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Ingles técnico II obras civiles ISER CAN – CAN’T

Can is a modal verb.

Can is used to express ability or to say that something is possible.
Can is the same for all subjects. We don't add an 'S' in the third person (like other verbs)
The verb that comes after Can is in the infinitive without to:

 I can speak Spanish. (= it is possible for me to speak Spanish = I have the ability to speak
 He can swim well.
 We can see our neighbour in the garden.
 They can play the guitar.
1. Make sentences using the next actions and the animals
 Bark – climb trees – jump – lay eggs – make bridges – make webs – pinch – sleep on their
feet – sting – swim
 Fish – dogs – bees – kangaroos –spiders – cats –crabs – hens – ants – bats

Example : dogs can bark










2. Read the next text and fill the charts

Things I CAN do Things I CAN’T do

3. Read the sentences and correct the mistakes

I can swimming _______________________________________________

She cans ride a bike ________________________________________________

Can you to play cricket? ________________________________________________

He not can speak English _________________________________________________

Can swim they fast? _________________________________________________

He can’t ate 3o cakes ________________________________________________

4. Read the next actions. Write sentences according to your personal information

Speak English ________________________________________________

Drive a car __________________________________________________
Swim __________________________________________________
Play tennis __________________________________________________
Ride a bike __________________________________________________
Play chess__________________________________________________
Make a cake __________________________________________________
Bake cookies __________________________________________________
5. Write 5 actions that you can do and 5 actions that you Can’t do and write sentences

6. Complete the questions with can and the action in parentheses
7. Read and rewrite the sentences according to indications

Olivia can play the guitar. → negative sentence

Can the girls play hockey? → affirmative sentence
Richard can play the trumpet. → question
Can she write with her left hand? → affirmative sentence
He can write good stories. → negative sentence
Alex can write exciting articles. → question
Henry can cook spaghetti. → question
They can cook well. → negative sentence
Can Carol cook chilli con carne? → affirmative sentence
8. Read the questions and write answers taking the subject into account

Can she fly a kite? → Yes,__________________

Can they write these words? → Yes, _____________________
Can he sing? → No, ___________________
Can I open the window, please? → Yes, _____________________
Can Doris speak French? → Yes, ____________________
Can we meet our friends? → Yes, ____________________
Can he ride a snowboard? → No, ____________________
Can the girls swim? → Yes, _____________________
Can you help me? → Yes, _________________
Can the frog sing? → No, _____________________

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