Chambers of Commerce and Industry in India

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Chambers Of Commerce and Industry in India

It is a voluntary association of people who are linked with business. Its objective is to safeguard the
interests of both business and businessman. Mainly brokers, bankers and industrialists are among
the members list of these associations. These associations look for the interest of whole business

These chambers are at regional, national and international level. Almost all chambers of India are
related to The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and work under its


1. Protecting business community

2. Information to members
3. Role of a Spokesman
4. Education and Training
5. Removal of Disputes
6. Organising Industrial Fairs
7. Forming Code of Conduct

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry(FICCI)

FICCI came into existence in 1927. It has its headquarter in New Delhi. It is a voluntary organization
registered under the Indian Companies Act, 1913 as a non-profit body. Its network includes the
regional, state and local Chamber of Commerce and Industry, professional Institutes, trade and
Industry Associations, Corporate Bodies and Other private business organisation. Backed by such
type of nationwide network, it strives to strengthen the Indian business to go global by creating a
favourable environment. Its slogan is ‘Leadership through Quality and Excellence’.

Role of FICCI

Its mission of making Indian Business a global touch by taking advantage of the liberalisation policy
of the Government of India. The role/functions/activities of FICCI are highlighted in the following

Specialised Cells

To promote Indian business FICCI has established the following specialised cells.

a) BISNET : Business Information Services Network(BISNET) meets local and international

information needs of business. It is always ready to provide high quality information to
enable business to take better decisions speedily.
b) FITPO : Foreign Investment and Trade Promotion Office(FITPO) is the guide for foreign
investors. Its function is to provide guidance to foreign business for joint venture, technology
transfer, etc.
c) Total Quality Forum: FICCI is very much worried about quality and has set up a Total Quality
Forum. It has registered highly qualified engineers to advise and support industry for quality

International Network

FICCI’s International Network includes the following:

1) JBCs: Joint Business Councils(JBCs) work as link between FICCI and apex chambers in other
countries through which regular interaction takes place between Indian and Overseas
2) SCCI: FICCI is founder member of SAARC, Chamber of Commerce and Industry(SCCI). SCCI
based at Karachi had organised a number of activities to develop the International Business.

Associates Bodies:

FICCI has set up specialised bodies in sectoral interests. The names of the main bodies given

 Indian Council of Arbitration(ICA)

 All India Organisation of Employers(AIOE)
 FICCI Ladies Organisation(FLO)
 Food Research and Analysis Centre(FRAC)
 All India Shippers’ Council(AISC)

Expert Committee

FICCI has set up a large number of committees which are headed by industrialists with proven track
record in respective fields. The main aim of these committees is to watch the changes in business
environment and study the impact of these changes on business functioning.

Library and Publications

FICCI has a well-established library having a large number of books and periodicals on business and
industry. The journals published by FICCI are designed to update business and trade about policy
matters, business opportunities, facts and figures of Indian economy and the like.

Confederation of Indian Industry(CII)

Confederation of Indian Industry(CII) is an apex organisation of Industry in India came into existence
in 1992. It has its headquarter in New Delhi. CII operates through a federal structure: The National
Council, Regional Council, State and Zonal Council. It performs a very important role for the growth
and development of industry in general, and Engineering Industry in particular.

Role of CII

CII plays a major role in promoting international industrial cooperation. It acts as a catalyst for
industry regarding quality, productivity and human resources development. The four major activities
deserve to be highlighted which are as follows:

1) Dialogue with the Government: it remains in continuous dialogue and cooperation with the
government in the process of policy formulation and procedure rationalisation.
2) Improving Competitiveness of Indian Industry: their activities have been aimed at improving
competitiveness of Indian Industry.
3) Integration of Indian Industry with the Rest of the World: CII helps in spreading the vision of
new India and building partnership for growth, A key element of CII’s work on international
front its Trade Fairs Programme.
4) Community and Social Development Activities: CII organised programmes on regular basis
on Rural Development, Education, Literacy, Family Welfare, etc., to reinforce Industry’s
commitment to the public.

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