Chapter 14

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Advertising & IMC: Principles and Practice, 10e (Moriarty)

Chapter 14 Media Planning and Negotiation

1) Which of the following refers to information such as demographic profiles of current

customers, response to previous promotions, product sales and distribution patterns, and the
budget of how much can be spent on media?
A) client information
B) market research
C) competitive advertising
D) consumer behavior reports
E) media information
Answer: A
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process

2) A valuable tool for media planners, ________ is (are) provided by companies such as MRI
and is (are) usually organized by product category and cross-tabulated by audience groups and
their consumption patterns.
A) client information
B) market research
C) competitive advertising
D) media usage profiles
E) media coverage area
Answer: B
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process

3) Which of the following is a standard research display format that allows multiple variables of
related data to be grouped together?
A) CrossTab
B) CrossRelate
C) Multivariate
D) Univariate
E) CrossIndex
Answer: A
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
4) Which concept refers to marketers tracking how much competing brands spend on media
compared to how much they are spending on their particular brand?
A) share of market
B) share of voice
C) share of media
D) share of spending
E) share of category
Answer: B
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process

5) One type of media-related information about markets is the broadcast coverage area for
television, which is called a(n) ________ and is referred to by the name of the largest city in the
A) metropolitan statistical area (MSA)
B) area of influence (AOI)
C) designated marketing area (DMA)
D) metropolitan marketing area (MMA)
E) designated commerce area (DCA)
Answer: C
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process

6) A designated marketing area (DMA) assignment is based on ________.

A) the population of the surrounding area
B) the number of television stations in the area
C) the number of broadcast media outlets available
D) how many households have cable or satellite television
E) which city provides the majority of the households' TV programming
Answer: E
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process

7) Rates for ________ advertisements are based on the guaranteed circulation that a publisher
promises to provide.
A) radio
B) magazine
C) television
D) outdoor
E) online
Answer: B
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
8) While print media audiences are measured in ________, television audiences are measured in
A) readership; exposure
B) readership; circulation
C) circulation; exposure
D) circulation; coverage
E) exposure; coverage
Answer: C
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process

9) In radio, the percent of homes actually tuned in to a particular station is measured through
A) coverage
B) exposures
C) gross impressions
D) ratings
E) share of audience
Answer: D
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process

10) Which of the following provides estimates of radio audiences?

A) Arbitron Ratings Company
B) Simmons-Scarborough Syndicated Research
C) Audit Bureau of Circulations
D) A.C. Nielsen
E) MediaMark
Answer: A
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process

11) In television, the percent of viewers watching a particular show based on the number of
television sets that are on during that particular time slot is measured through ________.
A) coverage
B) exposures
C) gross impressions
D) ratings
E) share of audience
Answer: E
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
12) Which of the following companies uses devices called people meters to gather information
about television audiences?
A) Arbitron Ratings Company
B) Simmons-Scarborough Syndicated Research
C) Audit Bureau of Circulations
D) A.C. Nielsen
E) MediaMark
Answer: D
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process
AACSB: Information technology

13) Traditionally, outdoor boards have been purchased and measured in terms of ________,
which are estimates of the percentages of the population who had the opportunity to see the sign.
A) coverage
B) exposure
C) showings
D) ratings
E) gross impressions
Answer: C
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process

14) Which of the following is a written document that summarizes the objectives and strategies
that guide how media dollars will be spent?
A) corporate plan
B) market plan
C) advertising plan
D) media plan
E) message plan
Answer: D
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Written and oral communication

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
15) Which of the following include exposure to traditional mass media, word-of-mouth, place-
based media, in-store brand exposures, and interactive media?
A) contact points
B) gross rating points
C) aperture points
D) impression points
E) rating points
Answer: A
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

16) ________ media are chosen based on metrics such as GRPs and CPMs, while new media
depend more on factors like brand experience, involvement, and personal impact.
A) Independent
B) Social
C) Measured
D) Analog
E) Digital
Answer: C
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

17) What is the first of the four basic steps in media planning?
A) developing a media strategy
B) establishing metrics
C) analyzing metrics
D) identifying the target audience
E) purchasing media
Answer: D
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

18) The zero moment of truth refers to the first time a consumer ________.
A) purchases a brand from an online vendor
B) sees a brand on a store shelf
C) searches online for information on a brand
D) recommends a brand to a friend
E) decides to repurchase a brand
Answer: C
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Information technology

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
19) ________ describe what a company wants to accomplish regarding the delivery of its brand
messages and their impact on the target audience.
A) Reach objectives
B) Media objectives
C) Frequency objectives
D) Mission statements
E) Vision statements
Answer: B
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Written and oral communication

20) Which concept describes the percent of people exposed to a brand message one or more
times within a specified period of time?
A) reach
B) frequency
C) continuity
D) impression
E) target
Answer: A
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

21) Which of the following is most likely the best place to start when setting objectives for a
media plan?
A) frequency
B) continuity
C) lead time
D) distribution
E) reach
Answer: E
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
22) The ________ of a specific media vehicle is the percentage of that vehicle's audience that
matches the brand's target market.
A) frequency distribution
B) targeted reach
C) effective frequency
D) targeted frequency
E) reach distribution
Answer: B
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

23) The number of people in the vehicle's audience who are neither customers nor prospects is
called ________.
A) reach distribution
B) carryover
C) wasted reach
D) average frequency
E) aperture
Answer: C
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

24) Vertical advertising relies mainly on ________ to get its messages to potential customers.
A) brand advocates
B) opinion leaders
C) television, print, and radio
D) social media
E) mobile marketing
Answer: C
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Written and oral communication

25) Which concept refers to the repetition of message exposure?

A) reach
B) frequency
C) continuity
D) impression
E) carryover
Answer: B
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
26) Which two methods do media planners use to estimate the frequency of a schedule?
A) pulsing and flighting
B) weighted frequency and weighted reach
C) average frequency and gross frequency
D) average frequency and frequency distribution
E) gross frequency and frequency distribution
Answer: D
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

27) Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding frequency?

A) Average frequency is a more precise metric than frequency distribution.
B) Average frequency can give the planner a distorted idea of the plan's performance.
C) The frequency distribution method is more revealing than the average frequency method of
reporting repetition.
D) The frequency distribution shows the percentage of audience reached at each level of
E) The range of frequency is often large; some in the target audience can see a brand message
once while others may see it 10 times within the same given period.
Answer: A
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

28) What is a general rule of thumb regarding the number of exposures needed for a message to
sink in?
A) one to two
B) two to three
C) three to ten
D) six to twelve
E) ten to fifteen
Answer: C
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
29) Which principle refers to adding frequency to reach until reaching a level where people
A) aperture reach
B) carryover
C) average frequency
D) frequency distribution
E) effective frequency
Answer: E
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

30) A media strategy that involves high ________ most likely involve creating broad exposure
using many media vehicles, while a strategy involving high ________ is most likely narrower in
focus with a more limited list of media vehicles.
A) continuity, aperture
B) aperture, continuity
C) frequency, reach
D) reach, frequency
E) distribution, reach
Answer: D
Difficulty: Difficult
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

31) Most brands use a variety of targeted media vehicles known as a ________.
A) media mix
B) media strategy
C) heavy-up schedule
D) continuous strategy
E) flighting strategy
Answer: A
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

32) What type of schedule is used when proportionately more of the marketing budget is spent in
special regions or DMAs?
A) continuous schedule
B) flighting schedule
C) heavy-up schedule
D) pulsing schedule
E) frequency schedule
Answer: C
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
33) Which of the following is an index of the relative consumption rate of a particular product
category in a particular market?
A) product development index (PDI)
B) category development index (CDI)
C) brand development index (BDI)
D) buying power index (BPI)
E) market share index (MSI)
Answer: B
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

34) Which of the following is an index which estimates the strength of a brand in various
geographical areas?
A) product development index (PDI)
B) category development index (CDI)
C) brand development index (BDI)
D) buying power index (BPI)
E) brand share index (BSI)
Answer: C
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

35) Prospective customers for a product or service have one or more ideal times and places at
which they can be reached with an advertising message. This ideal point is called a(n) ________.
A) aperture
B) contact point
C) touch point
D) impression
E) pulse
Answer: A
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Written and oral communication

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
36) Which media scheduling decision relates to factors such as seasonality, holidays, and days of
the week?
A) duration
B) continuity
C) timing
D) carryover
E) reach
Answer: C
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

37) What concept refers to the amount of time allowed before the beginning of the sales period to
reach people when they are just beginning to think about seasonal buying?
A) continuity
B) lead time
C) duration
D) flow
E) just-in-time
Answer: B
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

38) What concept refers to the production time needed to get the advertisement in to the
A) continuity
B) lead time
C) duration
D) flow
E) just-in-time
Answer: B
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
39) Using a ________ strategy, a media planner would most likely put more emphasis on
consumer publications than professional journals.
A) pulsing
B) flighting
C) push
D) pull
E) carryover
Answer: D
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Written and oral communication

40) Other than timing, what are two important scheduling strategies?
A) duration and continuity
B) CPM and CPP
C) reach and frequency
D) impressions and ratings
E) carryover and flighting
Answer: A
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

41) If an advertising period is too long, ads may suffer from ________, which means the
audience gets tired of them and stops paying attention.
A) carryover
B) pulsing
C) weighting
D) wearout
E) aperture
Answer: D
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Written and oral communication

42) ________ refers to the way the advertising is spread over the length of a campaign.
A) Continuity
B) Lead time
C) Duration
D) Flow
E) Just-in-time
Answer: A
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
43) Which schedule spreads the advertising evenly over the campaign?
A) pulsing
B) flighting
C) continuous
D) carryover
E) lead-in
Answer: C
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

44) Which type of schedule is designed to intensify advertising before a buying aperture and then
to reduce advertising to lower levels until the aperture opens again?
A) pulsing
B) flighting
C) continuous
D) carryover
E) lead-in
Answer: A
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

45) Which of the following is characterized by alternating periods of intense advertising activity
and periods of no advertising?
A) pulsing
B) flighting
C) continuous scheduling
D) flow scheduling
E) lead-in
Answer: B
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

46) The period of time during which there is no advertising during a flighting schedule is called a
A) flight
B) pulse
C) down time
D) carryover
E) hiatus
Answer: E
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
47) If a flighting strategy works, there will be a ________, which means that consumers will
remember the product across the gap until the next advertising period begins.
A) carryover effect
B) hiatus
C) lead time effect
D) push
E) pull
Answer: A
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Written and oral communication

48) What decision criterion do media planners use to help decide how much to budget in each
DMA or region and for each target audience?
A) image transfer
B) average frequency
C) effective frequency
D) weighting
E) optimum frequency
Answer: D
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

49) In the case of designated marketing areas (DMAs), weak markets may be given more than
their share of media weight in the hopes of strengthening the brands in these markets, a practice
known as ________.
A) investment spending
B) pull spending
C) push spending
D) flighting
E) gross rating
Answer: A
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
50) ________ indicate the weight, or efficiency, of a media plan by estimating the reach and
A) Targeted costs per thousand (TCPMs)
B) Costs per point (CPPs)
C) Targeted rating points (TRPs)
D) Gross rating points (GRPs)
E) Designated marketing areas (DMAs)
Answer: D
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

51) The estimate of ________ adjusts the calculation of an audience to exclude waste coverage
so it more accurately reflects the percentage of the target audience watching a program.
A) frequency distribution
B) gross rating points (GRPs)
C) targeted rating points (TRPs)
D) share of voice
E) total audience impressions
Answer: C
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Written and oral communication

52) Which of the following metrics is designed to estimate the impact of an integrated campaign
that includes both digital and measured media?
A) frequency distribution
B) gross rating points (GRPs)
C) targeted rating points (TRPs)
D) share of voice
E) total audience impressions
Answer: E
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

53) Which calculation of efficiency is an estimate of the cost of getting 1,000 impressions?
A) cost per point
B) cost per thousand
C) cost per impression
D) brand development index
E) category development index
Answer: B
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
54) What does CPM stand for?
A) cost per million
B) cost per impression
C) cost per thousand
D) cost per point
E) cost per medium
Answer: C
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

55) To be more precise in determining the efficiency of a potential media buy, planners often
look at the ________.
A) targeted cost per thousand (TCPM)
B) gross ratings points (GRP)
C) cost per impression (CPI)
D) category development index (CDI)
E) brand development index (BDI)
Answer: A
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

56) What two figures are needed to calculate CPM?

A) cost of an ad and program or issue rating
B) cost of an ad and frequency of exposure
C) average frequency and estimated target audience reached by media vehicle
D) cost of an ad and estimated audience reached by media vehicle
E) gross rating points and reach
Answer: D
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

57) Which is a method of comparing media vehicles by estimating the cost of reaching 1 million
households based on a program's rating points?
A) cost per point (CPP)
B) cost per thousand (CPM)
C) cost per prospect (CPP)
D) brand development index (BDI)
E) category development index (CDI)
Answer: A
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
58) ________ techniques enable marketers to determine the relative impact of a media mix on
product sales by using computer models that calculate the weight of a media schedule and
optimize the schedule for the greatest impact.
A) Aperture
B) Frequency
C) Weighting
D) Reach
E) Optimization
Answer: E
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Information technology

59) Which of the following is the most important function of media buying?
A) providing information to media planners
B) matching the media vehicle to the strategic needs of the message
C) negotiating cost and making the media buy
D) handling all billing and payment for media buys
E) monitoring the media plan performance
Answer: B
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

60) Online media vehicles now offer media buyers ________ buying that relies upon algorithms
to target individual viewers based on their digital tracking data.
A) scatter market
B) up-front market
C) programmatic
D) frequency distribution
E) horizontal
Answer: C
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Information technology

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
61) The majority of network television advertising inventory is sold in the ________ market.
A) scatter
B) up-front
C) programmatic
D) sweeps
E) horizontal
Answer: B
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

62) Which of the following is a function of a media buyer?

A) design and create ads
B) personally create in-depth market research
C) find and connect agencies to handle billing and payment
D) promote certain types of media
E) negotiate cost and purchase media
Answer: E
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

63) Which of the following is NOT a function of a media buyer?

A) provide information to media planners
B) evaluate media choice after campaign
C) negotiate cost and make the media buy
D) handle all billing and payment
E) design and promote advertising campaigns
Answer: E
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

64) With the current trend toward using other forms of marketing communication in addition to
advertising, buyers often demand additional promotional support; these activities are sometimes
called ________.
A) add-ons
B) make-goods
C) value-added media services
D) preferred placements
E) incentives
Answer: C
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
65) Media buyers must bargain for ________, the locations in magazines and other print media
that offer readership advantage.
A) consolidated services
B) bleed-throughs
C) program preemptions
D) closings
E) preferred positions
Answer: E
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

66) Policies of compensating advertisers for errors, such as missed positions or errors in handling
the message presentation, are known as ________.
A) preemptions
B) make goods
C) up-fronts
D) preferred positions
E) remuneration
Answer: B
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

67) Magazines and newspapers have clearly set production deadlines called ________.
A) closings
B) make goods
C) lead times
D) preemptions
E) drop-deads
Answer: A
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

68) A bleed-through is a technical problem most likely to occur in which of the following media?
A) radio
B) television
C) online
D) print
E) outdoor
Answer: D
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
69) The growth of media buying services as separate companies that specialize in media buying
has shifted the way the media industry is organized. This is referred to as ________ media
A) consolidating
B) acquiring
C) spinning
D) unbundling
E) detaching
Answer: D
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

70) Media companies that have brought the planning and buying functions back together offer
________ services rather than unbundled media services.
A) value-added
B) consolidated
C) make-good
D) measured media
E) lead-in
Answer: B
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

71) Media planners examine client information, market research, competitive advertising
expenditures, media kits, media coverage area, and consumer behavior reports before media
decision making begins.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process

72) A media kit provides information about the size and makeup of a media vehicle's audience.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process

73) The households using television (HUT) metric provides data on how many people are
watching a specific program at a given time.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
74) During television sweeps, A.C. Nielsen collects extensive audience data from people meters
and viewer diaries.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process
AACSB: Information technology

75) The four basic steps in media planning are targeting, setting media objectives, developing
media strategies, and analyzing the metrics of a media plan.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

76) The tighter the focus on a target market, the harder it is to find appropriate media to deliver a
relevant message.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

77) Online media is now more popular than traditional media as the first spot in the consumer
search process.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Discuss how marketers can develop a safe and effective online presence
AACSB: Information technology

78) The two basic media objectives are reach and frequency.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

79) The number of people in the vehicle's audience who are neither customers nor prospects is
called wasted reach.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
80) Vertical advertising relies heavily on end users passing information along as part of the
communication plan.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Written and oral communication

81) The idea behind the concept of effective frequency is that you add frequency to reach until
you get to the level where people respond.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

82) Developing a media strategy is the fourth and final step in developing a media plan.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

83) The term SoLoMo refers to the convergence of social, local, and mobile marketing.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Written and oral communication

84) In most cases, the media plan will identify special regions or cities to be emphasized with a
heavy-up schedule, which means proportionately more of the budget is spent in those areas.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

85) National television is an effective advertising outlet to reach a wide, mass audience.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Written and oral communication

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
86) Aperture is the point where a consumer has an opportunity to connect with a brand and
respond in some way to a brand message.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

87) A pulsing strategy is the most severe type of continuity adjustment and is characterized by
alternating periods of intense advertising activity and periods of no advertising.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

88) Media flow charts are used to plot out what media will run when and for how long.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

89) Gross rating points (GRPs) indicate an approximate measure of the reach and frequency of a
media plan, as well as the plan's efficiency.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

90) The measure of gross rating points (GRPs) excludes any waste coverage or audience
members outside the target audience.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

91) Insertions are the number of ads placed in each media vehicle or program within a given
period of time.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

92) The cost per point (CPP) is calculated by multiplying the cost of the ad by 1,000 and
dividing that number by the readers in the target audience.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
93) Due to pass-along readership, circulation and readership are different numbers.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

94) A true global medium does not currently exist.

Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

95) Media buyers should be consulted early in planning, as they are a good source of information
on changes in media.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

96) Media buyers negotiate rates, preferred positions, and extra support offers on behalf of their
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

97) Once the media purchases have been made, the media buyer is no longer involved with the
advertising campaign.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

98) Program preemptions, missed closings, and/or technical problems caused by the media often
lead to the offer of make-goods to the advertiser.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

99) Multichannel deals are a result of media convergence and allow advertisers to purchase
media across all platforms with a single deal.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Easy
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
100) Unbundling media services has allowed media groups to work for clients who may be
competitors of those handled by the agency.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

101) For media planners, information provided by various media is more useful than
independently gathered research because it better reflects the true value of the medium to
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process
AACSB: Analytical thinking

102) Average frequency gives the planner the best picture of a media plan's performance.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

103) The frequency distribution method is more revealing, and thus more valuable, than the
average frequency method.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

104) Planners typically make heavier advertising allocations in weak sales areas because these
are the areas that promise the greatest growth.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign

105) The media buyer for a presidential campaign did not have enough campaign funds to
purchase television advertisements positions before the fall television season began. To buy
television advertisement time, she will have to make purchases in the scatter market.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Analytical thinking

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
106) Name and describe the information sources media planners use in developing a media plan.
Answer: The major sources of information media planners use include:
(1) Client information: The client is a good source for various types of information, such as
targeted markets, previous promotions and their performance, product sales and distribution
patterns, brand plans, and, most importantly, the budget.
(2) Market research: Independently gathered information about markets and product categories,
such as that provided by MRI, Scarborough, and Mendelsohn. This information is usually
organized by product category and cross-tabulated by audience groups and their consumption
(3) Competitive advertising expenditures: Few advertisers ignore competitors' advertising
activity. Media planners make scheduling decisions based on the amount of competitive traffic,
and the objective is to find media where the advertiser's voice is not drowned out by competitors'
voices. This concept is called share of voice, which measures the percentage of total advertising
spending by one brand in a product category relative to the competition, giving media planners
an idea of how much their advertising will stand out.
(4) Media kits: The various media and their respective media vehicles provide media kits, which
contain information about the size and makeup of their audiences. Although media-supplied
information is useful, the information is assembled to make the best possible case for advertising
in that particular medium. For that reason, outside research sources are also used.
(5) Media coverage area: One type of media-related information about markets is the broadcast
coverage area. Called a designated marketing area, the coverage area is referred to by the name
of the largest city in the area.
(6) Consumer behavior reports: The consumer research sources that are used in developing
segmentation and targeting strategies are also useful in planning media strategies, and media
planners use services such as Claritas PRIZM system, Nielsen's ClusterPlus system, and
supermarket scanner data to locate the target audience within media markets.
Difficulty: Difficult
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process
AACSB: Analytical thinking

107) Describe the reach objective. Include an explanation of targeted reach and wasted reach.
Answer: The reach objective refers to the number of different members of the target audience
that can be exposed to the message in a particular time frame. A campaign's success is due to its
ability to reach as many of the targeted audience as possible within a stated budget and time
period. Many planners feel that reach is the most important objective and that is where to start
figuring out a media plan.
Most marketers are interested in targeted reach, the percentage of a vehicle's audience that
matches the brand's target market, while minimizing wasted reach, which is the number of
people in the vehicle's audience who are neither customers nor prospects.
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Analytical thinking

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
108) Compare and contrast continuous, pulsing, and flighting strategies.
Answer: All three of these are continuity strategies, which refers to the way the advertising is
spread over the length of a campaign. More specifically:
(1) Continuous strategy: Spreads the advertising evenly over the campaign.
(2) Pulsing strategy: Designed to intensify advertising before an open aperture and then to
reduce advertising to much lower levels until the aperture opens again. Unlike the continuous
strategy, the pulse pattern has peaks and valleys, also called bursts. Pulsed schedules cover most
of the year, but still provide periodic intensity.
(3) Flighting strategy: The most severe type of continuity adjustment, flighting is characterized
by alternating periods of intense advertising activity and periods of no advertising (hiatus). This
on-and-off schedule allows for a longer campaign without making the advertising schedule too
light. The hope in using nonadvertising periods is that consumers will remember the brand and
its advertising for some time after the ads have stopped. If the flight strategy works, there will be
a carryover effect of past advertising that means consumers will remember the product across the
gap until the next advertising period begins. The critical decision involves analyzing the decay
level, the rate at which memory of the advertising is forgotten.
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Analytical thinking

109) Compare and contrast cost per thousand (CPM) and cost per point (CPP).
Answer: The process of measuring the target audience size against the cost of that audience is
based on calculations of efficiency—commonly referred to as cost per thousand (CPM), which is
an estimate of the cost to expose 1,000 audience members, and cost per point (CPP), which is a
method of comparing media vehicles by relating the cost of the message to the audience rating.

It is best to use CPM analysis to compare vehicles within one medium. It is also important to
base it only on the portion of the audience that has the target characteristics, called targeted cost
per thousand. To calculate the CPM you need only two figures: the costs of the unit (i.e., time on
TV or space in a magazine) and the estimated target audience reached by the program. CPM =
(cost of message unit/gross impressions) × 1,000.

Some planners prefer to compare media on the basis of rating points. Planners favor CPP
because of its simplicity. The calculation is parallel to CPM with one exception: the denominator
is the rating percentage (note: because CPP is not calculated on a per-thousand basis, we do not
multiply by 1,000).

Both the CPM and CPP are relative values, so planners do not know whether a value is good or
bad unless they have comparable figures for comparable vehicles. Although these efficiency
analyses can be conducted across media, planners make such comparisons carefully because
each medium has unique strengths.
Difficulty: Difficult
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Analytical thinking

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
110) List the six functions of a media buyer.
Answer: The functions of the media buyer are:
(1) Provide information to media planners.
(2) Select media vehicles.
(3) Negotiate cost/make media buy.
(4) Monitor the media plan performance.
(5) Evaluate the media choices after the campaign.
(6) Handle all billing and payment.
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Analytical thinking

111) Christie was gathering the information needed for the media plan for a client. Which of the
following most likely provided Christie with demographic profiles of current customers,
previous promotions, and the budget.
A) client information
B) market research
C) competitive advertising
D) media usage profiles
E) media coverage area
Answer: A
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process
AACSB: Analytical thinking

112) One study assessed consumers' regard for specific brands and related that score to the
brand's advertising expenditures relative to competitors' expenditures. The study found that all of
the top brands in a given product category also represented the largest percentage of total
advertising spending in a product category relative to competitors. What was measured in this
A) targeted reach
B) aperture
C) share of voice
D) share of market
E) wasted reach
Answer: C
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process
AACSB: Analytical thinking

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
113) As Janice developed a media plan for a client, she gathered ________ from Claritas PRIZM
system as part of her research.
A) media usage profiles
B) client information
C) competitive advertising expenditures
D) media coverage reports
E) consumer behavior reports
Answer: E
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process
AACSB: Analytical thinking

114) Sam is developing a media plan for a shoe company that just went national. What is his first
step in developing the media plan?
A) identifying the target audience
B) creating a media strategy
C) determining the reach and frequency of the plan
D) creating media objectives
E) determining what media to use
Answer: A
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Analytical thinking

115) If a company wants to increase the percent of people exposed to its message during its
media campaign, then the company is most likely trying to increase its ________.
A) frequency
B) target
C) reach
D) objectives
E) aperture
Answer: C
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Analytical thinking

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
116) Henry is employed at an advertising agency and was approached by a company that
recently became national. The company wanted to advertise exclusively on television. Henry
suggested that the company's media plan instead use several media vehicles, known as
A) measured media
B) earned media
C) a media mix
D) share of voice
E) unbundled media
Answer: C
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Analytical thinking

117) Jamie is a media planner for an advertising agency. The guiding principle he uses to
determine a client's media plan is that advertising is most effective when it reaches the right
people at the right time with the right message. What concept is this principle based on?
A) marketing concept
B) maximization concept
C) touch point concept
D) aperture concept
E) contact point concept
Answer: D
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Analytical thinking

118) The newspaper in Panama City, Florida, The News Herald, charges national advertisers
$45.00 per column inch. On Sunday, which is the day most national advertisers would want to
advertise, this newspaper has a circulation of 70,000 households. Calculate the approximate
CPM for one column inch.
A) $0.64
B) $1.12
C) $6.40
D) $11.30
E) $18.00
Answer: A
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Application of knowledge

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
119) The newspaper in Panama City, Florida, The News Herald, charges national advertisers
$45.00 per column inch. On Sunday, which is the day most national advertisers would want to
advertise, this newspaper has a circulation of 70,000 households. Of these households, 40,000
are in one advertiser's target audience. Calculate the TCPM for one column inch for this
A) $0.64
B) $1.12
C) $6.40
D) $11.30
E) $18.00
Answer: A
Difficulty: Difficult
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Application of knowledge

120) On Wednesday nights, one TV hit commanded the highest advertising rates for the network
TV season, charging advertisers $658,333 per 30 seconds. During one Wednesday in April, the
hit show had almost 25 million viewers. Calculate CPM for this Wednesday in April.
A) $0.04
B) $2.63
C) $26.33
D) $37.97
E) $263.30
Answer: C
Difficulty: Difficult
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Application of knowledge

121) On Wednesday nights, a hit TV show commanded the highest advertising rates for the
network TV season, charging advertisers $658,333 per 30 seconds. This ad cost was based on an
average rating of 16.3 for this program during the previous TV season. The hit show reached an
audience of almost 25 million viewers during one week in April. Calculate the CPP.
A) $26.33
B) $40.39
C) $26,330
D) $40,388
E) not enough information to determine
Answer: D
Difficulty: Difficult
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Application of knowledge

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
122) Rachel is creating an international media plan for her client. Which of the following is NOT
true concerning global media planning?
A) Global media plans have to piece together worldwide coverage with a variety of tools.
B) The Internet is the only true global medium.
C) Cable TV companies are offering an increasing number of international networks.
D) Satellites are regional, not global, in coverage.
E) Technical limitations, coverage areas, and government regulations prevent satellite
transmission from becoming universal.
Answer: B
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Analytical thinking

123) Recently a local breaking-news story ran on a television channel instead of a scheduled
advertisement. The media buyer compensated by promising the client an equally valuable spot to
replace it or reimbursement. What is this policy known as?
A) make goods
B) bleed-throughs
C) earned media
D) lead time
E) value-added media service
Answer: A
Difficulty: Difficult
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Analytical thinking

124) If a local business wants to advertise extensively in a local market, wants to reach an
upscale and well-educated audience, needs room for explanation, and is unconcerned with the
quality of the image, what medium would best suit its advertising needs?
A) out-of-home media
B) radio
C) magazines
D) local or spot television
E) newspapers
Answer: E
Difficulty: Difficult
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Application of knowledge

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
125) 28th Avenue Wine & Spirits decided to start advertising its business, but it does not have a
large budget to devote to it. However, the company's sales are seasonal, with the highest sales
occurring between Thanksgiving and New Year's. If 28th Avenue Wine & Spirits would like to
have a media presence all year round, which continuity schedule would most likely make the
most of the budget?
A) continuous strategy
B) pulsing strategy
C) flighting strategy
D) heavy-up strategy
E) burst strategy
Answer: B
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Application of knowledge

Consider the following magazine media schedule as you answer the questions below.

Magazine Readers/IssueRating* Unduplicated**

A 50,000 5 35,000
B 40,000 4 20,000
C 20,000 2 11,000
* Target population: 100,000
** those who did not read either of the other two magazines

126) If there were one weekly insertion in all the magazines for a four week period, what would
the total insertions be for the plan?
A) 30
B) 24
C) 9
D) 12
E) 36
Answer: D
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Application of knowledge

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
127) 70% of Magazine A's readers are part of the target market for a certain advertiser. This
percentage represents Magazine A's ________ for this advertiser.
A) gross ratings points
B) targeted reach
C) average frequency
D) effective frequency
E) average reach
Answer: B
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Analytical thinking

128) Some members of a certain advertiser's target market subscribe to all three magazines, so
they would likely see each ad placed in each magazine. Other members of the audience,
however, may not see the ads at all. The media planner for this advertiser has divided the total
target audience into five sections and estimated how often members of each section will be
exposed to the ad. This is called ________ analysis.
A) frequency quintile distribution
B) targeted cost per thousand
C) reach plus frequency
D) average frequency
E) effective reach
Answer: A
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Analytical thinking

129) What are the total gross rating points (GRPs) for this media plan, assuming that each
magazine carries a weekly ad insertion for a total of four weeks?
A) 11
B) 22
C) 26.4
D) 44
E) 52.8
Answer: D
Difficulty: Difficult
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Application of knowledge

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
130) How many unduplicated readers are there for the three magazines?
A) 22,000
B) 66,000
C) 110,000
D) 150,000
E) 176,000
Answer: B
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Application of knowledge

131) Kyle is a media planner at an advertising agency and has just been assigned to develop a
media plan for a new client of the agency. What critical client information will Kyle find useful
in developing the media plan?
Answer: The client is a good source for various types of information media planners use in their
work, such as targeted markets, previous promotions and their performance, product sales and
distribution patterns, brand plans, and, most importantly, the budget. Sales geography is a critical
set of information, because even though companies may distribute goods and services in many
cities and states, sales are seldom consistent across all areas. Sales differences affect the decision
about which markets the advertiser should reach for the campaign and how many dollars are
allocated to each geographic region.
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process
AACSB: Analytical thinking

132) Briefly describe why the MRI CrossTab format is useful and what an index of 199 means
for the 18 to 34 demographic that drinks Red Bull soft drinks.
Answer: The CrossTab format is a standard research display format that allows multiple
variables of related data to be grouped together. An index of 199 means that people who are 18 to
34 are 99 percent more likely to drink Red Bull in the time period studied than the base
population studied.
Difficulty: Difficult
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process
AACSB: Application of knowledge

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
133) You've heard someone mention the "St. Louis Designated Marketing Area (DMA)." Explain
what this means and why it is useful to media planners.
Answer: One type of media-related information about markets is the broadcast coverage area for
television, which is called a designated marketing area (DMA); it is referred to by the name of
the largest city in the area. This is a national market analysis system, and every county in the
United States has been assigned to a DMA. The assignment is based on where most of the
residents receive their television signals, which generally reach a 50- to 60-mile radius. Even
though this system is based on TV broadcast signals, it is universally used in local market
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process
AACSB: Application of knowledge

134) Explain the difference between circulation and readership. Why are they different?
Answer: Circulation refers to the number of newspapers or magazines that are sold. Readership
refers to the number of readers of a specific newspaper or magazine. Readership is a larger
number than circulation because one copy of a newspaper or magazine is often read by more
than one person.
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-1
Course LO: Describe the marketing research process
AACSB: Analytical thinking

135) What is the goal of a media plan?

Answer: The goal of a media plan is to find the most effective and efficient ways to deliver
messages to a targeted audience.
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Analytical thinking

136) A client at an advertising agency wants to know what reach means. Explain the concept.
Answer: An important aspect of an advertising campaign is how many different members of the
target audience can be exposed to the message in a particular time frame, which is a measure of
the campaign's reach. Different or unduplicated audiences are those that have at least one chance
of being exposed to a message.
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Analytical thinking

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
137) Explain what is meant by the term effective frequency.
Answer: The idea behind effective frequency is to add frequency to reach until you get to the
level where people respond.
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Analytical thinking

138) A client has asked its agency "How much is enough and how much is too much?" when it
comes to the number of exposures necessary. What should the agency tell the client?
Answer: In terms of frequency, a general rule of thumb is that it takes three to ten exposures for
a message to sink in. However, that varies with the type of product and marketing situation.
Low-frequency strategies are used with well-known brands and simple messages. High-
frequency strategies might be used to build excitement about a new product or an upcoming
event. More complex messages also may need more repetition.
Difficulty: Difficult
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Application of knowledge

139) One advertising agency's client wanted to use only television commercials, primarily
because the client thought it would impress its customers and business colleagues. The
advertiser's agency is having a difficult time convincing the client to use a media mix, not just
television. Explain why it's better to use a media mix than to rely on just one medium.
Answer: Using a number of media offers several advantages. A media mix distributes the
message more widely because different media tend to have different audiences. Some people
even reject certain media, and others are more believable to some consumers. Different media
also have different strengths in terms of reach and frequency. Finally, a synergistic effect can be
achieved between the messages delivered in different media.
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Application of knowledge

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
140) Jon is a media planner for an advertising agency, and he is considering consumption
patterns for his client's product and brand. Name and describe two indices Jon will find useful
when analyzing consumption patterns for products and brands and explain how they help
Answer: A category development index (CDI) is calculated for various categories, which is an
index of the relative consumption rate of a product in a particular market. Similarly, a brand
development index (BDI) is an index of the consumption rate of a brand in a particular market.
The CDI tells you where the product category is strong and weak, and the BDI tells you where a
particular brand is strong and weak. Planners typically don't make heavy allocations in weak
sales areas unless strong marketing signals indicate significant growth potential. Conversely,
strong sales markets may not receive proportional increases in advertising unless evidence
suggests that company sales can go much higher with greater investment.
Difficulty: Difficult
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Application of knowledge

141) Anthony is in the planning stages for his media campaign. He is considering how he should
spread out the advertising over the length of the campaign. What is an advantage of using a
pulsing strategy?
Answer: A pulsing strategy is used to intensify advertising before a buying aperture and then to
reduce advertising to lower levels until the aperture reopens. A pulsing strategy can be less
expensive than a continuous strategy and decrease the likelihood of wearout.
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Application of knowledge

142) Barbara is a media buyer for an advertising agency, and one of her responsibilities is to
monitor her media buys on behalf of clients. She has to be alert for missed positions or errors in
handling her client's message presentation and ensure that her client is compensated
appropriately when errors occur. How would Barbara likely ask that her client be compensated?
Answer: A policy of compensating for errors is called "making good on the contract," known as
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Application of knowledge

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
143) Several full-service advertising agencies have made their media buying functions available
to advertisers who want one agency to purchase their media. What is this called and why is it
becoming more common?
Answer: This shift in the way the media industry is organized is referred to as unbundling media
services. Being able to aggregate the buying function across many different clients enables media
companies to negotiate better rates for their clients. Because these companies control the money,
they have become a powerful force in the advertising industry.
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Application of knowledge

144) What options does a media buyer have for global media buying?
Answer: As of now, no true global medium currently exists, so a media buyer would need to
piece together worldwide coverage using a variety of media tools. Though there is no global
television network, many international networks such as Star TV, CNN, ESPN, and Univision
have large regional audiences spanning several nations. A buyer could also use buying centrals to
reach several European countries in one media buy.
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Analytical thinking

145) How can a media buyer evaluate the effectiveness of online advertising?
Answer: The effectiveness of online advertising can be monitored regularly through evaluation
of hits and clicks. A media buyer can use this information to determine which ads placed on
which sites are most effective at directing traffic to the brand's own website. From this data,
return on investment can be easily calculated.
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-3
Course LO: Discuss how marketers can develop a safe and effective online presence
AACSB: Analytical thinking

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
Refer to the passage and chart below to answer the questions that follow.

The Detroit Tigers' baseball season is about to kick off, and the owners want to advertise that fact
in the Detroit metropolitan area. They will be using television, newspaper, and radio as part of
their media mix. Below is one portion of their media plan.

Audience Number of
Media Vehicle Size messages Cost Rating
TV: CSI 3,000,000 5 sec 17
Newspaper: Detroit News 630,000 5 $42,000/page 25
Radio: WJBR 200,000 25 $100/30-sec 10

146) If the data given is for one week, what would the total insertions be for the plan for a four
week period?
Insertions = CSI 5 × 4 = 20; Detroit News 5 × 4 = 20; WJBR 25 × 4 = 100
20 + 20 + 100 = 140
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Application of knowledge

147) Calculate the total gross rating points (Total GRPs).

Answer: Total GRPs = (17 × 5) + (25 × 5) + (10 × 25) = 460
Difficulty: Difficult
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Application of knowledge

148) Calculate the cost per thousand (CPM) for CSI, the Detroit News, and WJBR, respectively.
CSI CPM = $90,000 × 1,000/3,000,000 = $30.00
Detroit News CPM = ($42,000 × 1,000/630,000) = $66.67
WJBR CPM = ($100 × 1,000/200,000) = $0.50
Difficulty: Difficult
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Application of knowledge

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
149) Calculate the cost per point (CPP) for CSI, the Detroit News, and WJBR, respectively.
CSI CPP = ($90,000/17) = $5,294.11
Detroit News CPP = ($42,000/25) = $1,680
WJBR CPP = ($100/10) = $10.00
Difficulty: Difficult
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Application of knowledge

150) Explain the concept of the media mix and identify the Tigers' media mix in this case.
Answer: Rarely can a marketer reach the total target audience with just one medium. Most
brands use a variety of targeted media vehicles, called a media mix, to reach current and
potential customers. The Detroit Tigers used television, newspaper, and radio as the media mix.
The media mix includes the vehicles of CSI, Detroit News, and WJBR.
Difficulty: Moderate
Chapter LO: 14-2
Course LO: Describe the steps involved in developing an advertising campaign
AACSB: Application of knowledge

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

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