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1st Periodical

Circle the letter of the correct answer

1. Which of the following statements is true?

a. Posture is the position of our body as a whole
b. Posture is the way we carry our body
c. Posture is the way we sit stand and carrying things
d. All of the above
2. A simple exercise that prepares the heart and muscles for more virigous
a. Good diet
b. Cooling down
c. Food
d. Warming up
3. Which of the following statement DOESN’T show proper hygiene?
a. Washing hands before and after eating
b. Wearing unwashed clothes
c. Brushing teeth regularly
d. Taking a bath regularly
4. How often do we need to take a bath?
a. Twice a day
b. Once a week
c. Twice a week
d. Every other day
5. Another source of heat and energy
a. Fats and oil
b. Sunlight
c. Vitamin D
d. Food
6. We gradually develop postural problem when:
a. We have healthy life style
b. We sit properly
c. We carry things incorrectly
d. We don’t exercise
7. Pupils may develop uneven shoulder if:
a. He or she often stands in one leg
b. He or she carries his/her bag improperly
c. He or she stands with weight at the middle of the body
d. He or she doesn’t perrform shoulder exercise
8. It helps keep the body’s muscles, bones, heart and lungs strong and firm.
a. Exercise b. food c. sunlight d. warm-up
9. A good source of vitamin D.
a. Sunlight b. food c. fats and oil d. exercise
10. A person is a physically fit if:
a. He/she has enough rest
b. He/she eats nutrtious food
c. He/she exercise regularly
d. Perform task without undue fatigue
11. The proper way of sitting should be:
a. Shoulder blade should touch the back of the chair
b. Shoulder blade should be away from the back of the chair
c. Legs are cross position
d. Arms are place in the place
12. Round the upper back may gradually develop when:
a. We carry back pack improperly
b. We stand correctly
c. Sit properly
d. We carry things correctly
13. To prevent developing postural problems we need to:
a. Eat healthy food rich in calcium
b. Exercise regularly
c. Maintain good posture when standing, sitting and carry things
d. All of the above
14. Help in the growth replacement and repair of body cells and tissues.
a. Carbohydrates b. minerasls c. proteins d. water
15. Which of the following is NOT part of dimensions of health?
a. Rest b. physical c. emotional d. spiritual
16. Which of the following is NOT an example of postural problem?
a. Uneven toes c. uneven shoulder
b. Round upper back d. bow legged
17. An essential prerequisite to good health.
a. Good diet b. exercise c. cool down d. warming up
18. A type of exercise that does not involve movement?
a. Isometric exercise c. circulatory exercise
b. Isotonic exercise d. conditioning exercise
19. Which of the following exercises is an example of conditioning
a. Running b. brisk walking c. push ups d. biking
20. What will happen if we exercise regularly?
a. Our body gets tired easily
b. Our body becomes stronger and healthier
c. Our body gets sick always
d. Our body becomes weak
21. Our body needs to sleep for __________ to have a total rest
a. 7-8 hours b. 8-10 hours c. 5-7 hours d. 12-14 hours
22. Which is not part of ways of improving health?
a. Social health b. rest c. exercise d. dental care
23. Which statement is true?
a. Physically fit person are slim and thin
b. Physically fit persons never get tired
c. Physically fit person has healthy life style
d. Physically fit person always get sick
24. Warm-up exercise is very important because:
a. It prevents muscular starain
b. Prepares our body in heavy activity
c. Maximizes muscle power and endurance
d. It increase our body temperature slowly for heavy activity
25. The following are examples of circulatory exercises EXCEPT:
a. Running b. biking c. walking d. push-ups
26. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Exercises are for any age or gender
b. Exercises are for athletes only
c. Exercises make us healthy
d. All of the above
27. A figure/symbol that are erected in the camp or place on the stand
at meeting.
a. Patrol signature c. patrol flag
b. Patrol call d. patrol totem
28. A pep maker which is composed also by the patrol, snappy rhthym and
spiring words it brings life to all scouting activities.
a. Patrol yell b. patrol song c. patrol dance d. patrol cheer
29. It is the unity spirit builder composed by the patrol, lively air with
meaninful, inspiring words and easy to sing
a. Patrol yell b. patrol flag c. patrol song d. patrol corner
30. A type of exercise that involves movement.
a. Isometric exercise c. circulatory exercise
b. Isotonic exercise d. conditioning exercise
31. The following are examples of circulatory exercise EXCEPT:
a. Running b. swimming c. jugging d. push-up
32. Which does NOT belong to physical components?
a. Speed c. flexibility fitness
b. Muscular fitness d. nutritional fitness
33. Body mass indeex is the measurement of:
a. Height and weight c. weghts and arm span
b. Weight and mass d. arm span and mass
34. It is a symbol of belongingness and unity of the patrol members. It
shoulbe carried at parades hikes, camping and etc but never in political
a. Patrol name b. patrol totem c. patrol flag d. patrol yell
35. Philippine council-BSA turned over complete control of the Scouting
organization to the Boy Scout of the Philippines.
a. Decenber 31, 1937
b. December 30, 1937
c. December 29, 1937
d. December 28, 1937
36. In 1909 an American businessman__________ was inspires with a
“good turn” from an unnamed British Scout.
a. Willian D. Boyce c. William B. Boyce
b. William D. Boyce d. William B. Voyce
37. Which is NOT a part of flexibility test
a. Standing long jump c. shoulder reach
b. Sit and reach d. all of the above
38. She is our institutional head represented in scouting
a. Ms. Lolita Evangelista c. Ms. Joan Tobay
b. Ms. Jacquelyn Sapitanan d. Ms. Rowena Barrion
39. He is founder of Scouting movement.
a. Lord Stevenson Smith Baden Powell
b. Baden Powell Smith
c. Lord Stephenson Baden Powell
d. Lord Baden Smith Powell
40. The following names are the founders of the Boy Scout of the
Philppines EXCEPT:
a. Arsenio N. Luz c. Vincent Lim
b. Carlos P. Romulo d. Manuel Roxas

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