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Shoback DM, Bilezikian JP, Costa AG, et al: Presentation of hypoparathyroidism: eti- plays only a minor role for

ole for pubertal mammary development, which

ologies and clinical features, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 101:2300–2312, 2016. requires GH instead. It appears not to be an essential hormone for
Udelsman R, Akerstrom G, Biagini C, et al: The surgical management of asymptom-
atic primary hyperparathyroidism: proceedings of the fourth international work- non-childbearing individuals. Rare patients deficient for either pro-
shop, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 99:3595–3606, 2014. lactin or its receptor are largely healthy despite difficulty with fer-
Vignali E, Viccica G, Diacinti D, et al: Morphometric vertebral fractures in postmen- tility and lactation.
opausal women with primary hyperparathyroidism, J Clin Endocrinol Metab Prolactin circulates mainly as a 23-kDa 199-aa polypeptide. Sev-
94:2306–2312, 2009.
eral of its cleavage products exist in blood, which may have func-
tions unrelated to lactation; for example, one 16-kDa cleavage
product of prolactin displays antiangiogenic and prothrombotic
HYPERPROLACTINEMIA properties, and has been implicated in the development of pre-
eclampsia and peripartum cardiomyopathy. Several forms of prolac-
Method of tin aggregate, known as macroprolactins, also exist in circulation at
Ming Li, MD, PhD; and Lawrence Chan, MD lower levels. They are formed either by covalent bonding of prolac-
tin monomers or by their nucleating around autoimmune IgG. These
macroprolactins are not biologically active in vivo and have a pro-
longed half-life. At times they can build up in the circulation to a level
CURRENT DIAGNOSIS high enough to cause diagnostic difficulties.
Among the major pituitary hormones, prolactin is unique for its
• Hyperprolactinemia is diagnosed by biochemical tests based on predominantly negative mode of regulation by the hypothalamus.
two-site immunoassay, which can be confounded by extreme It does not have a known hypothalamus-derived releasing hor-
hyperprolactinemia (hook effect) and biologically inactive mone. Instead, lactotrophs are under tonic inhibition by dopamine
macroprolactinemia. secreted from hypothalamic neurons. Increase in prolactin output
• Hyperprolactinemia can be caused by physiological, pharma- is mostly mediated by withdrawing dopaminergic control in
cological, or pathological conditions; careful clinical, laboratory, response to environmental cues, such as physical activity, stress,
and radiology evaluations are required to identify its and nipple stimuli (Figure 1). Under experimental and pathological
V Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders

underlying cause. conditions, several factors, including thyrotropin-releasing hor-

• The most common causes of hyperprolactinemia include medi- mone (TRH), vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), oxytocin, and
cations, prolactinoma, and other pituitary and hypothalamic/ vasopressin, have been shown to increase prolactin secretion, but
pituitary stalk diseases. these peptides appear to play only minor and insignificant roles
• Clinical features of hyperprolactinemia include galactorrhea, for the physiological regulation of prolactin.
menstrual abnormalities (in women), impotence (in men), Estrogen is the main driver of prolactin secretion during preg-
infertility, and osteoporosis. nancy. Stimulated by persistently elevated estrogen, lactotrophs
• Patients with prolactinoma may also have local compression grow in number and size. By term the pituitary gland can reach 2
symptoms including headache, visual disturbance, and to 3 times its normal size, and prolactin levels increase some 20-
hypopituitarism. fold. Along with placental hormones such as estrogen, progester-
• Pituitary magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the imaging one, and placental lactogen, prolactin drives the maturation of
method of choice for diagnosing prolactinoma and other sellar/ the mammary glands. Lactation starts after parturition, when estro-
parasellar lesions. gen withdraws from the circulation. Frequent infant suckling main-
tains physiological hyperprolactinemia, which is important for
sustained milk production. In addition, hyperprolactinemia during
this critical period provides a natural though unreliable way of con-
CURRENT THERAPY traception. This is achieved by suppression of the hypothalamus–
318 pituitary–gonad axis. Hyperprolactinemic hypogonadism and
parathyroid hormone related peptide (PTHrP) secreted from mam-
• For secondary hyperprolactinemia, treatment should be
mary epithelial cells help mobilize skeletal calcium store in support
directed at correcting underlying causes.
of milk production. Through its receptors in liver, intestine, fat, and
• Treatment goals for prolactinoma are relief of symptoms and
pancreas prolactin also adjusts maternal nutrient metabolism for
the long-term effects of hyperprolactinemia, and of tumor mass
optimal milk output. In the brain, prolactin modifies parental
behavior toward closer infant attendance (see Figure 1).
• The dopamine agonists cabergoline (Dostinex) and bromocrip-
tine (Parlodel) are effective in normalizing the prolactin level
and shrinking the tumor in patients with prolactinoma.
Pathophysiology of Hyperprolactinemia
Physiological hyperprolactinemia as occurs during pregnancy and
• Surgery and radiotherapy of prolactinoma are reserved for
nursing is essential for child raising through the actions of prolactin
patients resistant to or intolerant of medical therapy.
in target organs discussed above. Similar changes in these organs
• Temozolomide (Temodar)1 monotherapy is the first-line che-
under the influence of persistent pathological hyperprolactinemia
motherapy for aggressive or malignant prolactinomas after
in the absence of pregnancy and lactation, however, are inappro-
failing standard treatments.
priate and could lead to a variety of undesired long-term
Not FDA approved for this indication. consequences.

Mammary Glands
Biochemistry and Physiology of Prolactin One common symptom of persistent hyperprolactinemia is galac-
Prolactin is a polypeptide hormone produced by pituitary lacto- torrhea, that is, milk production not associated with childbirth or
troph cells. It is also produced locally in a variety of extrapituitary breast-feeding. As puerperal lactation normally ends within
tissues such as mammary glands, decidua, gonads, brain, liver, fat, 6 months after delivery or weaning, any milk production beyond
pancreas, and the immune system, along with its receptors. Prolac- this point is also considered galactorrhea. Since maturation of
tin is highly pleiotropic in terms of its functions. Many of its actions mammary glands is completed during pregnancy, galactorrhea
collectively support puerperal lactation. Prolactin displays consid- typically happens in women between 20 to 35 years of age with
erable sequence homology to growth hormone (GH) and placental previous childbirths. It also occurs in nulligravid women, postmen-
lactogen. The prolactin and GH receptors both belong to the class I opausal women, and men, although less frequently.
cytokine/hematopoietic receptor superfamily. Prolactin is responsi- Prolactin is a known mitogen for mammary epithelial cells, and
ble for maturation of the mammary glands during pregnancy, but it concern has been raised regarding its potential role in the

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Environmental stimuli

Mammary glands

GnRH Pituitary lactotrophs Nutrient/Calcium Lactation

PRL PRL metabolism


Gonads Placenta Brain

Figure 1 Physiology of prolactin and its regulation. At baseline, prolactin production and secretion are under tonic inhibition by dopamine released from
hypothalamic neurons. The hypothalamus controls prolactin production by altering output of dopamine after integrating environmental stimuli and
changes in hormonal homeostasis. Prolactin increases hypothalamic dopamine output, providing a negative feedback regulatory loop. Estrogen
stimulates prolactin synthesis and secretion during pregnancy. Prolactin supports puerperal lactation via its action on the mammary glands, nutrient/
calcium metabolism, and brain. Unlike most other anterior pituitary hormones, feedback regulation of prolactin secretion does not occur via factors
produced by a peripheral endocrine target organ. Prolactin also suppresses hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis by inhibiting GnRH release.
Abbreviations: DA ¼ dopamine; GnRH ¼ gonadotropin releasing hormone; PRL ¼ prolactin.

pathogenesis of breast cancer. In a large prospective study by the adrenal androgens in hyperprolactinemia may contribute to the
Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), there was evidence of a signifi- suppression of GnRH release in the hypothalamus and secondary
cant increase in breast cancer incidence in postmenopausal women hypogonadism.
with high normal prolactin levels, which is within the highest quar-
tile of the normal range compared with those in the lowest quartile. Skeletal System
On the other hand, increased breast cancer risk has not been Premenopausal women with hyperprolactinemia have lower bone
observed in patients with overt hyperprolactinemia. In fact, early density and approximately a 4.5 times higher risk for osteoporotic
parity and lactation history are strong protective factors against fractures. Hypogonadism associated with hyperprolactinemia is

breast cancer. Further research is required to resolve these seem- the main cause of bone loss, whereas restoration of sex hormones
ingly discrepant observations. with either hormonal replacement or correction of hyperprolacti-
nemia improves bone density. Bone density is preserved in women
Female Reproductive System with hyperprolactinemia who continue to have regular menses.
Persistent hyperprolactinemia significantly diminishes the pulsatile Nonetheless, not all studies showed a clear correlation between
release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). As GnRH the degree of bone loss and duration of amenorrhea or levels of
neurons do not themselves express prolactin receptors, prolactin sex hormones suggesting involvement of additional processes.
exerts its effects on their afferent neurons instead by suppression For example, the levels of parathyroid hormone–related protein
of secretion of kisspeptin, a potent secretagogue for GnRH. Prolac- (PTHrP) were found to be significantly higher in patients with
tin receptors are also found in the gonads, and prolactin has been hyperprolactinemia, and correlated well with bone density mea-
reported to inhibit folliculogenesis and estrogen production in the surements. Correction of hyperprolactinemia by dopamine ago- 319
ovary directly. However, this likely has only a limited contribution nists was shown to normalize PTHrP levels.
to infertility and hypogonadism associated with hyperprolactine-
mia, for the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis can be reactivated Etiology of Hyperprolactinemia
by administration of GnRH or kisspeptin, with return of ovulation Any conditions that affect production or clearance of prolactin can
and fertility in subjects with hyperprolactinemia. lead to hyperprolactinemia (Table 1). Physiological hyperprolacti-
nemia is transient and adaptive, whereas persistent hyperprolacti-
Male Reproductive System nemia from pharmacological and pathological causes is often
As in women, hyperprolactinemia causes secondary hypogonad- symptomatic with undesired long-term consequences. Pituitary
ism and infertility in men by suppression of GnRH pulses and a adenomas over producing prolactin (prolactinomas) are the most
decrease in luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hor- important cause of pathological hyperprolactinemia. In addition
mone (FSH) levels. Patients often have low or low normal testos- to the elevated prolactin levels, prolactinomas also produce path-
terone levels, as well as abnormal sperm counts and morphology ological local mass effects. Secondary hyperprolactinemia is most
in semen analysis. Patients usually seek medical attention for commonly related to disruption of dopaminergic control of lacto-
diminished libido and impotence. The central nervous system trophs, secondary to the use of dopamine antagonists or hypotha-
(CNS) actions of prolactin are likely partly responsible for these lamic and pituitary stalk lesions.
symptoms, as restoration of testosterone level alone is often inad-
equate for symptom relief, which occurs only when prolactin levels Epidemiology and Natural History of Prolactinoma
also return to normal. Prolactinoma is the most common type of pituitary adenoma, con-
tributing to approximately 40–50% of pituitary tumor cases. Pro-
Adrenal Glands lactinomas are categorized according to size into
Prolactin stimulates the synthesis of androgen in the zona reticu- microprolactinomas (under 1 cm) and macroprolactinomas (larger
laris of the adrenal cortex. Mild elevations in serum levels of adre- than 1 cm). Clinically these two conditions behave very differently
nal androgens, for example dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and and can be considered as separate entities. In general, macroprolac-
dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S), are seen in approxi- tinomas tend to grow progressively and are often locally invasive;
mately 50% of women with hyperprolactinemia. Symptoms of they are also generally more resistant to treatment and have a
clinical hyperandrogenism such as hirsutism and acne are rare in higher risk of recurrence. On the other hand, microprolactinomas
these patients. When present, they are almost always associated rarely progress in size ( 7% of cases) and have a good chance (
with a concurrent increase in testosterone level. Elevation of 15% of cases) of going into remission on their own.

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predominantly affect women of childbearing age, with a female-
TABLE 1 Causes of Hyperprolactinemia to-male ratio of approximately 20:1. Macroprolactinoma, on the
PHYSIOLOGICAL other hand, shows no sex predilection. Neoplastic transformation
of lactotroph involves accumulation of genetic and epigenetic
Pregnancy events. The best-understood candidate genes involved include the
Lactation and breast stimulation pituitary tumor transforming gene (PTTG) and the heparin-
binding secretory transforming gene (HST). PTTG expression is
Neonatal period positively regulated by estrogen.
Physical activity Most prolactinomas occur sporadically. The vast majority of
prolactinomas are benign, although they can be locally invasive.
Stress Malignant prolactinomas, as defined by the presence of extrapitui-
Sexual intercourse tary metastases, are extremely rare. Familial cases, such as those
associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia I (MEN-I) and famil-
PHARMACOLOGICAL ial isolated pituitary adenoma (FIPA), typically occur at a younger
Dopamine antagonists—antipsychotics and antiemetics age and are more often macroprolactinomas that are locally
Tricyclic antidepressants
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) Clinical Manifestations
Clinical manifestations of prolactinomas fall under two categories:
Antihistamines (H2) systemic effects of hyperprolactinemia, and local compression
Verapamil (Calan) symptoms.
Protease inhibitors Symptoms of Hyperprolactinemia
Dopamine synthesis inhibitors Persistent hyperprolactinemia inappropriately recapitulates symp-
toms associated with normal pregnancy and nursing. In extreme
V Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders

PATHOLOGICAL cases, hyperprolactinemia has been associated with delusions of

PITUITARY DISEASES pregnancy in susceptible individuals, for example some women
on psychotropic medications.
Prolactinoma Menstrual abnormalities and infertility are the most common
Plurihormonal adenomas symptoms associated with hyperprolactinemia in women of child-
bearing age. These symptoms may be masked by use of oral con-
Lymphocytic hypophysitis traceptive pills, which often delays diagnosis. The mildest cases
Empty sella syndrome include women presenting with infertility caused by shortened
luteal phase despite preserved regular menses. As the degree of
Macroadenoma with or without suprasellar extension hypogonadism worsens, patients experience menstrual irregulari-
Idiopathic hyperprolactinemia ties ranging from anovulatory cycles to oligomenorrhea and
amenorrhea. Patients with amenorrhea may also experience psy-
HYPOTHALAMIC/PITUITARY STALK DISEASES chological stresses and other menopausal symptoms like vaginal
Tumors: meningioma, craniopharyngioma, germinoma, metastasis, etc. dryness and dyspareunia. Of note, high prolactin levels may some-
times mask vasomotor symptoms of menopausal and perimeno-
Granulomas pausal women with prolactinoma, who may develop hot flashes
Infiltrative diseases once they are successfully treated with dopamine agonists.
320 Galactorrhea occurs in up to 80% of cases of hyperprolactine-
Irradiation mia. This will need to be differentiated from nipple discharges of
Trauma other causes, especially those from breast neoplasms. Further eval-
uation with breast imaging and cytology is indicated when the dis-
NEUROGENIC: chest wall lesions, spinal cord lesions, herpes zoster, charge is unilateral, bloody, or associated with a breast mass.
and epileptic seizure Galactorrhea is by definition milk-like in appearance, and when
PARANEOPLASTIC SYNDROME in doubt, Sudan Black B staining showing fat globules is confirma-
tory. Although considered a classic sign and symptom for hyper-
SYSTEMIC DISEASES prolactinemia, galactorrhea per se is a poor predictor for
End-stage renal disease hyperprolactinemia in the absence of additional symptoms, for it
can be seen in about 10% of healthy women of childbearing
Cirrhosis age. If amenorrhea is present at the same time, the patient should
Adrenal insufficiency be assumed to harbor a prolactinoma unless proven otherwise. The
degree of galactorrhea is quite variable, from barely expressible to
Pseudocyesis bothersome bra stain and copious free flow, and does not necessar-
ily reflect the severity of hyperprolactinemia. In fact, the majority of
Adapted from Bronstein, 2016; Melmed et al., 2017.
patients with galactorrhea and normal menses have normal prolac-
tin levels. On the other hand, in some patients with extremely high
The prevalence of prolactinoma has been estimated to be 500 levels of prolactin, galactorrhea could be masked by severe
cases per million and incidence about 27 cases per million per year hypogonadism.
based on survey of asymptomatic populations. In autopsy series, Men with hyperprolactinemia mainly present with impotence and
however, lactotroph neoplasms staining positive for prolactin are diminished libido, which is not always corrected with testosterone
much more common, being found in approximately 5% of the sub- replacement. As noted in the section on pathophysiology, these
jects. They are predominantly microadenomas. Only a small frac- symptoms are not all caused by hypogonadism but may involve
tion of these small lactotroph neoplasms develop overt the central effects of prolactin. Other symptoms and signs of hypo-
hyperprolactinemia by escaping tonic dopaminergic suppression gonadism, such as loss of body hair and muscle bulk, are less com-
from the hypothalamus, presumably via down-regulation of mon. Infertility could also occur with decrease in sperm count and
dopamine D2 receptor-mediated signaling pathway and/or bypass- morphology, although hyperprolactinemia is only present in
ing the portal system for blood supply. Microprolactinomas approximately 5% of male patients seeking treatment for infertility.

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For both male and female patients, persistent hypogonadism biologically inactive prolactin aggregates that could accumulate
from hyperprolactinemia leads to osteoporosis and increased risk in blood to a high level. Macroprolactinemia does not cause any
of fracture. This could be effectively treated with either sex hor- morbidities but could contribute to analytical difficulties as the
mone replacement or dopamine agonists. antibodies used in prolactin assays cross-react with macroprolac-
tins. Most laboratories rely on polyethylene glycol (PEG) precipi-
Mass Effects of Prolactinomas tation to determine the proportion of macroprolactins and
Headache is the most common neurological symptom caused by the true concentration of monomeric prolactin. Up to 25% of
pituitary tumors. It can occur even with microadenomas presum- monomeric prolactin can be also precipitated by PEG, potentially
ably caused by dural stretch. More severe headache results from masking true hyperprolactinemia. Therefore patients with macro-
larger tumors, especially those with extrasellar invasion, and occa- prolactinemia may still need to be further evaluated if clinical
sionally from apoplexy. suspicion is high for true hyperprolactinemia.
Visual disturbance typically only happens with macroadenomas
with suprasellar extension impinging on the optic chiasm leading to Other Supporting Laboratory Tests
loss of visual acuity and visual field defects. The typical pattern of After confirming hyperprolactinemia, a simple chemistry panel
visual field defect is bitemporal hemianopsia, which usually starts may reveal or suggest the underlying cause such as chronic kidney
from the upper field and progresses downward as the tumor disease and cirrhosis. A pregnancy test (beta human chorionic
impinges upward from below. Ophthalmoparesis typically hap- gonadotropin [βhCG] level) is essential for women of childbearing
pens in the setting of apoplexy and only rarely results from para- age, and hypothyroidism needs to be ruled out with a TSH assay.
sellar invasion of the cavernous sinus and impingement of Both pregnancy and hypothyroidism may have presenting symp-
cranial nerves III, IV, or VI. toms of sellar mass and hyperprolactinemia and therefore be mis-
By compressing the rest of the pituitary gland, including the taken for prolactinoma.
stalk, prolactinoma can cause deficiencies of other anterior pitui- For established prolactinoma cases it is important to also assess
tary hormones including GH, thyroid-stimulating hormone other pituitary axes. Up to 20% of GH-secreting tumors cosecrete
(TSH), and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), in addition prolactin, and IGF-1 level is an essential screening test for these
to hypogonadism from the hyperprolactinemia. The degree of cases. If hypogonadism is suspected, levels of LH, FSH, and sex
the risk is proportional to tumor size. hormones (testosterone or estrogen) should be obtained. Screening
CSF rhinorrhea occurs when a macroprolactinoma invades inferi- for central hypothyroidism and secondary adrenal insufficiency
orly into the sphenoid sinus. Other rare compressive symptoms from should be done with TSH, free thyroxine (T4), and morning corti-
giant prolactinomas include epilepsy (temporal lobe involvement), sol levels, respectively, for patients with pituitary tumors larger
exophthalmos, and hydrocephalus. Life- and vision-threatening than 6 mm.
emergencies could arise from apoplexy and CNS infection.

Laboratory Evaluation Pituitary imaging should be considered for all patients with unex-
Prolactin Assay and Pitfalls plained significant hyperprolactinemia, especially if there are signs
Hyperprolactinemia is diagnosed by individual measurements of or symptoms of local compression. MRI with and without gadolin-
serum prolactin levels. Patients should be well rested, as physical ium contrast with dedicated pituitary protocol is the test of choice.
activity stimulates prolactin secretion, but fasting is not needed. Compared with other modalities MRI provides superior soft tissue
Dynamic tests such as TRH stimulation do not appear to add to contrast revealing the tumor’s inner structure and its relationship
diagnostic value and are not recommended. The level of prolactin to surrounding tissues, including cavernous sinus, pituitary stalk,
may provide valuable diagnostic clues. Secondary hyperprolactine- and optic chiasm. Computed tomography (CT) scan still has a role
mia rarely exceeds 150 ng/mL. On the other hand, a prolactin level for patients with metal implants or other contraindications for
of greater than 100 ng/mL is highly suggestive, and severe hyper- MRI, and is especially useful for revealing bony erosions and tissue
prolactinemia of greater than 500 ng/mL is virtually diagnostic calcification; its use is limited by suboptimal soft tissue contrast 321
for prolactinoma. On rare occasions, secondary hyperprolactine- and exposure to ionizing radiation.
mia can produce prolactin levels in the prolactinoma range. For
example, risperidone (Risperdal)-induced hyperprolactinemia Visual Field Testing
could be as high as 250 to 500 ng/mL, and patients with end-stage A formal visual field test with a perimeter is recommended when
renal disease who are on antipsychotics or antiemetics can have suprasellar extension of a pituitary adenoma brings it close to
prolactin levels greater than 1000 ng/mL. The size of the prolacti- the optic chiasm. Improvement or worsening in visual field often
noma shows a rough correlation with the serum prolactin level. precedes imaging evidence of tumor shrinkage or expansion during
Patients with microprolactinomas usually have prolactin levels in treatment. Therefore visual field testing is an excellent monitoring
the range of 50 to 300 ng/mL, whereas those with macroprolacti- tool for patients under treatment for macroadenoma and visual
nomas have levels of 200 to 5000 ng/mL. impairment.
Most clinical laboratories measure prolactin using a two-site
immunoassay. A capture antibody first affixes prolactin in the sam- Diagnosis
ple to a solid matrix. Subsequently a second signal antibody is Prolactin testing is usually prompted by suggestive signs and symp-
attached to the now immobilized prolactin. The signal antibody toms of hyperprolactinemia such as menstrual abnormalities, infer-
is engineered to carry either a radioisotope or a chemiluminescent tility, and galactorrhea. A careful history, including medication
enzyme to provide a readout. The assay is accurate within its use, physical examination, and routine laboratory evaluation
designed linear range, which is typically under 10,000 ng/mL. (see preceding sections), is invaluable for uncovering secondary
Beyond this level both capture and signal antibodies could be sat- causes. Pituitary imaging should be performed when no other
urated preventing the signal antibody to attach. As a result, signal underlying causes are found especially if the levels of prolactin
outputs will be falsely diminished. This phenomenon, known as the are higher than 100 ng/mL. A diagnostic algorithm shown in
hook effect, produces a falsely low reading that could lead to the Figure 2 provides a framework for a structured and cost-effective
misdiagnosis of a macroprolactinoma as a nonfunctioning pitui- workup of hyperprolactinemia.
tary tumor. This artifact can be circumvented by repeating the
assay with a 100-fold diluted sample. Many laboratories also Differential Diagnosis
opt for an additional washout step to eliminate excess prolactin An exhaustive list of etiologies has been provided in Table 1. A few
before adding the signal antibody, preempting the artifact. entities deserve additional comments.
Macroprolactinemia is another potential diagnostic pitfall Drug-induced hyperprolactinemia is common and at times may
masquerading as true hyperprolactinemia. Macroprolactins are produce serum prolactin levels matching those in patients with

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If asymptomatic

Physiological βhCG(⫹) Hyperprolactinemia PEG precipitation Macroprolactinemia

PRL⬍100 ng/mL PRL⬎100 ng/mL

βhCG(⫺) βhCG(⫺)

⬍1cm Microprolactinoma

Evaluation/Correction ⫺
of secondary causes

⫹ ⫺ ⬎1cm PRL⬎150 ng/mL Macroprolactinoma

Secondary Idiopathic ⫹
PRL⬍150 ng/mL Hook effect


Figure 2 Diagnostic algorithm for hyperprolactinemia. If hyperprolactinemia occurs in the absence of relevant clinical symptoms and signs, one should
rule out macroprolactinemia by PEG precipitation. When hyperprolactinemia is confirmed, pregnancy should be ruled out with a βhCG test. In the absence
of pregnancy, if the PRL level is higher than 100 ng/dl, the pretest probability for a prolactinoma is high enough to justify a pituitary MRI scan, even if
potential secondary causes exist. Regardless of prolactin levels, secondary causes should be carefully evaluated with medication history, physical
V Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders

examination, and laboratory tests such as thyroid function tests and chemistry panel, and appropriately treated. If hyperprolactinemia remains
unexplained or persists despite correction of other contributing factors, a pituitary MRI is in order. Patients with negative sellar findings have
idiopathic hyperprolactinemia. Patients with sellar mass may have either prolactinoma or pseudoprolactinoma. The latter is suggested by a discordant
prolactin level less than 150 ng/mL for a large sellar, or a parasellar mass greater than 1 cm, after hook effect has been ruled out. Abbreviations:
βhCG ¼ β human chorionic gonadotropin; MRI ¼ magnetic resonance imaging; PEG ¼ polyethylene glycol; PRL ¼ prolactin.

prolactinoma (see prior section on laboratory evaluation). A more hypothyroidism, and resection of nonfunctioning pituitary tumors.
typical range of prolactin level is 25 to 100 ng/mL for drug-induced For drug-induced hyperprolactinemia, the responsible medications
hyperprolactinemia. It is not always possible to correlate in time should be removed or replaced with alternatives. Newer antipsy-
the initiation of the culprit drug with the onset of symptoms, or rise chotics such as aripiprazole (Abilify) may be used in place of older
of prolactin levels. The way to confirm medication-related hyper- agents such as risperidone (Risperdal) because they have better met-
prolactinemia is to discontinue the putative offending agent(s) for abolic/hormonal profiles. For irreversible conditions such as end-
three days before repeating a prolactin assay. Some medications stage renal disease, hyperprolactinemia can be effectively controlled
may require a longer period of abstinence, and in such cases the with dopamine agonists. Ectopic prolactin secretion, which occurs
level of prolactin can be retested later if the second value is reduced in paraneoplastic syndrome, is a rare exception where dopamine
but still elevated. Before discontinuing psychotropic medications, agonists are ineffective, because extrapituitary production
one should consult with the prescribing psychiatrist to prevent of prolactin is driven by alternative promoters, which do not
322 worsening of the patient’s mental symptoms. respond to dopamine. Asymptomatic patients with modest hyper-
Pseudoprolactinoma refers to a nonfunctioning sellar or supra- prolactinemia may not need treatment, however, and sex hormone
sellar mass associated with hyperprolactinemia caused by stalk dis- replacement may be adequate for correcting hypogonadism if fertil-
ruption. The prolactin level is seldom above 150 ng/mL. However, ity is not desired.
before making such a diagnosis, one must exclude hook effect with
a 100-fold diluted sample. Prolactin levels are typically normalized Management of Prolactinoma
within several days after initiation of dopamine agonists, as The goals for managing prolactinomas are twofold: treating symp-
lactotrophs are still sensitive to dopamine, but local compressive tomatic hyperprolactinemia, and relief of tumor mass effects. Treat-
symptoms do not improve. In contrast, patients with true macro- ment thus needs to be tailored to the patient’s unique clinical picture
prolactinoma experience more gradual decrease in prolactin levels and the desired outcome. Mass effects are not a concern for micro-
after they are put on dopamine agonists, but they could expect prolactinomas, whereas for patients with giant prolactinomas
improvement in compressive symptoms within 12 hours to days, (defined as >4 cm or >2 cm of suprasellar extension) and extreme
and imaging evidence of tumor shrinkage in weeks. hyperprolactinemia, normalization of prolactin levels is less likely,
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and hyperprolactinemia are and treatment should focus on reversal or minimization of mass
among the most common causes of menstrual irregularities and effects. The following are appropriate options in specific settings.
infertility, and affect women of similar ages. PCOS has also been
associated with hyperprolactinemia. However, multiple studies Observation
have shown that the prevalence of hyperprolactinemia in women Active surveillance is appropriate for patients with microprolacti-
with PCOS is not significantly higher than that of matched popula- noma who are asymptomatic or not troubled by galactorrhea,
tions. Although mild elevations of DHEA-S or DHEA are common especially if fertility is not a concern. As long as regular menses
in patients with hyperprolactinemia, hirsutism is rare, and when are preserved, they seem to be spared from any long-term conse-
present is always associated with an increase in testosterone level, quences from hyperprolactinemia. Bone mineral density appears
likely reflecting possible coexisting PCOS. Therefore the presence to be preserved in these patients. It is noteworthy that a significant
of hyperprolactinemia in patients with PCOS or hirsutism warrants fraction of patients may have tumor resolution during surveillance
additional evaluation. without treatment. Tumor expansion is a rare event, and serial
measurements of serum prolactin level are effective for monitoring
Management of Secondary Hyperprolactinemia interval tumor growth. Pituitary imaging is indicated when there is
Treatment of secondary hyperprolactinemia should focus on cor- significant increase in prolactin level or emergence of local com-
recting the underlying conditions, for example treating pression symptoms.

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For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Hormonal Replacement Three dopamine agonists are currently used for treating hyper-
For patients with microprolactinoma bothered only by symptoms prolactinemia, including bromocriptine (Parlodel), cabergoline
related to hypogonadism including menstrual abnormalities, sex- (Dostinex), and quinagolide (available only in Europe). Bromo-
ual dysfunction, and osteoporosis, but who no longer desire fertil- criptine was the first dopamine agonist available, and it has the best
ity, hormonal replacement is a valid alternative to dopamine established safety record. It is still the only dopamine agonist
agonists, especially when the latter are not tolerated or are contra- approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be used
indicated. This can be achieved with oral contraceptive pills in pre- in pregnancy, when indicated. Cabergoline is a more specific ago-
menopausal women, or testosterone in men. This approach nist of the D2 dopamine receptor, and is superior in many respects
compares favorably to dopamine agonists in terms of cost and side to bromocriptine, for example, because of dosing convenience, tol-
effects. Patients may experience slight increases in prolactin level, erability, and treatment efficacy. Many patients not controlled with
but tumor progression has not been associated with use of oral con- bromocriptine may achieve normal prolactin levels after switching
traceptive pills for up to 2 years. It would be prudent to use lower to cabergoline, which has become the drug of choice for cases not
doses of estradiol ( 30 μg/day) and closely monitor patients for involving pregnancy. The safety data for cabergoline are not as
prolactin level and tumor growth. extensive as those for bromocriptine. Common side effects for this
class of drugs include nausea, orthostatic hypotension, fatigue,
Dopamine Agonists mental fogginess, and, less frequently, nasal stuffiness, Raynaud
Medical treatment with dopamine agonists has replaced surgery as phenomenon, constipation, depression, and psychosis. Nausea is
the first-line treatment for prolactinomas, with excellent efficacy in more common in patients taking bromocriptine; for these patients
achieving treatment goals and minimal risk. The therapeutic effects the intravaginal route1 can be tried. Patients receiving higher doses
of dopamine agonists are mediated by dopamine D2 receptors in of cabergoline are at risk of developing cardiac valvulopathy. This
tumor cells, which inhibit prolactin synthesis and secretion, slow has so far been a concern for patients with Parkinson’s disease, who
cell proliferation, and reduce tumor vascularity. Normalization of may require much higher doses. However, the life-long exposure to
prolactin levels and reduction of tumor size can be expected in the high cumulative doses in patients with resistant prolactinoma is
majority of patients. A small fraction of prolactinomas is resistant considerable, and regular echocardiogram surveillance is recom-
to dopamine agonists, as defined by failure in normalizing prolactin mended for patients taking doses higher than 2 mg/week. Dosing
level, reduction in tumor size by 50%, or restoration of gonadal regimens for bromocriptine and cabergoline are listed in Table 2.
function with standard doses. In general, microprolactinomas are In general, patients should be started on the lowest doses and
more sensitive to dopamine agonists than macroprolactinomas titrated upward monthly based on the serum prolactin level until
are, and men are more likely to be drug resistant than are women. treatment goals are reached.
Rapid responders experience significant improvement of visual
symptoms within 24–72 hours; some of them may develop compli-
cations resulting from the rapid receding of macroprolactinomas Surgery
With the availability of the second-generation dopamine agonists,

(uncorking), e.g., pituitary apoplexy, optic chiasm herniation,
and/or CSF leak. For most patients, however, progressive reduction surgery is mostly reserved for the following situations: (1) patients
of tumor size occurs over the course of months to years, though some intolerant of, or resistant to, dopamine agonists; (2) women with
patients may never experience tumor shrinkage despite normaliza- macroprolactinoma who are planning for conception, to forestall
tion of prolactin levels at the highest tolerated doses. tumor expansion during pregnancy; (3) pituitary apoplexy threat-
Patients with microprolactinoma may discontinue treatment ening neurological and visual functions if not managed urgently.
upon menopause because their treatment goal has been fulfilled. Transsphenoidal tumor resection is the standard surgical
Patients with macroprolactinoma, on the other hand, may require approach. Perioperative mortality and morbidity are low in the
life-long treatment to prevent tumor regrowth. A meta-analysis hands of experienced pituitary surgeons in high-volume centers.
showed that a small fraction of patients may enter long-term remis- Major surgical complications include visual loss, CNS infection,
sion after discontinuing dopamine agonists (21% for microprolac- stroke, and oculomotor palsy. Craniotomy is occasionally needed
tinomas and 16% for macroprolactinomas). The odds are for masses with extrasellar extensions that may be inaccessible by
significantly improved if patients have been treated for at least the transsphenoidal route, with higher risk for complications. Post-
2 years and tumor size reduced by 50%. The 2011 Endocrine operatively patients need to be monitored for signs of diabetes insi-
Society practice guidelines suggest that tapering or discontinuing pidus and secondary adrenal insufficiency, which may be transient
dopamine agonists may be attempted in patients who have been or permanent.
treated for at least 2 years and experienced complete biochemical
and radiographic resolution. The risk for recurrence after drug dis- Radiotherapy
continuation is related to the size of adenoma at the time of the Radiotherapy is inadequate as a primary treatment for prolacti-
diagnosis. For tumors larger than 2 cm, especially giant prolactino- noma, as its efficacy is poor and latency long. It is also associated
mas, tapering the dopamine agonists to a lower maintenance dose with long-term complications including permanent hypopituita-
for life-long treatment after achieving maximal tumor reduction rism, cerebrovascular accidents, and secondary intracranial malig-
would be a better strategy for these patients. Tapering or with- nancies. Currently it is reserved mostly for patients with aggressive
drawal of dopamine agonists should be followed by close surveil-
lance of prolactin levels and pituitary MRI when prolactin level
increases, especially during the first year. Not FDA approved for this indication.

TABLE 2 Use of Dopamine Agonists in Hyperprolactinemia

Bromocriptine PO Twice a day 1.25 mg after dinner or before bed for 1 week, then twice a day 2.5–10 mg/day
Cabergoline PO Once to twice a week 0.25 mg twice a week or 0.5 mg once a week 0.5–2 mg/week
Not FDA approved for this indication.

Downloaded for Beryliana Maya Anisa ( at University of Indonesia from by Elsevier on October 10, 2019.
For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
and malignant prolactinomas failing medical/surgical treatment. References
Stereotactic radiosurgery is preferred over conventional fraction- Ahuja N, Moorhead S, Lloyd AJ, Cole AJ: Antipsychotic-induced hyperprolactinemia
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pituitary surgery or radiotherapy prior to pregnancy. Until these evance of macroprolactin in the absence or presence of true hyperprolactinemia,
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serum prolactin levels during pregnancy. Instead the patient
should be followed clinically for any signs or symptoms of tumor
324 expansion. MRI without gadolinium and visual field testing
should be done when clinical suspicion arises. If tumor expansion
is confirmed, the patient should be reinitiated on bromocriptine. HYPERTHYROIDISM
Debulking surgery is reserved for patients failing or not tolerating Method of
medical treatment. Lactation usually does not cause tumor William J. Hueston, MD
progression, and patients are encouraged to breastfeed their
infants with close surveillance. They should not take either
bromocriptine or cabergoline, however, as both are secreted in

• Hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis is most often caused by

Management of Resistant and Malignant Prolactinoma Graves’ disease, toxic nodular goiter (Plummer’s disease), or
Several other treatment options are available for patients who fail acute thyroiditis.
the highest tolerated doses of dopamine agonists, surgery, and • Common symptoms in hyperthyroidism are tachycardia, ele-
radiation. A small fraction of these patients have malignant prolac- vated systolic blood pressure, tremor, and anxiety. Patients with
tinoma, which is defined by extrapituitary metastasis; histopatho- Graves’ disease also might exhibit exophthalmos. In contrast,
logically, malignant prolactinomas can appear very similar to elderly patients can present with apathetic hyperthyroidism,
aggressive prolactinomas. An alkylating agent, temozolomide which can be confused with hypothyroidism.
(Temodar)1, has been successfully used in the treatment of aggres- • Hyperthyroidism should be suspected in all patients who pre-
sive pituitary adenoma and pituitary carcinoma. Monotherapy sent with atrial fibrillation, palpitations, panic disorder, or
with temozolomide has been established as the first-line chemo- unexplained tremors.
therapy for these conditions, following documented tumor growth • Thyroid storm is an acute, life-threatening condition usually
despite standard therapies. Selective estrogen receptor modulators occurring in patients with undiagnosed or untreated hyper-
(SERMs), including raloxifene (Evista)1 and tamoxifen (Nolva- thyroidism placed under physiologic stress.
dex)1, have been found to be useful adjuncts that can reduce pro- • An elevated free T4, usually with a low thyroid-stimulating
lactin level and inhibit tumor growth. hormone is the hallmark of hyperthyroidism, and anti–thyroid-
stimulating hormone antibodies can help identify Graves’
Not FDA approved for this indication.

Downloaded for Beryliana Maya Anisa ( at University of Indonesia from by Elsevier on October 10, 2019.
For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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