Infection Questions

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Infection Questions

a) Infectious mononucleiosis
b) Splenomegaly, cervical lymphadenopathy, whitish exudate covering tonsils
c) Epstein Barr Virus
d) Salivary transfer – kissing
e) Monospot test
f) Conservative – fluids, bed rest, analgesia stop Abx

a) Streptococcus pneumonia, TB
b) Viral load, CD4 count
c) Hep B, Hep C, tetanus

a) Suspected raised ICP, rash over spine, acute spinal cord trauma, uncorrected coagulopathy
b) Culture, PCR, cytology, , protein, glu, WCC – polymorphs, protein, bacteria in smear and culture,
low glu
c) Iv ceftriaxone
d) Notify public health, contact tracing

1. Aciclovir – HSV
2. Gentamicin – levels should be monitored
3. Fluconazole – uused in the treatment of athlete’s foot
4. Erythromycin – campylobacter spp,
5. Penicillin – acts on bacterial cell wall synthesis

1. Parainfluenza virus
2. Hep c
3. HIV t 1
4. HPV 1
5. HSV 1

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