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Aleksey Muratov



This book presents a new vision in the form of an ideology
that brings people of various countries, cultures, religions and
beliefs together in one shared purpose - to become free from
the domination of global financial corporations. From birth we
are told what to do. «You must» is the mantra we are told we
should live by, but in fact it’s just other people’s thoughts that
force us to the life of their choosing. Taking their position of «I
must» we choose a life for someone or something else, not for
«My purpose» – that is what we are really after and what
we believe we want when we are honest with ourselves. «My
purpose» can only occur when we cease to follow someone
else’s ideals and head toward our own. Only in this case we will
discover our personal potential. This «My purpose» has become
the global aim for the leader of the international movement
Change the World Together (CWT) – Aleksey Muratov. «My
purpose» is to change the world, which is ruled by the elite of
the world financial empire. They are always ready to start wars,
organize revolutions and drive common people into «slavery»
for the sake of their own greed and monopoly.
However, Aleksey is well aware that improving or
implementing anything new without knowledge or experience
is a hit-and-miss gamble. Aleksey Muratov realized that he did
not want to live like most people do. At a young age he worked
as a leading engineer at the Kursk nuclear power station of
JSC Rosenergoatom Concern and was a leader of the youth
movement. By the age of 25 he had become the youngest deputy
chairman of the City Duma to the Chairman of the permanent
commission on economic policy. This was not unconnected;
he had a dream to help the people of his city! Soon it came
to him: one couldn’t change people’s lives in a city, region or
country for the better unless the state had sovereignty, unless
it had full independence in its internal affairs and foreign
policy. Unfortunately, most countries of the world do not have
that sovereignty. So the desire to rid society of the negative
external influences subsequently became the basis of the CWT
movement’s ideology.
One cannot win if the rules are constantly being changed
for the benefit of who making the changes. The rules must be the
same for all participants. Aleksey Muratov tried to implement
this idea by participating in Sergey Mavrodi’s infamous project
– MMM. Aleksey was engaged in the creation of political parties
outside Russia. It should be noted that this was his first experience
with an association of people from different countries, different
cultures and religions, who desired to change the rules imposed
on them. However, when the Ukrainian legitimate government
was overthrown in Ukraine with the help of the world’s financial
elite and the pro-Western puppets, Aleksey considered it his
duty to come to Donbass.
He realized that the background of that conflict was not a
national idea by the Ukrainian people, not a desire to enter the
European Union but a threat from international corporations to
start third world war. This would prevent Russia from further
development and stop it from becoming a new superpower. That
spring Aleksey Muratov became an official representative of the
Donetsk People’s Republic, after its proclamation, in Russia. He
became an active participant in the creation of a new ideology,
which would unite the inhabitants of Donbass. As the head of the
Executive Committee, he is engaged in the development of the
public movement Donetsk Republic - the most widespread one in
the Donetsk People’s Republic. After that he started to working
at the Central Office of the People’s Council (Parliament) of
the DPR and Aleksey created its structure. He took the work
to a new level and built relationships with his colleagues from
the Russian Federation. Despite the successful nation-building
work in the young Republic, Aleksey Muratov kept his dream to
create a new international movement. The political experience
he gained became a strong background for this movement and
the formation of a new international association.
Thus, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
registered the social movement Change the World Together
(CWT)on August 17, 2016. Aleksey Muratov has become the
Chairman of the Board of the CWT.

The World Today


The Earth and humankind are being held hostage to
the political and financial system. This system protects the
interest of financial elites and is bitterly unfair towards people
and destructive towards nature. This system is based on the
colonization and exploitation of people, states, energy, minerals
and technologies. The way global capital is being exploited is at
the root of religious conflicts between people and communities.
For centuries the financial system has been taken control of
the world’s resources and markets, and influenced governments,
mass media, education, medicine and even our food supply. A
few of the world’s richest families and their corporations exert
direct control over the scope of all major human activity.
How could this happen? To answer this question let’s turn
to history.
The history of money extends back over thousands of
years. At the dawn of the human civilization, when there was
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no money, only hard work could give you clothing, shelter and
food. Over time the main human occupations (gathering and
hunting) moved to the next level and our ancestors could raise
cattle and grow their own food. As a result, a surplus of goods
and produce started to appear.
A tribe which had a large number of animal skins but short
of grain could exchange with another tribe that had a surplus of
grain. This is how bartering started. As humans developed, the
barter also developed and covered an even greater number of
goods and services.
The most famous example of bartering in human history
is the bargain of Peter Minuit in 1626. For trinkets and beads
costing $24 he obtained the island of Manhattan. In 1993 the
island was valued at $50 billion.

Gradually people realized that carrying a bag of wheat or

dozens of skins for exchange was not very convenient. By trial
and error humans began using silver and gold as an equivalent
for exchange. Gold and silver could not be faked or spoil, so
they served as money for a long time.
Jewelers began minting gold and silver coins. They needed
a reliable storage for gold and silver ushering in the first safes.
Soon, traders and the general population began to rent space in
the jewelers safes to store their coins and valuables. So, long
before credit existed jewelers began to lease shelves in their
safes earning income from that business.
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Years later one jeweler began to understand that people
never came for their gold all at once. This occurs because
people were holding onto obligatory bills given by the
jeweler as a proof of the stored gold. These bills were
considered real money in the market instead of the gold
as it was more convenient and easy to exchange. Sellers
of goods accepted them as receipts for payment of goods.
Borrowers began to take loans in this paper form instead
of real gold.
The jeweler came up with another business - he started
to lend his gold at an interest. He used his own and the
stored gold of the merchants and townspeople, who kept it
for safekeeping. But since everyone never come at the same
time, this business grew rapidly. The ability to give loans
was limited only by the amount of gold in the safe. Then
the bankers came up with an even more daring idea. Since
they were the only ones who knew how much gold was in
the safe they could issue obligatory bills for gold that they
did not have. If all the investors would never come at the
same time to collect, then who would find out? They figured
out how to make money out of thin air. This was the origin
of the phrase «to make money out of thin air». Jewelers
who realized how to make money out of thin air are today’s
That principle became the ground of the existing
financial system that began to take shape about 400 years
ago. Bankers began to lend to governments, who used that
money to wage wars of conquest, and to merchants, who
conducted «business» by exploiting new territories. Since
the governments depended on the banks’s money, they not
only allowed them to make money out of thin air but also
legitimized this process by skewing the ratio making it 9
to 1. Today this is called a «fractional reserve» system.
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Today this works in most of the worlds banks and

accepted as a part of the banking philosophy. For example,
if you deposit $1000 into an account, the bank can then
turn around and lend someone else $10,000 in the form
of credit based on this fractional reserve system - legally
creating money out of thin air.

State fraud
The first major state endorsement of this financial fraud was
the Bank of England in 1694. That institution was as a result of
the so-called transaction between a nearly bankrupt government
and a group of financiers. The bank was private and so the state
gave it the official title and the right to issue money. The King
of England was in great need of money for the war with France
and willingly agreed to give the bankers this national title and
get the loans he needed.
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In the 1690s the banking system of England included

lending bankers, who provided loans out of borrowed funds,
and jewelers receiving gold for deposits and extending loans
as well. Bankers realized that the power over money might
well result in unlimited opportunities. In a couple of centuries
the British Empire became a leading world power due to the
relentless colonization of other peoples and continents.
In 1913 the next leader emerged surpassing the Bank of England
in the scale and scope of using this fraudulent system. This was the
Federal Reserve (FRS) of the United States. But the Federal Reserve
was not a governmental organization. It was a private enterprise
made up of bankers, a joint stock company established by 12 Federal
Reserve banks, which in turn had been created by commercial banks.
The FRS operates as a private bank. The US government issues bonds
to procure the «national currency» and the FRS prints bank notes and
lends them to the state through the sale of the bonds. The state buys the
bonds and the money returns to the FRS with interest.
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Thus, the main objective of the FRS was its income through
seignior age - the difference between the face value of the bank
notes and the cost of their production. For example, if a hundred-
dollar banknote costs 10 cents to make, the seigniorage will be
99 dollars 90 cents. Like the Bank of England, the FRS is not
part of the state.
The third US President Thomas Jefferson (1772-1782)
said: «Banking institutions are more dangerous to our
liberties then standing armies. If the American people ever
allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first
by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will develop around them will deprive the people of all
property until their children wake up homeless in the country
their fathers built».
Deception, fraud and racketeering are the modus operandi
of the bankers. You’ve heard of names like Rothschild and
Rockefeller. What do they have in common? They both became
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rich and powerful using these unfair and corrupt methods and
the law never stopped them as they achieved their goals.
During the great Anglo-French battle of Waterloo in 1815 the
London Stock Exchange was thrown into disorder. If Napoleon
won, the market would be ruined, but if he lost, the market would
be enriched. Rothschild saw this battle as an opportunity to make a
fortune for himself. Using messenger pigeons and signals from boats
along the English Channel he was the first to learn that Napoleon
lost. He quickly spread false information that Napoleon had won to
the London Stock Exchange. He started selling his shares with others
following him and the price of securities went spriraling downward.

Rothschild Rockefeller
Rothschild and his partners, knowing that England had
actually won, bought all the shares for a pittance. A day later,
when the London Stock Exchange learnt about the victory of
England, those shares skyrocketed and were worth a fortune.
Nathan Rothschild earned 40 million pounds on this information
flip. This fraud went down in history as one of many examples
showing the impropriety bankers and their principles.
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Rothschild was a great deceiver, however Rockefeller often
used openly criminal methods for doing business ruining the
businesses of his competitors. His criminal infamy reached such
a level that mothers used his name to frighten their misbehaving
The ability to print money without constraint is the dream
of any financier allowing him or her to print as much he desires.
This large supply of money was used to seize the treasures and
resources of others from around the world. Millions were robbed
of the opportunity to share the wealth of the world. The Federal
Reserve engaged in the bribing of politicians, the take-over of
competition and the buying of entire governments in order to
strengthen its position. And in order to protect its position it
financed the world’s strongest army, that of the United States of
What does an ambitious entrepreneur do if he can obtain
a surplus of money? He expands his business. And that is
what the bankers did. In order to increase their earnings
they began to give out loans. This also began to happen

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on a governmental level giving out massive loans to build
up armies through the sale of arms and pitting one country
against the other. This led to the destruction of countries,
which gave the banks the opportunity to turn around and
begin giving loans for the rebuilding of these countries, and
the cycle repeated itself. The First and Second World Wars
were examples of this scenario.
Shortly after the FRS was established, the First World
War began. It culminated in the collapse of two currencies
secured with gold - the Russian ruble and the German mark.
However, many American businessmen opposed the bankers
and realized the real motives of the financial robber barons.
In 1929 the Great Depression began. The discount rate of
the FRS suddenly increased and almost half the money
supply was withdrawn from the economy making the credit
cost skyrocket.
Companies that relied on credit went bankrupt and
the regular investors’ lives were ruined by the gratuitous
consumer loans. Securities were not worth a penny and
millions people became unemployed and idle. Some
people flaunt the idea that during the depression in the
United States all of the country’s assets were lost. But this
is not what happened, when someone loses value – another
receives it. The well-kept secret is who had bought those
assets. Those who control the FRS bought them, the same
people who organized the economic depression with the
help of the FRS.
In 1932 Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected president
of the US. He began «fighting the crisis». US citizens were
barred from possessing precious metals and had to hand
them over to the authorized banks, or the owner would face
a prison sentence. Soon after the expropriation the price of
gold went up significantly.
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At the same time American industry was being procured

by the bank clans and the FRS. This was not only about
saving American industry.
Not everybody kept silent, congressman and banker from
Pennsylvania, Louis McFadden, gave a famous speech that exposed
the Great Depression. In a highlight he said: «It was no accident.
It was a carefully contrived occurrence. The International Bankers
sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might
emerge as the rulers of us all». In 1936 the politician suddenly died
at the age of 50.
World War II made the United States the world’s richest
country. Investments in the construction plans of the Third Reich
were successful. The list of American backers of Hitler included
names like Rockefeller and Morgan. In the summer of 1929, at a
special meeting of bankers, representatives of the Morgan Financial
and industrial group acknowledged the need to support the German
Nazi movement.
At the end of the war, in 1944, all States signed the
Bretton Woods agreement, which made the dollar the only
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legitimate global reserve currency. Since 1944 these green
papers, printed by a private organization and unsecured,
were supposed to be used for all the settlements and storage
of foreign-exchange reserves. However, the US suddenly
experienced problems.

The young and charismatic president John Fitzgerald

Kennedy - a representative of a large Irish clan - started a
crusade against the FRS. In his speech about the «secret
societies» the president called for the construction of an
alternative power system. The Government began emission
of banknotes, secured with precious metals through
the Ministry of Finance, under the presidential decree
No. 11110. Those dollars were endorsed under the name
«United States Note» not «Federal Reserve Note». That
is they were reprinted and endorsed by the State, not a
private entity. They were secure.
Six months later Kennedy was killed. Then his brother
Robert was also killed. Some believe for knowing more than
he should. The Kennedy rebellion was suppressed. Banknotes
were withdrawn. Now the two- and five-dollar bills of 1963
are rare.
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As president, John Kennedy felt like a puppet of the FRS,
and he did not like it. Thus, Kennedy fought for the interests
of the American people and actually tried to make a coup
d’état from above.
There remained a detail that got in the way of the
banker’s ultimate objective. This was the problem of
Bretton Woods and the issuing of money. Remember that
money had a gold equivalent and could be exchanged for
gold under the Bretton Woods agreement at any time.
However, the bankers had printed one thousand times
the amount money than they had gold in stock. But the
bankers were legally obliged to make such an exchange if
demanded. If all the bank customers came at the same time
requiring the exchange of money for gold, their system
would collapse there and then.

The World Today
So they decided to change this obstructive law with
the help of the then president of the US, Richard Nixon.
He implemented a series of economic reforms in 1971
known as the «Nixon shock». The most significant reform
was the refusal of the US to secure the dollar rate with a
gold equivalent, which resulted in a virtual collapse of
the Bretton Woods system. The bankers were now free to
produce as much paper money as they needed. Money truly
became paper, as the Nixon decision gave the dollar note a
value which was not backed by anything.

The way to organize

and control crisis
The same banking system caused the mortgage crisis
of 2007-2008, which gave hundreds of thousands of US
households to the banks. A huge number of Americans were
unable to pay their financial obligations to the bank. The
banks took the debtors’ houses and put them up for sale.
Why had lots of Americans suddently become insolvent?
The reason is that the creditors gave loans to questionable
borrowers who defaulted on these loans.
This play started in 2001, the bankers began to give money
to all takers. They were considerable amounts, as it was for
real estate purchases. Some banks offered loans with a floating
interest rate, adjusted yearly from the start of the third year.
At the beginning the rate was unusually low. Others advertised
loans that pushed even the first payment for a new house into
the future. No first payment or security was needed.
The seductive conditions that they offered Americans
were tempting to those who were not even considering
buying real estate. Everybody began to take loans trying to
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improve their living conditions. People, who had no money,

took out loans from institutions, who also had no money
but borrowed and raised the funds in order to loan them out
under this scheme.
One debt caused another one, debt was everywhere. But
the system of selling debt had its industrial logic. The sale
of mortgage bonds and loans was performed like this: the
rating agencies assessed the degree of credit non-repayment
risk and depending on that degree, the securities had various
degrees of «freshness». Extra Grade and Grade I were more
expensive but had less risk and found their buyers quickly.
However, second and third grade ratings were also quite
popular. The price of the risky mortgage «package» was low
and had a large demand.
Everybody was satisfied. Banks ended contracts with
private persons, got its money from investors and could start
the affair again. Investors had invested and were waiting for
profits as skeptical yet willing customers could apply for
loans again.
The hilarity of the situation was that investors, or
speculators, who bought cheap «second-rate» mortgage
obligations on the so called scientific basis propagated by
rating agencies divided them into more grades. This time
the «highest grade» (reliability rating) was not the best of
the best but the best of the worst.
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This went on for 6-7 years! The US economy was

growing, GDP was increasing, everyone was happy. Many
people were not only kept occupied but also made large amounts
of money, but produced nothing. This debt pyramid was supported
with constant growth of real estate prices, which enabled attraction
of new players with new financial resources to the housing and
mortgage market.
Banks, major reputable companies with many years or even
a century or two of operation started the same game, let’s call it
«give everybody as much of your money as you can». This resulted
in filled postal boxes but no prospectuses of some productive and
beneficial business opportunity, only thick envelopes with bank
contracts. Each envelope contained a credit card. Its activation
required nothing. Just take it and start to buy, the agreement was
The World Today
straightforward and endorsed by the bank. «Real» money has been
sent out by mail, carelessly, to everyone en masse.
The logic of this mailing system was straightforward:
mass non-payment of debt on credit cards. The USFRS
data stated the cumulative «plastic debt» of Americans
amounting to approximately $950 billion at the beginning
of November 2008. According to Moody’s, the rate of non-
performing card loans increased from 4.61% to 6.82% from
August 2007 to August 2008 which is a growth amounting to a
48% increase. Withdrawals from credit cards during the
period of unemployment be truly of historic proportions. The
existing policy had become impossible as the credit system
with its low lending rate had mad large, that their re-payment
was impossible. The consequences of the US bank games were
made visible for all to see.
This brings to mind the statement that US President Woodrow
Wilson once said: «We have come to be one of the worst ruled,
one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments

The World Today
in the civilized world - no longer a government by free opinion,
no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the
majority, but a government ruled by the opinion and the
duress of a small group of dominant men».
His statement is not only meant for the US. The Arabs
traded oil for dollars, the Germans sold machines and
equipment for marks (having eliminated the Euro), the
Chinese manufactured for yuan. Until today no one seems
ready to fight against this system in the United States,
although everyone understands that the FRS is robbing the
world creating virtual money at the expense of our benefit
and instead of legitimate material resources.

Key areas of life

and forms of control
It has become common knowledge that the world’s elite
and the bankers profit and benefit from the crises that befall
ordinary populations around the world.
How else do they implement their control and plans on
populations? This is a product of their control on the world’s
energy reserves, food supplies, health systems, education
and social media. One can even argue that the scientific
establishment colludes with these sponsors as they are the
benefactors for their research.
Energy and oil
The dependence of humankind on oil & gas and coal
corporations ensures massive profits for those at the top of
the financial system. The group of energy companies led by
BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell and the
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OPEC cartel and national
oil producers control about
88% of the worlds energy
reserves and its production
and sale. Do you think
they want to see the petrol
driven car replaced with the
electric car?
This is one of the
reasons that alternative
energy sources are yet to
become mainstream and replace the destructive use of fossil
fuels. There is a strong incentive for those driven by profit
to continue the dependence on oil for as long as possible
disregarding the effect this has on the environment. Free
energy will put these corporations out of business and
therefore it is a matter of survival for them to fight this
change, even if it puts the survival of our ecosystem in
jeopardy. Petrodollars are at the root of power in today’s

Food products
Derivative of oil are being used in many of the world’s
vital products. In the agriculture sector they are used for
fertilizers and herbicides to control food production.
Agriculture has paid large sums to the Oil and Gas giants
through the purchase of these products. But when you realize
that the same bankers are behind Big Agriculture as well as
Big Oil then the picture becomes clearer. Governments pay
billions of dollars in subsidies to these companies and yet
their promise to end hunger has fallen short, very short.
The World Today

Toxic chemicals are poisoning people and wildlife polluting

soil and water and producing harmful food that poses a
serious threat to our health.
Monsanto, DuPont, Cargill, ADM, Glencore are the
global agriculture giants. They produce genetically modified
products at the seed level creating all sorts of undefined
complications to the human body. This unnecessary invasion
on the human body is destroying our immune systems and

The World Today

the rise of cancer rates around the world is a case in point.

We have also seen a rise in infertility which scientists
believe is related to these modified products.
Not only are these corporations ruining our health by
degrading our food supply, they are also destroying the
livelihood of the farmers that would otherwise supply us
with natural organic produce. The farmers cannot compete
with the corporate giants and are forced to purchase the
modified seeds to survive. These seeds can only be planted
once and will not produce more seeds as per the natural
cycle. The seed has been modified and made sterile, so the
farmer returns to buy more from the corporations. This is
how the profit incentive has colonized and exploited our
food supply.
So, two key areas, energy and food, are controlled by
the same elite banking families and the corporations that
represent them. The destruction is obvious today as the
geopolitical wars driven by resource shortages wage on,
and the GMO debacle still continues unabated. But that’s
not all the trouble.
The World Today
Medicine is also under the control of these international
bankers and their corporations. The health system has been
controlled by a network of pharmaceutical companies who
have strong incentive to produce and sell as many drugs
as possible. It’s how they succeed in the financial system.
They fund medical education, medical studies and results
are always in their favor, not for the benefit of those who
need the health care. Doctors profit from selling specific
medicines and they are trained at the expense of Big Pharma
companies. Medicine seems to be designed not to eliminate
the disease but only to relieve the symptoms and prolong
the disease so more medicine can be sold.

The World Today
The pharmaceutical industry controls our society.
Its interests control medical researches and make all
professions related to health care dependent on it.
Pharmaceutical companies manipulate the law and mass
media in order to preserve and protect their dominant
position. Mass-media large-scale advertising campaigns
create a «smokescreen» and hide the true interests of the
pharmaceutical industry.
The advertising statements of pharmaceutical industry
falsely claim the destruction of infectious diseases. In fact,
the most important therapeutic drugs, such as penicillin and
other antibiotics, were invented in institutions funded by
The pharmaceutical industry is also trying to prevent
the dissemination of information about vitamins, knowing
that, in this case, the life time of millions people will be
extended for several decades.
Revenues of pharmaceutical companies over the past
25 years exceeded the revenues of all the other industries
on average by 500%. In other words, the disease business
is the most profitable business in the world and millions
of people pay the bills directly or indirectly. What should
we do?
The most important way to change the situation is that
we should not only reveal but also to participate in the
creation of a new health care system. Healthy aging should
be the rule rather than the exception.
Pharmaceutical giants such as Novartis, Pfizer,
Roche, Sanofi and others carry out a lot of scientific
investigations, but they are not transparent about the
extent of these investigations. There is strong evidence
that pharmaceutical companies are creating some of the
diseases that they also create cures for, all in the name
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of more profit. They invest in the future by creating

the problem and the solution simultaneously. Are they
using human beings for their experiments? Are they
engaged in the sterilization of people through their
questionable vaccines? We already know that they are
creating biological weapons for warfare, commissioned
by the military-industrial complex, and all underwritten
and controlled by the same bankers. This puts all of
the medical industry in question on whether it is really
benefiting humankind at all.
We see the systematic legalization of harmful drugs
and chemical psychotropic substances all over the world.
Children are being subscribed harmful substances for
fictitious diseases. Do you still think that the power players
value the health of the human populace?

The World Today
Science and education
Science and education is also under the control of
the financial system today. What do bankers and their
corporations want from schools? They want to indoctrinate
our minds from the start to produce an obedient and docile
work force which is easily controlled. The school follows
curriculums set by authorities and keep us bound to the
system for many years until we become submissive to this
hierarchical system.
It is apparent that the bankers do not want to see an
educated populace. The quality of public education has

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been steadily declining and the ability of people to think

differently has been stunted. It is much harder to control
a man or a woman who thinks critically and can look at
things from different perspectives. They want us to turn into
robots who obey and consume on demand.
The scientific establishment has also been subjugated
to the will of these elites. The funding of science has been
primarily channeled into areas that do not create the most
value for humankind. This is evident in the slow adoption
of the renewables industry and other sectors such as
transportation, education and health. The unlimited capital
at the control of the few has been set against the benefits of
the many.
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Do you want to live
in such a world?
People’s main purpose under this system is to survive,
not prosper. It has become a modern form of slavery driven
by the financial elite. They’ve created a system to control
people’s minds. We work to pay back debts, loans with high
interest and to afford to send our children to schools. All
this is for the benefit of a few and their exorbitant life styles.

This system looks like a pyramid separated into

divisions with ordinary people making up the bottom level.
This is the economic term of the «bottom of the pyramid»
where most of those living in poverty are categorized.
The next level is where we have government workers and
those that benefit at the expense of the masses through
tax collection. At the next level we have the corporations
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who influence government and control much of our social

behaviour. The next level is where the big banks and
various finance institutions sit and is run by the financial
elite that control the corporations. At the high tip of the
pyramid are the 300 richest families that influence and
control all that is below them.
Researchers from Zurich have analyzed the data of 40
million companies from 200 countries around the world
and came to a disappointing conclusion. About 80% of all
the global funds and companies are concentrated within
150 transnational corporations (TNCs) consisting of
banks, investment funds and insurance companies that are
controlled by a very small group of people.
Many experts believe that a world government is
already acting through the institutions it has created: the
World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World
Health Organization, and the World Trade Organization
lead the list. They believe that a totalitarian world power
is being formed, a military dictatorship led by a fringe elite
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- possessing everything and setting all the rules. We can
already see this elite seeking to control access to almost all
the resources we need to live.
One of the goals of this clandestine organization is to
create what is known as the «golden billion». This golden
billion includes 24 countries that represent the «worthiest
of the developed» nations. About 900 million people from
these countries have been assigned the role of service and
mining and the other 6 billion people are classified as
«unnecessary» and systematically destroyed by the means of
harmful substances, viruses, wars and government injustice.

The story
of the disadvantaged people
In most of the cities in India people live in slums and cardboard
boxes on the streets. They work as servants for the wealthy people
or hold low-wage jobs. These are the «disadvantaged people»
perceived by the rest of the world as the people in need. More
affluent citizens pass these slums on their way to and from work
and try to ignore the situation and plight of these disadvantaged
people. The people in need themselves have become resigned to
their predicament and accept it as their destiny. Most of them do
not consider it necessary to change these conditions. It makes no
sense for them to fight the unfair conditions they were born into.
When we look at disadvantaged people, we consider ourselves
successful and lucky by comparison. After all, we live in
comfortable conditions, receive good education and many of us
have prestigious high paying jobs. We have loved ones around
us and we feel that we have advantages in life. However, we
are also «disadvantaged people» for those who live better than
we do, compared to the world’s financial elite. For them we are
The World Today
also second-class citizens who live pitiful lives while they spend
fortunes on extravagant luxury.
There is an obvious injustice that exists, we understand that
we are being manipulated and deceived. Our hard work is used to
get the wealthiest of us even richer and we must be content with
What have we done to change this? Almost nothing. This
unjust world will be passed on to our children and grandchildren
and they will continue to live in the same way as we do.
Generations and generations will replace each other without
changing anything. But is this right? No!
I suggest stopping this cycle of injustice in the world and to
change our lives for the better with Change the World Together!
Money and authority have merged under this corrupt
system. Their power stems from this unity, a secret held

The World Today
by those in power since time immemorial. Those in power
follow the «divide et impera» or divide and rule principle.
This allows them continue their control by wearing down
the forces that try and hamper their plans. The problems we
face today are a result of our inaction. Taking the «wait-
and-see» approach we enable these controllers to define our
future and the future of our children. Change will not come
by itself. We must combine our efforts.
If we unite we can do much more, together we can
change the world!

Dollar and Politics
It is clear that these «bubbles» and the buying up of the world
for dollars has given the world’s elite almost unlimited financial
and administrative power and resources. This will continue as the
world plays by the rules of these robber barrons.

Charles de Gaulle -
the first knight for humanity against
the dollar in the 20th century
The US wishes for sole control over the global foreign
exchange market was transmitted to all the countries during the
Second World War. In April 1943 American experts launched
Dollar and Politics
the global monetary system scheme. World War II was in full
swing. Great Britain, the Soviet Union and other participants in
the anti-Hitler coalition had to pay America gold for delivery
of arms, machinery, metals and food. Conventional bank notes
were worth almost nothing in wartime. The dollar had become
the equivalent of precious metals and the gold standard was
pegged on y to the dollar. Here are some figures: The gold
reserve of the United States was 13,000 tons in 1938, 17,700
tons in 1945, 21,800 tons in 1949. That was 70% of the world
gold reserve at that time.
On February 4th, 1965 the President of France, Charles
de Gaulle, told journalists at his regular briefing at the Elysee
Palace: «Truly it is hard to imagine any standard other than gold.
The international exchange has the highest law, the golden rule,
which is to be restored. It is an obligation to provide balance
of payments for various currencies by actual revenue and
expenditure of gold».
After the creator of the Fifth Republic stopped talking, the
press representatives rushed out of the hall to nearby telephone
sets. Everyone understood that a war had been officially declared
- a war against the US dollar. De Gaulle proposed that the post-
war world financial redistribution in favor of the dollar as the
main currency not be accepted. He called back to the international
payments system effective before the World Wars. In other words,
he proposed to bring back the classical gold standard where any
currency had real value and was literally worth that value in gold.
De Gaulle did not intend to bring back the gold standard,
which would ensure the stability of the global financial system.
Quite the contrary, he was proposing a return to the role of gold
as the general equivalent. Americans were torn between the
Vietnam War and problems in the Caribbean, they hoped that
the anti-dollar rhetoric of the French leader would remain just
words. However, it did not go that way.
Dollar and Politics
A secret report by famous economists Robert Triffin and
Jacques Rueff, prepared in 1959, informed General De Gaulle
that the forced participation of France in the so-called «Gold
Pool» was ruining the economy. The international structure of
the central banks of seven Western European countries under
the auspices of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which
included France, were acting through the Bank of England.
It was not only keeping the international price of gold at $35
per ounce (one ounce is equal to approximately 31 grams) for
the convenience of Washington but was also trading the gold
for their benefit and reporting monthly to the US financial
authorities. If they had to increase the selling volume of the
metal, the pool participants gave the Americans the gold
from their reserves. If the pool bought more than sold, the
difference was shared at a humiliating ratio: half was given
to the Americans, half to the others. France had 9%. Experts
reported to de Gaulle that the activities of the Gold Pool had
caused over $3 billion in loss to the Europeans.
General de Gaulle knew he irritated the US government,
particularly after France had accelerated development of its
own nuclear weapons program in the early 1960s. In January
of 1963 De Gaulle rejected the «multilateral nuclear force»
created by the Pentagon and he took back the control of the
Atlantic fleet of France from NATO. By that time only two
French divisions remained under the American command
instead of the fourteen that were agreed on. However, the
Americans never guessed that this was just the beginning.
In 1965 De Gaulle formally proposed to his American
counterpart Lyndon Johnson 1.5 billion dollars in cash from
the French state reserves to be exchanged for gold. Washington
responded that the US would regard such an action by France
as unfriendly and would have consequences. «Politics is
too serious a matter to be left to the politicians», - retorted
Dollar and Politics
the general and announced that France was walking out on
In spring of 1965 a French ship anchored in New York
harbor. It was not a combat vessel, but it had a weapon with
which Paris intended to win the financial battle with the
United States. The French ship had brought bank notes to the
value of 750 million dollar to the United States in order to
exchange them for «real money», that is for gold. That was
the first tranche payment to the Federal Reserve System.
«All the formalities are met. The representative of the
Bank of France is ready to provide half of the said amount
to the US Treasury. The money is here», - read the official
dispatch from Paris to Washington. Exchange under the rules
of the Gold Pool could only be made to the US Treasury. The
hull of the first French «money» ship was waiting to unload
the 750 million dollars. At an exchange rate of 1.1 grams
of gold per dollar, Paris’s move away from the US currency
turned out to be very productive. 825 tons of the yellow metal
is a large amount. Another ship carrying the same amount
was on the way and that was only the beginning. By the end
of 1965 there remained only about 800 million dollars of the
$ 5.5 billion French foreign reserves in the US.
Of course, de Gaulle had not brought down the dollar
alone. However, the French currency intervention had
created a dangerous precedent for the US. Following the
unpredictable move by France, zealous Germans pulled
together to change dollars for gold bars. Their exchange
was several times larger than the 1.5 billion dollars of
France. Americans were shocked by this bold play but had
to change the «greenbacks» for gold. Then the central banks
of other countries - Canada, Japan - followed suit. The news
about the US gold reserves at that time were like front-line
reports on the battle field.
Dollar and Politics
In March of 1968 the Americans limited the free
exchange of dollars for gold for the first time. By the end
of July, 1971 the US authorities declared the gold reserve
of America had dropped to its lowest level - less than
10 billion dollars. This is when the «Nixon shock» happened.
On August 15th, 1971 the US President Richard Nixon made
a television appearance and announced the dollar would no
longer be secured by gold.
Since that time the world currencies have been subjected
to the principle of a financial pyramid without any checks
or balances.  Incidentally, the US has yet to recover from
the gold shock.
After the «Monetary Austerlitz» De Gaulle’s power did
not last long. In 1968 massive student riots with a motto

Dollar and Politics
«13.05.58 – 05.13.68, time to leave» flooded France. On
April 28th, 1969 de Gaulle left his office voluntarily before
the end of his term. We must remember that bankers use
wars and revolutions as tools of influence, so it is easy
to guess who had a lot to gain from the dismissal of this
outstanding politician.

Hugo Chavez
and Saddam Hussein
The Venezuelan leader
Hugo Chavez was one of
the first who attempted to
break out of the vicious
circle of petrodollars.
Under his leadership
Venezuela - the largest oil
producer in the Western
Hemisphere and known
to be unfavorable towards
American oil corporations
refused to sell oil for dollars and preferred barter transactions.
Venezuela stopped selling oil and instead bought goods for its
«black gold».
The fact of the rise of Chavez to power was a revolution
in itself. While in office, all his actions and reforms were a
challenge to injustice, moneybags and the predatory hegemony
of US capitalism. He nationalized all the important areas of
production – oil and gas production, metallurgy and cement
production. He threw private American companies out of the
country. They were there to exploit the time-tested Latin
scenario of total privatization.
Dollar and Politics
After such bold step the political life of the country became
quite hectic: with attempted assassinations against Hugo Chavez,
failed rebellions, strikes and demonstrations. America made it
clear that such an intensive historical period was directly related
to the fact that Venezuela was going against its vital national
interests. It was not surprising when in 2011 the president of
Venezuela was diagnosed with cancer. Chavez accused the
United States of this incurable disease. After his death in 2013
the economic situation of Venezuela began to worsen and is now
close to being a failed state.
Then there is the story of Iraq. In November of 2000 Saddam
Hussein demanded that all payments for Iraqi oil, supplied under
the UN program «Oil-for-Food Programme», is to be made only
in euro, which was of course strongly opposed by the US which
led Saddam to threaten to stop all supplies of Iraqi oil to the
world market.

Dollar and Politics
Saddam Hussein, the ruler of Iraq, was a man who could not
be judged simplistically. He was an extraordinary person, but no
matter what others say about him, this person had really done a lot
for his people. He ruled during the time of the Middle East unrest
of the late twentieth century, and many of his decisions at might
seem controversial or violent but he managed to fight terrorism
very effectively. He never afforded them rights or conducted
negotiations with them. This was a war without rules.
Saddam Hussein had implemented large-scale economic
and social reforms. He also created one of the most advanced
healthcare systems in the Middle East. He introduced free general
secondary education at all stages, from kindergarten to university.
At the beginning of 1998 80% of the population could read and
write. The era of Saddam Hussein was determined to be a period
of stability and security for the people of Iraq. One of the Iraqi
schoolteachers said that during the time of Saddam «there was still
a huge gap between the ruling class and the common people in
living standards, but the country was living in security and people
were proud to be Iraqis».
It should be noted that a few years after the execution of Saddam
Hussein in 2009 a report of the US Senate Intelligence Committee
appeared, according to which the Iraqi leader had no ties with «Al-
Qaeda». It completely denied the statements of George W. Bush
about the long-standing connection of Saddam’s dictatorship with
terrorist organizations and confirmed the fact that the United States
for their own selfish interests used flimsy facts and outright lies for
the invasion of other sovereign states.
Saddam Hussein sentenced Lifti Saber, who acted as the Iraqi
government’s coordinator for cooperation with the international
coalition forces, to death. Lifti Saber spent 8 years in isolation
while Saddam was in power, he said: «I wish Saddam would have
remained in power... The whole system was changed so no one can
do anything. If he made decisions, they were carried out. People
Dollar and Politics
knew what to do. Now the country is in chaos and no one does
anything because nobody knows how to take responsibility. I never
thought I would say it considering he has sentenced me to death,
but I would like to see Saddam still ruling the state. Only he knew
how to make this God-forsaken country work».
Do you know why the West had problems with Saddam
Hussein? It was his decision to sell oil for euro’s instead of dollars.
It was in the year of 2000 and anyone who betrayed the dollar
would not live to tell the tale. Iran also announced its intentions
to make all oil settlements in euro and sanctions were imposed
against it. This pattern had become familiar.

Gaddafi the tyrant and his Libya

In 2010 the US and NATO had drawn the conclusion that
«democratic changes are up» in Libya. The people of Libya

Dollar and Politics
wanted a new political regime in the country and Gaddafi the
«dictator» was impeding the process. After all, his regime
was oppressing the defenseless people. Only Gaddafi’s death
could change the situation. However, as we now know, the
result was quite different, not fitting television «truth».
The death of Muammar Gaddafi was a long time coming.
But do the people of Libya feel easier now? Thousands of
victims, ruined cities and disasters a direct result of Obama’s
The Libyan leader spoke about caring for his people,
he proposed and reforms up until he died, and never had
a chance to implement them. Nobody paid much attention
to that message against the backdrop of the bombing, the
endless victims and the cries of the «democratic» media. As
it turned out later, Gaddafi’s independent ideas predetermined
his murder. His deadly sin of wanting a better life for his
people went against the US objectives in the region. The
wise leader realized that his country was beings homelessly
and unscrupulously robbed. Gaddafi was going to change the
situation for the benefit of the Libyan people but his murder
came before he could do that.
In debating the murder of Gaddafi murder we cannot ignore
his ideas to develop his country. Libya is mostly desert but rich
with oil and natural resources. This made it a great market for the
corporate greed. Agriculture in Libya could have taken a giant
step forward. Gaddafi tried to irrigate and «green» the desert of
Libya through the creation of an irrigation system taking water
from a huge natural underground reservoir. He encouraged foreign
companies to implement that project. The corporations immediately
estimated the potential losses that would result from this project
and they would have none of that. Corporations are not looking to
advance economies in other countries, they prefer it as it is, need
only markets.
Dollar and Politics

The West believe that Libya, as a resource rich country, should

be strictly controlled. Once the country’s leader began to attack the
corporate greed by wanting to keep a third of the oil revenues for his
own people, it was looked at as «resistance» and the media painted
the picture that the people wanted to overthrow the «bloody regime».
To answer the question «Why was Gaddafi killed?» we should
recall the most radical idea of ​​Gaddafi. As we already know, the
world is ruled by the dollar. It will rule as long as it remains the
world’s currency. Ever since the seventies of the last century it was
tied to oil in a fundamental way. Even failing to sell two hundred
barrels of oil for the dollar and it will start losing its position, its
rule threatened. Muammar Gaddafi realized that. His idea was to
create a Pan-African currency, which, in contrast to the dollar,
would be secured with gold. The idea was very promising by itself
but jeopardized the well-being of those who live for the «lending
Dollar and Politics
rate». He dared to invade the Western world’s financial system
and the distribution of cash flow. A new currency would deflate
the unsecured dollar. How long would the dollars position stay, if
another, tied to the stable gold equivalent, started to be used? The
answer to this question gives you the answer to why Gaddafi was
Libya is now destroyed. Cities have been ruined, women
and children are being killed and the people are suffering
and starving. The economy has ceased to exist. Corporations
extract oil and Libya has no revenues. The country receives
only humanitarian aid, for which it has to pay. The
impoverishment of the people is the goal of the Western
«democratic change».
The US President Obama never withheld the reason for
Gaddafi’s murder – that the dollar must live on. Six years later he
confessed that he considered the killing of the Libyan leader to be
the biggest mistake of his presidency. However, the world cannot
change course, the controlling elite would never allow that. This
process has been defined for centuries. All the parts have been cast
- loan interest, in their minds, should rule the humanity until the
end. Anyone that opposes this turns into a mortal enemy of the
United States «democrats».
The lesson has been learnt. The leaders of other countries
should think clearly whether they want to be patriots of the
countries or will they continue this process of «selling» their
countries. Obama declared clearly that the United States is
the major superpower of the world. Resistance will not be
tolerated. Revenge will be fierce. Death alonewould not be
enough. Dissident countries will be wiped offthe face of the
earth and nations will be destroyed. The Western version of the
political and economic system knows no mercy or compassion.
The world must remain unipolar under all circumstances. No
expense, effort or human life will be spared.
Dollar and Politics

The dollar has been left alone for a while. No one wants
the same fate of Muammar Gaddafi. However, bold moves are
being made. China started to gradually abandon the dollar.
Today all settlements in yuan are conducted with Japan, but
this is the first step. The highly populated country cannot
create a «bastion of democracy» all at once. There is no proper
background for a strong domestic political regime. Beijing
does not welcome the revolutionaries in its territory and the
West is not giving its approval. Refusal of using the dollar as
a financial settlement was also declared by other countries.
Britain has started trading with Japan in different national
currencies. Other countries will follow in the near future. The
dollar cannot continue to control the international community
when its weak point is no longer a secret.
Many people in Libya believe that Gaddafi was the only ruler
who really thought about his people. Let us look at the achievements
of Libya headed by the so-called bloody dictator:
Dollar and Politics
Petrol was cheaper than water, 1 liter of petrol - $0.14.
Just married couples were given $64,000 by the government
to buy an apartment.
Education and medicine were completely free.
For each family member the State granted $1,000 each year.
Unemployment benefit was $730.
No NATO military bases.
Nurse salary was $1,000.
For each newborn $7,000 was given.
One-time financial support for start-up companies - $20,000.
Major taxes and levies were banned.
GDP per person - $14,192.
Education and training abroad - at the expense of the state.
Chain stores for large families had low prices
for basic foodstuffs.
Units of the special police applied heavy fines and detention for the
sale of expired products.
Some pharmacies were dispensed medication for free.
Death penalty for counterfeiting of medicines.
No residential rental payments.
Free electricity for the population.
Sale and consumption of alcohol was prohibited,
the «dry law» was in effect.
Car and apartment loans were interest-free.
Realtor services were banned.
The state paid 50% when a citizen bought a car,
and for the people’s militia fighters - 65% of the cost.
When Gaddafi came to power,
he expelled international corporations from the country.

Over the 40 years of his rule Libya’s population has tripled.

Infant mortality decreased by a factor of 9. Life expectancy in the
country has increased from 51.5 to 74.5 years. Gaddafi decided to
Dollar and Politics

withdraw Libya from the global banking system and another 12

Arab countries wanted to follow his example.
John Perkin’s book The New Confessions of an Economic
Hitman describes this case and many others. The book reveals
all the dirt and aggression of the power players used for the sake
modern imperialism.

How to Restrain Progress
The general population are told that as soon as a
breakthrough technology is invented it will get the proper
business development and quickly reach the consumer.
However, these inventions of so-called breakthrough
technologies, or better known as innovative technologies
that result in a reduction of the need for resources, including
human resources, are monitored and stopped. This preserves
the established order of things under the pretext of protection
against unemployment and the collapse of the global industrial
chain. We continue to work for as mall elite burning expensive
oil in technologically obsolete machines.

Free energy
In 1899 Serbian physicist Nikola Tesla found a way create
electricity and power without burning fossil fuels or using power
plants and transmission lines. He proved that using ionization of
the upper atmosphere to create electrical oscillations can be utilized
as «free energy». Using a special testing ground Tesla created his

How to Restrain Progress

power plants operating under the «free energy» principle (today

this called the energy vacuum). In 1898 banker John Pier-pont
Morgan, who was financially supporting Tesla’s research, realized
the success of his work and ordered the destruction fall the plants
and the polygon. He could see that these inventions would make
fossil fuels obsolete. He realized that energy, which is free for
everyone would not bring him the profit he was used to by billing
people for each watt consumed. Since that time the world is still
«searching for the power».
Tesla’s experiment on turning on coal ignition bulbs from
a distance without wires was repeated by the Russian scientist
Philippov, who created an installation in St. Petersburg to turn on
bulbs in Tsarskoye Selo. He was a unique all round scholar; he had
a doctorate in mathematics, physics, chemistry and philosophy. In
winter of 1914 he sent a solution for avoiding wars of humanity to
the General Staff of Russia, in seven days it was published in the
tabloid press and three days later he was found killed in his home
office, the gendarmes were unable to determine the methods used
for his murder.
How to Restrain Progress
Tesla had many followers because the idea of providing
humanity with free energy stayed with scientists and enthusiasts.
In 1921 the press reported Alfred Hubbard’s invention - a generator
which moved boats without external energy supplied to it. In
1927 Thomas Brown (England) took out a patent on methods for
generation of driving forces and power out of electric fields. In
1928 Lester Hendershot invented the electric generator releasing
300 watts without any external energy supplied to it. In 1968
Raymond Kromrey built a generator described in the US Patent
№ 3374376 (Kromrey Electric Generator), however, after numerous
tests the research was placed on a secret list.

John Searle`s
magnetic generator
For over 60 years John Searle was trying to give the world a
new type of energy system, which would free humanity from the
burden of dependence on fossil fuel resources. This generator is a
magnetic device with its own engine activating its own magnetic
power and operating with outs topping. Searle`s uses the magnetic
fields causing magnetic rollers to rotate continuously around the
magnetic rings and generating electricity. No noise, heat, vibration,
or pollution - this is Searle generator. It can get off the ground and
create its own gravitational field. When you see such things, you
realize they are perfect mechanisms, the most important inventions
ever created by humans.

How to restrain progress

He was only trying to create a generator that could
power your house. He concluded that large generators
at power plants were a waste of money and meant great
How to Restrain Progress
pollution problems for humanity in the future. His idea was
to create a simple electrical generator that could be easily
manufactured. Of course, many obstacles met Searle and his
invention never made it to public use.

Tesla’s free energy

In 2010 the inventor from Turkey, Muammer Yildiz,
introduced his work to the world’s scientists. It was
based on the principles of Tesla’s free energy. No power
supply was used and it worked perfectly throughout the
demonstration and was even dismantled for everyone to
During the demonstration no wires were connected
to the engine from an external electric power source.
Thirty scientists were watching the engine operate in an
isolated room. After the experts certified that it had been
functioning for ten minutes at a constant speed of rotation,
the engine was dismantled and everybody could see that it
contained no other supply of power.
Unfortunately, this technology has not been developed
further following the fate of most revolutionary discoveries.

CIA and free energy

John Cejka was a secret agent for the CIA and an expert
on alternative energy sources. He was a curator of the
inventor John Bedini, to whom he gave a copy of the archive
inventions which he collected during the many years of
service in the CIA. The archive contains over 150 documents
containing full descriptions of devices, experiments and
How to Restrain Progress

technologies, each of which could make a revolution in the

modern world.

The list of John Cejka

archive materials:
1) A Dynamic Model of Cell
86) Moray Valve
2) A German Cancer Therapy 87) Moray
3) A Mysterious Ore 88) N Machine – DePalma
4) Alternator Having Portable
89) Neurophone
Magnetic Field
5) Aluminum – Air Battery De-
90) Nikola Tesla, World’s
velopment. Toward an Electric
Greatest Engineer
6) An Underground
91) Nikola Tesla’s Bold
Electromagnetic Sounder
Experiment I
How to Restrain Progress
7) Anomalous Cloud Phenome-
92) OF Oscillator
non 9 April 1984 – Bearden
93) On Free Energy and the
8) Antigravity – Burridge
Bedini Motor by Tom Bearden
9) Anti-Gravity Power 94) OTC-X1 Spacecraft
10) Atomic Energy
95) Paraphysics and the
Beam Rivals Heat
New Energy Technology
of the Sun, VTVM
Part 1 – Louis Acker
Cancer Detector
96) Paraphysics and the New
11) Atomic Transmutations –
Energy Technology Part 2 –
Michio Kushi
Louis Acker
97) Partial Bibliography on the
12) ATREE – A New Power
Effects of ELF Magnetic Fields
on Living Beings
13) Bedini Energy Device for
98) Patent 4,325,795
Space Flight
99) Non-Inductive_Electrical_
14) Bedini-Brandt Circuits
15) Bee Pollen 100) Pegasus 1
16) Bioeffects of Geotachyonic
Disturbances, Underground
Noxious Rays, 101) Pegasus 2
& Electronic Smog –
Vince Wiberg
102) Pegasus-Tesla_Physics_
17) Bjorn Ortenheim
103) Permanant Magnet
18) Bourke Engine
104) Phoenix Radioclast, Radi-
19) Building a Mini Tesla Coil
onics, Psionics Machine
20) Building Tesla’s Famous
105) Pi, Phi, and Loops
Coil – EE
21) California – A Date With 106) Polarized Multilayer The-
Disaster ory of Cell Water – King
How to Restrain Progress
107) Possibility of Experimen-
22) Can Science Create Life? tal Study of the Properties of
Time  – NA Kozyrev
108) Principles of Radio Com-
23) Cernitin
munication-John H. Morecroft
24) Circuit Drawings – Ronald
109) Priore Machine
Brandt to John Bedini
25) Circuit for Reducing Volt-
110) Pyramide Energy Stand 1
age Stress Across a Transformer
26) Cole Generator Part 1 111) Pyramide Energy Stand 2
27) Cole Generator Part 2 112) Radiesthetic Readings etc
113) Radio Waves &
28) Cole Motor
Life Part 1
29) Composition and facts 114) Radio Waves &
about foods Life Part 2
30) DC Motor Having Im-
proved Commutation Means 115) Ray Guns from 1940
– Peterson
31) Defense in a N-dimensional
World – Technological Suprise
116) Solitons
Must Be Prevented by Stefan
32) Design, Construction &
Operating Principles of Elec- 117) Some Experiments in Tes-
tromagnetics for Attracting la’s Lab with Currents of High
Copper, Aluminum & Other Potential and High Frequency
Non-Ferrous Metals
33) Ecklin Generator – Ole 118) Soviets Break Ice for
Nilsen Missles
34) Eike Mueller Visits John
119) Space Venture
35) Electric Power from
120) Stationary Armature
the Earth – L.  George
Generator 1
36) Electrical Experimenter 121) Stationary Armature
June 1913 Generator 2
How to Restrain Progress
37) Electricity &
122) Superconductivity
38) Electrifying Plastics 123) Tachyon Energy
39) EMA 124) Tesla Articles etc.
40) EMP 125) Tesla Coil
41) Energy Level Interpreta-
126) Tesla from Science-1958
tion of Cancer
127) Tesla - Inventor Ahead of
42) Energy Unlimited #14
his Time
128) Tesla - Proceedings of the
43) Energy Weapons
44) Flower Pollen – Nature’s 129) Tesla Technology General
Perfect Food Report 1
45) Flux Linkages and Elec-
130) Tesla Technology General
tromagnetic Induction – LV
Report 2
46) Freeman W Cope Papers – 131) Tesla Technology General
Magnetic Monopoles Report 3
132) TG Hieronumus – Diag-
47) Fundamental Problem with
nostic-Broadcast Treatment
EM theory – Bearden
48) Gelinas Patents Curl-
133) The Anti-Gravity Hand-
Free Magnetic Vector Poten-
book – Cox
49) Hamell Disc 134) The Electrinium Battery
135) The Electromatic Motor
50) 50 Hans Coler Inventions
51) High Power EM Experi- 136) The Energy Crisis – The
ments in USSR Problem & a Possible Solution
52) H-MIT Vector Potential
137) The Engine That Runs
Research Presentation to DAR-
Itself – Gray
53) H-MIT Vector Potential 138) The Engine That Runs
Research Itself
How to Restrain Progress
54) Homopolar High-Frequen-
139) The Hans Coler Inven-
cy Non-Reluctant Generator –
tions Part 2
WJF Muller
140) The Hubbard Energy
55) Hooper Material 2 Transformer – Gaston Bur-
141) The Immortal Life-Giving
56) Hooper Material 1
142) The New Age Battery
57) How Man Transform the
Which Recaptures the Solar
Laws of the Universe
Force – Beti King
58) How Plants Grow in the
143) The New Science
Golden Mean Ratio
59) How to use the Higher Mind
144) The Omnar Flat Driver
& Develop Better Understanding
60) How You Can Build an ESP 145) The Orgone Energy
Machine Accumulator
61)  Hypercube Speaker
146) The Oscillatory Chamber
147) The Russian Lakhovsky
62) Inventor Takes on Einstein
Rejuvenation Machine
148) The Secret of the Faraday
63) Ion Tester
64) Kaitoku Seamount & the
149) The Smith Coil
Mystery Cloud of 9 April 1984
65) Kessler Test on Bedi-
150) The Space Drive Hand-
ni Hypercube & JBL L-40
book – Cox
Loud-Speaker Enclosures
151) The Space-Flux-Coupled
66) Kromrey Generator
Alternator – Floyd Sweet
67) Lakhovsky-Multiple Wave
152) The Transistorized Coil
153) The Transmission of
68) Le PSI et les Appareils En-
Electric Energy Without Wires
ergetiques de Daniel
– Tesla
How to Restrain Progress
69) Magnet Powered Motor –
Howard Johnsom & Reversible 154) The Ultimate Compound
Energy Fluctuation Converter – Lithium by Haroldine
– Joseph C Yater
70) Magnetic Mood Pacer,
155) Theory of Pulsar Opera-
Flame Speaker, Crystals.
tion by Bearden
Valley of Kings etc.
156) Transistorized
Semi-Automatic Radionic
71) Magnetic Pacer
Device for Diagnosis &
72) Man in a Gas of Tachyon
157) Unorthodox Energy Data
Magnetoelectric Dipoles –
Base Assembled by Tom Valone
Freeman W. Cope
158) USSR – New Energy
73) Markovich Project
Beam Possible
74) Markovich Tesla Electrical
159) Valley of the Kings
Power Source 2
75) Markovich Tesla Electrical 160) Various Articles on EM
Power Source 1 etc 1
161) Various Articles on EM
76) Measuring Subtle Energy
etc 2
77) Method & Means for Ob-
162) Various Articles on EM
taining Photographic Images of
etc 3
Living and Other Objects
163) Various Articles on EM
78) Misc Pages & Articles 1
etc 4
164) Various Devices &
79) Misc Pages & Articles 2
80) Misc Pages & Articles 3 165) Volta & His Electric Pile
81) Misc. Free Energy, Wave
Theory of the Aether by T.J.J. 166) W Device etc – Bearden
82) Misc. graphs 167) Walter Russell
How to Restrain Progress
83) Misc 168) Water – Fuel of the Future
84) Moray Machine 169) Weather Control 1
85) Moray Radiant Energy
170) Weather Control 2

USSR database of patents

There were a number of successful experiments and inventions
without fuel or self-fed power plants registered in the USSR.
However, they never became more than prototype models.

Generators or motors, not related to other columns,

and the alleged perpetual motion machines using
electric or magnetic means (H02N11)*

Current generator // 2578201

A method of electric energy generation // 2572847
Spiral explosive magnetic generator and current pulse cumulating
method // 2568675
Low-grade energy converter of temperature difference with
sulfur hexafluoride // 2564994
Autonomous power supply source with manual drive // 2563579
Wave piezoengine // 2560115
Ferromagnetic ductile rotator // 2556074
Explosive system for powerful energy pulse generation // 2548021
Device for study of high-speed liner implosion efficiency //
Device and method for generation of electric energy // 2546678
Stabilized alternator // 2542711
A method and device for electricity generation, its manufacture
method // 2538758
Generation of electrical energy // 2528013
How to Restrain Progress

Radiation-magnetic motor // 2516278

Explosive magnetic generator // 2516260
Magnetic generator // 2507667
Electric generator // 2505916
A device for generation of mechanical energy // 2502183
The piezoelectric constant current generator based on the Casimir
effect // 2499350
A method for generation and storing of electrical energy from
human body // 2494523
Low-grade energy converter of temperature differences // 2489793
The explosive method of transformation of magnetic flow //
A method of electricity generation // 2471284
A method of electromechanical energy conversion and an
electrostatic capacitive engine on its basis // 2471283
Explosive magnetocumulative generator // 2468495
The pulse generator (options) // 2467463
Adjustable generator of magnetic field based on Halbach
structures // 2466491
The method of electromechanical energy conversion // 2458451
Low-inductance high-vacuum transition // 2453979
A method of generating EMF by controlling the permeability of
a ferromagnetic with light and device for its implementation //
The power plant with an open engine room // 2438228
The device for transformation of force interaction system of
permanent magnets and ferromagnetic material into mechanical
energy on the basis of repeated application // 2426214
Environmental power station// 2421873
A method of energy generation and a device for its implementation
// 2416869
Rotor of ferromagnetic ductile engine // 2412524
How to Restrain Progress
A reciprocating engine with a constant magnetic flow module
and method of reciprocating motion // 2406215
Method and device for converting of magnetic force interaction
into mechanical energy // 2403668
A method for isolating heat from electrically conductive materials
// 2391766
A device for electrical energy generation // 2390907
Inertia microgenerator // 2390089
Spiral explosion generator // 2388135
A device for generation of heat and electric power // 2387072
Inductive-capacitive energy element // 2382486
The method of rotary moment creation // 2379551
Electro-generator with manual drive // 2376700
Electric generators with manual drive // 2376699
Current generator // 2374750
* Source:

autorotative generator
In 2011 a two-month
trial of the world’s first
autorotative generator of
electrical impulses (MG-1)
by Russian inventor Philipp
M. Kanarev showed that
such generatorsare meant
for the future. The generator
has opened the way for
domestic power units which
can be supplied with battery
power. This generator will
How to Restrain Progress
automatically recharge the battery. The battery energy will
also be enough for to power automobiles.

Nuclear fusion
Billions of dollars have been spent for researching energy
production through controlled «hot fusion» experiments,
which are a series of risky and unpredictable experiments.
Meanwhile the «garage» scientists and the marginal group
of university researchers are coming closer to putting «cold
fusion» power to service. This sourceis much more stable
and controllable but also much less supported by government
In 1989 Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons
announced a discovery after witnessing cold fusion in a
glass jar on their lab bench. Saying that they received a
cold reaction form the media was an understatement. CBS’s
«60 Minutes» revealed the fierce retaliation by researchers
of thewell-funded hot fusion community. This sent the cold

How to Restrain Progress

fusion researchunderground where their funding sources

dried up and forced them to abandon their clean energy
Russian scientists, Parkhomov and Bazhutov, have
created cold fusion working plants independently of each
other. However, unknown forces prevented the publication
of their results.
These and dozens of others, not very well-known
designs, were simply ignored by the power players in order
to preserve their monopoly over the legacy systems.
Cold fusion is not the only process that was buried. After
the two physicists who worked on the ten-year hot fusion
project in Tokomak (toroidal chamber with magnetic coils)
found a cheap and safe method of energy generation from
atomic collision, they were forced to renounce their own
discoveries under threat of dismissal. The laboratory was
afraid to lose funding ofthe work on Tokomak. In response
the leading researchers created a society of focal synthesis
How to Restrain Progress
gathering private money to finance their own research
outside the scope of state intervention.

Machinery under a ban -

the end of the American tramway
Net profit from the prosperoustram transport in the US
was $1 billion in 1921. For the largest American automotive
corporation, General Motors (GM), it meant a loss of $65
million dollars. That is why GM bought and closed hundreds
of independent tram companieswhich contributed to the
growth of its ownmarket share for its fuel consuming buses
and cars. That scandal was called thetramway conspiracy. GM
Company were fined only $5,000, and each of its top leaders
only $1 for the purchase of General Motors company buses by
transport enterprises. Although in recent years the movement

How to Restrain Progress
to save the public transport in the major US cities is growing,
it is unlikely that we will see the return of trams to their former
means of transport
Invention or Hoax, an article by L. Wasilewskiwas,
published in Techniques of Youth magazine № 2 of the year
1962, says that in 1917 a US immigrant from Portugal, Juan
Andres, invented a fuel for internal combustion engines, the
main component of which was water. It needed only a few
drops of simple and inexpensive chemicals added to it. A
special state commission tested that fuel ina car at a motor
rally from New York to Washington and back.
After that one of the largest US oil monopolies bought
the documentation and the rights to the invention from
Andres for two million dollars in cashand has since hidden
it in its vaults. Andres disappeared two days after receiving
the money.

How to Restrain Progress
The reliability of this invention of the water-based fuel was
confirmed by a number of publications (in Esquire newspaper in
an article titled Proceedings of the US Naval Institute in 1926 and
1936). The data of L. Wasilewskyi’s article can be fully trusted
because the former head of the department of scientific and
technical intelligence in the KGB, who lead this department from
the 1930s endorsed it.
No matter how ridiculous it might sound, there are
water-operated vehicles. The most famous of them was a
sand buggy of Stan Mayer that made a 100 miles per gallon
journey and could have been more widespread if the 57-year-
old Meyer did not have a suspicious brain aneurysm. Well-
informed people were making statements that Meyer had
been poisoned after he refused to sell his patent or stop the
research. To avoid further damage his partners decided to
hide the famous water-operated sand buggy.
A resident of Brazil, Ricardo Azevedo, designed
a water-operated motorcycle using a chemistry school
textbook. A current was supplied to the motorcycle water
tank. It separated the liquid into hydrogen and oxygen via
the process of electrolysis. The result was gaseous hydrogen
that was used for engine power. However, this will unlikely
be mass produced in our world.

A radical reduction
of fuel consumption
A car that burns a gallon of fuel for every 99 miles (or
about 2.4 liters per 100 km) would be the Holy Grail for the
automotive public.
This technology has been available for several years
but automakers have deliberately kept it away from the US
How to Restrain Progress
market. In the year of 2000 New York Times reported the little
known fact that Volkswagen’s diesel fueled «Lupo» made
a trip around the world with an average fuel consumption
of over 99 miles/gallon. «Lupo» was being sold Europe in
from 1998 to 2005. However, the sales were quietly reduced
under various pretexts. The US never brought it to market
claiming that the Americans supposedly had no interest in
small economical cars.
Back in the 1930s Shell Oil Company announced
a competition for the creation of a car with minimal fuel
consumption. So the «Studebaker» was created before
World War II. Its fuel consumption was 5.5 liters per
100 km. However, the world record belongs to the Japanese
who in 1986 created a car that consumes 0.055 liters of
petrol (about 44 grams) per 100 km. Today there are no
factories producing such engines.

How to Restrain Progress
The destruction
of the electric car
Perhaps the most notorious example of a great invention that
was swept under the carpet was the EV1 of General Motors. The
documentary film Who Killed the Electric Car? was shot to tell
its story. EV1 was the world’s first mass-produced electric car and
GM gave 800 cars for rental companies in the last 1990s. However,
the company closed the EV1 line in 1999 citing consumer
dissatisfaction with the limited cruising range as the main factor and
that the continued production was unprofitable for the company.
The interesting question to General Motors is why did they
then track and destroy all EV1s in the market, which ensured the
disappearance of the technology used in making them? Many
experts believe that GM buried the EV1 under pressure from the oil
companies, who would have suffered the most if high-efficiency
cars running on electric power took the market.

How to Restrain Progress
A Japanese motorcycle
with a magnetic engine
The super novelty motorcycle, the Honda Sumo, is seven
times more efficient than a petrol-operated equivalent. It is silent
with a maximum speed of 150 km/hr.
Many people would like to buy this vehicle but for some
reason its production is prohibited. Who has done this and why?
In 2013 the Japanese newswires were filled with sensational
news about the creation of the most environmentally friendly
vehicle, a unique Japanese motorcycle with a magnetic engine
that required no petrol.
It turned out that the it used a magnetic field as both
fuel and engine. The principle of the magnetic engine was
described nearly 20 years earlier by the Russian inventor,
F. I. Svintitskyi. Moreover, the patent was granted in Russia in 1997.

How to Restrain Progress
However, the invention still had no support from state or private
producers in the automobile industry.
A Japanese motorcycle with a magnetic engine was a worthy
competitor to the modern electric vehicle. For all the benefits of the
electric car’s environmental friendliness it still used electricity which
was generated by processing natural resources. But this unique invention
by the Japanese had the lightest environmental footprint. It is unknown
whether it will ever be produced. The press said that this type of engine
threatened the automakers business so much that it is impossible to
imagine it produced in the future.
Magnetic engine vehicles are a revolution in the automotive world.
The Japanese have realized that such technologies will not require or
depend on oil or gas in the future. Japan could become virtually self-
sufficient. «Toyota» started a program to implement this technology in
their cars. Tanigaki, the Minister of Finance, began to pursue a more
independent policy towards automotive innovation.
However, the world bankers started to blackmail Japan. Benjamin
Fulford, a journalist living in Japan, interviewed the Minister of Finance
Tanigaki. The Minister repeated what he had said before, that he had
received a threat from Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of
Israel, that if Japan did not obey the policy of the International Monetary
Fund and the Federal Reserve, force would be used against Japan.
Japan did not fulfill the requirements of the International bankers
and force was used against it. It resulted in the destruction of the main
«Toyota» plants and the terrible catastrophe at Fukushima’s nuclear
power plant. This is the real story behind the tragedy in Japan.

Cartel «Phoebe»
In 1924-1939 Phillips, General Electric and Osram worked
together for establishing control over the new production of electric
bulbs, as Time magazine revealed years later. The cartel allegedly
How to Restrain Progress

set prices and crushed the competitive technologies that were

more efficient and had a longer life span. By the time the alliance
ended its hegemony and control over artificial light in Europe and
North America, the standard for incandescent lamps was already
established. Compact fluorescent lamps came to the world market
only as far back as the late nineties.

Food: The hidden genocide.

How the common people of the US couldn’t
grow fruits and vegetables in the US
The US Senate passed the agricultural bill S-510 in June of 2010,
prohibiting the growing, sharing, exchanging or selling products,
grown on private garden plots belonging to ordinary citizens, and
would be considered a felony. It also dictated to American farmers
the type and amount of crops that were permissible by law as well
as the methods to be used in farming.
That bill was called «Fake food safety bill». Now an owner
of a private garden can have problems with the law for planting
How to Restrain Progress

common vegetables, as these should be left to the province of large

farms and corporations.
The United States created a special Department for the control
of gardens. The police had the right to check what American farmers
and small growers grew in their own backyards. The Government
was keen to monitor all Americans.
The problem is not only that corporations want the world’s
population to consume their products, but it’s the fact that they
don’t want to see people free and independent to choose. They want
complete control of our lives. Any attempt by the US peoole to return
to the origins of agriculture is severely repressed by the state.

The mass media brainwash people

Letting someone «program» your mind with a flow of
information daily changes your view of life dramatically.
How to Restrain Progress
On the Internet, for example, US news flow from 60 major
news sites belonging to the 10 largest publishers. This information
is more than half the total Internet news traffic. The largest online
news publishers for American audiences are MSN and Disney
Media Networks. In TV and radio there are only six global players.
In the US an average person consumes about 10 hours of
information daily between news and entertainment programs.
The six giant media corporations that dominate the media market
produce and report most of this. Analysts have estimated that they
produce about 90% of the information flow that fills our minds.
These organizations are owned and controlled by the world’s
Here are some figures that reflect the amount of news and
entertainment programs that an average American consumes daily.

LIVE shows: 4 hours 32 minutes

TV shows: 30 minutes
Radio: 2 hours 44 minutes
Smartphone: 1 hour 33 minutes
Online: 1 hour 6 minutes

How to Restrain Progress
Put all these numbers together and you get a total of more
than 10 hours per day. This does not include the time spent on
going to the cinema or playing video games.
Many people take the TV as a window into politics or a means
of entertainment, but this is putting it too simply and creates an
epidemic of disinformation as it hides the important information
on what truly impacts society and forms proper models of
behavior, norms and values.
We can see this process in action through the example of
children who still have an unformed ideological picture of life
and are more susceptible to deception. Incidentally, that is why
children and young people are the main targets of television
brainwashing and aggressive advertising.
There are many factors that determine if the viewer accepts
the behavior models from the media or rejects it. Considering the
individual’s age, their environment, the type and frequency of
information viewed, among other details. Working with a mass
audience, however, as the national channels do requires two areas
of focus: the critical thinking skills of the audience or the «critical
filter»; the second is a positive or negative emotional background
that accompanies the demonstrated model of behavior.
If a person watching TV as entertainment or as a way to rest
but does not think about the purpose of why he is watching or the
reason behind the creation of the content then his critical filter is
not operating while he watches and consumes the information. It’s
in this way that most people become addicted to watching. If they
understood the real purpose behind it they would not allow their
children to watch and they would watch much less than they do.
When a continuous stream of negative media is shown on
your screen and one positive piece of news comes within this
stream, your behavior will likely lead to inappropriate actions
and sometimes tragic consequences. Psychotics, perverts and
immoral characters are becoming heroes of TV stories in today’s
How to Restrain Progress

entertainment world. They are invited to shows and movies are

made about them.
If a hero shows a harmful pattern of behavior, like drinking
alcohol, it is stored within our psyche as a negative emotional
background. This is not always a good thing as some negative
behaviors should not be advertised to a large audience. If harmful
behavior models are connected to an otherwise positive character and
we watch this without any critical thinking then it is automatically
stored in the viewer’s memory as something positive. In the future,
after watching multiple times, it will become imprinted and effect
behavior. That is what TV is doing today.
TV can show a sober festival and society will gradually move
towards sobriety. Instead we show festivals that are supported
by alcohol companies which turn its festivals into drinking fests
leading more people towards inappropriate and even dangerous
paths. Both situations are a reflection of reality but have different
impacts on society.
The state does not care about the mental health of the
population when television and film do not promote the right
values. Mental health suffers from the TV’s virtual drugs.
Do the content producers know about this impact? Of course,
they do. These are all principles of psychology and unstructured
How to Restrain Progress
management created to exploit the situation and make what the
customer wants. This is conscious and systematic work on the
debilitation and corruption of the population reasonably called
«destructive propaganda». At the same time differences between
stations, channels or movies is esthetic rather than substantive in
nature. Television is a tool to keep you entertained in your living
room by people you would never let through your door.
TV corporations are built under the cover of the rating system
and the myth that people like watching vulgarity and stupidity.
Most TV employees who have worked in this realm of lies and
manipulation for a couple of years understand the real objectives
of their work and the impact that television has on society. But the
high salaries which far exceed the average helps put the truth aside.
To summarize, the distribution of information is a process
of control as it affects the viewers in many ways. Ratings and
the myths about «people like watching vulgarity» or «TV reflects
reality» are a false cover for what is really models of antisocial
behavior on TV. An effective response to the mental debilitation
of the public by TV should be based on the formation of critical
thinking skills in people. Today television operates in a more
subtle and refined way due to discoveries in psychology, sociology,
neuroscience and many other disciplines. For assessing television
content and the viability of watching certain programs people can
use the basic principles above about television and its effect on
the viewer.
The enslavement of people can last a long time. However,
they will eventually break free from the chains that have kept
them down for so long and to come to the truth. We all need
to learn to think for ourselves. If you are still dependent on the
flow of information «programming» you and supplying you with
information from giant corporations then you should reconsider
this and come out of that matrix. You will be overjoyed to rid
yourself of this dependence.
Resource-based Economy
Today overpopulation, energy and water shortages,
pollution, disease, economic disaster, conflicts and
ecological catastrophe are reaching dangerous levels. Our
species is under existential threat. People are experiencing
the same threats wherever they are.

Our current system does not provide equal opportunity

for everyone. It does not care about our habitat and seems
intent on its destruction. Its main driving force is profit.
This profit incentive has been ravaging our world for the
profit of international bankers.
The economy of industrially developed countries
exists «on credit» disregarding the enormous burden on
Resource-based Economy

the resource capacity of our planet. It protects the interests

of transnational corporations and not the interests of
people. One of its pillars is the mass consumption of the
consumer credit system which received the green light from
US President Ronald Reagan. In 2008 the financial and
economic crisis was a result of this system.
The monetary system has become a destructive model
for our socio-economic needs. Money is no longer a means
to an end, it has become an end in itself. It motivates us for
the wrong reasons and blinds us to the folly of what we do.
It paralyzes the will and doesn’t motivate us towards social
and cultural reform.
After World War II the US government was greatly
concerned about the development of the national economy
because the military industry no longer required the same
amount of labor and the soldiers needed employment as they
came back from the front.
Resource-based Economy

In 1953 Arthur Burns, the head of the council on economy for

President Eisenhower, said: «The ultimate goal of the US economy
is to produce more consumer goods». In 1955 the economist and
analyst Victor Lebo proposed a model for increasing consumption
in the journal for retailing, he stated: «Our productive economy
demands that we make consumption a way of life, that we convert
the buying and use of goods into rituals, that we seek spiritual
satisfaction for our ego in consumption. We need to consume things,
burn them, replace and abandon them at an ever-increasing rate».
The concept gained popularity for two reasons: «planned
obsolescence» and «forced obsolescence». In magazines on
industrial design of the 1950s the planned obsolescence
scheme was discussed in detail and openly discussed.
Planned obsolescence has a technical and technological
nature and forced obsolescence was dominated by fashion
and popular culture.
We are now faced with the results of our contradiction-
increasing needs on the planet and our inability to provide
for those needs without destroying it. In the 1970s of the
last century our consumption began to exceed the planet’s
ability to regenerate its resources. Environmentalists believe
Resource-based Economy
that it now requires the Earth 1.5 years of reproduction to
cover what humankind uses in one year. This along with
population growth and the diminishing food and water
supply puts our life and our planet directly in front of a
global disaster and socio-economic disaster.
This socio-economic situation is as if you were in an
airplane mid-way across the Atlantic Ocean and you ran
out of fuel. As it stands today, only the financial elite have
parachutes. We are proposing a parachute and that is to
Change the World Together.
CWT is a socio-economic model where the rights of
any person are not just words on paper but an exercise in

We present a vision of the future from a perspective that

utilizes all relevant knowledge and uses technology in a way
that creates a sustainable global civilization. We believe
that a new «development pathway» for humanity should
be implemented. We call for a goal-oriented approach to
reconstruct the social fabric of societies in which the timeless
problems of wars, poverty, famine, debt, environmental
damage and suffering, apart from being soluble, should be
considered totally inadmissible.
Resource-based Economy

 «Resource-based economies» is a whole factor socio-

economic system in which all goods and services are available
without the use of money, credits, barter or any other system of
debt or servitude. All resources become the common heritage of all
of the inhabitants, not just a select few.
Redirecting technological development and managerial
philosophy will greatly improve efficiency in our economy. The term
«resource-based economy» is widespread due to its popularization
by Jacques Fresco in the framework of the Venus Project.
Jacque Fresco wrote in his books: «With our technology we
could eliminate most of our social problems. Is modern technology
incapable to produce the required amount of food, clothing, shelter
and other material benefits for everyone if we use them wisely?
What prevents us to achieve this? Technology rushes forward, but
our society is still firmly holding on to the concepts and techniques
invented many centuries ago».
What he said is obviously true. We have advanced technology
and use it as means of destruction rather than making it possible
Resource-based Economy

to provide free access for food, clothing, housing, education and

healthcare to all inhabitants on the planet. We can solve our energy
crisis and make a fundamental shift towards conservation and
alternative energy. We can also redirect its use to create favorable
conditions for a prosperous and effective new social model that uses
a different means of exchange - one that that widens its reach and
touches everyone rather than a few. We can only achieve this if
we remove the noose of the current monetary system from around
modern society’s neck.
The blind consumption of today will lead humanity to a
dead end. This became clear in the 1970s on the back end of
the energy and economic crisis. In the 1980s we began talking
openly about a new «world model» whose main objectives were
as follows:
- The rejection of any kind of «pseudo needs» starting with
weapons, harmful drugs, including alcohol and nicotine, luxury
items and the over replication of similar products. A fundamental
Resource-based Economy
rejection of the production of unsustainable products that hurt the
A new policy for the de-urbanization of congested cities. The
construction of new housing systems to balance the inequality
between have and have-nots. To distribute gardening and farming
facilities to more people so we can have a healthier contribution to
the food supply and transition to a higher quality of life.
To eliminate the use of harmful chemicals in agriculture
and nurture the natural ecosystem to better protect plants and
animals. To remove harmful chemicals from our cleaning
Optimizing our energy consumption and expenditure by
increasing the proportion of clean energy sources, namely solar,
wind, hydro and geothermal along with new sources.

Resource-based Economy

«Optimizing» the world Mass balance by increasing the

percentage of recycled materials against the total consumption and
production of sustainable products.
Greater involvement of people in solving social problems
across the globe. The reformation of social consciousness
in seven key areas: world affairs, science, art, morality, law,
psychology and religion.
Refocus efforts to develop a culture of health, natural
living and a balanced development of the human personality.
More time for parents to be directly involved in the
education of children through a leisure structure rather than
formal and substandard education. To make family and
community more desired and serve to better educate the
This thesis was developed in the book by the English
economist Ernst Schumacher Small is Beautiful: a Study of
Economics as if People Mattered (1974). The same thesis can
be found also in the books by Jay Forrester World Dynamics
(1971), Donella Meadows, The Limits to Growth (1972).
In Michael Mesarovic and Eduard Pestel’s Mankind at the
Resource-based Economy
Turning Point (1974) and in Jan Tinbergen’s Revision of the
International Order (1976).
The authors urge to combine «the inheritance received
by man» (technique) with «irreplaceable dowry» (natural
resources). That is the combination of economy and ecology.
They also prove that «wealth» (standard of living) is one of
the conditions of «welfare» (quality of life) but not equal
to it. While the profit incentive is still the priority the same
problems will repeat again and again.
What tasks has the CWT movement set itself to, here is a
highlight of the main directions:
The transition from a monetary-based economy to a
resource-based economy. Optimization and improvement of
the global financial system.
Elimination of all kinds of hatred and their extreme
manifestations. Removing the social inequity between people.
Improving the level of education and awareness about
the current world crisis. Encouraging creative thinking and
igniting the creative principle in humankind.

Resource-based Economy
A sharing economy that promotes the interchange and
promotion of new technologies for the benefit of all peoples.
The development and use of clean and renewable energy
Promotion of economic projects that contribute to the
restoration of the environment and the rational use of resources.
The economy and specifically the monetary system should
be reformed quickly but also steadily and progressively. An
example of this would be the elimination of the banking system
of fractional reserve and interest rates.
The purpose of the new social model is to activate new
incentives. To transition to a resource-based economy by
eliminating the conditions that give rise to greed, envy and the
hyper-competitive environment we live in. New incentives are
designed to encourage people toward fulfillment of the self and
the other through creativity and the motivation for collective
wellbeing. The measure of success will be the realization of
these aspirations through their results leading to longer and
healthier lives that are more rich and fulfilling.
If we do care about the future of humanity and our
environment, we must change the social and economic processes
which are responsible for the majority of our problems. Given
a fair and reasonable application of science and technology, the
people of Earth will be able to determine the course of future
development, and protect the environment.
Our problems today are global and massive in their
scale and impact. They cannot be solved single-handedly. To
implement these plans it is vital to combine efforts in promoting
the interests of ordinary people. Only consolidated efforts will
enable us to correct the mistakes of the past and to provide a
healthy and productive environment for our children and future
If we unite, we can do a lot together, we can change the world!
Resource-based Economy
The world as a cinema 
For better understanding of the distribution of resources in
the world I suggest considering the model of our society in the
form of a cinema. Imagine such a large cinema for 7 billion seats -
according to the number of the population. One seat - it’s a part of
our planet’s resources for normal existence of one person.
We already consider our world rich and self-sufficient. We
have the technology and resources to meet the needs of all people
living on the Earth, we just need to put priority not on the profit
and wealth but on just satisfaction of these needs. Doing rational
use of resources, its optimization and implementation of intelligent
technologies will make it possible to build a completely different
So we imagine that our world is a cinema, in which each person
takes his seat where he is guaranteed to get conditional benefits
package. This guaranteed social package includes: the ability to

Resource-based Economy
implement their creative talents, to live in decent conditions - in a
house or apartment, free education and medical services, healthy
food, clean water, comfortable rest. And what comes out in reality?
There is a saying that everyone is equal but some are more
equal than others. And these «more equal than others» believe that
they have a right to hold not one but several seats in the cinema. We
are imposed the values in the form of money and while chasing after
them, each trying to get as much seats as it’s possible. For instance,
if you are a member of a parliament, it means that you have right
for 10 seats, if an oligarch - you already purport for 1,000 seats. It
turns out that one person gets a thousand times more resources that
he can neither absorb nor digest, and the other, instead of chairs
huddles on the steps in the aisle. One lives in a luxurious palace,
fattens and overeats and others, whom he had kicked off his chair,
forced to vegetate in slums.
Unfortunately, imposed on us the false system of values most
of people don’t recognize with any surprise or resistance. People
are used to live like that, are resigned to inequality. However, with
the correct and rational use of resources we can achieve results
when everyone on Earth will live in conditions above the current
average. Each will take his convenient and comfortable seat. But for
this you need to make an effort not to be indifferent and apathetic.
By joining the ranks of the Change the World Together everyone
will take the first step to reforming the global system of values.

The Financial System of the 21st Century
We cannot sit back and watch as our freedom is taken away
from us or until their system falls apart. So what can we do?

We need to take alternative steps that take us closer to the

implementation of our objectives, yet comply with the law. We
should take advantage of the opportunities available to us today
within the framework of the current system.
What holds the current system in place and gives it its power?
The Petrodollars are its main source. Oil is a natural resource but
it’s the dollar that was created and the dollar is what we need to
deal with first.

The Banks and their Money

Banks try and convince us every day that their bank is the
safest and most profitable choice for our money. They fill the
The Financial System of the 21st Century

airwaves and the signboards with advertising to convince us that

they work for us. «We are there for you 24/7», «Your money is safe
with us» - all slogans and catchphrases meant to lure in their next
loyal customer.
But the truth is that these banks care less about the welfare of
their customers and more on the profit of their owners. They exist
for profit and only secondary to that is the protection of the client’s
benefits. Its task is to make you dependent on it.
Don’t be fooled by the Bank’s intentions. It is not created of
for you, it needs you for the success of its owners. It does this
by imposing commission charges and interest on credit card loans,
annual payments, delivery payments and payments on top of
payments. It is constantly innovating to find new ways to make
money from you.
The Financial System of the 21st Century

The world banking system has created a banking lobby to

influence the political system. It has become so powerful in
most advanced countries that it is not surprising to see it define
banking legislation and even influence the election of presidents.
Their hold on the financial system and money reserves wields
power and influence over the political landscape. They are
closely connected with media and often times part owners in the
largest media conglomerates. This media control allows them
to manufacture consent among the populace and control public
opinion. This power becomes useful around the time of elections.
The banks have the money and the power. For obvious
reasons they want to be the only creators of money and the only
official issuer of currency. And as Mayer Amschel Rothschild is
famous for saying: «Permit me to issue and control the money of
a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!».
Money is a product for exchange between people under a
mutual trust. Its purchasing power is recognizable through a
public contract that people agree on and follow. Money has been
The Financial System of the 21st Century

through a long evolution and what was money a few hundred

years ago is now an interest for collectors. You cannot go into a
shop in Germany today and expect to buy products with the same
marks used in Hitler’s days. Money is not a heavenly creation or
a natural by-product of our DNA. Money is a convention.
The Banks have decreed that money is to be created from
the top of the ladder and handed down to the State (officials it
appoints) to use. This system wreaks havoc on the social system
and anyone who tries to develop other financial systems are either
locked up or shot. Money creation is only the bank’s prerogative,
end of story.
Inflation as we are told by economists is vital to a healthy
economy. But the opposite is true. Inflation is a vicious and
artificial phenomenon, only favorable to the issuer of money. The
value of money issued by banks loses value and you need more
and more. Even if your salary is increasing, the rate of inflation
is usually two steps ahead. Inflation combined with usurious
interest rates forces you to pay more than you can afford as the
bank owners sit back collecting with a smile on their face. For
The Financial System of the 21st Century

them its a release of more money in the system, for you it’s hard
earned through labor. Is this what is meant by «equality»?
Money in itself is not the goods and services you obtain.
«Bubbles» are created through excessive demand for different
commodities or services, from futures, options, services, housing,
oil, gold and anything that connects the money supply to demand.
So much money is released into the system that we can buy several
of our planets over and over. Illusion after illusion are palmed off
in a created demand for the benefit of a few.
As history has shown us, bankers have issued notes for our
use as money for exchange. We transact for all our needs using
these notes. Companies trade with each other using these notes.
As long as we accept this value system it will continue to hold us
in its grip and force us to use it.
The Financial System of the 21st Century

We must stop using the current system as the only means of

payment. If we do not use their money in our everyday transactions,
we will stop supporting this power and soon enough it will start to
lose its value. Money in its current form will be reduced to the
paper and ink that is printed on it.

Blockchain challenges
Fiat currencies
If you think about it, there isn’t any real reason why
anyone cannot come up with their own form of money and
enter it into use with agreement of others. Many companies
and websites use a system of points and bonuses that users
can exchange for goods and services. Of course, these
currencies only work in the system in which it was created
and not on the outside. If one starts to use them as a currency
The Financial System of the 21st Century
in the general market who could be arrested and put into jail
for a long time.

An example of this happened with the founder of the electronic

payment service provider «Liberty Reserve». He created the
currency and did not pay intermediaries for the permission to
emit this money as he found hundreds of thousand of willing
participants. In May of 2013 his «emission center» was destroyed
by the US authorities, even though the currency posed no threat to
US interests. This example keeps many from creating their own
It is important to remember that God did not delegate the
creation of money to bankers. It is your right to create money if

The Financial System of the 21st Century
it finds popular use and is demanded for some purpose. But it has
become a very dangerous venture in today’s world.
That is why the idea of ​​«private» money came alive again in the
Internet age. The Internet is a network in the truest sense of the word.
The Internet connects hundreds of millions of computers and people
at the same time. The speed of data transfer between the continents via
fiber optic cables is instantaneous. The Internet is the perfect platform
for the creation of money and that is precisely what happened!
Only now have things changed in this regard. There are no
more central emission centers that with enforcers. There are no
owners, directors and vulnerable data centers. E-money on the peer
to peer network is decentralized and immune to the attacks of the
traditional hierarchy. It is based on true supply and demand, not
according to a few at the top of the financial chain that set the rules
of engagement.
Herman Gref, CEO, Chairman of the Executive Board of
Sberbank of Russia, has noted that virtual global currencies, such
as Bitcoin, do not require regulation. He says: «It is impossible
to stop the world anymore, it has moved in this direction». The
bankers don’t like this direction. They do not want to see a network

The Financial System of the 21st Century
like Bitcoin succeed and for there not to be a central regulation
emission center for virtual currency. Bitcoin cannot be destroyed
technically, so bankers try and deface it through the media and
undermine its credibility.
We have two choices at this point: to remain the indifferent
observers or become active participants in the Blockchain
revolution. The right decision is the one we make together at the
right moment. And that moment has come.

and the future financial system
of our societies
Today we already have a safe and fair alternative to the
current monetary system. It is cryptocurrency. It’s impossible to
counterfeit and it is immune to inflation as only a limited amount
of coins are issued. It provides complete anonymity as there is no

The Financial System of the 21st Century
data for the purse or wallet holder. The role of e-currency in the
near future cannot be overemphasized.
Cryptocurrency is a new financial phenomenon. Many
experts and economists avow that virtual currency will
become the basis of a new financial system and the main
means of payment in the future. According to the co-
founder of cryptocurrency, Mike Hearn, this new financial
model is a stateless system built by people for people, free
of central regulation and without any financial mediators.
There are no banks or bankers in this system, people control
the exchange of money themselves - securely. The rules are
determined by the participants and enforced by them. Even
the software designers themselves cannot interfere with the
system against the will of the users.
Blockchain technology is gaining popularity and is
being used by many Internet pioneers as well as companies

The Financial System of the 21st Century
to buy and sell goods and services online. The number of
cryptocurrency users is increasing at an unprecedented rate.
You can use cryptocurrency today to pay for a beer in a
Berlin bar, order a pizza online in Amsterdam or pay for a
hotel in Moscow. You can pay for a taxi or a book an airline
ticket or even for a dentist visit in most of the developed
cities around the world. You can even pay for a trip to space
with Virgin Galactic! Anyone with a smartphone can accept
payment in cryptocurrency without a financial intermediary.
However, blockchain still remains controversial. One
camp believes that it is the future of money and the other is
weary as they see it as a new avenue for money laundering
and the financing of terrorist groups. Nations with a strong
currency have approved its use while developing nations
are still unsure of its benefits and have forbid its use. But as
its use picks up, this will inevitably change.

The Financial System of the 21st Century
National Banks have picked up on this trend. The Bank
of England addressed scholars at London University and
called on the development of a new currency that will rival
BitCoin. The resulting currency, RSCoin, turned out to be a
centralized cryptocurrency rather than a decentralized system. This
defeats the purpose and also acts as a trojan horse for its unlimited
creation of RSCoins as opposed to BitCoin which has a limited
amount agreed upon from its inception.
Today there are over two hundred virtual currencies such
as E-DinarCoin, EDRCoin, Ripple, Litecoin, Lisk, Dash among
others. Bitcoin still remains the most popular.
In 2009 a group of anonymous developers created a unique
algorithm which gave us Bitcoin and issued it into the network. At
first Bitcoin was not very known and used by the tech community
and there was still no clarity as to its wider use. Its value was very
low at this point.

The Financial System of the 21st Century
Bitcoin’s big break came when it started to be exchanged for
real money. It was an ideal means for anonymous transactions and
found popularity for underground and black market trading. This
gave rise to the interest in cryptocurrency and the value of
Bitcoin rose sharply. Now Bitcoins are world famous.
Today Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency with a
market capitalization of $11 billion. They can be exchanged
at ATMs for national currencies in a number of countries.
Outlets and websites accept Bitcoins as payment for goods
and services as it also in the financial sector.
Bitcoin’s advantages for the ordinary person is clear.
The amount of the currency issued in the system is decided
from the outset before it was issued. It is not a printable
currency and cannot be created «out of thin air». The
process of creation is transparent and in full view of all the

The Financial System of the 21st Century
Safety is the other major feature of blockchain
technology. It does not allow for double spending or
forgery as it is decentralized and has a distributed ledger
which means that all chain fragments, or blocks, are equally
distributed among all cryptocurrency users on the network.
Any hacker who can alter the data will need to alter the
same in millions of other computers at the same time, which
is impossible.
Blockchain’s security function can also be utilized to
organize elections and secure votes in the same way that it
does financial payments. It would create a strong organizing
force by the masses to influence political decisions and
prevent election fraud. Information from the voting is stored
on every computer that has taken part in the crypto-election.
Computers throughout the network would communicate with
each other through the P2P network as a single organism.
Crypto-elections would be impossible to penetrate or rig
unless you take down the entire internet.
In the CWT movement we will use a blockchain based
voting system to make key decisions in a fair and transparent

The Financial System of the 21st Century
way. This is not science fiction, blockchain is capable of
this breakthrough!
People’s choice is the best choice. Blockchain technology
cannot betray people’s trust.
Removing all intermediaries from this system is the real
game changer. Today all transactions with money, contracts
and documents of import go through intermediaries to
protect against fraud. Banks and government entities are
constantly verifying all the transactions. This takes time
and involves the payment of commissions to third parties.
The blockchain technology eliminates these payments and
reduces the time to transact closer to real time. Distance is
also irrelevant.
P2P lending emerged in the US ten years ago. As of
today, the market value of these transactions has reached
$5 billion. Commercial banks grant loans to people taking
deposits from some to lend to others. Today we can connect
a lender and a borrower directly through the network.
Herman Gref, Head of one of Russia’s biggest bank said:
«This is a revolution in the world of credit and if traditional

The Financial System of the 21st Century
banks fail to prepare for this revolution, then the revolution
will take over these traditional banks».
We can take this further. Imagine the possibilities if P2P
lending unites ordinary lenders into credit unions in order
to finance different economic projects of our choosing. This
opens the door for profit sharing more equitably and can
be complemented with fundraising. Blockchain technology
can make this a reality.
Another advantage of blockchain technology is
anonymity. Blockchain does not need names and personal
information to proceed with transactions. It only requires a
unique combination of 32 characters comprised of numbers
and letters in a random order which is generated by the

Blockchain, humanity
and the bankers:
three is a crowd!
There is no question that the future belongs to cryptocurrency
and blockchain technology. It is easier, safer, borderless and does

The Financial System of the 21st Century
not belong to the global bankers. It does not belong to them -
We already have the R3 consortium which is composed of
42 banks from around the world. They include Barclays, Bank
of America, Credit Suisse, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Morgan
Stanley, Santander among other players. They are actively
working on introducing blockchain technology in the banking
Blockchain has threatened their control of the money
supply. A new report from PricewaterhouseCoopers
predicts that global banks will take as much as 33% of
the business from the legacy banking system in the near
future. They write: «In our view, blockchain may result
in a radically different competitive future in the financial
services industry, where current profit pools are disrupted
and redistributed towards the owners of new highly efficient
blockchain platforms».
But this can be prevented. The parable of the three sons and
the bundle of sticks illustrates how:
Once upon a time an old man lived with his three sons in a
village. The thre sons were hard workers. Still, they quarreled all
the time. The old man tried a lot to unite them but he failed. Though
the villagers appreciated their hard work and efforts, they made fun
of them on their fights.
Months passed by and the old man fell sick. He told his sons
to stay united, but they didn’t listen to him. So, he decided to teach
them a practical lesson so that they would forget their differences
and stay united.
The old man called his sons. He told them: «I will give you
a bundle of sticks. Separate each stick and you will have to break
each stick into two. The one who breaks the sticks quickly will be
rewarded more».
The sons agreed.
The Financial System of the 21st Century

The old man gave a bundle of 10 sticks to each of them

and asked them to break each stick into pieces. They broke
the sticks into pieces in minutes.
And again they started to quarrel among themselves as
to who came first.
The old man said: «Dear sons, the game is not over.
Now I will give another bundle of sticks to each of you. You
will have to break the sticks as a bundle, not as separate
The sons agreed and tried to break the bundle of sticks.
Though they tried their best, they could not break the bundle.
They failed to complete the task.
The three sons reported their failure to their father.
The Financial System of the 21st Century

The old man replied: «Dear sons, see! You could easily
break the single sticks into pieces, but you were not able to
break the bundle! So, if you stay united, nobody can do any
harm to you. If you quarrel every time with your brothers,
anyone can easily defeat you. I request you to stay united».
The three sons understood the power of unity and
promised their father that whatever be the situation, they
would all stay together.
The moral of this parable is that small groups can defeat
huge masses if they are united.
The Financial System of the 21st Century
There are over 40 million Bitcoin users today. Together
with the users of other cryptocurrencies this number will
easily exceed 100 million. In the near future this will
exponentially increase as more people begin to join the
movement against the current financial system and begin to
transform the economy into a resource-based economy.
We need to unite. That’s what the financial elite and
the bankers fear the most. We need to stop competing and
arguing over personal gain and discuss what is truly better
for all of us. Let them argue and let us unite as the parable
teaches. They have already united 42 banks against this
movement so there is little time to waste, lest the blockchain
technology becomes another technology that serves the few
over the interests of the majority.
After understanding the injustice of the current
financial, economic and global management systems we
invite everybody, who wishes to change the world, to unite
in a single international movement. Today each of us has an
opportunity to take part in making history and building the
future of our children and grandchildren.
The objective of the first stage is to create the biggest
international movement which will involve over 200 million
people. This is the CWT movement!
Together we can do a lot! Together we can change the


We are living in a very precarious time, a time of glob-

al changes and new opportunities for every citizen on our only 
planet. Global changes can be interesting and positive but 
dangerous and unpredictable at the same time. There is no com-
mon understanding between people and there is no common goals
and direction toward a better world. 
Today the people’s thinking is locked onto their personal con-
sumption and their plans to increase this consumption. The re-
sults never lead to an improvement of the quality of life for the per-
son or the society in general.
We live within a ruthless and bloody war, a war which
is conducted between global corporations and supra-
national governing structures - and the victims is the
entire human population. This in no longer a conspiracy theory,
if you have observed and analyzed the nature of military
conflicts for the last century alone, you would have realized that
the basis of all these wars, cold and hot, cyber or drone is related
to money.
 The so-called currency wars and their impact on the value of
the domestic currency do not reflect the potential of the real ma-
terial base and the true resources that belong to state and cit-
izens. The irony here is that there will not be any real win-
ners rising out from these currency wars. The collapse of this
system will lead to a profound devaluation of all the resources
and tools that could be otherwise used for our prosperity. More-
over, as a result of these wars the question about the future of
our existence with this system has become an urgent world con-
On this basis the greatest potential lies not in more invest-
ments in hydrocarbon production, gold mining, expensive high
technology and defense systems - but in the common interest
and life nurturing resources and tools for people. Investment
in the development of our common interest in all the creative
fields and in a new, more sustainable education for our children. 
Over the years many politicians, human rights defenders
and social activists are trying to find the answer to one question:
«How do we achieve peace on Earth?». The answer has so obvi-
ously been in completely changing our financial system.
 What is the modern monetary system? First of all, its des-
tiny was predetermined at the time of its creation. Like every-
thing in this world it went through the phase of birth, growth
and prosperity, and now we are inevitably witnessing its death.
This natural process is irreversible, we can’t stop it but only
prolong the agony of its death throes trying to make it live on,
even if it’s to our detriment. 
Do not waste your energy on trying to “horde and wait”
in some illusionary safe haven, it’s not going to work. This storm
will reach everyone; there is no insurance that will cover the
damage this storm will bring. 
 There is a way out of this situation: to create a new fi-
nancial model. A model which will be transparent and under-
standable and fair to each and every person. To create a unit of
value to account for what we do attached to the real value of ma-
terial products and reflect the true value of the goods and ser-
vices we transact. 
A  new currency should be introduced that is fully decen-
tralized and not bound to national control and interest. Peo-
ple who use this new currency should be responsible for its
emission. Everyone should be able to release as much money
as they can provide by their goods, services or other efforts to
develop the new settlement system. 
This is the only way we can take the control back from global
corporations and governmental agencies. By the time the glob-
al financial system offers the world a new, independent and ef-
fective operating tool this system will have already gained its
freedom from the Government and big business who would oth-
erwise keep it subservient to global governance in the form
of uncontrolled central banks. 
With this change they will fail to influence peo-
ple through a controlled media circus. Corporations will
lose their profit incentives and opportunities in what will be
the end of an unjust financial system that creates money based
on unsecured debt. 
Moving away from these currency wars and adopting equal
control and transparency over the financial system, we will
gradually reduce the risks of military conflict on the planet.
This won’t happen tomorrow, but if we don’t do anything,
then the world will continue passing through this dark tunnel
into inevitable catastrophe. There is too much at stake in this
pivotal time in human history. I urge you not to wait until some-
one comes and starts to change the world for you. It’s time for
us to unite and create a new financial system that will save and
improve our lives!


Foreword ................................................................................ 3
The World Today ................................................................... 6
Dollar and Politics ................................................................ 36
How to Restrain Progress....................................................... 51
Resource-based Economy....................................................... 79
The Financial System of the 21st Century ............................. 91
Epilogue ................................................................................. 111
Aleksey Muratov

This book presents a vision of a new ideology
Change the World Together (Let’s change the world together), which brings together people from different countries,
different cultures, religions and faiths for one purpose -
to be free from the domination of global financial corporations.

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