they refused, he made their working conditions so unbearable that
Ms. Tan was eventually forced to transfer to another office and Ms. Villafranca to seek
employment abroad. Certainly, no judge has a right to solicit sexual favors from any court
employee, even from a woman of loose morals. Judge Pacuribots conduct indubitably bears the
marks of impropriety and immorality. Not only do his actions fall short of the exacting standards
for members of the judiciary; they stand no chance of satisfying the standards of decency even of
society at large. His severely abusive and outrageous acts, which are an affront to women,
unmistakably constitute sexual harassment because they necessarily x x x result in an
intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment for the employee[s].

The audacity under which the sexual violation of the complainants were committed and
the seeming impunity with which they were perpetrated by Judge Pacuribot shock our sense of
morality. All roads lead us to the conclusion that Judge Pacuribot has failed to behave in a
manner that will promote confidence in the Judiciary. His actuations, if condoned, would damage
the integrity of the Judiciary, fomenting distrust in the system. Hence, his acts deserve no less
than the severest form of disciplinary sanction -- dismissal from the service.

Let it be remembered that respondent has moral ascendancy and authority over
complainants, who are mere employees of the court of which he is an officer. His actuations are
aggravated by the fact that complainants are his subordinates over whom he exercises control
and supervision, he being the executive judge. He took advantage of his position and power in
order to carry out his lustful and lascivious desires. Instead of acting in loco parentis over his
subordinate employees, he was even the one who preyed on them, taking advantage of his
superior position

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