Prog Notes 2019

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Submitted to:
Prof. Mia Ariana P. Tanciongco

The lamenting song “Asturiana” is from Asturias in northern Spain.40 Falla took the Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Songs of a Wayfarer) is a song cycle by Gustav
melody and text from this popular Asturian air, but his own accompaniment Mahler on his own texts. The cycle of four Lieder for medium voice (often performed
reshapes the piece. The tale portrays a green pine tree weeping in sympathy when by women as well as men) was written around 1884–85 in the wake of Mahler's
seeing the protagonist of the song cry. unhappy love for soprano Johanna Richter, whom he met while conductor of the
opera house in Kassel, Germany, and orchestrated and revised in the 1890s.

1. Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht 1. When my darling has her wedding-day
Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht, When my darling has her wedding-day,
Fröhliche Hochzeit macht, her joyous wedding-day,
Por ver si me consolaba, To see whether it would console me, Hab' ich meinen traurigen Tag! I will have my day of mourning!
Arrime a un pino verde, I drew near a green pine, Geh' ich in mein Kämmerlein, I will go to my little room,
Por ver si me consolaba. To see whether it would console me. Dunkles Kämmerlein, my dark little room,
Weine, wein' um meinen Schatz, and weep, weep for my darling,
Por verme llorar, lloraba. Seeing me weep, it wept; Um meinen lieben Schatz! for my dear darling!
Y el pino como era verde, And the pine, being green,
Por verme llorar, lloraba. seeing me weep, wept.
Blümlein blau! Verdorre nicht! Blue flower! Do not wither!
Vöglein süß! Du singst auf grüner Sweet little bird - you sing on the green
Heide. heath!
Ach, wie ist die Welt so schön! Alas, how can the world be so fair?
Ziküth! Ziküth! Chirp! Chirp!
Singet nicht! Blühet nicht! Do not sing; do not bloom!
Lenz ist ja vorbei! Spring is over.
Alles Singen ist nun aus. All singing must now be done.
Des Abends, wenn ich schlafen geh', At night when I go to sleep,
Denk' ich an mein Leide. I think of my sorrow,
An mein Leide! of my sorrow!

“My Soul, Art Thou Still Downcast?” is a new oratorio piece composed exclusively for
2. Ging heut morgen übers Feld 2. I walked across the fields this the Church of Christ by Brother Rod Ramos, a minister of the gospel and Dean of the
Ging heut morgen übers Feld, morning College of Music of New Era University. It was written for the purpose of the 2 nd
Tau noch auf den Gräsern hing; I walked across the fields this morning; International Voice Competition that was held last December 1, 2019 at the College
Sprach zu mir der lust'ge Fink: dew still hung on every blade of grass. of Music Performing Arts Theater. Its text is from Psalms 41:12 (Knox Bible).
"Ei du! Gelt? Guten Morgen! Ei gelt? The merry finch spoke to me:
Du! Wird's nicht eine schöne Welt? "Hey! Isn't it? Good morning! Isn't it? My soul, art thou still downcast?
Zink! Zink! Schön und flink! You! Isn't it becoming a fine world? Art thou never at peace
Wie mir doch die Welt gefällt!" Chirp! Chirp! Fair and sharp! Wait for the Lord,
How the world delights me!" Never cease to cry out to Him
Auch die Glockenblum' am Feld
Hat mir lustig, guter Ding', Also, the bluebells in the field My soul, hast thou decided?
Mit den Glöckchen, klinge, kling, merrily with good spirits Wilt thou wait for the answer?
Ihren Morgengruß geschellt: tolled out to me with bells (ding, ding) Seek now the Lord
"Wird's nicht eine schöne Welt? their morning greeting: Finding peace in worship of Him!
Kling, kling! Schönes Ding! "Isn't it becoming a fine world?
Wie mir doch die Welt gefällt! Heia!" Ding, ding! Fair thing! Cry out to Almighty Father!
How the world delights me!" In thankfulness to Him
Und da fing im Sonnenschein In thankfulness to the Father!
Gleich die Welt zu funkeln an; And then, in the sunshine, Cry out to Almighty Father!
Alles Ton und Farbe gewann the world suddenly began to glitter; In thankfulness to Him
Im Sonnenschein! everything gained sound and color With reverence, call to the Father!
Blum' und Vogel, groß und klein! in the sunshine! To my Lord and champion, my God!
"Guten Tag, ist's nicht eine schöne Flower and bird, great and small!
Welt? "Good day, is it not a fine world? Cry out to Him!
Ei du, gelt? Schöne Welt?" Hey, isn't it? A fair world?" In thankfulness, in thankfulness

Nun fängt auch mein Glück wohl an? Now will my happiness also begin? My soul, art thou still downcast?
Nein, nein, das ich mein', No, no - the happiness I mean In patient silence I wait for Him with songs of praise!
Mir nimmer blühen kann! can never bloom!
My soul, hast thou decided?
I will take my refuge in God!
3. Ich hab' ein glühend Messer 3. I have a red-hot knife
Ich hab' ein glühend Messer, I have a red-hot knife,
Minnelied is composed by Johannes Brahms. It is a poem also set into music by
Ein Messer in meiner Brust, a knife in my breast.
Schubert. It tells of a comparison of his love to life around him, that everything is O weh! Das schneid't so tief O woe! It cuts so deeply
lifeless without her. In jede Freud' und jede Lust. into every joy and delight.
Holder klingt der Vogelsang, Delightfully sound the birdsongs Ach, was ist das für ein böser Gast! Alas, what an evil guest it is!
Wenn die Engelreine, when the pure angel Nimmer hält er Ruh', nimmer hält er Rast, Never does it rest or relax,
Die mein Jünglingsherz bezwang who conquered my young heart Nicht bei Tag, noch bei Nacht, wenn ich not by day or by night, when I would
Wandelt durch die Haine. wanders through the wood. schlief. sleep.
O Weh! O woe!
Röter blühen Tal und Au, Redder bloom the valleys and meadows,
Grüner wird der Wasen, Greener becomes the grass
Wo die Finger meiner Frau where the fingers of my lady Wenn ich in dem Himmel seh', When I gaze up into the sky
Maienblumen lasen. Are picking little mayflowers. Seh' ich zwei blaue Augen stehn. I see two blue eyes there.
O Weh! Wenn ich im gelben Felde geh', O woe! When I walk in the yellow field,
Ohne sie ist alles tot, Without her, everything is dead. Seh' ich von fern das blonde Haar I see from afar her blond hair
Welk sind Blüt’ und Kräuter; Blossoms and herbs are wilted; Im Winde wehn. waving in the wind.
Und kein Frühlingsabendrot and no spring sunset O Weh! O woe!
Dünkt mir schön und heiter. would seem to me as fair and fine.
Wenn ich aus dem Traum auffahr' When I start from a dream
Traute, minnigliche Frau, Darling, lovely woman,
Und höre klingen ihr silbern' Lachen, and hear the tinkle of her silvery laugh,
Wollest nimmer fliehen; Never wish to flee;
O Weh! O woe!
Daß mein Herz, gleich dieser Au, that my heart, as well as this meadow,
Mög’ in Wonne blühen! might bloom in joy! Ich wollt', ich läg auf der schwarzen Bahr', Would that I lay on my black bier -
Könnt' nimmer die Augen aufmachen! Would that I could never again open my

Le nozze di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro) was one of Mozart's most successful Ad una stella [Pour une étoile], again to a poem by Andrea Maffei, bathing in the
operas. The first of three collaborations between Mozart and Italian librettist beautiful nocturnal tonality of A-flat major, is a masterpiece of melodic purity and
Lorenzo da Ponte, the opera's libretto is adapted from Beaumarchais' play, Le expressiveness, and could take its place among the most beautiful opera arias.
mariage de Figaro.

Giunse alfin il momento The moment finally arrives Bell’astro della terra, Beautiful star of the earth,
Che godrò senz'affanno When I'll enjoy without haste Luce amorosa e bella, Amorous and beautiful light,
In braccio al idol mio In the arms of my beloved... Come desia quest’anima How desires this soul,
Timide cure uscite dal mio petto! Fearful anxieties get out of my heart! Oppressa e prigioniera Oppressed and imprisoned,
A turbar non venite il mio diletto Do not come to disturb my delight. Le sue catene infrangere, To break its chains,
O come par che all'amoroso foco Oh, how it seems that to amorous fires Libera a te volar! Free to fly to you!
L'amenità del loco, The comfort of the place,
La terra e il ciel risponda. Earth and heaven respond, Gl’ignoti abitatori The unknown inhabitants
Come la notte i furti miei risponda. As the night responds to my ruses. Che mi nascondi, o stella, That you hide from me, oh star,
Cogl’angeli s’abbracciano Embrace with the angels
Deh vieni, non tardar, o gioia bella Oh come, don't be late, my beautiful joy Puri fraterni amori, In pure brotherly love,
Vieni ove amore per goder t'appella Come where love calls you to enjoyment Fan d’armonie cogl’angeli Making in harmony with the angels
Finche non splende in ciel notturna face Until night's torches no longer shine in the sky La spera tua sonar. Your sphere to sound.
Finche l'aria e ancor bruna, As long as the air is still dark
E il mondo tace. And the world quiet. Le colpe e i nostri affanni Our faults and worries
Qui mormora il ruscel, qui scherza l'aura Here the river murmurs and the light plays Vi sono a lor segreti, Are secrets to them there;
Che col dolce susurro il cor ristaura That restores the heart with sweet ripples Inavvertiti e placidi Carefree and calm,
Qui ridono i fioretti e l'erba e fresca Here, little flowers laugh and the grass is fresh Scorrono i giorni e gli anni, The days and years run by,
Ai piaceri d'amor qui tutto adesca. Here, everything entices one to love's Nè mai pensier li novera, With no thought of counting them,
pleasures Nè li richiama in duol. Nor recalling them in sadness.
Vieni, ben mio, tra queste piante ascose. Come, my dear, among these hidden plants.
Vieni, vieni! Come, come! Bell’astro della sera, Beautiful star of the night,
Ti vo' la fronte incoronar di rose. I want to crown you with roses. Gemma che il cielo allieti, Gem in which heaven delights,
Come alzerà quest’anima If only this soul could rise, this soul,
Oppressa e prigioniera Oppressed and imprisoned,
Dal suo terreno carcere From its earthly jail
Al tuo bel raggio il vol! To your beautiful ray in flight.

It is a from a poem by the seventeenth-century English poet Ben Jonson translated

Ralph Vaughan Williams was an English composer of symphonies, chamber music,
from the Greek Philostratus. He suggests that lovers find each other's glances so
opera, choral music, film scores, and song. He was an avid collector of English folk
intoxicating that they have no need to drink wine. Its original title is “To Celia” and is
music and song. Let Beauty Awake is the second song of Songs of Travel, the song
one of the most quoted poems in English literature.
cycle. The piano accompaniment paints an aural picture of the wanderer witnessing
the beauty of the day's morning, it's passing to evening.

Drink to me only with thine eyes,

And I will pledge with mine;
Or leave a kiss but in the cup, Let Beauty awake in the morn from beautiful dreams,
And I'll not look for wine. Beauty awake from rest!
The thirst that from the soul doth rise Let Beauty awake
Doth ask a drink divine; For Beauty’s sake
But might I of Jove's nectar sup, In the hour when the birds awake in the brake
I would not change for thine. And the stars are bright in the west!

I sent thee late a rosy wreath, Let Beauty awake in the eve from the slumber of day,
Not so much honouring thee Awake in the crimson eve!
As giving it a hope, that there In the day’s dusk end
It could not withered be. When the shades ascend,
But thou thereon didst only breathe, Let her wake to the kiss of a tender friend,
And sent'st it back to me;
To render again and receive!
Since when it grows, and smells, I swear,
Not of itself, but thee.

O del mio amato ben is the eighteenth in the set of 36 airas composed by Stefano Duparc' s first melodie, was composed in 1868 and was originally set for piano; it was later
Donaudy compiled in the Arie di Stile Antico. It is probably the most famous aria orchestrated. This work was dedicated to the composer's brother-in-law, M. Leon
from the set as it is sung by many of the greatest singers of the twentieth and MacSwiney, an amateur singer.
twenty-first centuries. The words describe an Italian romance that only can be
expressed with the lush and grandeur of Neoromantic music.

O del mio amato ben perduto incanto! Oh, lost enchantment of my dearly beloved! Dans ton cœur dort un clair de lune, In your heart sleeps a moonlight,
Lungi è dagli occhi miei Far from my eyes is he Un doux clair de lune d'été, A soft summer moonlight,
chi m'era gloria e vanto! who was, to me, glory and pride! [Et loin de]1 la vie importune, [And far from] 1 unwelcome life,
Or per le mute stanze Now through the empty rooms Je me [viens perdre en]2 ta clarté. I am losing myself in your clarity.
sempre lo [cerco e]1 chiamo I always seek him and call him
con pieno il cor di speranze? with a heart full of hopes? J'oublierai les douleurs passées, I will forget the past pains,
Ma cerco invan, chiamo invan! But I seek in vain, I call in vain! Mon amour, quand tu berceras My love, when you cradle
E il pianger m'è sì caro, And the weeping is so dear to me, Mon triste cœur et mes pensées My sad heart and my thoughts
che di pianto sol nutro il cor. that with weeping alone I nourish my heart. Dans le calme aimant de tes bras. In the loving calm of your arms.

Mi sembra, senza lui2, triste ogni loco. It seems to me, without him, sad everywhere. Tu prendras ma tête malade, You will take my head sick,
Notte mi sembra il giorno; The day seems like night to me; Oh ! [certain soir sur]3 tes genoux, Oh ! [some evening on] 3 your knees,
mi sembra gelo il foco. the fire seems cold to me. Et lui diras une ballade And tell him a ballad
Se pur talvolta spero If, however, I sometimes hope Qui semblera parler de nous ; Who will seem to speak of us;
di darmi ad altra cura, to give myself to another cure,
sol mi tormenta un pensiero: one thought alone torments me: Et dans tes yeux pleins de tristesse, And in your eyes full of sadness,
Ma, senza lui, che farò? But without him, what shall I do? Dans tes yeux alors je boirai In your eyes then I will drink
Mi par così la vita vana cosa To me, life seems a vain thing Tant de baisers et de tendresses So many kisses and tenderness
senza il mio ben. without my beloved. Que peut-être je guérirai. May I heal?

Gaano Ko Ikaw Kamahal is a Kundiman written by Levi Celerio and composed by Araw-araw sa Maynila is a Kundiman written by Dr. Bien Lumbera and composed by
Ernani Cuenco. It speaks of great love for someone that is unending and he is even Lucio D. San Pedro. It is a piece sung in the musical “Palabas Bukas” by the Manila
willing to prove so. MET. It is about finding one’s true love in the streets of Manila, likening them to an
open door, comforting and inviting.

Ikaw lamang ang aking iibigin magpakailanman Araw-araw sa Maynila may pintong biglang bumubukas
Ang pag-ibig ko sa iyo ay tunay Parang tanghalang maisisiwalat
Nais ko sanang patunayan Tagpong asam na maganap
Huwag ka nang mag-alinlangan Mukhang tagal nang hinanap
Ang pag-ibig ko'y hindi kukupas
Tulad din ng umagang may pag-asang sumisikat Taong naghahabol sa buong maghapon
Ang ating buhay maikli aking Hirang Takot na maubos ang gintong panahon
Kung kaya kailangan ang pagsuyong wagas kailanman Ay di makapansing may ulilang ibong hanap
Ang sumpa ko sa iyo ay asahan May unting lilim at doon sisilong
Ikaw lamang ang aking iibigin magpakailanman
Narito ka ngayon at ang dapit hapon
Ang pag-ibig ko'y hindi kukupas Biglang naging payong
Tulad din ng umagang may pag-asang sumisikat Na masisilungan
Ang ating buhay maikli aking Hirang Kuung biglang umambon
Kung kaya kailangan
Ang pagsuyong wagas kailanman Sa ingay ay gulo ng mga lansanagan
Ang sumpa ko sa Iyo'y asahan May pintong bumukas, ikaw ang nariyan
Ikaw lamang ang aking iibigin magpakailanman Kulimlim na langit ay nagkakabalangaw
Ang sumpa ko sa iyo'y asahan Sa katahimikang marahang gumapang
Ikaw lamang ang aking iibigin magpakailanman. May awit sa pusong sa hangi’y lumutang

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