Report SS (Bending Moment)

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Table Contents

1.0 Objective ................................................................................................................................... 2

2.0 Materials and Apparatus ........................................................................................................... 2
3.0 Procedure .................................................................................................................................. 3
4.0 Data Collection ......................................................................................................................... 4
5.0 Result and Calculations............................................................................................................. 5
LAM SHIN QI (19WVD02794) ................................................................................................... 7
6.0 Individual Background.............................................................................................................. 7
7.0 Discussions ............................................................................................................................... 9
8.0 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 11
9.0 References ............................................................................................................................... 12
LEE HUI MEI (19WVD02803) ................................................................................................. 13
6.0 Individual Background............................................................................................................ 13
7.0 Discussions ............................................................................................................................. 15
8.0 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 16
9.0 References ............................................................................................................................... 17
LEE CHEW CHERN (19WVD03016) ...................................................................................... 18
6.0 Individual Background............................................................................................................ 18
7.0 Discussion ............................................................................................................................... 20
8.0 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 21
9.0 References ............................................................................................................................... 21
LIM MING HAI (19WVD02885) .............................................................................................. 22
6.0 Individual Background............................................................................................................ 22
7.0 Discussion ............................................................................................................................... 24
8.0 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 25
9.0 Reference ................................................................................................................................ 25

1.0 Objective
To show that the bending moment at a cut section of a beam is equal to the algebraic sum of the
moment acting to the left or right of the section.

2.0 Materials and Apparatus

Figure 1 shows the load cell used in the Figure 3 shows load hanging used in the
bending moment experiment. experiment bending moment.
The function of load is used to measure The function of load hanging is to allow the
compression, tension, bending or shear load cell to place on it to carried out the
forces. experiment of bending moment experiment
Load cell is a highly accurate device that
is used to measure weight or force in a
number of different applications.

Figure 2 shows the bending moment Figure 4 shows hanger apparatus used in the
apparatus experiment of bending moment
The function of bending moment apparatus The function of this long hanger is allow the
is a tool used in conjunction with structural load hanging to place the hock of the load
analysis to help carry out the design of the hanging on it to carried out the bending
structure by determining the shear forces moment experiment.
and bending moments at certain points of
the structural elements such as the beam.

3.0 Procedure
1. The load cell is connected to the
digital indicator.
2. The indicator is turned on. The
indicator is needed to switch on for 10
minutes before taking readings to
stabilize the reading.
3. Two simple supports are fixed to the
aluminum base at a distance equal to
the span of the beam to be tested. The Figure 5 shows the support is screwed
support is screwed tightly to the base.
4. The load hanger is hung to the beam.
5. The beam is placed on the support.
6. The load hanger is placed at the
desired location.
7. The indicator is noted. The tare button
on the indicator is pressed if the
reading is not zero. Figure 6 shows the load hanger is placed at
8. A load of 10N is placed on the load the desired location.
9. The indicator reading is recorded.
The force at the cut section is
represented by the readings.
10. Load is added (at an increment of 10N
for maximum of total load of 50N) to
the load hanger and the indicator Figure 7 shows the reading is
reading is recorded.
11. Step 10 is repeated for another 4 sets
of reading giving a total of 5 sets of

Figure 8 shows the

load is added one
by one.

4.0 Data Collection

Beam span = 900mm

Distance of the cut section from the left support = 600mm

Distance of the load from the left support = 300mm

Distance of the load cell from the center of the beam cross section = 195mm

Load Load Cell Reading, F Bending Moment at Section X-X

(N) (N) Experimental=F*195 Theory
(N-mm) (N-mm)
10 5.10 994.50 1000.00
20 10.00 1950.00 2000.00
30 15.10 2944.50 3000.00
40 20.00 3900.00 4000.00
50 25.10 4894.50 5000.00
Table 1

5.0 Result and Calculations
Distance = 300mm
Load = 10N

10N*300mm = 900RB
RB = 3000/900
B.MX-X = RB L2
B.MX-X = (3000/900)*300
B.MX-X = 1000.00N-mm

Load = 20N

20N*300mm = 900RB
RB = 6000/900
B.MX-X = RB L2
B.MX-X = (6000/900)*300
B.MX-X = 2000.00N-mm

Load = 30N

30N*300mm = 900RB
RB = 9000/900
B.MX-X = RB L2
B.MX-X = (9000/900)*300
B.MX-X = 3000.00N-mm

Load = 40N

40N*300mm = 900RB
RB = 12000/900
B.MX-X = RB L2
B.MX-X = (12000/900)*300
B.MX-X = 4000.00N-mm

Load = 50N

50N*300mm = 900RB
RB = 15000/900
B.MX-X = RB L2
B.MX-X = (15000/900)*300
B.MX-X = 5000.00N-mm

1. Using the data in Table above, plot the graph of bending moment versus load.

Bending Moment Vs. Load

Bending Moment (N-mm)






10 20 30 40 50
Load (N)

Experimental Theoretical

2. Determine the slope the graph.

4894.50 − 994.50
= 97.50𝑚𝑚
50 − 10

3. Calculate the theoretical slope, (L2)(L1 / L)

300 ( ) = 100𝑚𝑚

4. From the slopes, calculate the average percentages error for the experiment.

100 − 95.55
𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 = × 100% = 4.45%

LAM SHIN QI (19WVD02794)

6.0 Individual Background

When the external moment is applied perpendicular to the axis of a member, the internal
distribution of stress is directed perpendicular to the member’s cross-sectional area and varies
linearly from a ‘neutral’ axis passing the member’s centroid. The resultant of this pressure
distribution is called the ‘bending moment’. The bending moment is caused by the external loads
that tend to bend the body about an axis lying within the plane of the area.

Bending moment in physics is an example of an internal force that is induced in a structure

when loads are applied to that structure. The most common or simplest structural element subjected
to bending moments is the beam. The experiment had carried out the bending moment at a point
due to a point acting at a specific location. The objective of this experiment is to show that the
bending moment at a cut section of a beam is equal to the algebraic sum of the moment acting to
the left or right of the section. The apparatus needed are a pair of simple supports, special beam
with a cut section, a set of weights, load hangars (as figure 1 show).

Figure 9

In a similar manner it can be seen that if the Bending moments of the forces to the left of
AA are clockwise, then the bending moment of the forces to the right of AA must be anticlockwise.
Bending Moment at AA is defined as the algebraic sum of the moments about the section of all
forces acting on either side of the section. Bending moments are considered positive when the
moment on the left portion is clockwise and on the right anticlockwise. This is referred to
asa sagging bending moment as it tends to make the beam concave upwards at AA. A negative
bending moment is termed hogging. (Civil Engineer, 2016)

Figure 11 shows the sagging bending

Figure 12 shows hogging bending

Figure 10

The readings have different values between the experimental and bending moment
calculations. There may be some errors that may cause it to occur, such as when a load is applied
to disturb the load. Therefore, the force will become inaccurate. Unstable loads during the
measurement process also affect the results.

Critical values within the beam are most commonly annotated using a bending moment
diagram, where negative moments are plotted to scale above a horizontal line and positive below.
Bending moment varies linearly over unloaded sections, and parabolic ally over uniformly loaded
sections. (Wikipedia, 2014)

Engineering descriptions of bending moment calculations can be confusing due to

unexplained symbol conventions and implicit assumptions. The following description uses vector
mechanics to calculate force moments and bending moments in an attempt to explain why a
particular symbol convention is selected from the first principle. (Wikipedia, 2014)

7.0 Discussions
1. What actually happens when a load is applied to the beam and why does this condition
The stress from the load is offset by a beam that is equal and opposite of the beam. The
beam needs to get internal forces to counteract this. This creates a moment on the beam
that creates shear on the beam. The beams get bend if the load is more than the resisting
force of the beam and if the resisting force is more than the load it doesn't bend.

2. Will the readings of the load cell differ from the above if the load is placed 100mm to
the left from the centre of the cross-section. If your answer is yes, then by how much.
If your answer is no, then why?
Yes. The readings of the load cell are differ by 75% for every load. The tables below show
that the load cell readings of 300mm (Table 2) and the load cell readings of 100mm (Table
3) to the left from the centre of cross-section. The graph below shows that the 100mm
bending moment versus load. Broadly, the load cell readings of 300mm to the left from the
cross-section is lower than the load cell readings of 100mm.

Load Load Cell Reading, F Load Load Cell Reading, F

(N) (N) (N) (N)

10 5.10 10 8.40

20 10.00 20 16.8

30 15.10 30 25.3

40 20.00 40 33.8

50 25.10 50 42.1

Table 2 Table 3

Bending Moment Vs. Load

Bending Moment (N-mm)

10 20 30 40 50

Load (N)
Experimental Theoretical

3. Comment on the accuracy of the experiment.

The theoretical value and the experimental value differ due to the errors that are
committed by human or the environmental changes. Therefore causing low accuracies in
the percentages error that is obtained. These errors can be minimized or higher accuracy
can be obtained by taking several precautions throughout the experiment.
4. State the probable factors that affect the accuracy of the experiment.
i. The loads are not on the exact middle or on the marked lines of the required distance.
ii. Reading error, which can be known as parallax error.
iii. Sensitivity of the load cell indicator.
iv. Stability of the beam.
v. Human error. People who are passing by the beam structure causes wind movement
and thus vibration in the air.

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8.0 Conclusion

Aim of this task was to study the effect of different forces on the bending moment in the
beam and the result show that there is a linear relationship between bending moment and applied
load. Experimental and theoretical bending moment shows perfect linear relationship with applied
load with very little difference in the values of bending moment. (Green Mechanic, 2016)

All the data is presented in the graphs and according to that graph the theoretical bending
moment is showing linear relation with the load means the value of the theoretical bending moment
increase with the increase in the value of applied load and decrease with the decrease in the value
of the applied load. The ratio with which there are an increase and decrease in the value of the
theoretical bending moment is equal to the ratio with which there are an increase and decrease in
the value of applied load. (Green Mechanic, 2016)

In conclusion, the bending moment at a cut section of a beam is equal to the algebraic sum
of the moment acting to the left or right of the section. With this knowledge, we are able to design
a structure with the usage of reinforce beam with the capability to withstand external forces without
losing its balance. (Academia, 2019)

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9.0 References
1. CodeCogs 2011, Shear Force and Bending Moment, viewed on 30 October 2019,
2. Civil Engineer 2016, bending moment at a section of beam, viewed on 30 October 2019,

3. Wikipedia 2014, bending moment, viewed on 30 October 2019,
4. Green Mechanic 2016, bending moment in a beam, viewed 30 October 2019,
5. Academia 2019, bending moment 1, viewed 30 October 2019,

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LEE HUI MEI (19WVD02803)

6.0 Individual Background

Shear forces occur when two parallel forces act from one another. For example, in a large
boiler made of a piece of metal sheet metal that is compressed together, there is the same and
opposite force applied to the rivets, due to the expansion and contraction of the plate. When the
forces are aligned into each other they are called compression forces. Another example is a deck
of card being pushed one way on the top, and the other at the bottom, causing the cards to slide.
Not only that, another example is when wind blows at the side of a peaked roof of a home, the side
wall experience a force at their top pushing in the direction of the wind, and their bottom in the
opposite direction, from the ground or foundation. William A. Nash defines shear forces in terms
of planes.” It a plane paused through a body force acting along this plane is called a hear force or
shearing forces.

When the beam is subjected to a loading system or by a force pair acting on a plane through
the axis, the beam changes. Simply put, this axis deformation is called bending beam. Due to shear
forces and bending moments, the beam undergoes deformation. This is normal pressure because
bending is called bending pressure.
Bending Moment is the rotational force in the beam that causes bending. At any point in the beam,
Moment Bending is the sum: each outside force is multiplied by the distance perpendicular to the
direction of power.

Shear force (SF) on any part of the beam represents a tendency for the beam section on one
section to slide or shear relative to the other.

Figure 13 the diagram shows a beam carrying load.

To get closer and understand about shear force this is example to explain more detail about
shear force. For example, W1, W2, W3 is simply supported at two points where the reactions
are R1 and R2. Assume that the beam is divided into two parts by a section XX. The resultant of
the loads and reaction acting on the left of AA is F vertically upwards, and since the whole beam
is in equilibrium, the resultant force to the right of AA must be F downwards. F is called the

13 | P a g e
Shearing Force at the section AA. It may be defined as follows the shearing force at any section
of a beam is the algebraic sum of the lateral components of the forces acting on either side of the
section. Where forces are neither in the lateral or axial direction they must be resolved in the usual
way and only the lateral components are used to calculate the shear force.

In the same way it can be seen that if the bending moment (BM) from the left to right AA is
clockwise, then the bending moment to the right of the AA must be clockwise. The bending
moment at AA is defined as the sum of the algebraic moments of the section of all forces acting
on both sides. Bending moments are considered positive when the moment to the left is clockwise
and to the right opposite the clock. This is referred to as a bending moment as it tends to make the
beam narrower at AA. Negative bending moments are called hogging.

Figure 14 shows example of bending moment forces apply.

One beam is usually horizontal and the load is vertical. Other cases that occur are considered
exceptions. Concentrated load is one that can be considered to act at one point, although in practice
it must be distributed in a small area. The distributed load is one that spreads in some way along
the length, or significant length, of the beam. It is usually quoted at length per unit weight of beam.
It's either uniform or different from point to point.

In conclusion, sliding power is an internal force on a member when power is not applied to
the axis. Shear strength is the force divided by the cross sectional area while Bending moment is
a style that tries to twist members. Moment is the perpendicular distance from the force to the axis
multiplied by the force.

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7.0 Discussions
1. What actually happens when a load is applied to the beam and why does this
condition occur?
When the load is applied to the beam, it is directed downward like a curve. This
situation occurs because new forces are applied throughout the beam when the beam is
opposite. The beam experiences a bending moment in which shape and internal
pressure are developed.

2. Will the readings of the load cell differ from the above if the load is placed
100mm to the left from the center of the cross-section. If your answer is yes, then
by how much. If your answer is no, then why?
Yes, the reading of the load cell is different. Table 3 below show the different of load
if the load is placed 100mm to the left from the center of the cross section. The load
cell reading of 100mm to the left from the cross-section is higher than the 300mm.

Table 4
100MM 300MM
10 8.40 5.10
20 16.80 10.00
30 25.30 15.10
40 33.80 20.00
50 42.10 25.10

3. Comment on the accuracy of the experiment.

The result we calculated from the experiment is less than the value of theory. The
experimental bending moment is close to the theoretical bending moment. There is
very little different between both value which show the correctness of apparatus and
skills of the worker. Little different between the values is due to human error which
cannot be minimize due to the human capabilities limitation.

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4. State the problem factors that affect the accuracy of the experiment.
-The way we handle the apparatus when we doing the experiment.
-The way we calculated the theoretical equation.
-The beam is less stable.
-eyes not parallel to the reading causes parallax error.

8.0 Conclusion
Experimental and theoretical shear force shows the prefect linear relationship with applied
load with very little difference in the value of shear force. A theory is usually expected to explain
existing experimental results and the predict new results, while an experimental is usually expected
to check the validity of existing theories and to gather the data for modifying them. This approach
is normally presented to students as foolproof as if it were one of the basic law of “good” science.
In practice these goals are achieved in some cases, but sometimes the comparison between a theory
and an experiment can be very misleading. In this experiment, through calculations, able to see the
differences in the theoretical and experimental of the bending moment values. The bending
moment at a cut section of a beam is equal to the algebraic sum of the moment acting to the left or
the section. With this knowledge we are able to design a structure with the usage or reinforce beam
with the capability to withstand external forces without losing it balance. In conclusion, aim of this
task was to study the effect of the different forces on the shear force in the beam and the result
show that there is a linear relationship between shear force and applied load.

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9.0 References
1. Civil Engineer, 2016, Bending moment at a section of beam, viewed on 26 October
2. Physics Today,2013,Theory method compared experimental method, viewed 26
3. Academia Education,2003,Bending Moment, viewed 26 October 2019,
4. Code Cogs, 2011, ‘Shear Force and Bending Moment’, viewed on 27October 2019,
5. The Constructor Civil Engineering Home,2017, Theory of Simple Bending Moment,
viewed on 27 October 2019,
6. SKYCIV, 2019, What is Bending Moment?, viewed on 28 October 2019,
7. PA HILTON,2018,Bending Moment in Beam, viewed on 28 October 2019,
8. MOHAN Brother Manufacturing Engineering Educational Instruments Models and
Charts,2015,Bending moment and Shear Forces Apparatus, viewed 28 October 2019,
9. INDIAMART,2011,Shear Forces Apparatus, viewed 29 October,2019,
10. TECQUIPMENT,2000,Beam apparatus, viewed 29 October 2019,

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6.0 Individual Background

What is a bending moment? Bending moment in physics is an example of an internal force
that is induced in a structure when loads are applied to that structure. Bending moments occur
when a force is applied at a given distance away from a point of reference; causing
a bending effect. The most common or simplest structural element subjected to bending moments
is the beam. An experiment had carried out the bending moment at a point due to a point acting at
a specific location. The objective of this experiment is to show that the bending moment at a cut
section of a beam is equal to the algebraic sum of the moment acting to the left or right of the
section. Apparatus needed in this experiment are a pair of simple supports, special beam with a cut
section and a set of weighs with several load hangers. Figure show at below

Figure 15

The apparatus such as a pair of simple supports, special beam with a cut section and a set
of weights with several load hangers are used to carry out this bending moment experiment. There
are some precautions when carry the experiment so we can collected more accurate data. The

18 | P a g e
distance of the cut section from the left support, the distance of the load from the left support and
the distance of the load cell from the center of the beam cross section which has been fixed has to
be in the right location by avoid parallax error. And then the indicator reading should be zero
before placing any load on the load hanger if it not zero press the tare button on the indicator. All
of the precaution were take note during we brought out the experiment to get a more accurate data.
We also repeat the same steps few times and record all the data and to get average data to ensure
the accuracy of the experiment data had shown.

Bending Moment is a moment is rotational force that occurs when a force is applied
perpendicularly to a point at a given distance away from that point. It is calculated as the
perpendicular force multiplied by the distance from the point. A Bending Moment is simply the
bend that occurs in a beam due to a moment. The theory given is used to calculate the bending
moment by using the data which have been recorded. The calculation is carry out to find the
bending moment. From the results obtained through this experiment, it showed as the weight of
the load increased, the load cell reading increase as well and therefore the bending moment
increase. This can be noted that the weight of the load is directly proportional to the bending

In the experiment carried out in the workshop, the set of weighs serves as the loads acting
upon the horizontal simple support beam. The experimental results obtained are slightly different
from the theoretical value as there are common errors when the experiment was carried out.

19 | P a g e
7.0 Discussion
1. What actually happens when a load is applied to the beam and why does this
condition occur?
The stress from the load is countered by an equal and opposite from the beam. The beam
needs to get internal forces to counter this. This would cause a moment on the beam and
a shear force on the beam.
2. Will the readings of the load cell differ from the above if the load is placed 100mm
to the left from the cross-section. If your answer is yes, then by how much. If your
answer is no, then why?
Yes, the reading of the road cell will be different. The table show at below with the road
cell reading 300mm and 100mm left the center of the cross-section. In conclusion, the
load cell reading 100mm left the center of cross-section is higher than 300mm.

Load (N) Load Cell Reading, F (N)

300mm 100mm

10 5.1 8.4

20 10.0 16.8

30 15.1 25.3

40 20.0 33.8

50 25.1 42.1

Table 5

20 | P a g e
3. Comment on the accuracy of the experiment.
The experimental bending moment is close to the theoretical bending moment. The
slight difference in the value could probably be the common errors that occurred when
the experiment was carried out.
4. State the probable factors that affect the accuracy of the experiment.
a. The beam is less stable.
b. The loads are not on the exact middle or on the marked lines of the required distance.
c. Reading error, which can be known as parallax error.

8.0 Conclusion
In conclusion, we can conclude this experiment proves that the theory of bending moments
can be proved by an experiment conducted in the laboratory. The different load placed at different
place will affected the load cell reading. Bending moment shows perfect linear relationship with
applied load with very little difference in the values of bending moment.

9.0 References
1. Civil Engineer, definition of bending moment, viewed 10 OCT 2019,
2. Civil Engineer, Bending moment at a section of beam, viewed 10 October 2019,

21 | P a g e

6.0 Individual Background

Bending Moment is a minute is rotational power that happens when a power is applied
oppositely to a point at a given good ways from that point. It is determined as the opposite power
duplicated by the good ways from the point. A bending Moment is basically the twist that happens
in a pillar because of a minute.
A bending moment is the response instigated in a basic component when an outside power or
minute is applied to the component making the component bend. The most normal or least difficult
basic component exposed to bowing minutes is the pillar. The chart shows a bar which is
essentially bolstered at the two finishes. Essentially upheld implies that each finish of the pillar
can pivot; along these lines each end backing has no bending moment. The closures can just
respond to the shear loads. Different bars can have the two finishes fixed; in this manner each end
backing has both bending moment and shear response loads. Pillars can likewise have one end
fixed and one end just bolstered. The most straightforward kind of shaft is the cantilever, which is
fixed toward one side and is free at the opposite end. Actually, pillar supports are generally neither
totally fixed nor completely turning unreservedly. (Wikipedia,2019)

Figure 16 shown the apparatus needed in this experiment

22 | P a g e
The hypothesis given is utilized to ascertain the bowing minute by utilizing the information
which have been recorded. The estimation is complete to discover the bending moment. From the
outcomes acquired through this trial, it appeared as the heaviness of the heap expanded, the heap
cell perusing increment also and thusly the bending moment increment. This can be noticed that
the heaviness of the heap is legitimately relative to the bending moment.

23 | P a g e
7.0 Discussion
1. What actually happens when a load is applied to the beam and why does this condition
When a load is applied to the beam, the beam would physically bend downwards. This
situation occurs due to the external loading that was applied to the beam. This causes the
distribution of load throughout the beam, thus the beam bends with the contact of loading. For
this experiment, it is separated into different cases, where we put different weight of loads at
different distance from the cut section.

2. Will the readings of the load cell differ from the above is placed 100mm to the left
from the center of the cross-section. If your answer is yes, then by how much. If your
answer is no, then why?
Yes, the table below shown that the readings of the load cell differ from the above is placed
100mm to the left from the center of the cross-section is different with 300mm

Load (N) Load Cell Reading, F (N)

300mm 100mm

10 5.1 8.4

20 10.0 16.8

30 15.1 25.3

40 20.0 33.8

50 25.1 42.1

Table 6

24 | P a g e
3. Comment on the accuracy of the experiment.
The theoretical value and the experiment value differ due the errors that are committed by
human or the environmental changes. Therefore causing low accuracies in the percentage
error that is obtained.

4. State the probable factors that affect the accuracy of the experiment.
a. the sensitivity of the load cell indicator
b. human error, people who passing by the beam structure causes wind movement and thus
vibration in the air
c. Own carelessness, such as miscalculating the distance of the load from the shear section
makes the theoretical value and experimental value totally going off the charts.

8.0 Conclusion
In conclusion, we can conclude this experiment proves that the theory of bending
moments can be proved by an experiment conducted in the laboratory. The different load placed
will affected the load cell reading. Bending moment shows perfect linear relationship with
applied load with very little different in the values of bending moment.

9.0 Reference
1. Wikipedia 2019, Bending moment, viewed 30 October 2019,

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