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Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures



This Manual is produced for the guidance and use by both Aerodrome
operators and DGCA Officials.

February 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures


DGCA has been assigned with the responsibility of licensing and regulations of
aerodromes in India in accordance with the regulatory provisions contained in the
Aircraft Rules 1937.

The licensing and regulatory process requires the issuing authority to carry out various
functions like assess the formal application & the aerodrome facilities, equipment,
issue and renewal of aerodrome license, continued oversight of the aerodromes,
regulating and approving various change proposals, assessment and acceptance of
Aerodrome Manual and Aerodrome Emergency Procedures etc. DGCA officials
working in Aerodrome Standards Directorate and aerodrome operators are required to
have detailed procedures for their guidance to deal with the aerodrome regulatory

This manual has been formulated to clearly define various procedures related to
aerodrome standards directorate of DGCA.

(B S Bhullar)

(Approved vide F. No. AV20011/13/06-AL dated 8th February 2018)

Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

Revision History
8. Revision History
Revision History
Version Date Chapter/ Section Amended by

1. 06/11/2018 Pg: 3, 11, 14-17, 22, 27, S K Singh

31, 50, 51, 52, 56

2. 14.11.2018 Pg. 11, 52 S K Singh

3. 01.08.2019 Pg. 45, 47 S P Rai

Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

1. Overview of Aerodrome Licensing

1.1 Introduction

This manual describes the rules and procedures used by the Director General of Civil
Aviation (DGCA) to process applications for the issue of aerodrome license. It is
designed to ensure that the standards and requirements are applied when an
aerodrome license is issued.

This procedure:

a) Defines the rules that govern aerodrome licensing

b) Sets out the

– Responsibilities of DGCA officials of aerodrome standards directorate

– Standards and procedures that must be followed when processing
applications for the issue of aerodrome license.
– Requirements for compliance and enforcement.

Adherence to the standards and procedures will ensure that:

a) Aerodrome license is issued or cancelled in an effective, efficient and

consistent manner,
b) Aerodrome license is issued in a common legal format,
c) Effective and consistent compliance and enforcement action is taken.

1.2 Purpose

This handbook provides information and guidance to Aerodrome Operators as well as

Aerodrome Inspectors associated with the process of aerodrome licensing, renewal
and conducting safety oversight functions on aerodrome operations. It provides
guidance to Aerodrome Inspectors on the procedures to be followed:

a) for the assessment of aerodrome operator’s application for the licensing of the
aerodrome and recommendation to the authority, for the issue, or refusal to
issue, aerodrome license as required by para 5.7 of CAR Section 4 Series F
Part I.
b) for the renewal of an aerodrome license at the request of an aerodrome
operator as per para 6 of CAR Section 4 Series F Part I.
c) for the amendment of an aerodrome license as per para 8 of CAR Section 4
Series F Part I. 1
d) for the transfer of an aerodrome license at the request of an aerodrome
operator as per para 9 of CAR Section 4 Series F Part I.
e) for cancellation of an aerodrome license at the request of the aerodrome
operators as per para 10 of CAR Section 4 Series F Part I.

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

a. .2 Legislative Controls
1.3 Standardization and Coordination

The main objective of this manual is to identify and to standardise the functions of
Aerodrome inspectors. In addition, it is to provide direction and guidance for all safety
related personnel as well as for prospective and current holders of an Aerodrome
License. The users of this manual, are encouraged to make suggestions for revisions.
Proposed changes should be coordinated through the Aerodromes Standards.

a) Authority to Change this Document. All the changes to this manual and/or its
appendices should be approved by the Director General.

b) Direction and Guidance. A deliberate effort has been made to provide sufficient
direction and guidance to standardize the job functions of the Aerodrome
Inspectors and other safety related personnel without unnecessarily restricting
the initiative of those personnel and managers. Should inspectors, supervisors,
and managers find the direction and guidance of the manual too restrictive or
inappropriate for a specific case, a request should be made for permission to
deviate from the guidance of the manual.

c) Conflicts with other DGCA documents. The guidance in this manual may be
found to be in conflict with that in other manuals and directives of DGCA. This
situation may arise inadvertently or because it is impractical to revise all
documents simultaneously. In such a case, the document with the most recent
date should normally be used. Inspectors should refer such questions to DOAS
for appropriate action and resolve such conflict.

d) Availability of Aerodrome Inspector’s Manuals. This manual is available to both

DGCA personnel and to individuals outside the DGCA. The manual can be
accessed on the DGCA web-site.

1.4 Handbook Revisions

a) Responsibility for revision. The DoAS is responsible for the development, issue
and control of amendments to this manual. Individuals at all levels of the DGCA
and individuals in the aviation industry are encouraged to make suggestions for
revisions to this manual.

b) Handbook Revision Process. The need for a revision may become evident
when a change occurs in the aviation industry, national and international
regulatory bodies, or in the policies of the DGCA. After the need for a revision
has been identified by any party, that individual should forward suggestion to
the DoAS for review and consideration.

c) Revision Record System. A Record of all the revision signed and dated by the
individual amending the manual should be maintained in the Records of

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

1.5 Definitions

Aerodrome - A defined area of land or water (including any buildings,

installations and equipment) intended to be used either wholly or in part for the
arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft.

Aerodrome License – The license to operate an aerodrome issued by the

DGCA, subsequent to the acceptance of the aerodrome manual and compliance
with other requirements of relevant CARs.

Aerodrome Inspector - Personnel, authorized by DGCA to inspect and carry

out tests on the aerodrome facilities, services and equipment, inspect aerodrome
operators documents and records and verify the aerodrome operator’s safety
management system before the aerodrome license is granted or renewed and
subsequently, at any other time, for the purpose of ensuring safety and order at
the aerodrome.

Aerodrome Manual – The manual that forms part of the application for an
aerodrome license pursuant to Rule 81 of Aircraft Rule 1937 and includes any
amendments to the manual accepted by the DGCA. The aerodrome manual is a
key safety assurance document to be assessed to ascertain the organizational
competence of the aerodrome operator during initial licensing and continuing
oversight activities.

Aerodrome Operator - An aerodrome operator in relation to licensed aerodrome

is the aerodrome license holder.

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Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

2 Legislative Controls
2.1 License Issue
Controls (Aircraft Rules 1937)

Rule 78  defines when an aerodrome license is required.

 requires a person who operates an aerodrome used
for air transport operations to have an aerodrome
 defines the categories of license.
Rule 79  defines qualifications of licensee.

Rule 80  requires the application to be in an approved format

and be accompanied by an aerodrome manual.

Rule 81  defines the information to be included in the

Aerodrome Manual.
Rule 82  defines the requirement for inspection of aerodrome
by DGCA officials.
Rule 83  defines the conditions governing the grant/ renewal
of aerodrome license.
 authorizes DGCA to amend an aerodrome license.
Rule 84  specifies the validity period of an aerodrome
Rule 87 specifies the fee chargeable for grant/ renewal of
the license.

2.2 Compliance and Enforcement

Controls (Aircraft Rules 1937)

Rule 83 requires aerodrome operators to comply with

Standards and any imposed conditions

2.3 Advisory Publications

The guidance material for implementation and understanding of various regulations

and standards are issued in the form of Aerodrome Advisory Circulars for general
guidelines or as a specific communication to the concerned Aerodrome Operators.

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

3. Structure Of DGCA

3.1 DGCA has the following 11 Directorates;

1) Administration Directorate
2) Aerodrome Standards Directorate
3) Air Safety Directorate
4) Air Transport Directorate
5) Airworthiness Directorate
6) Flight Standards Directorate
7) Information & Regulation Directorate
8) Aircraft Engineering Directorate
9) Training & Licensing Directorate
10) Flying Training Directorate
11) Air Space and Air Traffic Management Directorate

A map and the organizational structure including the functions and location of various
regional / sub‐ regional offices are placed in Appendices I , II and III

3.2 Functions of Aerodrome Standards Directorate

The Aerodrome Standards Directorate in the DGCA has been entrusted with
the responsibilities of licensing of aerodromes in accordance with the Part XI of
the Aircraft Rules 1937. The Directorate has establishment at the DGCA HQ New
Delhi supported by the four regional offices at Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai.

The functions and responsibilities of Aerodrome Directorate are as follows:

A. Aerodrome Licensing

1. Licensing and renewal of aerodromes licenses under Part XI of the aircraft

Rules 1937.
2. Inspection of aerodromes to verify infrastructure, services, procedures,
competency/ experience of aerodrome operator’s personnel and documentation as
required under CAR Section 4 Series B Pt I/II, Advisory Circular and recommended
practices and as mentioned in aerodrome manual.
3. Develop and issue orders, rules, advisory circulars and guidance material relating
to aerodrome standards and practices.
4. Reviewing plans and designs for new aerodromes or the further development of, or
modification to, existing aerodromes, submitted to the DGCA for approval, to ensure
that the requirements of DGCA and ICAO are complied with.
5. Review the factors requiring the amendment of an aerodrome license and issue the
required amendments.

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

6. Notification to AIS for publication in AIP.

7. Coordination with other directorates of DGCA on the related matters.

B. Regulation of works at airports:

8. Regulation of airside works to ensure safe guarding of aerodrome and
aircraft operations.
C. Surveillance Inspection and safety oversight of Aerodromes
9. Carry out surveillance inspection and safety oversight of Aerodromes as per
Annual Surveillance programme to ascertain that the conditions as mentioned in
the aerodrome license under para 83 of Part XI of the aircraft Rules 1937 are
complied with.

D. Compliance and enforcement

10. The holder of an aerodrome license shall not contravene or cause or permit to be
contravened any conditions of the aerodrome license. The licensee is required to
maintain an aerodrome in a fit state to the satisfaction of DGCA during the whole
period of currency of the license. If it is observed that aerodrome licensee is
not complying with the conditions of the license or not adhering to the laid
down standards, DoAS shall give adequate opportunity to the licensee to comply with
the Regulations and Standards.
11. If DoAS is satisfied that the licensee is not taking enough corrective
measures for compliance with the conditions of the aerodrome license he/she shall
recommend to Jt. DG /DG for appropriate action against the licensee.

Note; When required, to augment the expert manpower the services of the trained
manpower available with the aerodrome operators and industry are utilized through
secondment, sometimes it may result in a situation of conflict of Interest. In order to
avoid actual or perceived conflict of interest, an aerodrome inspector shall not be
given regulatory assignments on their parent organizations.

3.3 Methodology for Manpower Requirements

3.3.1 General. The Aerodrome Standards Directorate in the DGCA has been
entrusted with the responsibilities of licensing of aerodromes in accordance
with the Part XI of the Aircraft Rules 1937. The Directorate has establishment at
the DGCA Hqrs, New Delhi and supported by the four regional offices at Delhi,
Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai. This directorate is empowered to certify and
issue licence to aerodromes for commencing their aircraft operations and
renew the licenses periodically to ensure the safe operation without
compromising or violations at par ICAO standards and recommended practices.
A methodology to determine manpower requirement is developed based on the

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

volume of operations and work efficiency of personal. Volume of operation is

derived from the functions of this directorate as per DGCA organization manual.

3.3.2 Applicability. This guide lines is prepared for efficient staffing to meet all the
assigned responsibilities and to exercise delegated powers for ensuring safe
and uninterrupted aircraft operation at all aerodromes in the country.

3.3.3 Related references:-

(a) Aircraft Rule 1937

(b) CAR Sec 4 Series B Part I
(c) DGCA organization manual
(d) Aerodrome Inspector’s Handbook

3.3.4 Introduction. The Workforce Evaluation Methodology is developed to

determine Aerodrome Standards Directorate staffing requirements based on
nature of functions and duties & responsibilities of Directorate of Aerodrome
Standards to determine the officer’s requirements. The Methodology should be
re-visited every two years in view of growth in aviation system and fresh licence
issue, renewal of licence of aerodrome/heliport and surveillance inspections as
per annual surveillance plan and inspections for renewal of licence/
authorizations to be carried out.

3.3.5 Organization Objectives. Objectives of the Directorate as assigned under

duties function and responsibilities are as follows:-

a) Analyzing, reviewing, and assessing the application along with documents

and issue of licenses of new airports.
b) Review of action taken reports to enhance the safety standards and
compliance of requirements as reflected in last inspections periodically as
per surveillance inspection plan and renew the license for a period as
specified in Procedure Manual.
c) Approval of change management
d) Surveillance inspections of licensed aerodromes (Public use/private use).
e) Site inspections of proposed green field airports/helipads
f) Surprise checks for apron discipline and operational areas.
g) Aerodrome inspections for Wild life menace
h) Helipad/ water aerodromes inspection
i) Parliament Questions/RTI/Court Cases/Misc /VIP refs/DO letters
j) Develop and issue orders, rules, advisory circulars and guidance material
relating to aerodrome standards and practices
k) Compliance and enforcement
l) Participate in the safety audit and contingency exercises of Aerodrome
m) Coordination meeting between regional Aerodrome Standards offices and
n) Meeting with stake holders/internal meetings

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

3.3.6 Factors to be considered for determining staffing requirements:-

a) Organization’s objective as per its manual

b) Frequency / periodicity of assigned work
c) Prediction of future requirements.
d) Efficiency of personal on basis of ongoing activities.
e) Human factor principles.

3.3.7 Steps to determine staffing requirements.

a) Calculation of total man hours required to fulfil the objective.

b) Availability of man hours.
c) Analysis of manpower requirements

(a) Step 1: Calculation of total man hours to meet the objectives.

i) Total man hours is calculated basis of Aerodrome Inspectors’ Hours required

to meet the objectives. It consist of following information:-

 The identification of each work function / objectives broken down into

categories of activities.
 The annual frequency of each work function
 The total number of Aerodrome inspector hours required to complete each
work function.

ii) Enter the information into an Excel spreadsheet (see Figure 1 for a sample
Workforce Evaluation Worksheet). The total number of annual hours required
for each work function can be calculated by multiplying the times per year each
work function is performed by the number of inspector hours required to
complete each work function.

iii) Calculate the total Aerodrome Standards directorate officers Hours, then find
the sum of the total number of hours required for each work function performed
by the Aerodrome Standards Directorate.

Note: If total man hours requirement is 46193.Keeping in view of continuous work

load increase due growth in aviation sector, it is suggested a 10% increase in man
hours requirement every year up to the forthcoming five years to be augmented at
this stage.

(b) Step 2: Calculation of total aerodrome standards officer’s hours


There are two important components to calculating Total Aerodrome Standards

Officers Hours Available:-

i) The number of hours that each officer is available to conduct work functions:-

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

To determine the number of work hours, assumptions must be made

regarding:-The number of hours each day each separately for each offices
of the Aerodrome Standards Directorate. Therefore, the total number of
officers of the Aerodrome Standards Directorate refers to the total number of
current, qualified and available officers.

ii) The total number of Directorate of Aerodrome Standards Officers.

Once these two numbers mentioned at para ‘a’ and ‘d’ above are
determined, Total officers of the Aerodrome Standards office Hours Available
can be calculated by finding the sum of the number of hours each the
Aerodrome Standards officers available to perform work function and the
total number the Aerodrome Standards officers. Thus, if an Aerodrome
Standards officer has 1,560 hours available, and there are 23 Aerodrome
Standards officers including 03 Consultants, then the Total Hours Available
are of that Aerodrome Standards Directorate officers are 35,880 (1,560 x23).

(c) Step 3: Analysis of manpower requirements.

Compare the Total Aerodrome Standards Officers Hours Required calculated in

Step 1 to the Total Inspector Hours Available calculated in Step 2. If the Total
Inspector Hours Required is less than the Total Inspector Hours Available, then the
Aerodrome Standards office has sufficient staffing. However, if the Total
Aerodrome Standards Officers Hours Required is more than the Total Inspector
Hours Available, then be DGCA may consider adding additional staff to that office.

(d) Step 4: Ensure aerodrome standards workforce is properly qualified and


This step involves considering the number of Aerodrome Standards Officers

required and determining the necessary training and qualification for the inspectors
to meet the demands of the Civil Aviation system. These training requirements
include the Induction, Specialization Training, Refresher and On-The-Job Training.

3.3.8 Administrative Staff: Workforce issues related to administrative staff supporting

Aerodrome Standards Offices required to be assessed separately. The Aerodrome
Standards Offices should have sufficient administrative staff, appropriate to the
size and complexity of the office, to effectively discharge their responsibilities.

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

4. License Issuing Process

4.1 License issue process2.

4.1.1 Officials involved in License Issue Process

Officials Delegation Responsibilities

Director Aerodrome Standards — Assigns an inspector who holds a

delegation to a particular licensing
task (The Director Aerodrome
Standards (DoAS) may nominate
himself or herself). Reviews the
case before recommending.
Director General/ Rules 83 Issues the aerodrome
Joint DG license.
4.1.2 Forms to be used

i) Application for Issue/ Renewal of Aerodrome License

ii) Aerodrome Manual check list.
iii) Inspection Checklist
iv) Aerodrome License Formats
v) Aerodrome Licensing Process check list
vi) Exemption process check list, if required
vii) Competency assessment checklist, check list
viii) Inspection of Operational procedure check list
ix) ARFF check list
x) AEP check list
xi) Low Visibility Operations check list, if required
xii) SMGCS check list, if required
xiii) Wildlife Hazard Plan check list
xiv) Obstacle lighting and Marking check list
xv) Additional Checklist for Visual aids
xvi) License Issue Checklist
xvii) Aerodrome License Register (maintained by Director Aerodrome

These checklist are available in Aerodrome Inspector’s Handbook.

4.1.3 Time Frame

The entire process of assessment of application and issue of license should be

completed within 90 days from the receipt of the formal application completed
in all respect.

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

4.1.4 License Issuing Process Flowchart

Expression of Expression of
Interest Interest
MoCA for Greenfield DGCA for other

DGCA: Receive the formal application for licensing of DoAS; Opens a new
aerodrome along with the related documents including: file and records the
i) Aerodrome Manual
ii) Fee for licensing
iii) CAR Compliance Checklist
iv) Exemption applications for non-compliances DoAS; Assigns the file
to Aerodrome Inspector

A I: (Off-site assessment of documents)

i) Process the application
If req. Coord, ii) Examine the aerodrome manual for facilities and
with ANSD/ procedures
iii) Process the exemption application
iv) Review NOCs (Environment / Land use/ Airspace/ Security

AI- On-site Verification:

AI- On-site Assessment:
 Aerodrome data
 Operating procedures AI:
 Dimension and characteristics of
 Coordination procedures Monitors Action
paved surfaces
 Availability of trained manpower, their taken
 Specification and characteristics of
competence/ experience of the
visual/ non-visual aids
aerodrome operator’s personnel
 Other facilities and equipment
If req. Coord,  SMS
with ANSD/  Exemption cases.
Requests additional
info or Action Plan

Is the
Yes assessment No

Recommends to DG for AI:
Grant of License Refuses application in
consultation with

Recommends to DG for
Grant of License
Advises applicant of

Generates License number
and updates license register
MOCA: Ministry of Civil Aviation
DG: Director General
DOAS: Issues aerodrome license, DOAS: Director of Aerodrome Standards
notifies AIS (AAI) for inclusion in AIS. AI: Aerodrome Inspector
Modifies surveillance plan ANSD: Air Navigation Service Directorate
FSD: Flight Standards Directorate
Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018 Licensing process takes 90 working days approx.
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

4.2 Assessing a Formal Application

4.2.1 Procedures

On receipt of an application for Aerodrome License, Aerodrome Standards


1. Make an initial assessment of the application:

a. Check that has received three copies of the Aerodrome Manual.

b. Make sure that have received a fee for aerodrome licensing. An entry is
made for the fee receipt in the revenue receipt register in the section.

c. Make sure that have received a compliance checklist for CAR Section -4
Series B Part I and Part III on Aerodrome Design & Operations and
Heliports respectively as the case may be.

2. Using the Aerodrome Manual checklist, determine whether the applicant’s

Aerodrome Manual complies with the requirements of the rule 81.

Note: Parts of the Aerodrome Manual assessment can be done during the
visit to the aerodrome.

3. Using the aerodrome manual checklist, determine whether the Aerodrome

Manual satisfactorily indicates that the applicant can properly operate and
maintain the aerodrome.

4. Check that the Aerodrome Manual and other supporting documentation

indicate that the operator has given due consideration to operational safety

5. If the Aerodrome Manual complies with the requirements of the Rules,

recommend for provisional acceptance of the manual and record the same
on the License Issue Check sheet.

6. The final acceptance of the aerodrome manual shall be done only after
verifying the details of the aerodrome manual during licensing inspection of
the aerodrome.

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

4.3 Assessing the Aerodrome Facilities and Organizational

4.3.1 Introduction DoAS staff may carryout Technical inspection and / or on-site Verification of
Aerodrome Facilities and Organizational Competences. A Technical inspection is a visual and/or instrumental verification of
compliance with technical specifications related to aerodrome infrastructure and
operations. The technical inspections of the aerodrome should include, as a minimum
infrastructure, ARFF, obstacle limitation surfaces (OLS), visual and non-visual aids
wildlife hazard management and aerodrome equipment for the use of aeroplanes; The scope of the on-site verification covers the subjects of procedures,
organization and SMS included in the aerodrome manual. The on-site verification
confirms that the aerodrome operations are carried out effectively in accordance with
the applicable regulation and procedures described in the manual.

4.3.2 Procedure DoAS Officials shall:

i) Review the Aerodrome Manual and supporting document and accept its relevant
safety parts prior to on-site verification of the aerodrome including procedures and
SMS. Acceptance at this stage means that all the information that should be
contained in the aerodrome manual is provided.
ii) Obtain copies of the relevant checklists as stated above including competency
check list. If readymade check lists are not available on a particular subject,
specific check lists should be prepared relevant to the facilities to be assessed.
iii) Communicate the aerodrome inspection programme to aerodrome operator in
iv) Visit the aerodrome, inspect the facilities to ensure that they comply with the
relevant standards. Where required, specialists may be included in the team.
a) assess each item listed on the checklists.
b) record the results of the inspection on the appropriate checklists and
comments, if required.
v) At the end of the inspection, complete the relevant parts of the License Issue
Check sheet to record activity satisfactorily completed to date.
vi) Prepare the list of deficiencies if any.
vii) Prepare and submit the inspection report.

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

viii)In case of findings, advice operator to develop a corrective action plan proposing
ways to eliminate or mitigate the findings, with deadlines for each subsequent
ix) Propose immediate appropriate measures on the aerodrome operator, if
necessary, until actions have been taken to remove or mitigate the findings The technical inspections

i) At aerodromes where an SMS is not fully operational, conduct full inspection. If

technical inspections have previously been conducted, conduct a follow-up
inspection instead of a full inspection.
ii) At aerodromes where an SMS has been fully implemented, the aerodrome
operator provides details in CAR Compliance Checklist, analyze the checklist
and conduct sample on-site checks as per analysis.
iii) Produce a report of the Technical / follow-up inspection, including any
deviations or observations made during the follow-up inspection and any
immediate and corrective action requirement. On-site verification

i) Assess the procedures, aerodrome organization and its SMS to confirms that
the aerodrome operations are carried out effectively in accordance with
aerodrome manual
ii) Assess the SMS of the operator if fully implemented, if SMS is not yet fully
operational, assess again during continued oversight.
iii) If the on-site verification team notices any deviations from the technical
inspection reports, they are included in the team’s report. On-site verification of the SMS

As a minimum, the items to be in place when granting the initial license are:
i) safety policy:
ii) operator’s organizational structure:
iii) appointment of an accountable executive and a safety manager;
iv) The capability and competence of the aerodrome operator responsibilities and
assignments and training
v) accident and incident reporting:
vi) existing hazards at the aerodrome: a procedure in order to identify, analyze and
assess hazards risk assessment and mitigation of changes: Evaluation of Obstacles.

1. The purpose is to provide guidance and information to aerodrome inspectors

when evaluating Obstacle Limitation Surfaces, Obstacle Protection Surfaces

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Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

(PAPI) and Light Planes (Approach Lighting System) associated with


2. The guidance is referenced to Aircraft Act/Rule, GSR 751 (E), CAR Section 4
Series B Part I, ICAO Doc. 9137 Part 6 (Control of Obstacles) and ICAO Doc
9157 Part4 (Visual aids)

3. Guidance and Procedures

A. General Information (OLS)

i. It is required that a number of imaginary surfaces be established around the

vicinity of aerodromes operated under GSR 751 (E) or any other statute
issued by Central Government from time to time. These surfaces must be
free of penetration by any object including structures, vegetation (e.g. tree)
and terrains.

ii. The aerodrome operator is required to establish a process for monitoring

the airspace around their aerodromes to ensure that they are free from
these objects.

iii. Aerodrome operators are also required to report new or on-going

construction around aerodrome to the Airports Authority of India (AAI) who
is statutorily responsible for determining whether such construction would
constitute a hazard to air navigation and subsequently providing aviation
height clearance.

iv. In determining whether an object constitutes a hazard to air navigation, AAI

applies the Aerodrome Master Plan in their evaluation. In this approach, the
obstacle limitation surface of the ultimate layout of the system of runways as
provided in the Aerodrome Master Plan is taken into account in determining
whether or not a permanent obstacle would constitute a hazard.

v. An Aerodrome Inspector must take into account the NOCs issued by AAI for
permanent obstacles based on overall Aerodrome Master Plan and may
evaluate temporary obstacles based on existing development.

B. General Information (Obstacle Protection Surfaces)

i. The requirement for obstacle protection surface for PAPI are given in CAR
Section 4 Series B Part I from para, and specifications
are given in table 5-3 and figure 5-21.

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018 Ver. 1 / 06.11.2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

ii. The penetration by objects in Obstacle Protection Surfaces are allowed

subject to shielding criteria or outcome of an Aeronautical Study.

iii. Otherwise, such objects should be removed, approach slope be raised,

reduce azimuth spread of the beam be reduced, axis of the system
displaced by no more than 5° or system be displaced upwind of the

C. General Information (Light Plane)

i. The specification regarding the Light Plane for the Approach lighting system
is given in CAR Section 4 Series B Part I, Attachment A para 12.3.

ii. Objects existing within the boundaries of the light plane should be removed
lowered or relocated where this can be accomplished more economically
than raising the light plane. If the object cannot be removed, lowered or
relocated economically the approach light slope may be raised. Normally
the light plane falls within the operational jurisdiction of aerodrome operator.
iii. (3) Checklist is provided at Appendix 23 of the Aerodrome Inspector’s
Handbook relating to obstacle limitation surfaces and would normally have
to be completed during initial licensing and subsequently during surveillance

4. Evaluation: The Aerodrome Inspector must determine:

i. that all fixed and mobile objects, as defined in the GSR 751 (E) within the
aerodrome or in its vicinity are either removed or marked and/ or lighted,
unless determined to be unnecessary by an aeronautical study or by
shielding principle, where applicable.

ii. that there are no objects, as defined in the CAR Section 4 Series B Part I
extending above the obstacle protection surface for visual approach slope
indicator system and that the approach light plane is free of infringements.

iii. that the operator has specified the survey frequency and has conducted an
obstacle survey to produce charts and follow-up surveys are conducted
whenever significant changes occur.

iv. that the Charts show a plan view of the entire aerodrome and its environs to
the outer limit of the OLS established in accordance with GSR 751-E. Each

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018 Ver. 1 / 06.11.2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

obstacle should be identified with its description and height above the
datum, which should be specified on the chart.

v. that the details of the obstacles are published in the Aerodrome Manual and
also notified to Aeronautical Information services (AAI).

vi. Electronic and visual aids which are obstacles are either frangible or
mounted on frangible couplings.

vii. The operator has established a programme of regular and frequent visual
inspection of all areas around the aerodrome including a daily observation
of all obstacle lights both on and off the aerodrome and has a corrective
action plan in the case of obstacle light failure.

viii. The operator has established a procedure to deal with the violations /
infringement of OLS and OPS.

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Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

4.4 Issue of an Aerodrome License

4.4.1 Procedures On receipt of the inspection report DoAS shall:

i. After review, recommend for issue of license for successful
applicant to Jt. DGCA/ DGCA for the issue of license.
ii. After approval of Jt.DGCA/ DGCA, prepares the Aerodrome
license and allocate the next available number on the Aerodrome
License Register.
iii. Submit the license for signature of Jt.DGCA/ DGCA.
iv. Issue the license to the applicant.
v. Place a copy of the Aerodrome License in the file.
vi. Make entry into the aerodrome license register. In case of any deficiencies advise the applicant that additional steps
needed to be taken by the applicant prior to further assessment of the
application. The license may be granted if subsequent assessment
shows that the applicant has corrected all deficiencies. The applicant, not providing additional information for complying the
requirement shall be given adequate opportunity before rejecting their

4.4.2 Surveillance of licensed aerodromes shall be conducted at least once a year.

4.5 Exemption Procedure

4.5.1 General

An application for exemption is a request from an aerodrome operator to be

exempted from the requirements of a regulation or part thereof. The DOAS
maintains a record of all exemptions issued by the DGCA. The exemption
information is issued by notifying the applicant.

4.5.2 Receipt of Application for Exemption

CAR Section 4 Series B Part IV lays down the process for an aerodrome
operator to apply to the DGCA for an exemption from any provisions of the CAR
Section 4 Series B Part I and III. Any application for exemption from any
provision should be forwarded to the DGCA for consideration. The application
should contain the following :

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

a) reasons to support why the proposed exemption should be granted.

b) provide any information and documentation to support the reason that

the exemption is not likely to affect aviation safety.

c) propose conditions that would mitigate any risk that could be created by
virtue of the exemption to ensure that aviation safety will not be
A copy of the Exemption Request Form must also be completed by the
applicant. The sample copy of the form is available at Appendix of CAR Section
4 series B Part IV.

4.5.3 Processing of Application for Exemptions Upon receipt, the DOAS shall review the request and ensure that all
necessary information has been provided. The DOAS shall
acknowledge to the applicant that his application has been received
and request further documentation, if required. The application is then
assigned to an inspector for comprehensive technical review and
evaluation. The assigned inspector should conduct a technical assessment of the
application and evaluate the arguments & evidence put forward by the
aerodrome operator in accordance with the aviation safety. The assigned inspector shall determine whether an equivalent level of

safety shall be maintained based on outcome of safety assessment/
aeronautical study. In an exemption action, maintaining at least an
equivalent level of safety is of primary concern. The analysis should
focus on the applicant’s justification that safety would not be adversely
affected. The inspector shall document the findings of the assessment and
provide the justification to grant or deny the exemption and forward the
assessment to DOAS for review. A sample of the assessment paper is
in Appendix B15. The DOAS shall review the submission and forward
for DG’s approval

4.5.4 Grant or Refusal of Exemption The aerodrome operator is issued the exemption if it is concluded that

the applicant's arguments support a grant of exemption. The conditions
and procedures under which the exemption is granted shall be
mentioned in the letter.

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures If a decision to deny the exemption is taken based on the determination

that the exemption would adversely affect safety, or, if applied, would
not provide a level of desired safety, under such circumstances the
reasons will be quoted in the letter. If the Authority decides that part of the applicant's request meets the
criteria for granting the exemption, it may issue a partial grant of
exemption along with reasons, if any. The letter should clearly discuss
those parts of the application that are being denied and those that are
being granted. The approval should specify the duration of the exemption and any
conditions or limitations of the exemption. The exemption, its duration along with conditions and limitations should
be published in AIP/ NOTAM and Aerodrome Manual.

4.5.5 Review of the Granted Exemption The exemption once granted should be reviewed at the time of renewal
of aerodrome license. It may also be reviewed when the applicant has
requested for the extension of its validity clearly indicating the reason
for such request along with the validity of the safety levels ensured
earlier or modified subsequently. The inspector shall assess the progress made during the previous
exemption period and adequacy of safety measures for ensuing period
of exemption. The applicant shall notify DGCA after the need for exemption is no
longer required and inspector should review the application for such
termination request with respect to safety of operations.

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Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures


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Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

4.6 Notification to AIS

4.6.1 Requirement:

1. The objective of the aeronautical information service is to ensure the flow of

information/data necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of
international air navigation.

2. In India, the provision of Aeronautical information service is delegated to

Airports Authority of India (AAI) except AIC which is published by DGCA.

3. AAI is responsible for receiving, collating or assembling, editing, formatting,

publish/store and distributing aeronautical data aeronautical information
concerning the entire territory of India and for airspace over high seas
delegated to India.

4. The aerodrome operator shall ensure promulgation and updating of the

aerodrome data, licensing status including details of exemptions, if any, in AIP/

4.6.2 Evaluation Process: The Aerodrome Inspector must determine if:

1. There is a system to forward any new data or variation of existing data to the

2. There is a quality system for protecting aeronautical data from the point of
origination in the data chain to the next intended user;

3. The quality system, such as ISO 9000, must be documented and demonstrable
for each function stage and capable to detect and remedy any information/ data
anomalies during the phases of production, maintenance and operational use,

4. The quality system should have process to detect non-conformity, identify

cause and correction methods. The system should have process for record
keeping and documentation in place

4.6.3 Process of Notification to AIS.

1. The purpose is to provide guidance and information to aerodrome inspectors to

use when checking or evaluating aerodrome data required to be published in
the Aeronautical Information Publication

2. Chapter 2 of CAR Section 4 Series B Part I contains a complete list of

aerodrome data to be originated and included by the Aerodrome Operator in
the Aerodrome Manual. This information is normally available to the operator
prior to initial licensing.

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Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

3. The aerodrome Operator submits application for licensing to DGCA along with
Aerodrome Manual. The contents of aerodrome Manual including aeronautical
data as mentioned in part 3 of the manual.

4. Before being sent to the Aeronautical Information Services (AAI) for publication
in the AIP, DGCA must be satisfied that the information is correct and
adequate. It must be ensured that data originator, data provider and the data
publisher have quality systems for maintaining the integrity of aeronautical data.

5. Since the authority for Aeronautical Information Service in India is delegated to

AAI, the responsibility of verification of the accuracy and integrity of the
aeronautical data is also of AAI. The AAI shall carry out the verification as per
their own SOP. The aerodrome operator is required to obtain a certificate of
verification of accuracy and integrity of aeronautical data from AAI and submit
the same to DGCA.

6. The aeronautical data of the aerodrome facilities is re-verified by the inspecting

officer on random sample check basis during the inspection for grant of
aerodrome license. On the basis of the verified data contained in Aerodrome
Manual Part 3, information in AD-2 is submitted and same is informed to AAI for
publication in AIP.

7. Any changes proposed by the aerodrome operator to the published information

in the AIP must be checked and approved by DGCA before being sent to AIS
for publication.

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Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures



DGCA: Receives request to renew

aerodrome license

Operator: Additional
DoAS: Assigns the task to Aerodrome information or action
Inspector (AI) to deal with request to taken
renew the license.

AI: Examines the application /documents

for renewal and assesses the actions on
surveillance inspection observations.

AI: Notifies the applicant
Are the documents including aerodrome through DoAS
manual IS compete for the renewal

Cease process
AI: Recommends to DG through
DoAS for the renewal of aerodrome

DoAS: After approval for renewal,

advices licensee that license is
renewed and specify conditions if

AI: Places all the documents on the

concerned file.

AI: notifies aerodrome operator and DoAS: Updates the Surveillance

instructs to issue NOTAM by AIS programme.

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Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures



DGCA: receives request to

amend aerodrome license

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Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

4.9 Surrender of an Aerodrome License


Operator: Additional
information or action

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Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

5. Safety Oversight Audit/ Inspection

5.1 Continuing aerodrome safety oversight in the broad sense means the total
scope of activity conducted by DGCA to assess that aerodrome operations
are conducted to a level that is as safe as is reasonably practicable, thus
ensuring that Licensing obligation are being met. The safety oversight activity
is limited to inspection and audit processes as they may be applied to
licensing and surveillance activity by DGCA.
i. DGCA shall carry out Initial licensing audit/ inspection, it is the first audit
conducted prior to issuance of an aerodrome license. These inspections
should be conducted using checklists developed by the DGCA (Inspectors’
handbook Appendix 1 for areas to be inspected during initial and appendix 2
for surveillance).
ii. If technical inspections have previously been conducted, and depending on
the changes that occurred at the aerodrome since the last inspection, a
follow-up inspection may be conducted instead of a full inspection.
iii. Periodic surveillance inspection will be conducted (annually) to verify the
overall level of conformance to regulatory requirements.
iv. Special Purpose Audit shall be conducted to respond to safety concerns or
circumstances other than those requiring a periodic surveillance audit. It
may be conducted for a number of reasons; e.g. to monitor airfield
construction or verification of some safety concern or test the aerodrome’s
continued compliance with aerodrome manual and national regulations.
v. License Renewal Audit is conducted for licensed aerodrome once in a
every in accordance with (Rule 82) to renew the validity of the aerodrome
license, upon submission of written notification to the Authority for renewal
of its license.
vi. All documents relevant to the inspection should be retained and placed on
the aerodrome license file after completion of the inspection. These should
include, where applicable, the following:

a) A copy of the initial notification of the inspection

b) Completed checklists;
c) All observations made during the inspection
d) A copy of the Corrective Action Plan
e) Follow-up activities to ascertain compliance;
f) Corrective action completed by operator
vii. It is the responsibility of the DoAS to establish and maintain an inspection
database as per format E given in Surveillance Procedures Manual of
DGCA that will contain all the inspection findings of all aerodrome license
holders. This database will be utilized by DGCA to track / monitor the
compliance during surveillance on all aerodrome license holders / renewal
of license.

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Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

1. The broad flow diagram for the generic audit / inspection is shown in
fig 5-1

Safety Oversight Audit/ Inspection (Flow Chart)

Fig 5-1 Safety Oversight Audits/ Inspections

5.2 Surveillance Inspection

5.2.1 DGCA has developed a system of surveillance to ensure that the standards
maintained at the time of issue of aviation documents, such as approval
certificate, licence, rating, etc. is maintained throughout the validity period.
Therefore, primary responsibility of the DGCA is Safety Oversight, and to
meet this obligation, DGCA has prepared an Annual Surveillance
Programme (ASP) in respect of all the Directorates. In order to ensure
effective monitoring of the surveillance programme and enforcement action,
DGCA has created a “Surveillance & Enforcement Division (SED).

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

5.2.2 The Surveillance and Enforcement Division in Headquarters has a key role
to plan, monitor, oversee and enforce actions on behalf of
Directorates/Regional and Sub Regional offices.

5.2.3 Each Directorate at Headquarter has the following broad responsibilities

towards fulfilment of ASP:
(i) Develop an Annual Surveillance Programme (ASP) each year in
advance related to their area of surveillance and submit it to
Surveillance Monitoring & Enforcement Division latest by 15 th of
November of every year.
(ii) Develop a checklist for surveillance area giving reference of
regulations to be complied with.
(iii) Schedule surveillance activities, assigning officers and resources
(iv) Maintain records of surveillance activities/create Data Pool
(v) Follow up implementation and closure of corrective actions by
tracking mechanism.
(vi) Recommend regulatory action where necessary to ensure
compliance with the rules
(vii) Report on the performance of surveillance every month.
(viii) Attend the monthly surveillance monitoring meeting to represent
their surveillance programme and submit the summary of monthly
surveillance report to the division latest by 15th of the following
5.2.4 The DOAS prepares the annual surveillance plan and ensures compliance
of these functions by the Directorate which are monitored by the SED on
monthly basis.

5.3 The Aerodrome Operator

The aerodrome’s management should

i. Inform relevant employees about the objectives and scope of the

ii. Make available members of senior management with safety
accountabilities during the inspection.
iii. Appoint members of staff to accompany members of the inspection
team when required.

iv. Provide all resources needed for the inspection team in order to
ensure an effective and efficient process.
v. Co-operate with the inspectors to permit the inspection objectives to
be achieved.
vi. On the basis of the inspection report, develop a plan for corrective
and preventive action for approval by DGCA.

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

6. Compliance and Enforcement

6.1 The holder of an aerodrome license shall not contravene or cause or permit
to be contravened any conditions of the aerodrome license. The licensee is
required to maintain an aerodrome in a fit state to the satisfaction of DGCA
during the whole period of currency of the license. If it is observed that
aerodrome licensee is not complying with the conditions of the license or not
adhering to the laid down standards DoAS shall give adequate opportunity
to the licensee to comply with the Regulations and Standards.

6.2 If DoAS is satisfied that the licensee is not taking enough corrective
measures for compliance with the conditions of the aerodrome license
he/she shall recommend to Jt.DG/DG for appropriate action against the

6.3 DGCA may take two types of enforcement actions: Administrative Actions
empowers DGCA to suspend, cancel, withdraw or modify licenses,
approvals, certificates etc. if the holder contravenes certain provisions of the
rules or does not comply with the directions issued by the Director General
or does not observe the terms and conditions of the relevant document.

6.4 DGCA may also initiate a case in the court of appropriate jurisdiction for
imposition of penalty against the offenders under the relevant provisions of
the Aircraft Act, 1934 or the Aircraft Rules, 1937. This is a Judicial Action to
be taken by the court.

6.5 The details about the DGCA enforcement policy and procedures are available
in DGCA’s “Enforcement Policy and Procedures Manual”.

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

7. Check-Lists
7.1 Aerodrome License Issue Check sheet






1. Initial briefing with operator to
review requirements for
2. Identify key contact(s) with the
3. Receipt of Application including
relevant documents and fee
4. Select key personnel to review
5. Conduct initial assessments of
6. If assessment is not
satisfactory, advise operator
7. Ensure all documents are in
compliance before moving to
inspection phase
8. Assessment of facilities and
9. Conduct on-site inspection
including Operational
procedures. ( complete checklist at
appendix 15 Inspectors Manual)
10. Assessment of process for
evaluation of the competence
and experience of the
aerodrome operator’s
personnel (complete checklist at
Appendix 14 Inspectors Manual)
11. Availability of BCAS clearance
regarding security compliance
of aerodrome and
Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018 Ver. 1 / 06.11.2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

its facilities.
12. Availability of arrangement with
AAI for coordination regarding
local airspace, AIS and other
relevant operational
procedures ( e.g. MoU/ LoA)
13. Record and brief operator
regarding non- compliance by
way of inspection report
14. Receive corrective action plan
15. Review status of corrective
action plans
16. Verify and document corrective
action taken
17. Ensure all open issues are
18. Ensure all checklists have
been completed
19. Verify all items are closed or
acceptable exemption has
been granted. ( Checklist at
Appendix 13 for Exemptions should
be completed Inspectors Manual)
20. Obtain DG approval for
issuance of license
21. Prepare Aerodrome License for
22. Determine Special Conditions
23. Update License register
24. Issue License
25. Post / handover licence
26. Notify AIS of aerodrome
27. Modify surveillance plan.

Signature of Assessor ............................


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Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

8. Sample Aerodrome License Application Forms

8.1 Application for an Aerodrome License (In triplicate)

1. DETAILS OF LICENCEE (as required to be shown on the license)

1.1 Full name of applicant (in capital letters)

1.2 Address of applicant (in capital letters)

1.3 Telephone Number(s)

Fax Number

Email/ Telex number

1.4 Nationality of the Applicant

2. DETAILS OF AERODROME (as required to be shown on the license)

2.1 Place name by which the aerodrome is

to be known in all future references

2.2 Name and Address of the owner of


Telephone Number

Fax Number

Email / Telex Number

2.3 Situation of the aerodrome site with

reference to the nearest airport, railway
station and town/village

2.4 State / District in which situated

2.6 Grid reference in WGS 84

(attach a survey map, scale1:10,000 showing by
means of broken line the exact boundaries of the
Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

2.7 Elevation of the Aerodrome reference

……………..Feet (……………..meter)
point (AMSL)

2.8 Orientation and length of runway (s)

(in feet and meter)


3.1 State category of licence required as

defined in Aircraft Rules 1937? PUBLIC USE  PRIVATE USE

3.2 In case of private aerodrome, indicate
the purpose for which the aerodrome
will be used e.g. joy rides, air displays,
miscellaneous instructional flying, private
flying etc.

Whether your own aircraft only will

use the aerodrome YES  NO 
do you propose to use the aerodrome
by own aircraft as well as other aircraft ? YES  NO 
If use by others aircraft, state whether
prior permission or notice is required. YES  NO 
3.3 Is a licence for NIGHT USE/ ALL
WEATHER required? YES  NO 
3.4 If the answer to 3.3 above is YES, Please provide details of proposed lighting
along with the lighting plan.

3.5 Please provide details of proposed CNS-ATM facilities.

3.6 Please provide details of proposed MET facilities;

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

3.7 Please give details of other proposed aviation activities (for example gliding,
parachuting, micro lights).

3.8 Type and maximum total weight of the largest / heaviest aircraft for which the
aerodrome is designed, including overall length and maximum fuselage width.






Are you the owner of the aerodrome site
YES  NO 
IF NO – Please state:

4.1 Details of the rights you hold over the land

4.2 The period for which you hold these rights, including terminating date

5. PERMISSIONS AND APPROVALS (Attach the attested copies, if not submitted earlier with



5.1 Ministry of Defence;

5.2 Ministry of Home Affairs;

5.3 Owner of the land

5.4 Local authority such as municipal

corporation / committee or urban
land development Board/ authority of the
State or its Country and Town Planning

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures


6.1 Board Member/ Managing Director or person having specific responsibility for
(To be completed only where the applicant is a company/ corporate/society)


Status/ Designation

Telephone number

6.2 The person in charge of day to day operation of aerodrome.

(Please enclose a current Curriculum Vitae [CV])


Status/ Designation

Telephone number

6.3 The person responsible for Aerodrome Safety.

If different from 6.2 (Please enclose a current Curriculum Vitae [CV])


Status/ Designation

Telephone number

6.4 Provider of the CNS - ATM



6.5 Provider of the MET services



Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

6.6 The person responsible for overseeing the day to day provisions of the Air Traffic


Status/ Designation

Telephone number

6.7 The person responsible for overseeing the day to day provisions of CNS


Status/ Designation

Telephone number

6.8 The person responsible for overseeing the day to day provisions of RFF


Status/ Designation

Telephone number

6.9 The person responsible for overseeing the day to day provisions of MET services


Status/ Designation

Telephone number

7.1 Is an Aerodrome Manual enclosed with
this application? (Ref Rule 81) YES  NO 
7.2 If no please indicate when this is likely
to be submitted to DGCA.
Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

(Note: An Aerodrome Licence will not be granted until

an acceptable aerodrome Manual has been received by

8.1 Challan No. for online deposit

8.2 Amount
(Attach a sheet showing the calculation of
amount as per runway length)

8.3 Date & name of the drawee bank

9. ANY OTHER INFORMATION: (the information may include details in annex 1, 2 &

I hereby certify that the forgoing information is correct in every respect and no
relevant information has been withheld.

(in capital letters)
POSITION HELD………………………………………
(with official seal) .
Note: 1. Application not completed in all respect and not accompanied with relevant enclosures is likely to be
2. The application shall be signed by the owner of the company. In case of any other person authorized by
the owner, authorization should be attached with the application.
3. It is an offence to make any false representation with the intent to deceive, for the purpose of procuring the
grant of an aerodrome licence.

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

8.2 Application for Renewal of Aerodrome License;

1. Aerodrome License Number

2. Name of the Aerodrome

3. Enclose the aerodrome license in


4. Enclose copy of last self-inspection


5. Enclose copy of latest Nav-aids

Calibration report

6. Enclose the copy of latest friction

test report along with corrective
action taken if any

7. Enclose the copy of updated

Aerodrome Manual ( a soft copy

8. Enclose the training records of all

the operational staff (Carried out
during the currency of aerodrome
license along with annual training

9. Status of Change Management ( use

separate sheet for each project to
include DGCA approval number,
progress status with respect to
approved timelines, delay, review of
Hazlog as accepted etc.)

10. Status of Temporary Exemptions

and review report of mitigation
measures (enclose report)

11. Status of Permanent exemption w.r.t

employed mitigation measures.
(enclose report)

12. Details of license renewal fee

12.1 Challan No. for online deposit

12.2 Amount

12.3 Name and Date of Drawee Bank.

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

It is certified that no change in the physical characteristics of the aerodrome

including the erection of new buildings and alterations to the existing buildings or to
visual aids at the aerodrome have been made without prior approval of the DGCA since
the issue/ last renewal and approved changes in the aerodrome facilities have been duly
incorporated in the Aerodrome Manual wherever necessary.


DATE……………………… NAME…………………….…………………..
(in capital letters)

(with official seal) .

1. Application not completed in all respect and not accompanied with relevant enclosures is
likely to be rejected.
2. The application shall be signed by the owner of the company. In case of any other person
authorized by the owner, authorization should be attached with the application.
3. It is an offence to make any false representation with the intent to deceive, for the
purpose of procuring the grant of an aerodrome licence.

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

Sample Aerodrome License

9.1 Aerodrome License – Private Use


File No…………………………….
Licence No. AL/Prívate/ 000


The Director General of Civil Aviation, in exercise of the powers under Rule 78 of
the Aircraft Rules, 1937 delegated vide S.O. No. 727 (E) dated the 4th October, 1994,
hereby grants license to,

(Name of License holder)


(Name & Place of Aerodrome)

Latitude 00° 00´00.00˝ N, Longitude 00° 00´00.00˝ E

the details of the aerodrome as contained in its Aerodrome Manual.

This license authorizes the aerodrome to be used as regular place of landing and
departure to all persons on equal terms and conditions for operation by aircraft requiring
specifications of runway and associated facilities equal to or less than those indicated in
the aerodrome Manual, subject to the conditions as contained in schedule-I and for a
period as shown in Schedule-II hereto.
The license is liable to be suspended/ modified/ withdrawn/ and/or any limitations
or conditions may be imposed, if any violation of the provisions of the Aircraft Act 1934,
Aircraft Rules 1937, or any orders/ directions/ requirements issued under the said Act,
rules or of the limitations or conditions as in schedule-I are observed.
This Aerodrome License is not transferable.
Date of issue:

Aerodrome Standards Feb 2018
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

License No. AL/Private/ 000

1. The Licensee shall ensure that aerodrome facilities, equipment, services and procedures are
operated and / or maintained properly and efficiently in accordance with the Aerodrome Manual
submitted to DGCA, the applicable standards set out in the CARs and conditions specified in
this license.
2. The Licensee shall ensure that the copies of the Aerodrome Manual and Safety Management
System (SMS) Manual, accepted by DGCA are always kept complete and current. The
Licensee shall ensure that each member of the aerodrome operating staff is aware of the
contents of the every part of the aerodrome manual and SMS manual, relevant to his duties and
undertakes his duties in conformity with the relevant provisions of these manuals.
3. The Licensee shall ensure that an adequate number of qualified and skilled personnel are
employed to perform all critical activities for the operation and maintenance of its aerodrome,
and that a programme to upgrade the competency for the personnel is in place.
4. The Licensee shall notify the agency responsible for Aeronautical Information Services and the
air traffic control unit immediately of any obstacles, obstructions or hazards, change in level of
service at the aerodrome as set out in any Privateation by the aeronautical information services
or variation from the Standards; closure of the movement area of the aerodrome; significant
change in aerodrome facility or the physical layout of the aerodrome; and any other condition
that could affect aviation safety at the aerodrome and against which precautions are warranted.
5. The Licensee shall notify the agency responsible for Aeronautical Information Services of any
change to any aerodrome facility or equipment or level of service at the aerodrome which has
been planned in advance and which is likely to affect the accuracy of the information contained
in any Privateation by the agency before effecting the change.
6. The licensee shall be responsible to ensure that all security and anti-hijacking arrangements
stipulated from time to time by the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security for the aerodrome are
complied with.
7. When so demanded by an officer duly authorised under the Aircraft Rules, 1937, this license
and any other relevant documents shall be produced for inspection.
8. The licensee shall be responsible for payment to the concerned authorities of all applicable
charges pertaining to the services provided by such authorities in connection with the
aerodrome operation such as water supply, electricity supply, telephone lines etc.
9. Licensee shall maintain record of all aircraft landing at and taking-off from the aerodrome.
10. The Licensee shall have legally tenable agreement with CNS and ATM service provider(s) to
ensure continuity and reliability of CNS and ATM to ensure the safety of aircraft in the airspace
associated with aerodrome, and that proper coordination with the agencies responsible for
aeronautical information services, meteorological services, security and other areas related to
safety are established.
11. The aerodrome shall at all reasonable times be open to use by any aircraft in the service of the
Central Government.
12. The licensee shall ensure that during the validity of the license the capability of the
services/facilities, etc. are not degraded below the notified level.
13. The licensee is to submit the application for renewal in prescribed proforma along with relevant
enclosures and fee, at least 1 months before expiry of license to the Director General of Civil
Aviation. The license may be renewed if DGCA is satisfied that all requirements have been
14. Other requirements of Central Government and State Government as applicable shall be
complied with.

Aerodrome Standards
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

License No. AL/Private/ 000

15. The aerodrome is licensed for use in IFR (All weather) / VFR (Day) conditions.

16. Any other conditions : -

Portion of map showing exact location of aerodrome.

Aerodrome Standards
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

License No. AL/Private/ 000


(Name & Place of Aerodrome)


Aerodrome Standards
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

9.2 Aerodrome License – Public Use


File No…………………………….
License No. AL/Public/ 000


The Director General of Civil Aviation, in exercise of the powers under Rule 78 of
the Aircraft Rules, 1937 delegated vide S.O. No. 727 (E) dated the 4th October, 1994,
hereby grants license to,

(Name of License holder)


(Name & Place of Aerodrome)

Latitude 00° 00´00.00˝ N, Longitude 00° 00´00.00˝ E

The ARFF category of the aerodrome and other details are as contained in its
Aerodrome Manual.
This license authorizes the aerodrome to be used as regular place of landing and
departure to all persons on equal terms and conditions for operation by aircraft requiring
specifications of runway and associated facilities including granted exemptions equal to
or less than those indicated in the aerodrome Manual, subject to the conditions as
contained in schedule-I and for a period as shown in Schedule-II hereto.
The license is liable to be suspended/ modified/ withdrawn/ and/or any limitations
or conditions may be imposed, if any violation of the provisions of the Aircraft Act 1934,
Aircraft Rules 1937, or any orders/ directions/ requirements issued under the said Act,
rules or of the limitations or conditions as in schedule-I are observed.
This Aerodrome License is not transferable.


Date of issue:

Aerodrome Standards Ver.3/02nd Aug 2019
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

License No. AL/Public/ 000


1. The Licensee shall ensure that aerodrome facilities, equipment, services and procedures are
operated and / or maintained properly and efficiently in accordance with the Aerodrome
Manual submitted to DGCA, the applicable standards set out in the CARs and conditions
specified in this license.
2. The Licensee shall ensure that the copies of the Aerodrome Manual and Safety Management
System (SMS) Manual, accepted by DGCA are always kept complete and current. The
Licensee shall ensure that each member of the aerodrome operating staff is aware of the
contents of the every part of the aerodrome manual and SMS manual, relevant to his duties
and undertakes his duties in conformity with the relevant provisions of these manuals.
3. The Licensee shall ensure that an adequate number of qualified and skilled personnel are
employed to perform all critical activities for the operation and maintenance of its aerodrome,
and that a programme to upgrade the competency for the personnel is in place.
4. The Licensee shall notify the agency responsible for Aeronautical Information Services and
the air traffic control unit immediately of any obstacles, obstructions or hazards, change in
level of service at the aerodrome as set out in any publication by the aeronautical information
services or variation from the Standards; closure of the movement area of the aerodrome;
significant change in aerodrome facility or the physical layout of the aerodrome; and any
other condition that could affect aviation safety at the aerodrome and against which
precautions are warranted.
5. The Licensee shall notify the agency responsible for Aeronautical Information Services of any
change to any aerodrome facility or equipment or level of service at the aerodrome which has
been planned in advance and which is likely to affect the accuracy of the information
contained in any publication by the agency before effecting the change.
6. The licensee shall be responsible to ensure that all security and anti-hijacking arrangements
stipulated from time to time by the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security for the aerodrome are
complied with.
7. When so demanded by an officer duly authorised under the Aircraft Rules, 1937, this license
and any other relevant documents shall be produced for inspection.
8. The licensee shall be responsible for payment to the concerned authorities of all applicable
charges pertaining to the services provided by such authorities in connection with the
aerodrome operation such as water supply, electricity supply, telephone lines etc.
9. Licensee shall maintain record of all aircraft landing at and taking-off from the aerodrome.
10. The Licensee shall have legally tenable agreement with CNS and ATM service provider(s) to
ensure continuity and reliability of CNS and ATM to ensure the safety of aircraft in the
airspace associated with aerodrome, and that proper coordination with the agencies
responsible for aeronautical information services, meteorological services, security and other
areas related to safety are established.
11. The aerodrome shall at all reasonable times be open to use by any aircraft in the service of
the Central Government.
12. The licensee shall ensure that during the validity of the license the capability of the
services/facilities, etc. are not degraded below the notified level.

Aerodrome Standards
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

13. The licensee is to submit the application for renewal in prescribed proforma along with
relevant enclosures and fee, at least 2 months before expiry of license to the Director
General of Civil Aviation. The license may be renewed if DGCA is satisfied that all
requirements have been fulfilled.
14. Other requirements of Central Government and State Government as applicable shall be
complied with.
15. The aerodrome meets the design criteria and reference code __ as defined in the CAR
Section 4 Series B Part I and designed for operation of _____ type or equivalent aircraft.
16. The licensee shall maintain ARFF category defined in the Aerodrome manual or as notified
by NOTAM issued in this regards
17. The aerodrome is licensed for use in IFR (All weather) / VFR (Day) conditions.
18. Any other conditions : -

Portion of map showing exact location of aerodrome.

Aerodrome Standards Ver.03/02nd Aug 2019
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

License No. AL/Public/ 000


(Name & Place of Aerodrome)


Aerodrome Standards
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

Aerodrome License Register Format

File No:
License No:
Aerodrome Name:

Co-ordinates: Latitude Longitude

Name of Licensee :

Address of Licensee :

Date of Initial Operation:

(If available)

License Validity Signature and Remarks (if any) and

Date Initial
From To
1 2 3 4

Aerodrome Standards
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

9. Procedure for maintaining the Accepted

Aerodrome Manuals at Aerodrome Standards

(a) Aerodrome manual is issued as a controlled document. All copies of

the aerodrome manual are numbered and issued in accordance with
the distribution list of the aerodrome operator concerned. All copy
holders are responsible for the safe custody and maintenance of their
copy of the manual.

(b) The Section Officer of Aerodrome Standards Directorate shall be

responsible for maintaining the inventory of accepted aerodrome
manuals of all licensed aerodromes including in the soft copy, if

(c) The SMS Manual and AEP are the part of aerodrome manual but
sometimes these documents are submitted separately due to their
large size. These documents should be kept together for easy retrieval.

(d) All these aerodrome manuals shall be kept in safe custody at

designated place in organized manner.

(e) On issue of letter of acceptance of the Aerodrome Manual to the

aerodrome operator, the Section Officer of the Aerodrome Standards
Directorate shall take over the accepted manual and place the copy of
the acceptance letter in the concerned aerodrome manual.

(f) The newly accepted aerodrome manual shall be kept in the Amirah
containing the accepted and updated aerodrome manuals of all
licensed aerodromes. The old aerodrome manual shall be removed
and archived as per laid down office procedures.

(g) The aerodrome manual event log should be maintained in a register.

The entry and exit of the controlled copies of the aerodrome manual
should be recorded in the register along with name of the inspector
and dates of such movement.

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Aerodrome Standards
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

11. Procedure for issue of Advisory Circulars/

Guidance Materials or Safety notice etc.
11.1 The guidance material for implementation and understanding of various
regulations and standards are issued in the form of Aerodrome Advisory
Circulars for general consumption or as a specific communication to the
concerned Aerodrome Operators.

11.2 The advisory circulars/ guidance material specify the SARPs in greater
detail, operational procedures to be applied by aerodrome operators to ensure
aerodrome operational safety. They also specify methods, procedures and
practices to be applied by both aerodrome regulators and operators for initial
aerodrome licensing and continuing aerodrome safety oversight. They do not
create or change a regulatory requirement.

11.3 The DoAS shall be responsible for issue and maintenance of Advisory
Circulars as per requirement. DoAS may delegate the responsibility for carry out
amendments to an existing Advisory Circular on his behalf.

11.4 In case of the following events, the DoAS shall review and decide whether
there is any requirement for review or issue of the guidance material on any
subject related to Aerodromes.

ii. Issue of new provisions or amendments in existing provisions by ICAO

affecting aerodromes.
iii. On receipt of recommendations from Court of Inquiry or any other
directorates due to safety occurrences.
iv. Receipt of requests from Aerodrome Operators for clarification on any
v. Ambiguity in interpretation of any of the provision
vi. Any other event requiring issue of guidelines etc.

11.5 In case of any of the events mentioned above, DoAS should analyze the
impact of the event on the existing regulations and decide whether there is a
need for issue of new Advisory Circular/ Guidance Material or Safety Notice or an
already existing Circular or guidance material needs to be amended.

11.6 One realizing the need for issuing an ADAC, DoAS will assign the task of
writing such circular to a suitable person. The author of the ADACs must ensure
that draft ADACs are clear and easily understandable, if required, author should
coordinate with other directorates to resolve known issues. The author of the
circular should also consolidate other ADACs on similar subject or fitting for
cancellation and submit the draft to DoAS for review.

11.7 After the review by DoAS, the final draft ADAC should be submitted to DG/
JDG/ DDG for approval. The ADAC when approved and signed by appropriate

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Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

authority, should be notified to anyone who has interest in subject matter through
DGCA web-site.

11.8 These advisory circulars/ guidance material should be reviewed as and

when required based on the amendments in related SARPs, CARs, experience
gained and based on comments/ suggestions received from end users and
should be kept current/ amended. The advisory circulars/ guidance material
should nevertheless be reviewed once annually to ensure their relevance. For
advisory circulars reviewed and where no amendments are required, the same
shall be recorded in the concerned file.

11.9 After the review, the necessary changes / amendment should be affected in
the ADAC, the approval process shall be same as specified at point 11.7. Since
there is no separate page for amendment history, the amended pages should
reflect revision number along with revision date and a vertical bar on the left side
of the amended text/ figure/ table should be inserted.

11.9 The flow chart for the creation to publication of any advisory circulars/
guidance material and its amendment is given below:

Advisory Circulars/ Guidance Materials or Safety notice Flow Chart.

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Aerodrome Standards
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

12. Procedure for Issue of Credentials to Aerodrome

12.1 DGCA Credentials (Authorization Cards) is the credential issued to
qualified inspectors of DGCA issued by the Director‐General under Rules 82 and
156 of the Aircraft Rules, 1937 for use in performance of official duties and
presented when credentialed identification is requested.

12.2 The detailed guidelines on, Application Procedures, Training Requirements,

continuing qualification, Issuance and Retention Process, validity etc. is available
in section Q of DGCA Organization Manual issued in July 2017.

13. Record Keeping and Technical Library in

Aerodrome Standards Directorate
13.1 Records

13.1.1 DoAS shall maintain files, Aerodrome manual, SMS and AEP etc. for each
aerodrome. The file for each licensed aerodrome should contain records from the
expression of interest stage to the issuance or refusal of the license, and the file
should remain open thereafter for further documentation and correspondence on
the subject.

13.1.2 An aerodrome license register should be maintained as a reference log of

the date of issue of license and its validity and license numbers.

13.2.3 Records will be retained as per promulgated Record Retention Schedule

for Records relating to substantive functions of Directorate General of Civil

13.2.4 Close liaison should be maintained with the air safety directorate to obtain
data on aircraft accidents and incidents at or near aerodromes for use by staff in
their continuing work.

13.2 Technical Library

A technical library is established to facilitate the all updated documents online at issued by ICAO relating to the design, operation and
maintenance of aerodrome facilities and equipment, and all national standards,
rules, orders, advisory circulars and guidance material. Additionally, the
standards and other relevant documentation issued by other States which are
commonly used as reference material, and important textbooks and magazines
on the subject are kept in the technical e-library.

Aerodrome Standards
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures


Aerodrome Standards
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures


Aerodrome Standards
Manual of Aerodrome Licensing Procedures

Appendix III
Management Structure of DoAS

Ministry of Civil Aviation

Flight Standards Directorate General of Civil


ANS Directorate
Aerodrome Standards Directorate

Air Safety

Aerodrome Regulations Aerodrome Inspections

Making National Regulations

Aircraft Operations
Guidance and Advisory

Aerodrome Operations
Change Management

Air Traffic Services

Court cases / RTI

Staffing and Trainings



Ver. 1 / 06.11.2018
Aerodrome Standards

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