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aa he el UNS Vj | N \ UA RS aH as CATALOGUE 1 s AVR gab) Steel pipe whichis | Pipa baja untuk Trees eee Ba ec Procure La ea ee eT eg REC cr el coc Petes Fiesse Pipe Industries API SPEC 5L 1s0 9001-2008 Steel pipe which is used for conveying gas, API SPEC 5L and oil in the natural gas and oil industries CERTIFIED Pipa baja untuk mengalirkan gas, dan minyak pada industri minyak dan gas alam te) ch mh hg mim at feat Jv 2am 2275 oa [logan zanna 10170 one 32 br Ast amo 28) tit 33 ke be iim an 278 aus 730 agua zanaar 1m 10 on a2 der Sst im a tt ae ta eae fn aaa tse 4a ts Gan 2m im Siete San ar im a 20a 500 ee9 [osopmiag iagsises 130 1590 tis a 4st ae 1a) tae tit ae San Dar ime 2 Ore 40 sa0 a3? imam tim te Ge air pho me C1 ag gee aoe ee oe $8 ta that im lem 4124s 14a nase aa saa 1 4a 101780 hse 4p Tae oan 1 19m to 20 te a fan tae tao twa bia) aad oie 43 nar tase im lim bao de one Se jam tea too am dre dam tay eo ono tem 2a ze aye asm tae Ga tne Ta im lam dam da Sone ssea 141 onan 4s oe sono 66 180170 ane fe teat tere Yao. 2000 oa 6e ta ata im he ese 6625 1683 [Jorma aan ruer raze to 10 smo 2a tim $2 jase Zest {imo dae da tae ¢a tm zeae je duo dso a0 Car aan ata 1a deo ga am oaa 72 nae nas lop se dsm am tau a7 ania ace im amaze 297 fam $3 sas 280 ame asm 2 ase 499s 219) [nan ag tea6asar mo am ama one fe ieee asa jm tee me am bro tae ee aaa aasT Tote ao aa pa tar to an et 1x0 20m dz ao bro Qan a2 dean es j@ 2a de dom bam tau ty oe atte lai ame. 2am. sam om 93 am SID iso 9 dsm am tam iit aan seat to tm aan as tam iar a eee iim iam daw aa os 10780. 271 DISRAAaNaS NTE wo tam 10 ts ye tm aso 20 Cae ag aes ace ea = eS a S¢ dees sear mo tam la tam 13m 2m dam Base tae te anne aoe 1 Odea ga aa geno aaa tam 0) nm esr iM tae 305030 2am em amo dam fan a9 ear sen 13 dao 3s amos tam - 0500127 «$479 8135, 1980 2970 2970 2970 2970 2970 2970 2970 F sakrie Pipe Industries 180 9001:2008 API SPEC 5L APISPEC BL CERTIFIED ‘ech inch mim Inch mm ikem al fe! a a) ps Pps soma $2 22s atar om 1150 tz aa 1550 imo tam ozo 64 at sont 40 10 156017501900 21902360 Cae 71 a7a 947 so 15 1730195020 a0 26m 03272 aad tie Yolo 470 toa ae 280 a0 390 ta 8a 2816535 10380 205023002500 2a 2370 Gam 87 asa aya two 4m 29302 80 de dam 03795 A061 7365 1350 210023102600 2830 290 2970 O06 1035357) 78 130° 2am 2510 2a aso 290 29m so 127 esas 9748 167 = 28102570 asm a970 250 2570 Ose 14373210878 140 2970290297 230 27% 297 oes 159 stot 12089 200-2029 e287 250 39m 14 14000-3555 fiat 8226 4839 oo 1 mot s20 17501880 Oa ata eae 0 aa 1880 ao 20 30 Dam 87 S022 azz yoo 4780 aa ao Basa et tas 85 baue 1a 4s 202302570 2502970 bane 103 S800 arr 10 20m 2202s 270 220 390 aes 19 e784 10086 140-2400 2640 2970 2970 230 2970 Oso 127 7219 10738 1s0 2300 2e0 2970-2870 2am 3970 Ose 143 807s 12035 120 2m 29049 ag 250 290 Oaas 153 BSas 13808 100, 28% 300251 a8 de dam 16 16000 «tg 0219 56 3695 sts so 960 sog0 2201320 am 1520 to 020 ge 0a an om 11m aad tse teed os 79 $232 7763 320 1301590173018 19021602320 oss 95 ees 9298 10001670 = 184020702250 23 26002780 Cace 103. e768 10061 100 1m 2000 2280 «2a 25902610257 0500 127 285 12330 130 22-290 27m 25 29m 22 Ose 143 $279 13827 1s 2529 27m 200237 25m em 2970 Daas 188 ovoa72 sa 160 2mm 350 29m 3928 35 a8 18 18000. 4570 fnzsoingainaraatniaa 0 1m Ot tase aso Sze 71533 7877 oo 1104230 13804500 se t750 tad os2 73 ses9 nae 121560 SO tes 7 aD 2 Oa 87 6493 ene so 11500 step taa) tomo m0 0375) 7oss tbat wo 14s tea tas0 2002s 2st ao 0438 e223) 12205 1010 1740 1920 a6 BHD 24027007 2900 0800. 9354 13815 1180-1990 290 2470 2670 2am 20 065 159 11605 17295 140 240 27402970287 2am 2m 2070 20 20000 stap [naso/ngalisaza aar6 so ts ram ta namo a0 02g) 7593 #27 a RY a3 79 eses 974s en nT Oa 87 722810732 mo 1m tas tsi ts ta 201 2 0375 95 7Rer 67a oo 1g teed 11 2a dam a0 bane 103 s508 12544 So 1 tea t9tg. zo) zap 2smo sr base 1A st58) 1360 01619 as0 328023 3S 2 sno) 127) Youn saa yo 490-2050 202550 a 250 28m 050 143 Neve 17410 1300 21332350 24802824705 2570 Ose 151 tzaz3 tesa 170 2702500279029 29m 229 24 24000. 6109 fs aS0" al reRATss26 so ams tomato O20 71 72s 10586 so ee) a ost) Nae ta t070 Dae 87 t699 12800 Sioa 190130150 tsa 1680 Id oa 95 Skt 108s 11430040155) ta tea 0 ace 102 to240 15232 tia ts0 17a) tea t5m0 ad base 1a toga 16883 mo mda wo (500° 127 taset 10706 B50 158 12M 1560 2120 Bae 2S Dss2 143408) 21007 too 17801560 22007390250 27502970 bers 153 15617 23208 101980 219024802660 2m 250 29 Marking Example Tans obe yearn hea nso: (Bp) smsvcx 9 AMER STINOHNOU L2H goo gan Seca ea oT casing and tubing | Casing dan Tubing Tre a ce eT Poor le cure SCT Bakrie Pipe Industries API SPEC 5CT APISPEC SCT Steel pipe for casing and tubing in | Pipa baja untuk Casing dan Tubing CERTIFIED petroleum and gas application pada aplikasi minyak dan gas bumi nor a om eh 00s psi__f000its 10006 1000s au 0264 1370 ue be Rs am fs oan aoe io bem ime tome aire 360 as js 400 a6 ai 34s Sess] 2400 mo mM Kss 0264 gt tn 2m 1m mmm Be Rn Mo A GR aM on TIM Ge 2m Smo 1 oo ais 7625 17004100 er 199 osse ase 3200 68 eo Serbo fas Gass fom tims tam nemo iso) OTe 00 20 siga kas 0352 aD asm as gam 20 sek ats a0 Soy Sige Ss 0505 403 Gass Gary 300287036 gt rmoso 93 2100 1560 ae 31500 0 0 4s aa iss ‘isso 7m 2500 2a gsm he faa as ss aso cm za 2700 ao} os sw ‘aso aa Ks ooso 9% 2100 ton a3 sa 5109 4955 155, 9850 96M 2400 ©2700 «© ao} ca ws aso an $55 osm 965 12615 2s5 1500 1150s 2m ste 0 250 ss oan rose r25's 235 2100 15t0 sz 30m) sass ‘aco aa? 155 aio 1219 12415 1228 2am ton tomas SH sso sam ass Ss aa00 ate t2ets 2am tom tows am see 100 Faso ss ss 0 oor 2sts 2a 2100 ts 923050 G09 a0 sei? ae SS Geno is t2at5 T2272 1950 toe 3a ES 7500 mms 558s am tem tom em 0 m0 ima js ats 57 15010 4a 20m tad temas 7500 mie moss OE TD IS Megas tm tom te ena hoo 20s ane Ass 0405 tas? 15010 Maat 200 tad 1325 258s 5400 sis) mss ys eae a 198 tao 520 aap 2d amor a snes toca 15513 Jss Ost 1270 13000 tem 71685 2d mts SY 6 13300 Wa 19568 JSS OMS 1613 TaD zi 16002530) Tist 802 400 ose age ss case 13 912 tea tan sao aed mess aro 1650 jogs tests 0500 1270 t0000 fasta 160070 tees 20 eos 13300 Ties tases RSS OMS WIZ THD RSD 2100100023) Na Marinate (Ba rsmcscos ¥ APPREEREE aso Bakrie Pipe Industries SUE BSccomel ented eee erie Petit eG econ Crs eT alas — ot eN cu) Pent nag aplikasi mekanik dan De eu es nc erie) gas dan udara ASTM A53 1S0 9001:2008 Steel pipe commonly used Pipa baja yang umumnya CERTIFIED for mechanical and pressure digunakan untuk aplikasi mekanik applications as ordinary uses dan bertekanan seperti untuk saluran in steam,gas and air lines uap, gas dan udara v2 oma 24. (05 277 sro AO as 0 8 we ‘4 v0so a (lias a0 poo ee 1 s.ans 334 (60938 ST ln 250 700749 an oa ae eT eC ee ee 2 ars 60 (TH 381 STO 40" 66 se 2300 F450" 2800" Te a 2122978730 | Oaa3" 56) STO 40 so at 2800 are 972 2500 76 23st 089 Ta Rn os aaa vaao"T ogee aetOeT es one 54? SID 4] 758 1129-22003 OD.S«A7e 245001143 [ita ee ee a ee ee 0156 39; = 728 107E 12508 MD 1030 owe 476 67 1291 A800" 108037807 za aT 0219 536 saga 1481 1750123121 200148 tat 2m 602 sto 40" sao 6er 1500 434 TBF 2210155 250 635 1136 1680.20 11368 2506461 oa 714 nar nar 2250. 158155. 2520.7 184 at Sse ang UNS age = ame gat too 71 70 step eat 219 556 Yast 8G T4010) 98 eS TIE TT Oz 655 sD 0 M463 277 1617S SRR CER er 029556 1500 22 1160 e410 986 2507 63s oa 2636730 6 9h a8 ant 08 0200 7a SID 4018992526 1520 107105 179025123 m2 72") = = P96 S132 700" a0" 117 156039, Se ce a Ce ee oz 700) 30 nara a5 60 THOS os 8 sm 40) 2mss 4285 tae 52 157TH 108 ose 74 ‘su 140 101 99 160 B18 oss 9s aan 150 110 10s was Ta8 u06 1031+ see 1700 120117200) ta) 198 pass ans 5708 1090 1291252190 HOP to 10750 730 ana! 470 sa Ge ww oma 516 uo oo 8 7 om 56 0218 536 ee aD 0250 635 aus mo 8 sk or 709+ “9 0 8 tO om ame | sass 1500 a 79 130 rer ee ee eats | = ASTM A53 180 9001:2008 CERTIFIED Steel pipe commonly used Pipa baja yang umumnya for mechanical and pressure digunakan untuk aplikasi mekanik applications as ordinary uses dan bertekanan seperti untuk saluran in steam, water, gas and air lines uap, gas dan udara Inch ich mm neh ma Tome gm pelle ar phar 12 verso 523s Sara at era sero aoa o79 586 BM 08 60 4 8 7m S150 0250 6. hat aa 0 So aga out 714; = 3746 8575 750 SSDS Ok os 7m Faas ora to 2 ot ia tau ames) asa ara gael 0575 952 stD 43617378 1090 757312407 as (a7 952 sw a0) /sasa@125" seo" @7 ee nn 9977 aoe 1031 SAD 0779 100073721200 ose 1133 a0 ss I 7878 ao 046 1191» = 6784 30054 1210 a5 tat 99 0s 1270 xs 726 10739 1250 Stes T5mD TOS 1 Osea 1427 207312012 1430102 10016908117 a eS ee eC 0s 1580 * 6936 12206 W6I0 11 toa 12130 16 16000 406.4 (a anos sta 4 ze 734 72 7030 “mw Dt aes 1191 = 714711586 7 zn ee ts ‘sea 1427 5275. 13800 ee ee cms 158 3027215254 a 18 reo 4572 0350 63 aad 0m SoD aA oz 744: = $323 7324 5603S 02 7a 5 me sae ars oak ST a3 8% 6193 3666 650 8k 65 ox 982 SID; 706s 30510750 wt cas 10 - 7636 1358 slo. «575656 ous 113: ma sm 2 Mm os 12m xs a0 ee sez 1427 10076 15587 110 7731050 ms ise 5 = 11602 275 1250 ah B46 103 ee ee ee os 7. > 6565 9757 5603955 cou 3% ne Ws) 6 4 G 7m S| 50 oars ss sto 27 7mey TiVO 6m aay owe 1133: s1s9 13697 7 Sc mes owe 1g) 72 usm 8 0 8 oF 0500 1270 S50 1043 HZ 90D HOH se) 1427 M67 17375 woo 710m Om sm) van ma 1 Ta] om 150; |; (128s 9273 110 7878S] ASTM A53 Steel pipe commonly used for mechanical and pressure applications as ordinary uses in steam gas and air lines 180 9001:2008 Pipa baja yang umumnya CERTIFIED digunakan untuk aplikasi mekanik dan bertekanan seperti untuk saluran uap, gas dan udara 24 24000 6100 oRSSt zm 734 03792 o3u ae 0x75)" 952 510 one 1151 Toe sam pes kalem? bar paige? bar na 96s oa ae aw at 0 N25 10608 4203028 mov 7s oa ae e559 12950 570 9736 at en wos seo ease n0a2 16426 6605 aS 11790 17554 700 48ST ase ass 7505352 DT 15617 mer ot 6665108077. TSUN) Gober Manganese atone GaGa Wael Chemo WoYsara Vanda ‘iat Srengnpin) Tesi eng oi. 2inecving We $8077 em mam webster 4d (Garren ret ony BE Maing Emp fo 00 424 na sheen ca ve) fone re Sena eat onsite aie yet vel eoes aren aah ee wepeutseneae untergeseedy pct al nsn unten vwinaaewn cos (Bei) ssw ria treason fee a Shee uber 6440 aston Woe Ci (Bai mete ougecoon mene wen ep cae) and went erase nar (ress pccto al oeenane y 4 Bakrie Pipe Industries Fsatcio Pipe Industries ASTM A252 See el Mac Prenat laa tts construction and aL cll piling | dan pancang 7 ASTM A252 Steel pipe which is used for construction and piling SPECIFICATION " Pipa baja untuk konstruksi dan pancang NPs. 10 4 iKrie Pipe Industries op ine 4500 5.563 6.625 8.625 10.750 maa 1413 1683 2i9a 2734 3 3 3 g $ 0.164 416 759 1130 0.188 478 368 1291 0219 556 10.02 1491 0.250 635, 11.36 1691 0.188 ‘478 13.78 2050 0.258 655 14.63 2177 0.157 400. 10.89 16.20 0.172 437 11.69 1770 0.203 5.15, 13.95 20.75, 0.250 635, 17.06 25.36) 0.172 437 15.52 23.10 0.197 5.00 17.76 25.40, 0219 556 19.68 2028 0.235 600 21.19, 3153 0277 708 28.74 3682 0312 792 2172 4125 344 274 30.47 4534 0.197 500 22.22 33.05, 0.219 556 264 35.67 0.250 635, 28.06 4175 0.280 7A 31,33 46.62 0344 374 3829 5698 0.365 § 40.51 60.29 oar 1200 S192 7728 180 9001:2008 CERTIFIED ASTM A252 Steel pipe which is used for construction and piling ‘SPECIFICATION “ Pipa baja untuk konstruksi dan pancang NPs 2 14 16 4 Bakrie Pipe Industries inch 12750 14000 +6000 op 2239 355.6 406.4 ‘ ™ inch mm toa kom 0.203 S16 27.25, 4055, 0.230 5a4 3078 4581 0.250 6.35, 33.40 4971 0312 792 416 61.70 aaa 374 45.63, 6791 0375 952 43.63, 73.85 048 1113 57.67 3582 0500 —«1270—~(5.88 97.44 0.203 S16 2996 4059 0219 555 32.25, 48.00 0.250 635, 36.75 ‘5469 0.281 71g at23 5135 344 274 5028 7875 0375 952 S465 3133 Dae Na 63.53 9055 0500 1270~=~=«72A7~—=S««N07. A. 0.219 555 3603, 5496, 0.250 635 42.10, 6265 0312 792 "5220 77 0384 2.00 027 82.20 0.406 1031 167 10071 Dare 1200 734311671 180 9001:2008 CERTIFIED ASTM A252 Steel pipe which is used for construction and piling ‘SPECIFICATION * Pipa baja untuk konstruksi dan pancang Nes Chemie Composition Mechanical Properties: inch 18.00 00 4972 20.000 S080 24000 e100 Prosphorous (2) inch mm Tyg Ot 7M 5823 7921 0575952 OST 1057 O43 N13 622612238 050012709351 138.16 OL Tis 39268819 a 7 0575352872 7.15 Dae TIS SLE 13638 0500 12/0 420 15513 Om Tie 71a 106 Oa ere B70 12050 a 0455 N13 11046 16638 0500 1270 12571 187.07 00509 mex, Grade_| Ved Srewgh (rind | Tersesrengh rin Grade (| 30600 ps G25 MPa [0.00 pas Wa) (rade? | 35000 ps G20 MPa) [e000 psers Pa ‘rade 5000s TO MPa) 5009p 4551079) Ppevengin Wat Mcknes Tolerance ute Diameter Tolerance Example of Marking: W514 10522 16 4 874mm Geom ESTO feb ‘meters per joint 12 meters per jint Piss) = not species anus (= 125 %max. 1 + Ncw: uty agreren: berate the manufac ad he purchaser, ‘Stead wes per engthunt ce an howe ses sab pert, ‘oe tates forcommon ss and wag perun enh 4, 180 9001:2008 CERTIFIED akrie Pipe Industries Bakrie Pipe Industries TT en Eni 109001:2008 Vy = 4 SNI.0039:2013 CERTIFIED LIGHT (TIPIS) For all grades : ‘Chemical Composition (% max.) For all grades : ‘Mechanical Properties TT SNI 1s09001:2008 ee SN10039:2013 SNI0039:2013 CERTIFIED MEDIUM ” 15 21,3 21,0 21,8 2,6 1,21 ” 20 26,9 26,5 273) 2,6 1,56 1 25 33,7 33,3 34,2 32 2,41 1% 32 42,4 42,0 42,9 52 3,10 1% 40 48,3 41,9 48,8 3,2 3,56 2 50 60,3 59,7 60,8 3,6 5,03 2% 65 76,1 75,3 76,6 3,6 6,42 3 80 88,9 88,0 89,5 4,0 8,36 4 100 114,3 113,1 115,0 45 12,20 5 125 139,7 138,5 140,8 5,0 16,60 6 150 165,1 163,9 166,5 5,0 19,80 8 200 219,1 216,9 221,3 6,4 33,32 10 250 273,0 270,3 275,7 64 41,75 12 300 323,8 320,6 327,0 64 49,71 14 350 355,6 352,0 3592 64 54,69 16, 400 406,4 402,3 410,5 64 62,64 18 450 457,0 452,4 461,6 55 105,10 20 500 508,0 502,9 513,1 a5 117,02 24 600. 610,0 603,9. 616,1 9,5, 140,88 For all grades: Pipe Lenght : 6 meters or 12 meters per joint Length Tolerance : +100mm, - 0mm Hydrostatic Test : pressure 50 kgficm? Hydrostatic test can be replaced with Eddy Current test Zinc coating weight : 300 gr/m’min. (42m min) Wall Thickness Tolerances: - For Grade Light (Tipis) : +10%, -8% - For Grade Medium ; +15%, -10% - For Grade Heavy (Tebal) : +15%, -12.5% oo TT SN 1$08001:2008 <> all SNI0039: 2013 SNI.0039:2013 CERTIFIED HEAVY (Tebal) le of Marking Dia, <6 inch: iu ‘sm 0099 : 2013 Badric Pipe FE 4 Lon 60m SN [Seea0eion industries ay secs: 0t3 aol FE 4 mepium 60m SM iShtoeion’ tetanic z] (2 ) & f 3] Le. ~ '3N10039: 2013 akrie Pipe Th a nvy oom SN [Spoon Inciatien Sample of Marking Dia. > 6 inch : aw 2013, Batre Bos” somm LGH 6.0m SM fSereovon” manta” FE s°64mmarepren com SRI fy? ae Bakrie Pipe Ss Industries FE sy 8.2mm vy 60m SM fopetonon Indu” Bakrie Pipe Industries i PL a AA chaceyee™ = NS ASS Bakrie Pipe ESN NGA ret SNI.0068:2013 CLASS 2 PKB (STK) - 400 Gh oy Carbon steel tubes used Pipa baja untuk ORGASM §— forcivilengincering, | konstruksi umum, Ms architecture, steel | seperti konstruksi towers, scaffoldings, | sipil dan arsitektural, struts, piles for | _menarajtiang baja, suppression of landslide | scafolding, menara and other structures, | dan strukturlainnya, except pipeforpiling _kecvalitiang pancang ‘SNI0068:2013 CLASS 2 PKB (STK) - 400 Carbon steel tubes used for civ engineering, architecture, steel towers, scaffoldings struts, piles for suppression of landslide and other structures, except pipe for piling 1S0 9001:2008 SNI 0068:2013 CERTIFIED Pipa baja untuk konstruksi umum, seperti konstruksi sipil dan arsitektural, menara/tiang baja, scafolding, menara dan struktur lainnya, kecuali tiang pancang Outside Diameter ee Weight ™m inch nm ‘g/m 217 % 20 0972 20 1.24 wy fi 23 1,41 340 7 23 7,80 23 229 ey Ay 25 248 23 263 48,6 1% 28 316 32 358 23 3,30 605 2 32 452 40 557 28 5,08 763 2% 32 577 40 713 28 5,96 89,1 3 32 678 40 839 32 776 101.6 3% 49 963 50 113 32 877 36 983 ye -? 45 12.2 56 15.0 36 721 49 134 1398 5 Be FG 60 198 45 178 50 198 165,2 6 fe ae 70 273 a5 207 50 2.9 a 7 60 273 7,0 317 45 25 60 31, 2163 8 oF aed 80 aia Bakrie Pipe Industries SNI0068:2013 CLASS 2 PKB (STK) - 400 Carbon steel tubes used for civil engineering, arct cture, steel towers, scaffoldings, struts, piles for suppression of landslide and other structures, except pipe for piling 180 9001:2008 SNI0068:2013 CERTIFIED Pipa baja untuk konstruksi umum, seperti konstruksi sipil dan arsitektural, menara/tiang, baja, scafolding, menara dan struktur lainnya, kecuali tiang pancang Outside Diameter ele Weight rm eh mm igi 60 38,7 70 45,0 2674 10 a a 90 573 6.0 462 70 53.8 3185 2 a i 90 68,7 63 643 8,0 68,6 3556 14 aa Le 12.0 102 9.0 88,2 4064 16 12.0 17 160 154 9,0 395 4572 18 120 132 160 174 9,0 111 12.0 147 508.0 20 Aaah na 160 194 9,0 133 120 7 609.6 24 Pea Be 160 234 Chemical Compostion Carbon. :025%max Mechanical Propenies Tense Seng : 400 Nm? (nny Phosphorous :OG#0%4mae ‘ed Srength 235 Nim (rin) sutr:O¢4DKmax Elongation: 23min) Pipe Length Eee veromt Wal'Tikness Tolerance +0%mm:-05 <4mm 415%: 158 mm 12mm MSwi-1smm>tamm LengnTolrance 700mm lated :93m0 op

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