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Discovering credit card fraud methods in online tutorials

Conference Paper · May 2016

DOI: 10.1145/2915368.2915369

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3 authors, including:

Gert Jan van Hardeveld Craig Webber

University of Southampton University of Southampton


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Discovering credit card fraud methods in online tutorials
Gert Jan van Hardeveld Craig Webber Kieron O’Hara
University of Southampton University of Southampton University of Southampton
gjvh1g13@soton.ac.uk c.webber@soton.ac.uk kmo@ecs.soton.ac.uk

Online underground forums allow for the sharing of up-to-date Transactions of illicit goods and services are often executed in
knowledge on how to optimally commit an online crime. Tutorials similar ways. Online criminal forums therefore exhibit learning
focusing on specific online crimes are commonplace and provide structures that are focused on providing members with the safest
members of underground communities with all the information methods to engage in illicit transactions. The steps that should be
needed to engage in illicit transactions. In this article, tutorials that taken are often similar and presented in tutorials. Such tutorials
focus on the online process of cashing out stolen credit card can both focus on specialised knowledge or on more general
details, i.e. carding, will be analysed. A crime script analysis will knowledge [3]. The former are particularly of interest to users
reveal the most common ways in which carding is executed. We who want to do business on a larger scale and explore new
found that if these paths are meticulously followed, interceptive methods that can lead to a large income, while the latter are often
opportunities are limited for law enforcement. Cases of deviation written for beginners and focus on the basic steps during a
from these paths are not uncommon, which renders situational transaction to ensure one’s security while carding. While some
crime prevention measures less effective. As a potential solution, tutorials are offered for free, the majority is not. Specialist
we propose the uptake of prospect theory as an analytical tool to tutorials from which potentially enormous income can be obtained
account for deviations from the criminal optimal norm. In future are offered for large sums of money, sometimes several thousands
work, such a method could better account for all the various ways of dollars, and can even come with personal guidance and a
in which fraudulent activity is committed and contribute to training process. Such tutorials will first be tested by a high-up,
thinking about new preventive measures. trusted member of the community, to check whether the method is
as effective as advertised and once approved it will be possible for
Keywords ‘normal’ members of the community to purchase it.
Carding; Cybercrime; Crime script analysis; Tutorials; Prospect
theory; Situational crime prevention; Underground markets; Tor. Beginner tutorials are offered for much lower prices, generally
less than a hundred dollars, and focus on basic steps that have to
1. INTRODUCTION be taken to cash out stolen credit card details. Some of such
Online forums and marketplaces specialising in the sale of illicit tutorials communicate how one has to stay anonymous.
goods and services have risen exponentially in number over recent Encryption techniques and proxy servers, such as PGP and
years. Its members have evolved in ingenuity and have taken up SOCKS5 are for example explained, as these can make it much
specialised roles. This has opened up opportunities for harder for law enforcement to lead back to the IP addresses of
cybercriminal labour division, as no one needs to own the entire perpetrators involved. Sometimes, tutorials get leaked in the
criminal value chain anymore [1]. Underground forums have community to provide members with free information on how to
proven to be environments in which users can find efficient and become successful members. These free tutorials provide
innovative methods to execute a cybercrime, exchange their own researchers with a better understanding of the various steps
knowledge on the topics and learn how to stay secure and thus out members of criminal communities are advised to follow. As the
of hands of law enforcement [2], [3], [4]. The crimes committed steps that users of criminal marketplaces are advised to take are
generally yield relatively low gains, but occur in large quantities thus repetitive, crime script analysis is a method that can grasp the
[5]. A widespread example of this is the abuse of stolen credit criminal process well and give insights into fraudulent activities.
card details, also known as carding. On some underground
marketplaces hundreds of millions of dollars are illicitly earned 3. CRIME SCRIPT ANALYSIS
from exploiting such stolen credit card details [4]. With the spread 3.1 Analysing carders common paths
of tutorials in the online underground communities it can be found Crime script analysis is described as a way of “highlighting the
out what the most common paths taken are in the process of procedural aspects of crimes” [6]. It outlines all the actions that
carding. In this work a crime script analysis will be created to have to be performed in preparation, execution and completion of
look at the carding process. An improvement of these methods an offence and can in this way help to understand crime types,
will be proposed by looking at prospect theory and in turn account deconstruct a (complex) crime in its integral parts and contribute
for anomalies from the most commonly taken criminal paths. to the development of crime prevention programs [7], [8]. The
goal of crime scripting is situational crime prevention (SCP),
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for which focuses on the creation of techniques for certain
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are environments to reduce the opportunities for specific kinds of
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that crime [9]. A script approach can enhance SCP, as it points to more
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights possible intervention points [6]. Crime scripts are written from an
for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be offender’s perspective and were traditionally applied to street
honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or crimes. However, over the years crime scripting has been used for
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior a wide range of more complex and international crimes [10].
specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from
Examples of these include money laundering [11], child sex
OnSt16, May 22 2016, Hannover, Germany
© 2016 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-4364-0/16/05…$15.00
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2915368.2915369
trafficking [7] and online drug trafficking [12]. As online criminal that may not yet have been noticed. This anticipating approach of
forums have an international and anonymous nature, the our work presents new opportunities for crime prevention.
procedural aspects of those scripts should not be created for a Hutchings and Holt [8] have already studied the stolen data
particular physical location, as is often done with the analysis of market with a crime script analysis. Their analysis is based on
street crimes, but should focus more on people, actions and tools forum threads discussions and broad in nature. Our research adds
used. An in-depth analysis and modelling of how these elements to this by analysing tutorials and as such offering a more in-depth
work can show weaknesses in the process. This can inform best overview of specific procedures in cashing out stolen card details.
practices in detecting and preventing online fraudulent activity.
3.3 Data
3.2 Finding points of prevention The script in this work will focus on the process of buying and
To create the crime script, tutorials on carding found on forums on using stolen credit card details and will in this way show how
anonymity network Tor, often referred to as ‘the dark web’, have buyers use it for personal profit. To create the script that can be
been analysed. The analysis of these tutorials shows the typical seen below, 25 tutorials were analysed. These tutorials were found
ways in which stolen credit card details are cashed out and what on various forums on Tor. Often such tutorials are offered for a
security measures perpetrators take to stay out of hands of law price, but the 25 used were freely available. Some tutorial sharers
enforcement. The crime script will not show all the possibilities in felt that the community should be maximally aware of how to
which certain crimes can be committed. However, the scripting ‘card’ in an optimal manner, without monetary restrictions, while
approach is still useful as it can help in identifying the most some posted someone else’s tutorial, which would normally only
significant steps of criminal operations. Such findings can in turn be sold for a price, as retribution for overdue payment. Most
lead to an illumination of ‘structural choke points’ [13]. These are tutorials focus on the entire process of carding, from buying stolen
parts of the criminal operation that are crucial for criminal profits card details to cashing them out, but some only look at parts of the
and can, once targeted properly, lead to a reduction in criminal process, such as specific methods to cash out or ways to
opportunities and incentives to engage in such criminal operations obtain a drop address. From an analysis of the tutorials, the
[14]. The removal of key brokers, such as for example illicit following six-scene process below was derived as most commonly
marketplaces or abused online currencies, can lead to a major advised optimal carding process.
disruption in online criminal environments. However, a major
issue is that not every crucial element for criminal operations is 3.4 Carding crime script
illegal. This makes it questionable to what extent such choke
points can be targeted. Anonymity tools or cryptocurrencies have 1.  
for example importance outside of cybercriminal spheres.
Virtual   Check  
Virtual   encrypted   Mac   DNS  
2.  Security   Socks5   VPN   RDP   VPS  
Changes in the (criminal) environment will also cause scripts to machine   disk   spoofing   leaks  

evolve. Scripts are thus always a snapshot in time, as the

3.  Buy  cards   Fullz   CVV  
continuous arms race between law enforcement and users of illicit
marketplaces will spark new innovations in criminal innovation to 4.  Find  
Find  website  with  bad   Register  as  cardholder  on   Create  email  address  with  
ensure the strongest kind of security. However, there will always websites   security   website   cardholder's  name  

be best practices, which thus allows for temporal routinisation. 5.  Cash  out   Get  drop  to  get   Verify   Launder  money  with  
Use  gateways  
Such routinisation should nevertheless be complex and able to cards   products  delivered     accounts     middleman  accounts  

deal with uncertainty, to avoid law enforcement’s interference. 6.  Security   Wait  with  ordering   Leave  review  
Receive  product   Clean  cookies   Start  again  
Cornish [6] therefore included the concept of ‘permutations’ in aRer   new  product   on  forum  

the scripting approach, which are added paths in crime scripts that
can show alternative ways of carrying out actions in the criminal
process. His concept of the permutator “offers a heuristic device 3.4.1 Preparation – Information gathering
for stimulating thinking about the range of possible, feasible, and The first step is the only essential part of the transaction process
actual procedures, variations and innovations”, which shows the that is not described in tutorials. When someone reads one of
“inherently dynamic quality of scripts” [6]. Listing the various these tutorials, he/she will already have gone through certain
pathways that can be taken in the execution of a specific crime steps. Potential carders will have to get familiar with the
also has the benefit that it may help clarify what types of environment they are entering. They will have to find the right
displacement can occur. An example of this in the online realm is forums to buy card details, set-up a pseudonymous account, read
that when an online criminal market used to be shut down by law through significant amounts of posts and obtain the right
enforcement agencies, users simply move to another similar kind (crypto)currency to pay for a tutorial if it is not provided for free.
of market [8]. Such displacement thus needs to be anticipated.
3.4.2 Pre-entry – Security
Crime scripts can inform law enforcement about the practices of Throughout the process of carding there is one crucial element
cybercriminals, which presents more opportunities for prevention. that ties all the other steps together and can lead to an arrest of the
The script needs to be an accurate representation of an actual carder if executed wrongly: security. Generally, members of the
crime-commission before such opportunities may arise. Scripts underground communities are strongly advised to have their
are generally created from trustworthy sources, such as expert operational security in place before they begin the process of
interviews [12], offender interviews [15], analyses of court obtaining cards. More specifically, it is advised to carders to
transcripts [10], [16] and/or expert questionnaires [11]. While protect their physical computer by using a virtual machine for
these methods have all shown to be effective and in turn led to anything carding related. By creating a virtual encrypted disk with
good crime scripts, they purely base their content on past events. a virtual machine on it, everything is encrypted when the
In our work we intend to approach the problem in an anticipating computer is switched off. If law enforcement should then storms
manner by looking at tutorials. In this manner, intelligence can be one’s house, the plug can quickly be pulled on the computer and
offered to law enforcement and industry that anticipates offences there will be no simple way to access evidence on the computer
anymore, as it is all encrypted. Remote Desktop Computers pick-up schemes, which involves the carder hiring someone to
(RDP) and Virtual Private Servers (VPS) can also be used. It is pick-up packages and to drop them in yet another location where
sometimes recommended to spoof the MAC address of one’s the carder picks them up. This extra step can render the package,
computer, to pretend it belongs to another device on a network. and thus the carder, harder to trace as the drop address will also be
Furthermore, connecting to open Wi-Fi is advised. Finally, it is of no use to law enforcement.
advised to carders to clean cookies before becoming active. Carders use stolen credit card details to obtain a wide variety of
Another important security step, which is mentioned in almost goods. The most popular items according to one tutorial are
every tutorial, is the use of a virtual private network (VPN). VPNs electronics, such as computers, laptops, tablets, televisions etc.
are used to create private, encrypted and secure connections and Because of this, it is advised to move away from those kinds of
to protect against snooping into one’s Internet traffic. According items and to look at obtaining cheaper products as well, as the
to some tutorials, a problem with VPN’s is that merchants can see chances of succeeding might then improve. It is also advised to
when someone using their services is using a VPN service. make orders look legitimate, i.e. for example by using gift-
However, it is still seen as an extra layer of protection and wrapping and not spending too much on products in one go. To
recommended within the underground community. Some tutorials order physical items from online retailers, it is often advised to
recommended using a SOCKS5 proxy on top of a VPN to get use PayPal for payment. Carders should first create email
around merchants’ blacklisting. SOCKS5 proxies enable a user’s addresses on the cardholder’s name, to open the PayPal account
location to appear to be somewhere else than it actually is. with. To make the carder’s illicit transactions seem even more
Carders use SOCKS5 proxies in a later stage of the process to legitimate, it is advised to ‘age’ their PayPal accounts. The
impersonate cardholders by setting their location within a hundred process of aging involves sending some legitimate funds through
kilometers from the home location of the cardholders. the account to make it credible. The longer this goes on before
illicit transactions are made, the more amounts of dirty money can
3.4.3 Entry – Buying stolen credit card details be send through at a later stage.
Once a carder has obtained the right (crypto)currencies and
security measures are in place, stolen credit card details will be Middlemen accounts are used on PayPal to launder money.
bought as a next step in the process. Card details are often Tutorials advise the use of one IP-address per account. This
acquired by sellers through data breaches at companies, key makes it seem more as if the accounts actually belong to different
loggers, phishing scams or by physically skimming ATMs [8]. people in different locations. If all the transactions are made from
They are then sold on carding forums, which can be found both on and sent to the same location, the security algorithms might pick
the ‘regular’ web and on Tor. Cards are offered from a wide this up, as PayPal payments normally come from all over the
variety of countries and will be priced based on their ‘freshness’, world. SOCKS5 also has to be used by the ‘buyer’, as it has to
i.e. how recently they have been illegally acquired by the seller. match the cardholder’s location. The multiple accounts can be
The most commonly offered products are CVV and Fullz, the first used to launder money in a wide variety of ways. Such methods
specifically focusing on all the details on a credit card, such as the are not specific to PayPal, as they are also used with other
card number, expiration date and cardholder’s name, while the payment providers. Some examples of common ways in which
latter generally includes the information of an individual needed carders launder money from cardholder’s accounts can be seen in
for fraudulent purposes, such as date of birth, mother’s maiden table 1. Next to the most common methods, there are also
name, home address, email address, phone number and so on. methods that are mentioned less often in the tutorials. Online
poker and the purchase and reselling of coins in MMORPG’s
3.4.4 Pre-activity – Finding ‘cardable’ websites were some of the examples found in the analysed tutorials. It must
After stolen credit card details are obtained, carders will try to be taken into consideration that this work is only an analysis of 25
generate as much profit from the cards as they possibly can before tutorials and that there thus will be many other methods in place.
they are ‘burned’. Cards are burned if the bank blocks them after
Table 1. Different methods by which carders launder money
cardholder and/or the cardholder’s bank discovers the illicit use of
the card. The security measures of the websites where they try to Carding launder
use the stolen card details are an important consideration for method
carders, i.e. how ‘cardable’ they are. Some tutorials argue that it is - Create event that will not actually
best to try and move away from large online retailers, as the take place
smaller ones will have less security procedures in place. For Fake events - Set price of tickets to around $100
example, they may not use ‘Verified by Visa’. On the other hand, - Buy own tickets with card details
smaller businesses might contact law enforcement more quickly - Send money to own account
after they notice a loss, whereas large retailers might just take the - Buy alternative cryptocurrency (i.e.
loss as they might see such a process as too time-consuming. not Bitcoin) with stolen cards
- Transfer alternative coins to Bitcoin
3.4.5 Activity – Cashing out cards Cryptocurrencies - Optional: use Bitcoin mixer to
Before the card gets ‘burned’, carders will try to obtain physical make origin of coins harder to trace
goods, money, services or vouchers. Money, services and - Optional: transfer Bitcoin to regular
vouchers can generally all be dealt with ‘virtually’, i.e. nothing currency and into carder’s bank.
has to be dealt with in person. However, when ordering physical
-­‐ Create several accounts on
goods, the carder will need a ‘drop’ in place. A drop is a place
freelancing website
where a carder can send the goods that were obtained with stolen
-­‐ Use different IP’s and email
card details. It is stressed strongly in tutorials that the drop address Freelancing
addresses per account
cannot have any links to the carder’s life. Drops should therefore websites
-­‐ Create job with one account
be far away from one’s home address. In some countries
-­‐ Fill the ‘vacancy’ (other account)
abandoned houses are used. Another recommendation is to set-up
-­‐ Pay ‘freelancer’ with PayPal or
wire transfer from one another to optimise their security measures. Systematic
overconfidence in risk judgements may play a big role in potential
-­‐ Create, verify and ‘age’ PayPal opportunities for law enforcement in addressing online crime.
account on cardholder’s details This theory presupposes that people generally believe that risk is
-­‐ Buy gift cards on gift card websites less likely to happen to them than to others [20]. Users of
Gift cards
-­‐ Resell gift cards underground forums may thus for various reasons, for example
-­‐ Receive money on bank or PayPal lack in technical skills or time-pressure, abstain from applying
account certain security measures as they believe it will not affect them.
In one of the tutorials it was for example stated that there are
3.4.6 Post-activity – Security and reputation after hundreds of possible ways to cash-out stolen credit card details.
After the carder has successfully transferred products to a drop or This is hard to present in a clear way. Cornish however argues
money into an account owned by him/her, a last couple of security that permutations can be useful when thinking about how to use
steps have to be taken. For example, after every transaction a situational prevention strategies and also to anticipate which kinds
carder should clear cookies. Next to security steps carders may of displacement might occur after implementing such strategies.
also go back to the forum where they bought the stolen card In future work, next to the observed most common paths, it needs
details from and leave a review for the user from which they to be shown what the most common anomalies are and how they
bought the card details. Thereafter, a carder might decide to never can be addressed. Below we will discuss situational crime
do it again or to start the process all over again prevention measures if users follow optimal paths from tutorials.
While this script gives us interesting insights into carding, the Situational crime prevention is an approach to crime reduction
origins of the method need to be kept in mind to determine its that does not try to change offenders or solve underlying societal
validity in this context. The origin of crime script analysis lies in issues. Instead, it tries to find measures for specific crimes by
the area of rational choice theory and thus presupposes that altering the design or management of the immediate environment
criminals, depending on their available resources, will make in which the crime gets committed [21]. The great difficulty with
optimal decisions. However, users of underground marketplaces putting effective preventive measures in place is that, as shown in
are making decisions under risk and will have different opinions the script analysis, people who try to cash out stolen credit card
on how to stay out of hands of law enforcement. Therefore, they details mainly use tools, such as Tor, proxy servers and remote
will not all follow the same paths, as some will deviate from the desktop computers, that are also widely used among audiences
norms within the community. In contrast to rational choice theory, with legitimate purposes. Structural choke points need to be
prospect theory argues that people perceive outcomes as gains and identified in an online criminal environment before potential SCP
losses, not as a final state of wealth [17]. Such gains and losses measures can be put into place [13]. In table 2, we have gathered
are held against a neutral reference point, which mainly depends some potential measures in response to common paths found in
on the current asset position of the decision maker, but also tutorials. If effective, these can reduce the abuse of stolen credit
depends on the formulation of prospects and expectations of the card details. The measures are based upon sixteen opportunity-
decision maker whether outcomes are seen as gains or losses. reducing techniques [21], which can be seen in the last column.
Loss aversion is seen as an integral part of prospect theory. Table 2. Potential measures against carding
Responses to losses are more extreme than responses to gains.
This can for example negatively affect negotiations, as one’s own Opportunity
Structural choke
losses always seem larger than similar gains obtained from Potential measure reducing
another party [18]. However, there does not only lie importance in technique
the fact that people dislike losses, but the main interesting aspect Illicit forums Seize illicit forums Access control
of prospect theory is that losses can cause greater psychological Make agreements with Controlling
harm than gains can manage to yield [19]. Law enforcement and Use of VPN’s
providers facilitators
security companies should keep this in mind while thinking of Make agreements with Controlling
prevention measures. Their final goal should be that the carding Use of SOCKS5
providers facilitators
communities’ perception sees carding as just as risky as the gains Pressure companies to Target hardening
are appealing. This would enhance loss aversion, change Obtaining cards increase security
perceptions of profitability and in turn reduce credit card fraud. measures
On underground forums at least one reference point applies to all: Get involved in Stimulating
the importance of staying out of hands of law enforcement. Users Criminal communities and talk conscience
will have different understandings on how to do this. Still, there conscience about how carding
will be some ground rules that almost every member will know. It affects people
is for example a very clear prescription that one can never use
Motivate online Target hardening
one’s real name on underground forums. However, there are also
Website security retailers to increase
other, more vague, steps in decision processes of a user. Decisions
on how to cash-out a credit card can depend on the current
Promote taking up of Denying benefits
popularity of a method on forums and on previous success or
Usability of cards extra security steps on
failure in trying a method.
retailer’s sites
The fact that the perception of the safest path may alter over time Increase surveillance at Surveillance by
and that it may depend on vague formulations could offer drop addresses employees
opportunities to law enforcement in addressing online crime. Motivate event and Deflect offenders
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