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com     World J Gastroenterol 2009 May 28; 15(20): 2443-2448 World Journal of Gastroenterology ISSN 1007-9327
doi:10.3748/wjg.15.2443 © 2009 The WJG Press and Baishideng. All rights reserved.


Walter Fries, MD, Series Editor

Gastrointestinal lesions associated with


Ambrogio Orlando, Sara Renna, Giovanni Perricone, Mario Cottone

Ambrogio Orlando, Sara Renna, Giovanni Perricone, Mario Medicine and Surgery, Rome, Policlinico A. Gemelli; Istituto
Cottone, Department of General Medicine, Pneumology and di Medicina Interna; Largo A. Gemlli, 8, Roma 00168, Italy;
Nutrition Clinic, “V. Cervello” Hospital, Palermo University, Paolo Gionchetti, MD, Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology,
90146 Palermo, Italy University of Bologna-Italy, Policlinico S. Orsola, Pad. 25, via
Author contributions: Orlando A designed the study, prepared Massarenti 9, Bologna 40138, Italy
the article and finally approved the final version; Renna S
searched literature, revised the article; Perricone G and Cottone Orlando A, Renna S, Perricone G, Cottone M. Gastrointestinal
M participated in preparing the article. lesions associated with spondyloarthropathies. World J
Correspondence to: Ambrogio Orlando, MD, Department of Gastroenterol 2009; 15(20): 2443-2448 Available from: URL:
General Medicine, Pneumology and Nutrition Clinic, “V. Cer- DOI: http://
vello” Hospital, Palermo University, 90146 Palermo,
Telephone: +39-91-6802764 Fax: +39-91-6885111
Received: February 6, 2009  Revised: March 18, 2009
Accepted: March 25, 2009
Published online: May 28, 2009 INTRODUCTION
Arthritis is a recognized extra-intestinal manifestation of
several gastrointestinal diseases including inflammatory
bowel disease (IBD). Arthritis occurs in 9%-53% of
Abstract patients with IBD[1-3], and is more prevalent in patients
Subclinical gut inflammation has been described in up with large bowel disease than in patients with small
to two-thirds of patients with spondyloarthropathies bowel involvement (42% vs 23%) [1]. It may manifest
(S pA). Ar t hr i t is represents an extra-intestinal as a peripheral or axial arthritis. Peripheral arthritis
manifestation of several gastrointestinal diseases, includes two different patter ns: a pauciar ticular
including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Whipple’s arthritis (type 1 arthropathy) striking large joints, which
disease, Behcet’s disease, celiac disease, intestinal usually accompanies flares of IBD; and a polyarticular
bypass surgery, parasitic infections of the gut and arthropathy (type 2 arthropathy) which involves the small
pseudomembranous colitis. Moreover about two- joints and is less often associated with flares of IBD[4].
thirds of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug users Subclinical gut inflammation has also been described
demonstrate intestinal inflammation. Arthritis may in up to two-thirds of patients with spondyloarthropathies
manifest as a peripheral or axial arthritis. The (SpA) [5-9]; histologic gut inflammation was found in
spondyloarthropathy family consists of the following SpA in 30%-60% of cases[9]. The observation that the
entities: ankylosing spondylitis, undifferentiated extra-intestinal symptoms generally improve when
s p o n d y l o a r t h r i t i s , r e a c t i ve a r t h r i t i s , p s o r i a t i c the gastrointestinal disease is treated, suggests that
arthritis, spondyloarthritis associated with IBD, the association between these two clinical entities is
juvenile onset spondyloarthritis. This topic reviews related. The mechanism by which this occurs is not fully
the major gastrointestinal manifestations that can understood[1,7].
occur in patients with SpA and in nonsteroidal anti-
This topic will review the major gastrointestinal
inflammatory drugs users.
manifestations which can occur in patients having SpA
© 2009 The WJG Press and Baishideng. All rights reserved.
and other diseases with bowel and joint involvement,
and in patients having nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
Key words: Gastrointestinal diseases; Inflammation; drugs (NSAIDs) related intestinal injuries.
Inflammatory bowel diseases; Crohn’s disease; Arthritis; It is useful to begin with a short review of the
Spondylosis; Ankylosing spondylitis; Nonsteroidal anti- gastrointestinal function.
inflammatory drugs

Peer reviewers: Giovanni Cammarota, MD, Department

of Internal Medicine and Gastroent, Catholic University of The human gastrointestinal tract is not a complete
2444 ISSN 1007-9327 CN 14-1219/R World J Gastroenterol May 28, 2009 Volume 15 Number 20

barrier, being permeable to some macromolecules[10]. Table 1 European Spondyloarthropathy Study Group (ESSG)
Permeability increases in pathologic conditions including classification criteria for spondyloarthritis
IBD[4], celiac disease[11,12], and with the administration
of NSAIDs[13,14]. When permeability is increased the Inflammatory spinal pain, or synovitis (asymmetrical, predominantly
in lower limbs), and any one of the following:
gastrointestinal tract is exposed to bacterial and dietary
Positive family history
antigens. Psoriasis
The epithelial lining of the gastrointestinal tract Inflammatory bowel disease
includes specialized cells (M cells) which per mit Alternate buttock pain
transepithelial transport of foreign material from the
lumen to mucosal lymphoid tissues; it is evident that
some microorganisms use the M cell transport system as
a means to infect the mucosa[10,15]. The human intestine Table 2 Amor classification criteria for spondyloarthropathy
harbours a complex microflora composed of aerobic
and anaerobic bacteria. In normal individuals antigenic Clinical symptoms or past history of
Lumbar or dorsal pain at night, or lumbar or dorsal morning
exposure results in tolerance rather than immunity, but stiffness = 1
this local tolerance is broken in inflamed intestinal tissue. Asymmetrical oligoarthritis = 2
Patients with active IBD lose tolerance to their own Buttock pain (buttock pain = 1, alternating buttock pain = 2)
bacterial flora, whether this loss of tolerance is a cause or Sausage-like finger or toe = 2
Heel pain = 2
a consequence of the IBD is not known[16-18]. Iritis = 2
IBD represents a good model for the pathological Non-gonococcal urethritis or cervicitis accompanying, or within
events that may predispose a host to extraintestinal 1 mo before, the onset of arthritis = 1
manifestations. Active IBD is characterized by the Acute diarrhoea accompanying, or within 1 mo before, the onset of
arthritis = 1
following features: (1) A breach of gastrointestinal wall
Presence of history of psoriasis and/or balanitis and/or of
integrity; (2) Increased permeability to macromolecules; inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease) = 2
(3) Increased exposure to microbial and dietary antigens; Radiological findings
(4) Loss of tolerance to own bacterial flora; (5) Host Sacroiliitis (grade > 2 if bilateral, grade > 3 if unilateral) = 3
Genetic background
susceptibility to the increased antigenic load. There is
Presence of HLA-B27 and/or family history of ankylosing
also data to suggest that patients with SpA often have spondylitis, reactive arthritis, uveitis, psoriasis or chronic
subclinical inflammation that may progress to IBD[1]. inflammatory bowel disease = 2
Response to therapy
Definite improvement of musculoskeletal complaints with NSAIDs
SpA in less than 48 h or relapse of the pain in less than 48 h if NSAIDs
discontinued = 2
The term SpA is used to refer to a family of diseases A patient is considered as having a spondyloarthropathy if the sum
characterized by inflammation of axial joints, asymmetric of the scores is 6 or more
oligoarthritis and enthesitis[19]. The SpA family consists
of the following entities: ankylosing spondylitis (AS);
undifferentiated spondyloarthritis; reactive arthritis that proposed by Amor and colleagues[22] and considers
(Reiter syndrome); psoriatic arthritis; spondyloarthritis clinical and historical symptoms, radiologic findings,
associated with IBD; juvenile onset spondyloarthritis. genetic background and response to treatment (Table 2).
The prevalence of SpA in the Caucasian population These classification criteria are more complicated
is 0.5%-2%, with a significant variation worldwide[20]. due to the incorporation of common extra-articular
The need for a standardized approach to classification led manifestations of disease including gastrointestinal
to the development of the European Spondyloarthropathy manifestation, but they give improved sensitivity
Study Group (ESSG) classification criteria for SpA. (85%) and specificity (95%). Of these, each criterion is
According to the ESSG criteria, for a patient to be classified assigned a weight (one or two points) and the resulting
as having SpA he has to show chronic inflammatory back points are summed. A patient is considered as having a
pain before the age of 40 years, persistence for at least 3 mo spondyloarthritis if the sum of the criteria scores is at
or asymmetrical synovitis, predominantly of the lower limbs least six.
(Table 1). A patient is classified as having spondyloarthritis A high percentage of patients with SpA (90%
if he has one or both entry criteria plus one of the following o f p a t i e n t s w i t h A S a n d 7 0 % o f p a t i e n t s with
additional criteria: positive family history, psoriasis, IBD, undifferentiated spondyloarthritis) are HLA-B27 positive.
urethritis, cervicitis or acute diarrhea within 1 mo before However, this marker is not diagnostic of SpA because
arthritis, buttock pain alternating between buttocks, a significant percentage of the general population is also
enthesopathy or plain film radiographic evidence of positive. In the presence of inflammatory back pain, a
sacroiliitis. positive test for HLA-B27 increases the likelihood of
The ESSG classification criteria for SpA have SpA[23].
been validated in population studies and have a good SpA are associated with several extra-articular
sensitivity of 75% and a specificity of 87%[21]. manifestations, including acute anterior uveitis[24], genital
An alternative to the ESSC classification criteria is and skin lesions[25] and inflammatory gut lesions[8].
Orlando A et al . Gastrointestinal lesions and spondyloarthropathies       2445

Table 3 Histologic types of gut inflammation in patients with

data suggest that SpA and CD probably should be
SpA considered as distinct phenotypes of a common
immune-mediated inflammatory disease pathway rather
Acute Chronic than as separate disease entities[9].
Architecture preserved Architecture disturbed Patients with peripheral arthritis and AS are often
PMN infiltration Irregular, blunted and fused villi found to have endoscopic and histologic signs of small
Granulocytes, lymphocytes, Distortion crypts bowel inflammation, and a fraction of these patients go
plasma cells in lamina propria Basal lymphoid follicles on to develop clinically overt CD. Moreover, some patients
Sarcoid-like granulomas with SpA have a form of sub-clinical CD in which
locomotor inflammation is the only clinical expression. In
a prospective long-term study at first investigation about
Two histologic types of gut inflammation in patients 6% of patients with SpA did not present any sign of
with SpA can be distinguished: acute and chronic CD, but demonstrated gut inflammation on biopsy. They
inflammation (Table 3). This classification refers to the developed CD 2 to 9 years later[32].
morphologic characteristics and not to the onset or Ileal and colonic mucosal ulcerations in patients with
duration of the disease. SpA can be detected by endoscopy. Endoscopic lesions
The acute type mimics the acute bacterial entero­ were found in 44% of patients with SpA versus 6% of
colitis: the mucosal architecture is well preserved, there patients with other inflammatory arthritis and the most
is a polymorphonuclear infiltration of the ileal villi and common endoscopic diagnosis was early CD (26%)[5].
crypts, and an increased number of inflammatory cells It has been highlighted that a capsule endoscopy can
(granulocytes, lymphocytes and plasma cells) in the provide important information on upper gastrointestinal
lamina propria. pathology in patients with SpA in which there is small
Acute lesions are mainly seen in patients with reactive bowel involvement. Eliakim et al[33] have compared the
arthritis. diagnostic yield of capsule endoscopy with that of
The chronic type is often indistinguishable from ileo-colonoscopy in the finding of small bowel lesions
Crohn’s disease (CD): the mucosal architecture is clearly in patients with SpA; significant small bowel findings
disturbed, the villi are irregular, blunted and fused; the (erythema, aphthous, erosions) were detected by capsule
crypts are distorted and the lamina propria is edematous endoscopy in 30% and by ileo-colonoscopy in only 9%
and infiltrated by mononuclear cells. In some cases patients with SpA.
aphthoid ulcers and sarcoid-like granulomas are present. The association between SpA and clinical or subclinical
Chronic lesions are more present in undifferentiated intestinal association has rarely been described in children.
SpA and AS[9]. Conti et al[34] investigated a group of 129 children for
Similarities are present between the immune suspected IBD, 31 of whom had signs of axial and/or
alterations in SpA and CD, suggesting that these are peripheral arthropathy, and after ileo-colonoscopy with
probably distinct phenotypes of a common immune- biopsy, 7 children had classic IBD, 12 had indeterminate
mediated disease, possibly being expressed in a colitis, and 12 had lymphoid nodular hyperplasia of
genetically different host; in fact, the mutations of the the distal ileum as the main feature. All were HLA-B27
CARD15/NOD2 gene that have been associated with negative. These patients may be a population at risk of
CD have not been found in AS[26]. These similarities developing a full IBD phenotype. SpA may be the initial
are: an increased expression of α-E-β-7 in T-cells from manifestation of systemic disorders such as IBD.
patients with SpA and in the intestinal lymphocytes of
patients with CD; an increased expression of epithelial Ankylosing spondylitis
A-cadherin; an increased expression of CD 163 positive AS is the most common disease among the SpA; it is
macrophages in CD and SpA; relative contribution a chronic inflammatory disease of the axial skeleton
of T-helper 1 cells; presence of IgA antibodies to characterized by back pain and progressive rigidity
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. of the spine. AS usually affects young adults and an
According to current knowledge, there is a clinical association with the human leukocyte antigen HLA-B27
relationship between gut and joint inflammation in SpA, was obser ved. The association with HLA-B27 is
and the gut could have an important pathogenic role[9]: weaker in IBD-associated AS than in idiopathic AS.
the prevalence of gut inflammation in AS is higher Radiographic changes of the hips are present in roughly
in patients with associated peripheral arthritis than in 10% of patients[35]. Other organs, such as eyes, lungs, gut
patients without arthritis[6]; chronic lesions in the gut and heart can be affected. Up to two-thirds of patients
are associated with more advanced radiologic signs of with AS have subclinical gut inflammations shown
sacroiliitis and spondylitis and with more destructive either by endoscopy or histology, between 5% and 10%
peripheral arthritis[27]; remission of joint inflammation of cases of AS are associated with IBD. Despite these
is usually associated with a disappearance of gut observations, systematic screening of AS patients by
inflammation, whereas the persistence of locomotor ileo-colonoscopy is not indicated in the absence of
inflammation is mostly associated with the persistence gut symptomatology as only a small proportion of AS
of gut inflammation[28-31]. patients with subclinical gut inflammation will develop
Clinical, genetic, histopathologic and immunologic IBD in the future[2].
2446 ISSN 1007-9327 CN 14-1219/R World J Gastroenterol May 28, 2009 Volume 15 Number 20

Reactive arthritis affecting knee, wrist, ankle, shoulder and finger joints
Reactive arthritis may occur after an enteric infection was recognized as a postoperative complication of this
due to Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia or Campylobacter technique. Polyarthralgia and sometimes arthritis has
species with an incidence ranging from 2% to 33%. In been reported to occur weeks or years following surgery
particular an increased risk of arthritis is associated with in 8% to 36% of patients[2,36].
a Yersinia infection and the presence of the HLA-B27
genotype. Joint symptoms develop within 2-3 wk of Parasitic infections
developing diarrhea and involve knee, ankle, wrist, and Parasitic infections of the gut due to Strong yloides
sacroiliac joints. To confirm the clinical suspicion of stercoralis, Taenia saginata, Endolimax nana and Dracunculus
reactive arthritis it is useful to demonstrate a pathogenic medinensis have been associated with a form of reactive
organism by stool culture or a rise of antibody titres. arthritis[36].
Antibiotic treatment may be effective during the
diarrheal phase but not when arthritis is present[8,27,36]. Pseudomembranous colitis
Arthritis associated with pseudomembranous colitis
OTHER DISEASES WITH BOWEL AND has been described following antibiotic therapy, often
affecting the large joints of the lower extremity. In a
JOINT INVOLVEMENT report of four patients, arthritis developed 9-35 d after
In addition to ulcerative colitis and CD, other illnesses the onset of diarrhea[36].
have intestinal involvement and arthritis as prominent
clinical features. These include Whipple ’ s disease, NSAIDS RELATED INTESTINAL INIURY
Behcet’s disease, celiac disease, intestinal bypass arthritis,
parasitic rheumatism, and pseudomembranous colitis. The distal small bowel and colon are susceptible to the
These disorders are also considered in the differential dangerous effects of NSAIDs; although the proportion
diagnosis of patients with suspected IBD and arthritis. of patients who develop clinically important NSAID-
induced enteropathy or colopathy is small, the intestinal
Whipple’s disease injuries induced by NSAIDs, including erosions, ulcers,
Whipple’s disease is due to an infection with Tropheryma strictures and perforations, are common [13] . About
Whippelii and may cause diarrhea, malabsorption and two-thirds of NSAID users demonstrate intestinal
weight loss. Systemic infection is often associated with inflammation[13,14,40]. In a case control study, patients with
joint manifestations, involving the knee, the ankle and small or large bowel perforation or bleeding were more
the wrist and sometimes it is associated with spondylitis than twice as likely to be NSAID users[41]. In an autopsy
and sacroiliac joint involvement. In some patients the study nonspecific small intestinal ulceration was much
articular symptoms develop prior to symptomatic enteric more common in those who had taken NSAIDs (8.4%
involvement. A small bowel biopsy is usually diagnostic. vs 0.6%) [42]. A randomized, controlled trial revealed
Whipple ’ s disease requires long ter m antibiotic more mucosal breaks in a group of patients who used
therapy[37]. NSAIDs plus omeprazole compared with a group of
patients who used COX-2 inhibitors. This study suggests
relative protection of the COX-2 inhibitors compared
Behcet’s disease
with non-selective NSAIDs plus omeprazole against
Behcet’s disease is characterized by oral and genital
small bowel injury [43]. By contrast a non-randomized
ulceration, iritis and occasionally by central nervous
cohort study found similar rates and types of small
system involvement; oligoarticular, asymmetric arthralgia
bowel injury with long-term use of COX-2 selective
and arthritis may develop in 50% of patients involving
agents versus NSAIDs[44].
the knee, the ankle, the wrist and the elbow. Mucosal
Most NSAID-induced injuries are subclinical and
ulceration of the small bowel is a frequent manifestation
go unrecognized. When present, symptoms and signs
of Behcet’s disease and may cause nausea, diarrhea, are nonspecific and may include: anaemia, bleeding
abdominal pain and distension. It is often difficult to from ulcers, hypoalbuminemia, intermittent or complete
distinguish from IBD[38,39]. bowel obstruction from broad-based or diaphragm-
like strictures, watery or bloody diarrhea and acute
Celiac disease abdomen. The typical patient is one taking a NSAID for
Celiac disease may be associated with arthritis in some a rheumatic condition and the duration of NSAID use
patients; articular involvement was peripheral in 10%, to time of diagnosis is widely variable (days to years)[41].
axial in 8% and combined in 9%. The arthritis is typically A pathognomonic lesion of NSAID injury is the
non erosive and can be either oligo-or-polyarticular. Joint diaphragm-like stricture, which is likely to be due to a
symptoms may precede gastrointestinal manifestations scarring reaction secondary to ulcerative injury. These
and respond to a gluten-free diet[11,12]. lesions are thin, concentric, diaphragm-like septa which
are usually multiple in the mid-intestine but may be
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Intestinal bypass surgery is a surgical technique used are characterized by sub-mucosal fibrosis with normal
for the treatment of obesity in the past. Arthritis overlying epithelium, apart from the tip of diaphragm,
Orlando A et al . Gastrointestinal lesions and spondyloarthropathies       2447

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S- Editor Tian L L- Editor Cant MR E- Editor Zheng XM

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