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NEW! Real-time ALL frequency Extremely high detection Ultra-wide frequency range
monitoring (NO bands), detects range of up to 50 km (9KHz to 20GHz)
any drone at any frequency!

Real-time AI frequency 360°A/90°E full dome All-in-one solution,

monitoring and DF including coverage with high multi-sensor support,
height information tracking accuracy latest AI-based software

Scalable for huge sites Detects and tracks 3G, Locates drone swarms
and borders 4G and 5G drones and drone operators WWW AARONIA DE

How large is the system’s detection range? Can the system detect the
altitude of the drone as well?
The AARTOS Drone Detection System features
a virtually unlimited detection range. Usually, the Absolutely – this is a unique feature of the AARTOS
detection range is equal to (or larger than) the DDS! With two or more antennas, the DDS can de-
maximum distance between the operator and the tect the drone’s altitude; a single system will al-
drone, depending on the transmission power of ready show the azimuth.
the drone and/or its operator. The latest AARTOS
DDS V6 generation can handle a a DJI Phantom
4 FCC drone from a range of 50 km or more. The Is it possible to measure the distance
specific range depends on factors such as drone to the drone?
type and topography.
Yes, only two systems are needed to accurately
measure the distance of the drone – most compet-
How quickly can a drone be detected? ing drone detection systems require at least three
antennas for this. For best results, however, we rec-
Detecting a drone may take the system between ommend using three or more systems.
10 µs to 500 ms, depending on factors such as the
complexity of the specific AARTOS system in use,
the number of IsoLOG 3D DF antenna arrays, etc.
In general, a drone can be detected as soon as its
operator establishes a radio link (i.e. the drone and/
or the remote control are switched on). The pro- Traditional RF-based drone detection solutions
cess of pairing, radio link, take-off, and climb usu- only monitor specific bands (e.g. WiFi 2,4/5,8GHz
ally takes between 30 seconds and five minutes, or ISM 433/868MHz) because this is where most
depending on the drone model (our reference being commercial drones have operated in the past. But
the DJI Mavic Pro). This allows the AARTOS DDS the threat landscape is changing. The latest com-
a unique early-warning capability, by detecting the mercial and custom drones will connect at any
drone even before it can take off. (mostly illegal) frequencies. This is why we devel-
oped our unique all-band-monitoring receiver and
Optical, acoustic or radar-based drone detection ultra-wide-band tracking antenna.
solutions are not able to perform this kind of
early-warning detection. The AARTOS DDS manages to monitor the entire
frequency spectrum (e.g. 100MHz - 6GHz) hun-
dreds of times per second. Whatever frequen-
Can the AARTOS DDS cy the drone operator might use, we will be able
locate the drone operator? to detect and track it. This feature is completely
unique on the market.
Yes, the AARTOS DDS will detect the drone opera-
tor. It can track the operator’s movements even if
drone and operator are operating at different fre- What kind of coverage does the system provide?
quencies or bands.
The system’s DF antenna provides 360° dome cov-
What detection mechanisms are being used? erage (360° azimuth and full 90° elevation). This fea-
ture is unique on the market. It can also be adjusted
The AARTOS DDS uses real-time RF signal detec- to specific needs, e.g. a 90° or 180° (edge) coverage.
tion plus a combination of AI-based smart pattern
triggers and neural network scans.

2 © 2019, V.2.2p || Aaronia AG, Gewerbegebiet Aaronia AG,

DE-54597 Strickscheid, Germany,
depend on a line of sight? support 24/7 surveillance?

Even though the quickest detection is reached with- Yes, the AARTOS DDS can be switched to a 24/7
in line of sight, the system does not require it. The recording mode.
AARTOS DDS relies on RF signals, which by their na-
ture can be traced regardless of obstructions – they The system is able to continuously monitor and re-
can be detected and traced whether they originate cord the entire real-time spectrum as long as the
behind buildings or trees, in the woods or within a internal/external storage space (HDD/SSD) does
crowd of people. If the signal is strong enough, the not run out. In the context of a criminal prosecution,
system’s detection range is virtually unlimited. this information can be used as valuable evidence.

Can the AARTOS DDS be switched

Are there limitations to the detection to an event-recording mode?
and tracking altitude and/or elevation
with respect to the sensor(s)? Yes, the AARTOS DDS can be set to SmartEvent
Recording Mode. This operation mode automat-
Since the system can be equipped with an unlimited ically filters out and deletes useless data to min-
number of sensors to form a network covering larg- imize the amount of data written to the internal/
er areas, there are no inherent limitations in terms of external storage devices (HDD/SSD).
altitude and elevation. All systems can be linked to
a single monitoring center with remote-control capa-
bilities for each individual system. Each single sys-
tem covers a radius of 360°, including the airspace Can the AARTOS DDS detect 3G,
above the sensor (i.e. 360° dome coverage). 4G or even 5G Drones?

If a drone’s frequency range is unknown Yes, the latest AARTOS DDS can detect any fly-
– how does the AARTOS DDS detect it? ing RF transmitter at any frequency - even flying
The latest AARTOS X3, X5 and X7 systems offer
an extremely fast scan mode with a sweep speed
above 1THz/s. This way, the system is able to mon-
itor the complete frequency range (eg. 100MHz -
Can the AARTOS DDS be
6GHz) hundreds of times per second.
disguised or camouflaged?
The AARTOS X9 system offers an even faster
sweep reaching up to 48THz/s by stitching multiple Yes, in fact the system can very easily be covered
receivers together. without impacting its detection capabilities.

The antenna can be covered

with any material, such as
camouflage netting, as long as
the material is RF non-reflec-
tive (i.e. not made of metal).
This is yet another advantage
of the AARTOS DDS system
over optical, acoustic or ra-
dar-based drone detection
Super-quick mobile AARTOS DDS setup systems. When mounted on
a vehicle, the AARTOS DDS can hardly be distin-
guished from a common TV or satellite antenna.

© 2019, V.2.2p || Aaronia AG, Gewerbegebiet Aaronia AG, 3

DE-54597 Strickscheid, Germany,
Could the performance of the AARTOS DDS
be negatively affected by other RF radiation
(urban environment, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc.)?

No, additional RF radiation does not influence the

system at all.

Does the AARTOS DDS work at night?

Yes, the AARTOS DDS works around the clock, day

and night. The availability of daylight is not a limit-
ing factor to the system.

Is the performance of the AARTOS DDS

limited to certain weather conditions?

No, the AARTOS DDS is entirely weather-proof and

impervious to fog, rain, snow, etc. It was designed
and tested to be operated under the harshest con-
The impressive 3D GUI of the AARTOS DDS ditions.

An AARTOS DDS container deployed in the Swiss Alps, self-sustaining for up to 3 months

4 © 2019, V.2.2p || Aaronia AG, Gewerbegebiet Aaronia AG,

DE-54597 Strickscheid, Germany,

Can the AARTOS DDS distinguish a drone Could commercial planes, birds
signal from common WiFi or other RF signals? or other airborne objects cause
the system to trigger a false alarm?
Yes, our system uses intelligent AI-based pattern
classification, enabling it to distinguish precisely Absolutely not. The AARTOS DDS has been spe-
between signal types. cifically designed to distinguish on a sophisticat-
ed level between drones and other airborne ob-
jects, minimizing the likelihood of false alarms.
How does the AARTOS DDS distinguish
between different drone models or signals?

We use a sophisticated method of recording drone When the AARTOS DDS detects a drone and
emission patterns. These patterns are saved in our triggers an alarm, can it provide any infor-
Smart Trigger Pattern Database (STPD) which is mation on the location of the drone or the
constantly being maintained and expanded (option- operator? How accurate is this information?
al upgrades are available via service contracts). For
professional use, users can also add custom pattern The AARTOS DDS will detect both drones and op-
recordings to their database through the system’s erators. However, the extent and accuracy of this
teach-in function. information depends on the number of systems
and antennas in use. A single AARTOS DDS can
provide the direction and azimuth for a drone sig-
nal. The accuracy depends on the type of IsoLOG
Is it possible to prevent friendly
used: The IsoLOG 3D DF 160 antenna offers up
drones from triggering the alarm?
to 1° sector accuracy, meeting ITU class A –
the highest class. Real-life accuracy, however,
Yes, the system is adaptable: You can use the depends on the specific environment (antenna
teach-in function mentioned above to teach the height, reflecting objects etc.).
AARTOS DDS which drones are friendly. Once re-
corded, the system is able to distinguish friendly Another factor determining the level of accuracy
drones from actual threats (black- and whitelist). is the number of IsoLOG antennas. If two or more
antennas are being operated, signal triangulation
enables users to locate the exact position and al-
titude of the drone and/or its operator. A single
antenna will only register the direction and azi-
muth of the signal.

Is the system able to detect

several drones at once?

Yes, the system can detect multiple drones or

drone swarms at once – regardless of brand, type
frequency/frequencies or direction.

Airport installation with AARTOS DDS Container

© 2019, V.2.2p || Aaronia AG, Gewerbegebiet Aaronia AG, 5

DE-54597 Strickscheid, Germany,

Do you have any products that can prevent Once detected, how long
a drone from entering a facility’s airspace? does it take to disable a drone?

Yes, we offer various so-called countermeasure From the time a drone has been spotted by the
solutions (CMS), a.k.a. Jammers, to “keep drones AARTOS DDS, it takes between 1-2 seconds to
out”, as it were: Both stationary and mobile solu- block the control signal and video link. These fig-
tions are available, such as our mobile handheld ures apply to the stationary and the mobile CMS
jammer and automatic stationary sector jammers. versions as well.

What is the shutdown range of

Are the countermeasure solutions the countermeasure solutions?
integrated into the main system?
Depending on the specific model, the stationary
Yes, the stationary CMS can be integrated seam- CMS has a range of up to 12 km (7 miles).
lessly into the AARTOS DDS system.
The mobile CMS has a shutdown range of 1-2 km
Since the mobile handheld CMS is entirely manu- (1 mile), while still being able to block the systems
al, it is not available as an integrated solution. of targets further away.

Does the stationary CMS require

an operator to be present?

Once set up correctly, a stationary CMS does not

require an operator. All our stationary CMS can
be controlled manually, semi-automatically or in
fully-automated mode – tailored specifically to
users’ needs.

An AARTOS DDS range and field test at the beach

6 © 2019, V.2.2p || Aaronia AG, Gewerbegebiet Aaronia AG,

DE-54597 Strickscheid, Germany,

Does the AARTOS DDS have

any infrastructure requirements?

Specific requirements depend on the system: Our

portable systems are powered by an independent
battery. Other systems require an external pow-
er supply. Systems that rely on multiple remote
units need a power supply as well as Ethernet ca-
ble connections.

We also offer versions that are GSM-based, use an

24GHz airFiber link or a satellite link-up. These sys-
tems do not require an Ethernet cable connection.

Use of a mobile version of the AARTOS DDS in the field.

Provided power, additional equipment
and crew are already on site – how long
does it take to set up a single system?
Is it possible to integrate the AARTOS
DDS into existing surveillance systems?
Our mobile AARTOS DDS X3 is ready to use within
30 seconds.
Yes, the AARTOS DDS system includes an appli-
With our bigger systems – X5, X7 and X9 – a cation programming interface (API), allowing the
trained crew of two people can set up a single sys- user to integrate it into any existing surveillance
tem within 3 to 5 minutes. software and hardware systems.

How long are the expected How long does it take to

downtimes of the AARTOS DDS? train a new system operator?

Software upgrades (e.g. for the drone database, The training necessary to operate the AARTOS DDS
new software features, and device firmware) can be obtained within a few days at our training
generally take around 10 to 20 minutes. The sys- campus in Germany. Please contact mail@aaro-
tem does not require any further downtime. for further details regarding our trainings.

Does the AARTOS DDS Is there a recommendation at which height the

always need to be manned? antennas should be installed for best results?

Not at all. Once initial setup is completed, the The antenna should be installed at a minimum
system works fully automated. DDS operation height of 3 meters from the ground. The gener-
can also be switched at any time to semi-auto- al rule of thumb is: The higher the antenna, the
mated or completely manual mode. more accurate are its results and the higher is
its range.

© 2019, V.2.2p || Aaronia AG, Gewerbegebiet Aaronia AG, 7

DE-54597 Strickscheid, Germany,
AARTOS mission-critical visualisation system

In what temperature range can

Can the AARTOS DDS be the system be used?
protected against lightning?
The IsoLOG 3D DF antenna supports an operating
Yes, a standard lightning rod can be installed and temperature range of -40° C to +80° C.
does not influence the AARTOS Drone Detection
System’s performance. Our real-time spectrum analyzer (XFR V6 PRO) sup-
ports operating temperatures of -20° C to +60° C.
In terms of mobile use, is the AARTOS
DDS limited to certain vehicle types?

Not at all. Thanks to its durability, the AARTOS DDS

can be mounted on many types of mobile vehi-
cles: It can be installed on cars, trucks, vans, even
on yachts. All parts of the IsoLOG 3D DF antenna
are resistant to salt water in addition to its weather
and splash resistance with full IP65 certification.
Coastal and marine environments do not limit the
system’s performance.

Does the AARTOS DDS emit any radiation

that may interfere with the operation of e.g.
airports or communication infrastructure?

No, the AARTOS DDS does not emit any radiation

which could interfere with such an infrastructure.
The DDS is an entirely passive system. Examples of vehicle-mounted AARTOS DDS with extendable mast

© 2019, V.2.2p || Aaronia AG, Gewerbegebiet Aaronia AG, 8

DE-54597 Strickscheid, Germany,

Who may need a drone detection system? Where is the AARTOS DDS
being manufactured?
When it comes to drone detection, the term ‘tar-
get group’ becomes ambiguous – drones may Both the hardware and the software of the
pose a potential threat to commercial, public and AARTOS Drone Detection System are being de-
private causes alike. Our drone detection system veloped and manufactured in Germany, in adher-
can hence be beneficial to a variety of customer ence to the highest quality standards.
groups: companies such as the automotive and
chemical industry, critical infrastructure such as
What is the typical lead time?
nuclear power plants, correctional facilities, gov-
ernments, but also operators of airports, stadi-
ums and concerts. The typical lead time for a single AARTOS DDS
is around 1 to 3 months, depending on the com-
Military branches and security firms benefit from plexity of the final configuration.
drone detection on a similar level, as do private
individuals seeking to protect their homes and
What is the cost of the AARTOS DDS?

Is the AARTOS DDS future-proof?

For all information related to the AARTOS DDS
and its price range, please feel free to contact us
The AARTOS DDS is under continuous develop- at
ment and consistently kept up-to-date. In addi-
tion, we offer service-level agreements (SLAs)
including regular updates to and maintenance of
the drone database, the DDS software, the firm-
have any export regulations?
ware for our analyzers and even the hardware of
the IsoLOG 3D DF antennas and the receivers.
In most cases, the AARTOS DDS has no restric-
tions with regard to export or import.
How long will you keep the system
For further clarification, please contact us at
in production and provide support for it?

We provide support for a minimum of 10 years for

the AARTOS Drone Detection Systems.

Where can I see the AARTOS DDS in action?

We demonstrate the AARTOS DDS at various in-

ternational trade shows and conventions, and co-
operate with partners around the globe. Should
you have further inquiries regarding demonstra-
tions, please contact us at The AARTOS DDS is vehicle-mountable

9 © 2019, V.2.2p || Aaronia AG, Gewerbegebiet Aaronia AG,

DE-54597 Strickscheid, Germany,
M ast
and Aaronia Trailer
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Drone Detecti


NEW! Real-time ALL frequency monitoring

NEW! Up to 48THz/s sweep speed

NEW! 360° gapless full-dome coverage

NEW! Detects 3G, 4G and 5G drones

NEW! AI multi-target image and RF pattern recognition

NEW! Ultra-high range of up to 50 km

NEW! Hardware and software made in Germany

Gewerbegebiet Aaronia AG II, DE-54597 Strickscheid

Tel.: +49(0)6556-9019-355 Fax: +49(0)6556-93034 E-Mail:


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