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Digital Storyboard Rubric

Item/Points 20-15 15-10 (approaching) 9-0

(meets) (below)

Information on Clear and relevant Mostly clear and relevant Information may be vague or
Country/City of background information information for both irrelevant. Student has used
Residence has been provided for student and epal. Some mostly fact/recall information
both the student and information may be vague, with little to no narration.
their epal. Student has and the assignment may May be focused on one
provided expanded focus on one person’s person but not the other.
information and gone residency more than the
beyond recall and fact. other mixture of fact/recall
with narrative/descriptive

Daily Activities Daily activities of both Mostly clear and relevant Information may be vague or
the student and their information for both irrelevant. Student has used
ePal are detailed and student and epal. Some mostly fact/recall information
clear. Narrative detail is information may be vague, with little to no narration.
given to describe these and the assignment may May be focused on one
activities. They make a focus on one person’s person but not the other.
connection to identity daily activities more than
and how these activities the other mixture of
define them. fact/recall with

Customs Customs of both the Mostly clear and relevant Information may be vague or
student and their ePal information for both irrelevant. Student has used
are detailed and clear. student and epal. Some mostly fact/recall information
Narrative detail is given information may be vague, with little to no narration.
to describe these and the assignment may May be focused on one
activities. They make a focus on one person’s person but not the other.
connection to identity customs more than the
and how these customs other mixture of fact/recall
define them and their with narrative/descriptive
personal identity. writing.

Cultural Cultural concerns of Mostly clear and relevant Information may be vague or
Concerns both the student and information for both irrelevant. Student has used
their ePal are detailed student and epal. Some mostly fact/recall information
and clear. Narrative information may be vague, with little to no narration.
detail is given to and the assignment may May be focused on one
describe these focus on one person’s person but not the other.
concerns. They make a cultural concerns more
connection to identity than the other mixture of
and how these concerns fact/recall with
impact and/or define narrative/descriptive
them. writing.

Total for content: __________/ 80

Item/Points 10-6 (Meets) 5-0 (below)
Grammar and Mechanics Storyboard is almost Noticeable and
entirely free of errors. distracting errors
Clear revision has throughout project. More
occured to make writing editing and revision were
ready for the final needed for the project to
project. be finished and clear to

Appearance Project shows clear effort Project appears rushed

and includes/may include and/or sloppy. A lack of
the following: images, effort is apparent and
background, clear there may be little to no
organization, effective graphic design to the
use of font/digital effects. overall story board.

Total for structure: ___________/20

Total Overall: ___________/100


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