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Ethics Questions

a) Check the correct patient, see the body

b) No resp effort > 3 min, no major aortic pulses, fixed and dilated pupils, no heart sounds for 1
c) Family, GP, mortuary
d) Contact PF, refer for autopsy
e) Name of deceased, time date place and cause of death, post mortem exam, who saw the
patient, signature and date
f) Pacemaker – palpate chest wall, read notes,check ECG, recent CXR

a) Confidentiality – patient doctor, must not tell parents. Autonomy – ability to make self
governing and competent decisions. Competence – reasoned decisions and understanding.
Informed consent - risk of OCP. The law – underage sex. Issue of safe sex – spread of STD.
Professionalism – see a different partner as more professional
b) Continuance of pregnancy would involve risk of injury to physical or mental health. U16 don’t
need consent of parents in some situations. 2 practitioners must agree
c) 24w – no time limit if 2 doctors agree health is gravely threatened

a) Wilson’s criteria – IATROGENIC – Important Condition, Acceptable treatment, Treatment

facilities, Recognised early Sx, Opinions agreed on treatment, Guaranteed safety, Examination
simple, natural history untreated must be known, inexpensive test, continuous screening
b) Informed consent, autonomy, Right to refuse, Competence, beneficience, Non maleficence,
c) Clinical exam not proven to be better than self exam, advanced disease has similar outcome to
early stage, patients present early, young difficult to get to attend
d) Secondary to failure of oral therapy, overeating, not taking meds, intercurrent illness
e) Do not assume the patient cannot understand, communicate with both interpreter and patient,
communicate information simply, communicate in small chunks, be aware of hazards of using
an interpreter – faithful transmission, father/son conflict, avoidance of delicate subject
f) Explain DM, ask why he thinks this has occurred, ask him about eating habits, medication
compliance, appear non judgemental, respect autonomy, explore patient’s understanding DM,
explore adherence to Ramadan, explore consequences of poorly controlled diabetes, explain
why compliance is importance

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