Keeping Up With The Times

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>Be me

>Playing 40-50 year old wizard, on the brink of retirement from adventuring

>Hire a player, employ him as my helper and adviser

>Find out one of the friendly NPCs in our group summoned a horde of shadows, and
they were coming for us

>Oh shit

>Party begins to sprint down a marketplace, an absolute wave of shadows pours

through the town

>My fucking adviser.

I roll to trip.




>This fucker trips a 50 year old man in the streets, leaving him to die

>But you know an old-timer got a few tricks up his sleeve

>Work my fucking magic and switch places with my advisor

>Little did the party fucking know that I used one of my scrolls to boost his roll,
setting up his killing

>Show that little shit my character sheet

>Same Allignment

Chaotic Evil

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